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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

the degree


Dikshant Jain 2003065

Aryan Jangam 2003069
Sarang Ingle 2003064
Gayatri Jethani 2003071

Prof. Vaishali Suryawanshi

Computer Engineering Department

Thadomal Shahani Engineering College

Bandra(w), Mumbai - 400 050

University of Mumbai
(AY 2021-22)

This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled QuickStore is a bonafide work of

Dikshant Jain (2003065), Aryan Jangam (2003069), Sarang Ingle (2003064) and

Gayatri Jethani (2003071) submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of

Engineering” in “Computer Engineering”.

(Prof. Vaishali Suryawanshi)


(Prof. Tanuja Sarode) (Dr. G.T. Thampi )

Head of Department Principal
Mini Project Approval

This Mini Project entitled Shopify by Dikshant Jain (2003065), Aryan Jangam

(2003069), Sarang Ingle (2003064) and Gayatri Jethani (2003071) is approved

for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering.


(Internal Examiner Name &Sign)

(External Examiner name &Sign)



Abstract ii

Acknowledgments iii

List of Abbreviations iv

List of Figures v

List of Tables vi

List of Symbols vii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Statement & Objectives
1.4 Organization of the Report

2 Literature Survey 3

2.1 Survey of Existing System

2.2 Limitation Existing system or research gap
2.3 Mini Project Contribution

3 Proposed System (e.g., New Approach of Data Summarization) 5

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Architecture/ Framework
3.3 Algorithm and ProcessDesign
3.4 Details of Hardware & Software
3.4 Experiment and Results
3.5 Conclusion and Futurework.

References 11

We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to Prof. Vaishali Suryawanshi
for her valuable guidance and help. We are indebted for her guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project. We
would like to express our greatest appreciation to our principal Dr. G.T. Thampi and
head of the department Dr. Tanuja Sarode for their encouragement and tremendous
support. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have
been instrumental in the successful completion of theproject.

1. Dikshant Jain

2. Aryan Jangam

3. Sarang Ingle

4. Gayatri Jethani
Chapter 1

This chapter explains the aim, objectives and scope of the proposed system.

Customers get many benefits via online shopping this helps e-commerce companies to build
long-lasting and profitable relationship with their customers. For making strong relationship
with these users, it is very important to focus on the customer as a whole and making sense
of a flood of real-time information that goes well beyond demographics or shopping
behavior. Users need to register with basic registration details to generate a valid username
and password. After the user logins, it can view all the products that are recommended on
the homepage compiled by the system based on user’s information. From the recommended
products, the user can even further view its details and then if interested to buy, the system
gives add to cart option for purchasing the product. User can also add product to favorite
section. Users can view their order history of their purchased product.

1.1 Motivation

The project was a great learning opportunity and the first project that we had worked on. We
were excited to begin our journey of applying our learned skills to applications with use in
the real world. The complexity of the first project, integrating, database, and other
technologies truly gave us a feeling of profound motivation. The app was made to help our
fellow students and committee’s and it was very motivating to make an app for a noble

1.2 Problem Statement & Objectives

Problem statement:
As online shopping has become a trend nowadays the regular shops are losing their
customers to online brands. Customers have effortless shopping experience and saving time
through shopping online. For competing with those online brands, our shopping app will
mention the local shops name as well as address with the product description which will
help them promote their shop.


The main objective of e-commerce application is to sell products to users. To achieve

success in applications, there’s need to integrate all the latest online closing & upsell
techniques available which have been proven to increase the chances that a visitor will
Important elements that go into building a successful e-commerce application such as
removing friction during the purchasing process and making the checkout smooth and easy.
Making the application fast and attractive, up selling users on related products and
incentivizing buyers.
Reducing cart abandonment, nurturing past buyers to buy again, remarketing to past visitors
who haven’t yet purchased, using the proper payment options, having a mobile ready design
and many more things which are needed to develop and e-commerce application.

