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Epidemiology/Health Services Research


The 10-Year Cost-Effectiveness of

Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin
for Diabetes Prevention
An intent-to-treat analysis of the DPP/DPPOS
THE DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM the long-term effects of the interventions
RESEARCH GROUP* on health.
The DPPOS has followed participants
for an additional 7 years during which time
OBJECTIVEdThe Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and its Outcomes Study (DPPOS) participants in lifestyle and metformin were
demonstrated that either intensive lifestyle intervention or metformin could prevent type 2 di- encouraged to continue those interven-
abetes in high-risk adults for at least 10 years after randomization. We report the 10-year within- tions, and all participants were offered a
trial cost-effectiveness of the interventions.
group lifestyle intervention (4). The inci-
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSdData on resource utilization, cost, and quality dence of diabetes during the 10-year average
of life were collected prospectively. Economic analyses were performed from health system and follow-up after randomization was reduced
societal perspectives. by 34% in those initially randomized to life-
style and 18% in those initially randomized
RESULTSdOver 10 years, the cumulative, undiscounted per capita direct medical costs of the to metformin compared with placebo (4).
interventions, as implemented during the DPP, were greater for lifestyle ($4,601) than metformin
($2,300) or placebo ($769). The cumulative direct medical costs of care outside the DPP/DPPOS
Previously, we reported the resource utiliza-
were least for lifestyle ($24,563 lifestyle vs. $25,616 metformin vs. $27,468 placebo). The tion and costs of care in the DPP (5), and the
cumulative, combined total direct medical costs were greatest for lifestyle and least for metformin cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY)
($29,164 lifestyle vs. $27,915 metformin vs. $28,236 placebo). The cumulative quality-adjusted gained over the 3-year timeframe of the
life-years (QALYs) accrued over 10 years were greater for lifestyle (6.81) than metformin (6.69) or randomized controlled clinical trial (6).
placebo (6.67). When costs and outcomes were discounted at 3%, lifestyle cost $10,037 per We also used 3-year DPP data and a com-
QALY, and metformin had slightly lower costs and nearly the same QALYs as placebo. puter model to simulate the longer-term
cost-effectiveness of the interventions. Al-
CONCLUSIONSdOver 10 years, from a payer perspective, lifestyle was cost-effective and
metformin was marginally cost-saving compared with placebo. Investment in lifestyle and met-
though we (7) and others (8,9) suggested
formin interventions for diabetes prevention in high-risk adults provides good value for the that lifestyle would be cost-effective or
money spent. even cost-saving over the long term, one
analysis suggested that it might be too ex-
Diabetes Care 35:723–730, 2012 pensive for health plans or a national pro-
gram to implement (10). In this report, we

ntensive lifestyle and metformin inter- of type 2 diabetes by 58%, and the metfor- present a within trial intent-to-treat analy-
ventions can delay or prevent progres- min intervention (metformin) reduced sis spanning the combined 10-year DPP/
sion from impaired glucose tolerance the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 31% DPPOS timeframe to assess the longer-
(IGT) to type 2 diabetes (1–3). The Diabetes over 2.8 years (3). The Diabetes Preven- term cost-effectiveness of lifestyle and met-
Prevention Program (DPP), a randomized tion Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) formin for diabetes prevention. All of the
controlled clinical trial, demonstrated that is a long-term follow-up of the DPP par- DPPOS clinical centers as well as the DPP
compared with the placebo intervention ticipants to investigate whether the delay Coordinating Center had institutional re-
(placebo), the intensive lifestyle inter- in the development of diabetes observed view board approvals. All participants
vention (lifestyle) reduced the incidence during the DPP is sustained and to assess gave written informed consent.

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c RESEARCH DESIGN AND

Corresponding author: Diabetes Prevention Program Coordinating Center, METHODS
Received 3 August 2011 and accepted 15 December 2011.
DOI: 10.2337/dc11-1468. Clinical trial reg. nos. NCT00038727 (DPPOS) and NCT00004992 (DPP), clinicaltrials. Interventions
gov. DPP. The DPP enrolled 3,234 participants
This article contains Supplementary Data online at
with IGT and fasting hyperglycemia who
A slide set summarizing this article is available online. were at least 25 years of age and had BMI
*A complete list of the members of the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group, centers, and staff can be of 24 kg/m2 or higher (22 kg/m 2 in Asian
found in the Supplementary Data online, and members of the writing group are listed in the APPENDIX. Americans) (3). Enrollment began in July
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the investigators and do not necessarily reflect the views of 1996 and ended in May 1999. Mean age
the funding agencies.
© 2012 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly was 51 years of age and mean BMI was
cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See 34.0 kg/m2 (3). Sixty-eight percent were
licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. women, and forty-five percent were mem-
See accompanying articles, pp. 663, 717, and 731. bers of minority groups (3). DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, APRIL 2012 723

