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11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

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BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019

[A draft. Not to be relied upon as present-day guide for Winter 2019 semester.]

01/09/2019 – Lecture 1. An introduction to biomedical instrumentation

01/10/2019 – Lab 1. Hospital tour

Reading Presentation: I. 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.9, 1.10, 1.13

01/15/2019 – Lab 2. Electrocardiography (I of V)

01/16/2019 – Lecture 2. Biopotentials; Physiology: neural and cardiac

Reading Presentation: II. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 4.1, 4.6 1/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

01/17/2019 – Lab 3. Electrocardiography (II of V)

01/22/2019 – Lab 4. Electrocardiography (III of V)

01/23/2019 – Lecture 3. Acquisition

Reading Presentation: III. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.11, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8

01/24/2019 – Lab 5. Think in, share out

Big List of Medical Devices Presentation (I of VI)

01/29/2019 – Lab 6. Electrocardiography (IV of V)

01/30/2019 – Lecture 4. Pulse oximetry; Physiology: cardiovascular and renal

Reading Presentation: IV. 7.2, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.13, 8.8

01/31/2019 – Lab 7. Electrocardiography (V of V); Share out

Notebook check (Electrocardiography)

Share out (Electrocardiography)

02/05/2019 – Lab 8. Pulse oximetry (I of VI)

02/06/2019 – Lecture 5. Signal processing

Big List of Medical Devices Presentation (II of VI)

Homework I

02/07/2019 – Lab 9. Whittle down, team up

02/12/2019 – Lab 10. Pulse oximetry (II of VI)

02/13/2019 – Lecture 6. Analysis

02/14/2019 – Lab 11. Pulse oximetry (III of VI)

Lab manual (Electrocardiography)

Project article submission 2/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

02/19/2019 – Lab 12. Pulse oximetry (IV of VI)

02/20/2019 – Lecture 7. Roundtable ethical discussion

Reading Presentation: V. 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, A.1

02/21/2019 – Lab 13. Roundtable article discussion

Big List of Medical Devices Presentation (III of VI)

Project article discussion

02/26/2019 – Lab 14. Pulse oximetry (V of VI)

02/27/2019 – Lecture 8. Spirometry; Physiology: respiratory

Reading Presentation: VI. 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6

02/28/2019 – Lab 15. Pulse oximetry (VI of VI); Share out

Notebook check (Pulse oximetry)

Share out (Pulse oximetry)

03/12/2019 – Lab 16. Spirometry (I of IV)

03/13/2019 – Lecture 9. Integrative physiological monitoring

Homework II

03/14/2019 – Lab 17. Proposal murderboard

Big List of Medical Devices Presentation (IV of VI)

Project proposal: I. Initial

03/19/2019 – Lab 18. Spirometry (II of IV)

03/20/2019 – Guest Lecture: I. On business

03/21/2019 – Lab 19. Spirometry (III of IV)

Lab manual (Pulse oximetry) 3/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

03/26/2019 – Lab 20. Spirometry (IV of IV); Share out

Notebook Check (Spirometry)

Share out (Spirometry)

03/27/2019 – Guest Lecture: II. On intellectual property

03/28/2019 – Lab 21. Revised proposal

Big List of Medical Devices Presentation (V of VI)

Project proposal: II. Revised

04/02/2019 – Lab 22. Project (I of VII)

04/03/2019 – Guest Lecture: III. On regulation

04/04/2019 – Lab 23. Project (II of VII)

Big List of Medical Devices Presentation (VI of VI)

04/09/2019 – Lab 24. Project (III of VII)

Lab manual (Spirometry)

04/10/2019 – Guest Lecture: IV. On consultation

04/11/2019 – Lab 25. Project (IV of VII); Update

04/16/2019 – Lab 26. Project (V of VII)

04/17/2019 – Lecture 10. A philosophy of biomedical instrumentation

04/18/2019 – Lab 27. Project (VI of VII)

04/23/2019 – Lab 28. Project (VII of VII); Share out

Notebook check (Project)

Share out (Project)
Demonstration (Project)
Project write-up (04/25) 4/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab


