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I have had the good fortune of finding a with detailed drawings of the patternmak- ing to fit the modem-day publie. The gar-
career in the fashion industry that suited ing process. Going through the steps ment styles are shown on drawings of a
my abilities, offered challenges and excite- toward completing a pattern is effective Misses' size-12 body form, instead of an
ment, and introduced me to many fine, only if the student understands the elongated fashion figure, to give students
hard-working people. While a student at process, and how all of the pieces work a more accurate idea of the actual propor-
the Fashion Institute of Design and Mer- together in a finished garment. Most of tions of the finished garment in an aver-
chandising in San Francisco, California, I the styles are shown complete, including age sIze.
discovered that patternmaking was my facings and closures. This approach rein- My goals in writing this textbook are
area of expertise. After a few years of work- forces the fact that the patternmaker must to:
ing full-time in the fashion industry as a consider how garment pieces such as • Explain the techniques of patternmak-
patternmaker, I began teaching pattern- bodice, sleeves, collar, and facings work ing and make them easy to understand.
making courses at West Valley College in together as a unit, as well as how the gar-
• Include tips for improving fit.
Saratoga, California, working concurrent- ment is put on. Fitting tips are given for
ly as a professional patternmaker for several styles to correct fit problems before • Include considerations of the manufac-
Marian Clayden Ine. My students appre- the first sample garment is cut. Emphasis turing process.
ciated the handouts I created to supple- is placed on the marking and labeling of • Include a wide variety of textile uses,
ment my classes and suggested that I write pattern pieces, and the listing of the pieces styles, and sizes.
a patternmaking textbook. I discussed the and notions on pattern charts. Students • Help students attain their goals as pro-
contents of the proposed book with stu- indicated that this approach was the most fessionals in the fashion industry.
dents, other instructors at the college, and effective, enabling them to understand the
professional patternmakers, and, with pattern making process and apply what I hope I've achieved these goals and that
their input and my own knowledge and they learned to patterns of their own this book serves as a useful guide to those
experience as a pattern maker and instruc- design. To further enhance students' edu- seeking, or already possessing, careers in
tor, undertook the project. cation, learning activities, practice prob- the fashion industry as pattern makers.
This textbook demonstrates how to lems, and a glossary are provided. Happy pattern making!
draft, drape, and flat pattern an array of Women's bodies come in all different
garment styles in a variety of textiles for shapes and sizes, and an effort has been
Misses', Junior's and Women's sizes. made to accommodate this variety with
Fashion styles are ever changing; there- detailed size charts and measurement I would not have written this book with-
fore, whenever possible, classic styles are tables so that students are not limited to out the encouragement of many students
shown in this text rather than up-to-the- designing for the "perfect" size-8 figure. at West Valley College and my co-workers
minute, trendy styles that will become While preparing this book, I conducted at Marian Clayden Ine. Some of the
dated after one season. The styles shown exhaustive research on the body measure- more vocal advocates include Justine Ly,
represent a range of pattern work, from ments of women of different weights, Trang DeHaesleer, Ginna Macaraeg,
beginning to advanced. heights, ages, and ethnicities. With this Anu Godsey, Laura Brosius, Tina Bui,
The content in this book is organized information, I developed size charts that LaRhonda Harris, Debbie Lewis, and
differently from other pattern books on reflect the average proportions of today's Maria Luisa Castillo De Gulick. I wish to
the market. I felt it was important to pro- women. These charts should be helpful thank all of my students at West Valley
vide the theory of pattern making along for pattern makers and manufacturers try- College, who peppered me with questions

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