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To start
• Please may I introduce myself…
• Might I take a moment of your time…
• To Whom It May Concern…
• To the attention of …
• I’m just emailing to…
• I’m a friend of Sarah’s…
• I’m contacting you to…
• I would like

To finish
• Many thanks again for your time.
• Thank you for your time and attention.
• Thank you for your consideration.
• Yours faithfully.
• Let me know if you have any questions.
• Thank you for your help.
• I look forward to hearing from you
• Drop me an email if you need anything.

2. Answering or making a question

*muestra tu amabilidad y disponibilidad

• Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
• Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
• We would appreciate it if you could send us more detailed information about…
• I trust the above solves the problem. Please do not hesitate to contact me again
should any other issues arise.
• Thank you in advance for any help you can give me on this matter.
• I hope this helps, let me know if you’re still having trouble
• Let me know if you need help on this.
• This should solve the problem, but email me again if you need anything else.

3. Asking for help

• I would appreciate your help in this matter.
• I am writing to enquire about…
• May I ask you for your opinion on this matter?
• We would appreciate it if you could send us more detailed information about…
• Would you mind looking into this for me?
• I’m writing about/regarding…
• Could you recommend…
• I’d love to hear your advice on this.

4. Asking for an answer

• I await a response at your earliest convenience.
• I would be most grateful if you would look into this matter as soon as possible.
• Please reply as soon as possible because…
• I look forward to hearing from you.
• I would appreciate a quick reply.
• Can you let me know when you’ve received it?
• I look forward to receiving your reply.
• Just drop me a line when you know.

I'm writing to arrange a time for the meeting next week...
When would be a convenient time for you?
I'd like to arrange a time for the meeting. When would it suit you?


I'd like to suggest holding the meeting in the small conference room in the Hilton Hotel,
Madrid on Thursday morning at 10.30. Would that be convenient?

What about the Hilton in Madrid on Thursday at 10.30am?

I should be happy to attend the meeting at the time you suggest. I look forward to it.
Unfortunately, I'm not available on Thursday morning. I'll be out of the office. Friday
morning would suit me better.
I'm afraid I can't manage Thursday. Can you suggest another day next week?
Thursday at 10.30 will be fine. See you there.
Sorry, but I can't make Thursday. I'm out all day. How about Friday.
I won't be around Thursday. Can you let me know another day and time next week?

Changing the date of the meeting

Regarding the meeting on Thursday, it's no longer going to be possible for me on
Can you suggest another day?
I'm afraid I won't be able to attend. I'll make every effort to see you at the next one.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Re. Thursday's meeting - in the end I just can't make it.
Any chance of changing the day?
Sorry but I just can't make the meeting. I'll see you at the next one.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ending the email.

I look forward to meeting you next week.
I'd be grateful if you'd give me ample warning if you can't attend.
I apologize again for the sudden changes and hope we can meet in the near future.
See you in Madrid. I'm looking forward to it!
Please let me know in good time if you can't make it.
Sorry for the last-minute changes. I'm sure we'll be able to get together very soon.

Negotiating (doing business)

Asking for information.

We would be grateful if you would send us your price list / rates / fees.
Could you send us information regarding your services and fees?
Please let us know your price list / rates / fees.
Please send details of your services and fees?

"Price list" es una lista de precios normalmente de los productos y no los servicios (ver
"Rates" significa tarifas y puede emplear para lo que cobran los profesores, clases
particulares, trabajos manuales, reparaciones, etc. Se puede decir "an hourly rate", "our
rates are very reasonable".
"Fees" son honorarios pagados a los médicos, abogados, arquitectos y también
cantantes, artistas. Además, para los examenes, pagar la matrícula de la universidad,
el colegio, para un curso de formación, etc.
We were wondering if you could...
Would you be able to...?
Please could you...
Do you think you could...

Issues to address.
What we are concerned about is the issue of...
What we would like to do here is...
Before we start discussing this, I'd like to point out our main concerns.
What worries us is...
What we want to do is...
Before talking this over, I want to go over some important points.

Asking for a suggestion.

