Questions 1

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Questions for interaction with the name and class of students

1)Do you think that your country has a good education system?
2) is education expensive in your country?
3) Do girls and boys both get the equal chance to study in your country?
4) Is your school far from home? How long does it take you to reach there?
5) which subject do you like the best and do you have a good teacher and everything you need
at the school?
6) What are your thoughts about the three complex humanitarian crises:the Lake Chad basin
conflict, the North-West and South-West crisis, and the Central African Republic (CAR) refugee
crisis which your country is going through?
7) Which country would you like to go for studies if you get the opportunity to?
8) Can you tell me about native styles of music of your country?
9) Your national football team has shown a splendid performance and has appeared in the
Finals of the FIFA World Cup on eight occasions,what are your thoughts about it?
10) Can you tell me about the four major cultural groups of Cameroon?(The Fang-beti, The
Sudano-Sahelian , the Sawa and the Bameliké).

Aryan 11 A
1) What are the major sports played in your country ?
2) Can you tell me something about the race of hope?
3) Which curriculum is followed in your school?
4) Can you tell me something about your cuisine ?
5) What are the major traditional festivals celebrated in your country?
6) What is your opinion on online studies?
7) What are the major languages spoken in your country apart from french and english?
8) What is the idea behind the designing of your flag?
9) What are the major tourist attractions in cameroon?
10) What are the major subjects taught in cameroon?

Zarine Hayat- 11A

1) Like in India, Children often get pressured by their parents to choose some kind of
particular subject and go ahead with it. They are also told to become a doctor or an
engineer regardless of the interest of the child. In Cameroon, do you get that type of
2) Most schools in India burden children in many ways which is also good for them but in
some way it also affects their health. Do you think your schools burden you with exams
regularly, showering you with a lot of homework which also subtracts time for your self
3) How many subjects are there approximately?
4) When the pandemic hit the world in 2019 , the world shattered into little pieces.. And the
education system also got affected.. But thanks to tech we are now able to study online..
In Cameroon, do you also get online classes? If yes, then how did it affect the most
5) Whoever is said to picture Africa, tribals, forests are the common things… They also
picture it in the same stereotypical way. So what is your take on this? How do you think
this all is not entirely correct about your country?
6) Do you also get to sing prayers in the morning in your schools?
7) Do your schools have clubs or hold competitions?
8) Do children with the best marks in their exams get awarded?
9) In India, board examinations refer to the public examinations that are conducted at the end
of the 10th and 12th grade education. The scores achieved in these exams are considered
very important for getting into universities, professional courses or training programmes and
other occupations. Does Cameroon have this system too?
10) What is your medium of instruction, is it your mother tongue or do your schools prioritize
1)Do you think your education system should have reforms ,if yes then whatwould you suggest?
2)Do your education system promote extra curricular activities apart from studies?
3) What are the traditional attires of your culture and do you wear them on daily basis or on some
special occasions only?
4)Do you have workshops held in your school to make you aware of social and global problems?
5) Do your school promote patriotism and culture of Cameroon?
6)Is there a difference in the attendance ratio of girls and boys and if yes do your government take
any measures on it?

Anas Saifi
2) Is there any problem which you faced in your school by Boko Haram?
3) Which Dance and Food is Most Popular in Cameroon?
4) Do you like Online Classes by School? Why or Why not?
5) Which type of Other Government Activities provided by your School?
6) What are the Historical Monuments are Famous in Cameroon
7) Most Of the Students think Study is Burden, What's your Opinion about this?
8) Which Festival is traditional in Cameroon?
9) In your Opinion, How was the Class Management System of your School?
10) Which types of Facilities do you get in Your School Apart from Study?
11) What are the objectives of higher education in Cameroon?

Bhavishya Raj 11 - E

1. What are the popular career options among students after completing school ?
2. Is there any famous literature that students in Cameroon look upto ?
3. Since Cameroon is one of the wettest country in the world , how does excessive rainfall
affect your daily school life and are there any measure taken to deal with this situation ?
4. What are your views on your relations with the central African republic and what do you
think regarding the refugee crisis ?
5. What are some stereotypes about cameroonian society that you dislike ?
6. What comes to your mind when you hear the word ' India ' ,will you visit India if you get a
chance to ?
7. What were the steps taken by the cameroonian govt during the COVID 19 pandemic ,
how was your education affected by the hindrance and what role did technology played
in overcoming this problem ?
8. What is the examination pattern of your country ?
9. What are some major Historical personalities of Cameroon ?
10. What are some of the major steps taken by cameroonian govt. to boost the economy ?

Shashwati 11th -E
How is your technology working as an asset for the children of your country in every
aspect rather than being educational, social , cultural or economical?