DPP/DPPOS cost-effectiveness

The goals for participants randomized weight loss and physical activity goals and Costs
to lifestyle were to achieve and maintain focused on current topics in nutrition, We calculated the total direct medical costs
a weight reduction of at least 7% of initial physical activity, stress management, and associated with the DPP/DPPOS inter-
body weight through diet and physical diabetes prevention. HELP consisted of ventions over each of the 10 years after
activity of moderate intensity, such as brisk four quarterly 1-h group visits. All partici- randomization (Supplementary Table 1).
walking, for at least 150-min per week. A pants received a reminder for HELP ses- Direct medical costs of the interventions
16-session core curriculum (given approx- sions. Although all participants were were estimated from the resources used
imately weekly in individual participant invited to attend all HELP sessions, many and unit costs adjusted to 2010 U.S. dollars
sessions) and subsequent individual ses- chose to attend fewer. (Supplementary Table 2). As a sensitivity
sions (usually monthly) and group sessions The DPP participants initially ran- analysis, we estimated what the cost of
with case managers were designed to rein- domized to lifestyle were also eligible to lifestyle might have been during the DPP if
force the behavioral changes. The medica- receive two additional sessions, referred to it had been administered in a group format
tion interventions (metformin and placebo) as BOOST sessions, per year to reinvigorate rather than individually (DPP group lifestyle
were initiated at a dose of 850 mg taken their self-management behaviors for weight intervention). We recalculated the costs
orally once a day. At 1 month, the dose was loss. Those randomized to metformin and of lifestyle assuming that the core curric-
increased to 850-mg twice daily. Adherence placebo were excluded from BOOST ses- ulum and monthly follow-up visits with
was reinforced during individual quarterly sions. The sessions were more intensive the lifestyle case managers, which were
visits with case managers. Standard lifestyle than HELP sessions and reinforced specific conducted individually during the 3 years
recommendations were provided to all behavioral self-management activities (e.g., of the DPP, were conducted as group ses-
groups through written information and self-monitoring of fat, calories, and/or sions with 10 participants. Studies have
an annual 20- to 30-min individual session physical activity, as well as weight shown that group intervention programs
that emphasized the importance of a healthy checks) important for weight loss and phys- can be as effective as individual programs
lifestyle. Mean follow-up at the end of the ical activity adherence and/or maintenance. (12,13). Although metformin was imple-
DPP was 3.2 years. For the purposes of this In addition, the sessions promoted home- mented with brand name metformin
analysis, we assumed that all subjects were based behavioral self-management of (Glucophage), we assumed that it was im-
enrolled in the DPP for exactly 3 years. weight and physical activity through the plemented with generically priced metfor-
DPP/DPPOS bridge. At the end of the use of motivational campaigns. Lifestyle min throughout the 10 years of the DPP/
DPP in July 2001, masked treatment was participants received reminders for each DPPOS.
discontinued and each participant had a BOOST session. As previously described, we also es-
1-h debriefing and closure visit during During the DPPOS, metformin partic- timated the direct medical cost of care
which he or she was informed of the main ipants taking study-provided metformin outside the study (5). The direct medical
DPP results. In light of the proven benefits received an annual complete blood count cost of care outside the study included the
of lifestyle, all participants were offered a and serum creatinine for drug safety moni- costs of hospital, emergency room, urgent
group-implemented 16-session lifestyle in- toring. Participants were encouraged to care, outpatient services, and telephone calls
tervention between January and July 2002. see their personal physicians for treatment to health care providers. These were deter-
Forty percent of lifestyle, fifty-eight percent of emergent adverse events. Only metfor- mined annually from patient self-report.
of metformin, and fifty-seven percent of min participants were encouraged to take They also included the cost of prescription
placebo participants attended at least one metformin, and only 1% of nondiabetic par- medications. This was estimated from the
session (11). Each session lasted 1 h and was ticipants in lifestyle and 3% of nondiabetic number of prescription medications that
taught by one staff member. Participants re- participants in placebo took metformin participants reported taking at semiannual
ceived reminders for the sessions and the full prescribed outside the study (4). For the visits and the mean average wholesale price
packet of course materials. The original life- purposes of this analysis, we assumed that of a prescription medication dispensed by
style group was offered additional lifestyle years 5–10 represented DPPOS follow-up. a large U.S. pharmacy benefit manager
support and was not encouraged to take met- Interventions for participants who de- in 2009.
formin. The original metformin group was veloped diabetes. Participants identified Direct nonmedical costs were assessed
encouraged to continue metformin and to with glucose levels diagnostic of diabetes twice, once during the DPP and once during
participate in the group lifestyle interven- at their 6-monthly visits were seen within the DPPOS, and costs were annualized. In
tion. Those randomized to placebo stopped 6 weeks for glucose testing to confirm the estimating the direct nonmedical costs of
placebo and were encouraged to participate diagnosis. Participants with confirmed the interventions, we considered the costs
in the group lifestyle intervention. For the newly diagnosed diabetes received 1 h of of food, food preparation items (blenders,
purposes of this analysis, we assumed that individual counseling focused on self- cookbooks, food scales, freezers, micro-
year 4 represented the DPP/DPPOS bridge. monitoring of blood glucose, were provided wave ovens, mixers, popcorn poppers,
DPPOS maintenance. The DPPOS main- with meters and test strips and encouraged steamers, and woks), exercise classes, gym
tenance phase started in September 2002. to monitor their glucose levels once daily, memberships, personal trainers, and exer-
All active participants were eligible for con- and were maintained in their randomized cise equipment (bicycles, exercise videos,
tinued follow-up, and 2,766 of 3,150 (88%) intervention groups. Treatment for diabe- free weights, golf clubs, home gyms, shoes,
enrolled (4). These included 910 from life- tes and surveillance for complications and stationary bicycles, steps and treadmills)
style, 924 from metformin, and 932 from comorbidities were performed by the par- (5). We also considered the costs of trans-
placebo. During the DPPOS, the group life- ticipants’ own health care providers. Med- portation to study visits and to medical visits
style intervention was implemented as the ications used by the DPP participants for (5). The value of the time that participants
Healthy Lifestyle Program (HELP) for all management of diabetes were recorded spent shopping, cooking, exercising, and
participants. HELP reinforced the original every 6 months on a drug summary form. traveling to and attending appointments