In your opinion, how do you believe we should address these points?
What do you suggest is the best way forward regarding these issues?
How do you think we should tackle all this?
What would you say is the best thing to do here?

Negotiating firmly.
I fully understand your concerns regarding this, however,...
I appreciate your stance on this issue but the problem is...
I know what you mean, but the thing is...
I see what you're getting at but the problem is...

Give in a little.
We would be prepared to...
We are willing to make a small compromise on this point.
What I could do is to...
I am able to do the following:

We are willing to accept your current offer / suggestion.
Your terms appear satisfactory and we are willing to go ahead with this.
I can accept your offer / suggestion. That'll be fine.
What you say sounds fine. Let's go ahead.

Closing the negotiation.

I'm happy we could come to an agreement.
We look forward to starting working with you in the near future.
I'm sorry we were not able to come to a mutual agreement. We would be willing to
resume discussion in the future if you could make concessions / on some points / on
I'm glad we've been able to agree.
I'm looking forward to working with you soon.
I'm sorry we couldn't agree on this. If you think you could make changes to some of
these points / prices in the future, don't hesitate to contact me and we'll talk again.
Nota: Empleamos "sorry" aquí y no "apologize". El primero significa que es una lástima
o que yo lamento y el segundo pide perdón por algo que has hecho mal. En esta
situación "I'm sorry" es obviamente la mejor opción.

Payment Methods.

- Bank Transfer: You may make a transfer to our account number at Acme Bank... -
- The purchased item will be sent once we have received the corresponding pay details.
- This can be sent via e-mail to Customer Services with the transfer
number and amount to: ?????? including the receipt note
- Payment is made in the same way as with a credit card; you only have to fill in the
order form and select the option "Bank Transfer"
- Making payment in this way you will receive a 2% discount on your purchase.
- For international orders, this will be the only payment method available but the
discount cannot be applied owing to costs generated by international transfers.
- Visa Card: To make a purchase from our webpage with a Visa credit card, tick the
corresponding box: "credit card". -
- Fill in the details on the form with your Visa credit card number and expiry date after
placing your order.
- If you do not feel happy about the Secure Web, you may introduce the first five digits
of your card and advise us of the rest of the number by telephone. -
- Cash on delivery: The order must be national and the receiver must make payment on
receipt of the articles purchased. - Contra reembolso
- Payment is made in the same way as with a credit card; you only have to fill in the
order form and select the option: Cash on delivery. -
- This payment method is subject to a charge of 3 euros on the total price for orders less
than 195.00 euros.
- If you are not satisfied, we shall give you your money back.
- Within the conditions stipulated on the buyer's conditions page, if on purchase of any
article, you are not satisfied with it once received, you may return it within 15 days as
from the date of billing or you may request a replacement with a product of your choice.
- For more information, go to the "conditions page" or send us an e-mail and we shall
provide you with more details.
- Finance: ( For orders over 350,00 euros ). With Hispacme finance, paying for articles
is easy. - Financiación: (Para pedidos superiores a 350,00 euros ).
- To finance a purchase you only need to follow the following steps:
- Select "Finance" in the corresponding box when you fill in your order details. -
- Send us the following documents by fax to this number: -
- Photocopy of your ID card
- Last salary pay advice or last tax return ( if you are self-employed ) - Ú
- Documental proof where the 20 bank digits are shown ( for example: copy of the
account details, or a cheque, etc. ) -
- Furthermore, by e-mail, we need the following information:
- Date of birth -
- Marriage status
- Full home address
- Home phone number
- Name of company
- Address and phone number of company
- Business activity
- Income
- Full bank account number
- Time current bank account held
- Amount to be financed or number of order already made that is to be financed. -
- Instalments to be made ( 6-9-12-24-36 months ) - Plazo de financiación que desea
- We shall get back to you shortly to proceed with the finance operation. -
- If you have any query, send us an e-mail or call us on ???????. -
- Our method of payment is by banker's cheque 30 days from receipt of goods. We
understand that delivery time does not usually exceed 2 weeks. -

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