1.4 Organization of the Report

This report consists of three chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction of the topic,
problem statement, motivation behind the topic and objectives. The second chapter is the
Literature Survey. It includes all the research work done related to this topic. All
information related to study of existing systems as well as learning of new tools is
mentioned in this chapter. The third chapter is about the proposed system which is used in
this project. The block diagram, techniques used, hardware and software used screenshots of
the project are presented in this chapter. All the documents related to development of this
project are mentioned in References.
Chapter 2

Literature Survey
This chapter explains the concepts used in this project, study of existing system and
contribution of this project

2.1 Survey of Existing System

There are many online shopping platforms like Amazon, Flipkart that offers facility to buy
products 24*7 and provides home delivery.

 Features Amazon/Flipkart - 
     Adding items to cart.
Adding products to Wishlist.
Various Deals and offers.
Viewing previous order history.
Fast Delivery services.
Various payment options.

2.2 Limitation of existing system

It requires lots of time to travel to the particular shop to buy the goods. It is having lots of
manual work. Since everyone is leading busy life now a days, time means a lot to everyone.
Also, there are expenses for travelling from house to shop. Moreover, the shop from where
we would like to buy something may not be open 24*7*365. People with health issues must
make contact with strangers that may cause issues to spread. Also because of the existing
online system many local shops are losing their and our system will help them by promoting
their name on our app.

2.3 Mini Project Contribution

This project was completed in full by Dikshant Jain, Aryan Jangam, Sarang Ingle and
Gayatri Jethani, valuable insights were provided by Prof. Vaishali Suryawanshi. The project
report was completed by Dikshant Jain and Sarang Ingle. The logbook was written by Aryan
Jangam. The presentation was completed by Gayatri Jethani. The layout and validation for
login and register page was done by Gayatri. The layout for categories, cart, reset password
and authentication for login, register and reset password page using Firebase Authentication
was done by Dikshant. The layout for home page, favourite page, navigation drawer, and the
Database connectivity was done by Sarang and Aryan.
Chapter 3

Proposed System
This chapter consists of detailed description about the methodology used, the hardware and
software components, the tools used and also the screenshots of the project

3.1 Introduction
In this project we have used dart programming language which is designed by google. We
have designed our app in google flutter (front end), for backend we have used firebase.
Firebase is used as our Database. It provides hosted backend, cloud storage, authentication,
crash reporting, machine learning, remote configuration, and hosting for your static files.

3.2 Architecture

In building this mobile application, the first requirement was to identify the programming
languages which we were going to need to build it.
Then after that, we require a process design on how to implement the language according to
our needs.
The frontend interface is done on Flutter framework using Dart Programming Language.
It is connected to the backend with Firebase, which helps us store the files, connect to the
database and implement the features of the project.  
3.3 Algorithm and Process Design
Flutter is Google's free and open-source UI framework for creating native mobile
applications. The Flutter framework consists of both a software development kit (SDK) and
their widget-based UI library. This library consists of various reusable UI elements, such as
sliders, buttons, and text inputs [1].

1. The Interface has the option to choose from login/sign up to get to the screen of the
2. The user can easily change his/her password in case the user forgets his login
3. Each part is designed in such a simple way that the user will have no issue with the
4. The main screen has a drawer from where you can navigate to your desired screen.
5. The home screen also shows the various deals on different items that are going on.
6. The user can view his order and also add his/her favorite item to the Wishlist.

1. The Back end is built on a firebase.
2. Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) app development platform.
3. It provides hosted backend services such as a real-time database, cloud storage,
authentication, crash reporting, machine learning, remote configuration, and hosting
for your static files.

3.4 Details of Hardware & Software

1. Hardware Requirement -
Android – ARM Android devices
iOS – iOS devices (iPhone 4S or newer) [2].

2. Software Requirement -
Android – Android Jelly Bean, v16, 4.1.x or newer
iOS – iOS 8 or newer [3].
3.5 Results

This is the first page of our app, where you can sign in or register.
This is backend where all the data is stored.

This is the register page of the app.

This is the category page of the app.
This is the description of items in our app.

3.6 Conclusion and Future Work

At last, the conclusion comes that many companies have adopted the e-commerce. Because
E-commerce has become the buzzword for successful businesses across the world, as also in
India, it concludes that Ecommerce is growing faster. So, to keep up with the pace, an
android application to shop and make human life easier is needed.
In Text Citation Reference List Entry


[3] https://api.flutter

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