Being a central African country what are the educational problems that your students
have faced and what are the benefits they are availing till date?

Technology has started getting its pace at an even higher rate and has spreaded across
the world in a very short period of time since the COVID 19 pandemic hitted us in a
massive way. How your academic and scholastic organization helped the students to get
aware of the techniques and correct usage of technology so as to complete their studies
in the midst of a pandemic?!

In Indian academics we have to opt a stream after getting educated till standard 10th
either it is Scientific stream either it is the Commercial stream or the Humanities stream .
What is the educational path in the academics of Cameroon?

Indian parents are somewhere orthodox till now !! As a student I have faced that because
in many families it's actually very necessary for a kid to opt a specific subject and to
pursue a career in it because her or his parents want them to do so , regardless of their
own interests and capabilities. Is that kind of mentality too get equipped there?

Since the rainfall density of Cameroon is really high there must be some problems faced
by your country. According to you, what are the solutions to them?!

What are the views of your student community on e-classes and facial classes
Which one do they prefer?!
As we have seen that Cameroon is very popular for its well known football team and
music and food so what are your views on this popularity of yours being appreciated by
people of different regions?

What kind of books or novels or fantasies or any other genre is liked by the students of
your academy?

Could you please let us know the difference between the education system before the
emergence of technology in Cameroon?

Khushi - 11D

1. How is education handled in your culture?

2. What is considered the most respectful/disrespectful in your culture?
3. What is the best thing about your culture?
4. How do you express your cultural identity?
5. Is there anything about your culture that you don't like or that you find challenging?
6. How has your culture changed over time?
7. What are some of your country's traditional customs?

Alvish 11-B

What do you find most stressful and challenging about your education system?

According to you, is social media a bad or a good platform for students?

During the pandemic we shifted to online mediums for education and all outdoor
activities were basically cut off, so what do you think, is technology a good medium or a
bad one for academic purposes and what are your thoughts on how it affects the lifestyle
of a student?

What kinds of programmes does your school host to represent your culture?

The majority of students struggle with time management, so what is your strategy to
manage time in an efficient way?

I have heard that Teachers from both English and French sub-systems work separately,
which can affect a student so what are your thoughts about this, and how can u solve this

Today, many students consider that participation in cultural activities, sports, and various
competitions is a waste of time. Do you think involvement in co-curricular activities
consumes most of our time because then we don't get enough time for our studies or does
participation in co-curricular activities help a student in his/her overall development? What's
your opinion on this?

Kavyanjali 11-B

It is scientifically proven that we should study during the morning, but in many cases we see
students prefer studying during the night, do you think that we should only study during the
time at which we are comfortable? Or we should follow scientific methods? What's your
opinion on this?

Do you think the rapid technological advancements after the COVID-19 pandemic have
helped you in your studies in understanding your concepts better? Or has rather made you
more distracted?

Cameroon has great diversity and unique culture in itself. Do you think the cultures followed
and festivals celebrated in Cameroon help a person in his/her overall development? If yes,
can you share a few things through which you think a person's overall development is taking
place through cultural diversity?

Whenever a big occasion arrives, for example, Christmas, and your school celebrates it, do
they arrange programmes like dance, songs, and dramas? If yes, in which type of programme
do you love participating the most?

Today's date, most students are only focused on their studies, they don't get enough time to
do outdoor activities, or spend time with their family because of their study load. Can you
suggest some strategies used by you to manage time more effectively so that we get to do
some other work apart from studies like carrying out our hobbies etc?

As we reach our teenage, we tend to have behavioural changes in us. Some parents take it
positively and support the child mentally and emotionally. while some parents resist this
change and start nagging, this mostly happens because of the generation gap. Because of
this students start hiding things from their parents due to which they suffer from stress and
anxiety. Have you ever felt a similar situation where you felt helpless? If yes, how did you
tackle it?

We have heard this from many people, mostly elders that to have good character we must
have a good friend circle. Will you prefer making a friend whose grades are not so good, but
is good when it comes to character and manners? If not, why not? And if yes, don't you think
it will affect your grades gradually?

Seeing the technological advancements in the present date, it might be possible that after 15-
20 years students start learning from AI robots. Hence offline teachers may get replaced
completely. Do you think this is good for a student? If yes, why? If not, why not?
when we appear for exams in our school our grades fluctuate. Sometimes we score well, and
sometimes badly. When this fluctuation in our grades happens, especially when we get low
grades in the fluctuation, in most cases our teachers and parents assume that we are in
trouble or are getting distracted by some means. Is this assumption always true? Or
fluctuation in marks is normal and can be overcome through regular and proper analysis?