Lab (30%)

Notebook checks (one each module, 10%)

01/31 & 02/28 & 03/26
Team-based lab notebooks will be kept by all members of each team. For each
lab module each member of the team will be required to make a personal (i.e.,
verifiable) and non-trivial contribution to the lab notebook. One notebook will
be submit for each team at the end of each module.
Share outs (one each module, 10%)
01/31 & 02/28 & 03/26
Team-based short presentations (10-20 minutes) at the conclusion of each lab
module in which the hypotheses, methods, and results of teams are presented
to the rest of the lab section. Every member is accountable for the information
shared out, such that were one questioned on the subject an honest and
competent answer was elicited.
Lab manuals (one each module, 10%)
02/14 & 03/21 & 04/09
Team-based lab “how-to” write ups which improve upon the materials given.
New written descriptions, steps, procedures, images, etc., should be added to
a revised presentation of the lab protocol for a given module. In addition to the
bettered lab manuscript, concise reasoning should be giving for what makes
your team’s lab manual “better” than the one given to you all.

Presentations (30%)

Reading (individual, sign up in advance, 10%)

01/10 | 01/16 | 01/23 | 01/30 | 02/20 | 02/27
Of its total offering, 48 sections of our textbook are required to be read for this
class. In addition to reading each of these 48 sections, you must present a
short (3-5 minute) summary of its overall message. You must sign up to
present on the very first day of class (or before).
Big List of Medical Devices (individual, six mini-assignments, 10% overall) 5/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

01/24 | 02/07 | 02/21 | 03/14 | 03/28 | 04/04

Every other week of the semester (on 01/16, 0130, 02/13, 02/27, 03/20,
04/03), you will be required to submit a short (100-200 word) summary of
some medical device, it may not be the same as any other person’s medical
device. This process will generate our class’s Big List of Medical Devices. On
one of 6 dates (listed in the above bullet-point), 8 people will each present a
short (3-5 minute) summary of one of the medical devices of that list. The mini-
assignments will each count for 1%, the presentation will be for 4%.
Project article (as part of project team, individual assignment, 10%)
02/14 & 02/21
For the project, each person must find at least one article somewhat related to
their proposed medical instrument. Said at least one article must be submitted
to me by February 14 and a roundtable article discussion/presentation will be
held in lab on February 21.

Homework (20%)

Lecture-based (one difficult, one more difficult, each worth 10%)

02/06 & 03/13
Material will deal with theoretical, practical, and applicable aspects of current
medical instrumentation (and technology). Technical skills in both foundational
medical physiology (cardiac, cardiovascular, renal, and respiratory) and its
coupled clinical monitoring (via, e.g., electrocardiography, pulse oximetry, and
spirometry) will be assessed through individual out-of-class performance. As
the topic is broad, homework assignments will be significant (10% each) and
thus sufficient time (10-20 hours) should be budgeted for their completion.

Project (20%)

Proposals (two, one good, one better, together 5%)

03/14 & 03/28
On our first lab session (01/10) we will take a tour of the hospital. From this we
will get to see current instrumentation, hear some clinical gripes, and assess
the situation from our own perspectives. A couple weeks after that (01/24), we
will all share some of our ideas for possible projects we could do as a class.
On February 7, we will whittle down our possible projects and form into our 6/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

actual teams. Teams will then propose an idea for the murderboard discussion
(03/14) and will present a hopefully revised idea shortly thereafter (03/28).
Demonstration (one shot, 5%)
A demonstration of the medical instrument/system proposed for the project
(03/28) in its current working form. (Fully working = 5%, semi-working = 4%,
working-in-theory(-or-in-parts)-only = 3%, not really working = 2%, definitely
not working = 1%)
Share out (possibly filmed, shared, IP-generating, requires individual contribution, 5%)
An explanation of what was done on the project, why it was done, what the
team achieved, what the participants learned, what would be done differently
next time or could be improved for the future, and a tidy summary of what you
got out of the class will be required of each individual for a final share-out of
the semester on April 23. Depending on how we as a class feel, the
presentation may be filmed and/or shared out more publicly.
Write up (must be replicable by others, 5%)
A written description of what your medical device is in the context of current
medical instrumentation will be required. While the experimental nature of the
device will be especially emphasized in this class (this is, after all, a laboratory
course), certain wider-scoped perspectives will be asked of the team (possibly
including but not limited to regulatory science, privacy concerns, medical
benefits, etc.). In general, the purpose of the document is to explain to another
smart human being what it is that was done by the team that said team thinks
we should pass on down to posterity.