DPP Research Group

was also assessed (5). The costs of exercise follow-up visits with the case managers had the DPPOS than during the DPP because
were valued according to whether partici- been conducted as group sessions with 10 placebo participants engaged in the group
pants “disliked,” were “neutral,” or “liked” participants. We further assumed that out- lifestyle intervention. During the DPPOS,
leisure time physical activity (5,14) (Sup- comes would have been the same as ob- lifestyle and metformin each cost approxi-
plementary Table 2). Although direct non- served for lifestyle. We excluded from the mately $140 per participant per year. The
medical costs are not usually paid by analyses the costs of the research component costs of the interventions during the DPP
private insurers or government health pro- of the DPP/DPPOS. All costs were expressed differ somewhat from those reported pre-
grams, we included them in our cost calcu- as year 2010 U.S. dollars (Supplementary viously as we have added the costs of fast-
lations from a societal perspective. Table 2). Analyses were performed with a ing glucose and glucose tolerance testing
10-year time horizon. Initial analyses were and incorporated generic pricing for met-
Outcomes performed without discounting. Subse- formin (5). Detailed cost calculations are
We assessed outcomes in terms of QALYs quently, both cost and health outcomes presented in Supplementary Table 1.
(15). QALYs measure length of life adjusted were converted to net present value using a The cumulative, undiscounted per cap-
for quality of life as assessed by the health 3% discount rate, and incremental cost- ita direct medical costs of nonintervention-
utility score. By convention, health utility effectiveness ratios were calculated using related medical care by intervention group
scores are placed on a continuum where the discounted costs and QALYs. and year following randomization are
perfect health is assigned a value of 1.0 and shown in Table 2 and Fig. 1B. These are
health judged equivalent to death is assigned RESULTS the costs of medical care received outside
a value of 0.0. We assessed health utilities the DPP/DPPOS. The direct medical costs
annually using the Self-Administered Qual- Costs of nonintervention-related medical care
ity of Well-Being Index (QWB-SA) (6). The The annual undiscounted, per capita, were substantially greater than the costs
QWB-SA is a widely used, validated, multi- direct medical costs of lifestyle, metfor- of the interventions, and within 3 years,
attribute utility model that combines pref- min, and placebo over 10 years are sum- the cumulative costs of nonintervention-
erence-weighted values for symptoms and marized in Table 1 as are the costs of the related medical care exceeded the 10-year
functioning to provide a health utility DPP group lifestyle sensitivity analysis. cumulative direct medical costs of the inter-
score. The numerical value assigned by Figure 1A illustrates the cumulative, un- ventions. The cumulative per-participant
the QWB-SA to quality of life reflects the discounted, per participant intervention direct medical costs of nonintervention-
public’s judgment of the desirability of the costs. The cumulative, undiscounted per related medical care increased substantially
health state. Mathematically, QALYs are participant cost of the lifestyle interven- over time. From the outset of the DPP, the
calculated as the sum of the product of tion as implemented in the DPP ($4,601) per-participant costs of placebo exceeded
the number of years of life and the quality was substantially greater than the metfor- those of lifestyle and metformin. The
of life, measured in health utilities, in each min intervention ($2,300) or the placebo greater cost of nonintervention-related
