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INDEX Title Page. No. remark

Write a JAVA Swing program using event Handling A
1 Frame with three buttons Red blue and green and change the 1
background color according to button pressed by user

2 Write a JDBC program to establish connection with oracle 3

Write a java program which shows how to read the data from
3 the keyboard and write it to the myfile.txt also read the data 5
from the file and display on output screen.

4 Write a java program to accept a website name and return its 7

IP address, after checking it on internet.

Write a JAVA program using Servlet to accept the user name

5 from client page and generate response with welcome 8

WAP that showcases how cookies will work. in this example

first servlet will collect data from user and store data in
6 session so that second servlet can access the data by using 13

7 Write a JAVA program using Servlet to forward the client 14

request to another page using of Request Dispatcher

8 Write a Servlet to include the response of an Html Page with 18

the current page.

9 Write a java program to configure web.xml file using 20

initialization and context parameters.

10 Write a jsp program to accept a client request and return its 21

IP address.
Write a jsp program to validate Login ID and Password from
11 client request. And if it is correct forward the control to 22
welcome page.

12 Write a JSP program to perform session Handling using 25

session Tracking API

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