List of readings from The 48 Sections of The Textbook We are Required to Read. Must sign up on
(or before) the first day of class to present one of these sections on one of these days

1. 1.2, Generalized Medical Instrumentation System, 10-Jan

2. 1.4, Medical Measurement Constraints, 10-Jan

3. 1.5, Classifications of Biomedical Instruments, 10-Jan 7/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

4. 1.9, Generalized Static Characteristics, 10-Jan

5. 1.10, Generalized Dynamic Characteristics, 10-Jan

6. 1.13, Regulation of Medical Devices, 10-Jan

7. 3.1, Ideal Op Amps, 16-Jan

8. 3.2, Inverting Amplifiers, 16-Jan

9. 3.3, Noninverting Amplifiers, 16-Jan

10. 3.4, Differential Amplifiers, 16-Jan

11. 3.8, Integrators, 16-Jan

12. 3.9, Differentiators, 16-Jan

13. 3.10, Active Filters, 16-Jan

14. 3.11, Frequency Response, 16-Jan

15. 4.1, Electrical Activity of Excitable Cells, 16-Jan

16. 4.6, The Electrocardiogram, 16-Jan

17. 5.1, The Electrode-Electrolyte Interface, 23-Jan

18. 5.2, Polarization, 23-Jan

19. 5.3, Polarizatable and Nonpolarizable Electrodes, 23-Jan

20. 5.4, Electrode Behavior and Circuit Models, 23-Jan

21. 5.5, The Electrode-Skin Interface and Motion Artifact, 23-Jan

22. 5.11, Practical Hints in Uising Electrodes, 23-Jan

23. 6.1, Basic Requirements, 23-Jan 8/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

24. 6.2, The Electrocardiogtraph, 23-Jan

25. 6.3, Problems Frequently Encountered, 23-Jan

26. 6.6, Amplifiers for Other Biopotential Signals, 23-Jan

27. 6.7, Example of a Biopotential Preamplifier, 23-Jan

28. 6.8, Other Biopotential Signal Processors, 23-Jan

29. 7.2, Harmonic Analysis of Blood-Pressure Waveforms, 30-Jan

30. 7.6, Bandwidth Requirements for Measuring Blood Pressure, 30-Jan

31. 7.7, Typical Pressure-Waveform Distortion, 30-Jan

32. 7.8, Systems for Measuring Venous Pressure, 30-Jan

33. 7.13, Indirect Measurements of Blood Pressure, 30-Jan

34. 8.8, Photoplethysmography, 30-Jan

35. 14.1, Physiological Effects of Electricity, 20-Feb

36. 14.2, Important Susceptibility Parameters, 20-Feb

37. 14.3, Distribution of Electric Power, 20-Feb

38. 14.4, Macroshock Hazards, 20-Feb

39. 14.5, Microshock Hazards, 20-Feb

40. 14.6, Electrical-Safety Codes and Standards, 20-Feb

41. 14.7, Basic Approaches to Protection Against Shock, 20-Fe

42. A.1, Physical Constants, 20-Feb

43. 9.1, Modeling Respiratory System, 27-Feb 9/10
11/28/2020 BIOMEDE 458, Winter 2019 – The Belmont Lab

44. 9.2, Measurement of Pressure, 27-Feb

45. 9.3, Measurement of Gas-Flow, 27-Feb

46. 9.4, Lung Volume, 27-Feb

47. 9.5, Respiratory Plethysmography, 27-Feb

48. 9.6, Some Tests of Respiratory Mechanics, 27-Feb

Barry Belmont
A Lecturer
Department of Biomedical Engineering
(734) 647-8638
2130 LBME

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