Most of the students have experienced this, sometimes we work very hard for an exam but
due to some reason, we don't score as well as expected. Seeing this many students get
demotivated and don't want to work hard further. They start assuming themselves as failures
and consider hard work as a waste of energy. Imagine if one of your friends is going through
this situation. What will be your advice and actions to make your friend feel motivated to
work hard again?

Shaweyd Khan 11-B

Q) Your nation has different types of schools : like public schools, Private schools and
missionary schools. So, is there any difference in quality of education between these
school types?

Q) How technology affects your education in your country?

Q) Does your school provide any platform for students to reach to national and
international level in any field like in sports, tournaments, competitions etc.?

As the history shows: A leader is responsible for the rise and fall of a civilisation, so it is
really important for the leaders (especially for the leader of the nations) to have the best
leadership skills. Educational institutions play a crucial role in developing these skills
among their students who are going to be the future leaders of the nation. In india, our
institutions held the system of student government to teach leadership to students. ((in
this system, students get elected as the leaders and have been given various responsibility
which enhances their leadership skills ))
Q) Do institutions in your country teach leadership to their respective students?

Q) In India we do suffer from problems with our education system which we think can be
solved in future. Do you people also face problems with your education system?

Q) According to the information we received , we came to know that your nation has two
types of education systems: the British and the French system. We will be glad if you tell
us more about these systems. Which one do you think is more effective?

Q) Globalization has resulted in exchange of cultures from various nations which helped
us to understand each other at international level, But there is also a negative impact
that our youth started to give more preference to foreign cultures, completely forgetting
their own culture. So what are your opinions on this? Is it really important to be awareof
our own culture?
Tanisha - 11C

1. In current situation how does technology facilitate the education in your school?
2. Can you tell us about the technology incorporated in your school?
3. What are your opinions about the cultural competence information in your
4. Can you tell us about 5 cultural practices in your country?
5. How long will this tech be relieved and supported to you?
6. How does the technology in the classroom can impact the students learning?
7. What is the role of technology in today's classroom teaching?
8. In current situation how does the technology improves students learning?
9. What kind of technology used in your classroom?
10. Increase in technological advancement can also brighter the students future?
Share your opinions with us regarding this.

Raman Kumar…..class 11D

1. Where do you see yourself in a decade time span!? Will you be pursuing your
dream or just going on with flow of society
2. You all must have some subjects that interests attracts you…like it's your cup of
tea what would that be? FIndian parents usually hope for their childrens to be
doctor / engineer or civil servants…is it also case for you people ?
3. In India are schools are usually for 6to8 hours and I heard it's same in
Cameroon…isn't it boring to study for 8 hrs then do self studies…to relax I tend to
read web novels and watch anime what do you guys do if you have spare time
4. I would love know about difference between our education
5. Since you people are native to Cameroon you must know the locality like back of
your hand can you give me advice of do's and don'ts in Cameroon if someday I
were to visit there
6. Is technology used as medium to create a better understanding of the subject in
class…if so how does that help you?
7. Do you feel need of technology for your studies…why or why not

Ishita arora 11-c

1.does your school have vocational / skill based courses for students?
2. Does your school teacher or education system encourages critical literacy?
3.cameroonian are very fashionable people ,so does that inflict some kind of
pressure to you to look good or fashionable?
4. Our teacher dr. aiman hashmi introduced flip learning to us that helped us very
much in the covid pandemic. Did your teachers also used similar kind of tech
induced learning type?

Deepannita Das (Class 11 E)

1) What kind of cuisine is generally served in your school cafeteria?

2) What are the unique rituals you follow on days like your school foundation
3) What are the co - curricular activities in your everyday school life?
4) How much your school promote sports among the students?
5) Do you find difficulties in using technological devices in your school
because of weak internet connection or regular power cuts?

Bala Yamini
● Since both french and english are spoken in cameroon, do you have access to
different sources of information which aids you in learning
● How has the integration of technology impacted the teaching and learning
experience for you? Do you find the interconnecting of tech and learning to be
advantageous or frustrating?
● Since the future heavily depends on technology, How are you being prepared for a
future that heavily relies on technology?
● We are able to talk and exchange ideas sitting hundreds of kilometres away,
possible due to technology. Did you find our exchange t

Aishwarya XI C

1. What is the school system in Cameroon, including the types of schools and levels of
2. What are some of the important values and beliefs in Cameroonian culture?
3. What are some of the biggest challenges faced by the education system in Cameroon?
4. What challenges and opportunities does hybrid education present for schools and
students in Cameroon?
5. What are some of the most important festivals and celebrations in Cameroon?
6. Can you tell us about the traditional music and dance styles in Cameroon?
7. How has technology impacted education in Cameroon?

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