of those years. intervention ($769). The estimated cost of medical care for placebo was largely driven
the DPP group lifestyle intervention by greater use of outpatient and inpatient
Perspective ($3,023) was approximately one-third services, prescription medications, and by
For the base-case analysis, we followed less than that of the lifestyle intervention. the greater rate of conversion to diabetes
the recommendations of the Panel on The costs of lifestyle were substantially with the attendant costs of self-monitoring
Cost-Effectiveness in Health in Medicine less during the DPPOS than during the and laboratory tests (Table 2). Across treat-
(15) and took the perspective of a health DPP because of the change from an ment groups, the direct medical costs of
system. Thus, we included only direct individual- to a group-implemented inter- nonintervention-related medical care were
medical costs in our base-case analysis. vention and because fewer visits took place. 34–44% higher among diabetic participants
We included direct nonmedical costs ex- The costs of placebo were higher during compared with nondiabetic participants
cluding participant time in a sensitivity
analysis from a modified societal perspec-
tive and direct nonmedical costs including Table 1dUndiscounted, per capita, direct medical costs of the DPP/DPPOS
participant time in a sensitivity analysis interventions by intervention group and study year ($)*
from a full societal perspective. These
sensitivity analyses assessed the impact
Year Lifestyle Metformin Placebo DPP group lifestyle†
of covering the cost of the behavioral in-
terventions implemented by the study 1-DPP 1,826 584 88 898
participants on society as a whole. 2-DPP 888 295 51 563
3-DPP 915 299 48 591
Analyses 4 (Bridge) 174 302 221 174
The analyses of lifestyle, metformin, and 5-DPPOS 122 133 58 122
placebo were based on the design, cost, 6-DPPOS 109 132 57 109
and clinical effectiveness of the interven- 7-DPPOS 136 135 56 136
tions as implemented in the 3 years of the 8-DPPOS 139 132 55 139
DPP and the 7 years of the DPPOS. For the 9-DPPOS 128 132 57 128
DPP group lifestyle sensitivity analysis, we 10-DPPOS 163 155 77 163
estimated what the costs of lifestyle would Total 4,601 2,300 769 3,023
have been during the 3 years of DPP if the *See Supplementary Table 1 for details. †Sensitivity analysis. Assumes that the core curriculum and follow-
16-session core curriculum and monthly up visits were conducted as group sessions with 10 participants during the 3 years of the DPP. DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, APRIL 2012 725

DPP/DPPOS cost-effectiveness

Figure 1dA: Cumulative, undiscounted, per participant, direct medical costs of the DPP/DPPOS interventions by intervention group and study
year. B: Cumulative, undiscounted, per participant, direct medical costs of medical care received outside the DPP/DPPOS by intervention group and
study year. C: Cumulative, undiscounted, per participant, total direct medical costs of the DPP/DPPOS interventions and medical care received
outside the DPP/DPPOS by intervention group and study year. D: Cumulative, undiscounted, per participant, total Quality of Well-Being Index by
intervention group and year.


DPP Research Group

Table 2dUndiscounted, per capita, direct medical costs of care outside the and lifestyle ($147,043 and $147,493,
DPP/DPPOS by intervention group and study year, and distribution of undiscounted, respectively).
per capita, 10-year, direct medical costs of care outside the DPP/DPPOS by
intervention group and type ($) Health utilities
Every year after randomization, quality of
Costs by year Lifestyle Metformin Placebo life was better for lifestyle than for met-
formin or placebo (Supplementary Table 3).
1-DPP 1,423 1,517 1,617 Across treatment groups, quality of life was
2-DPP 1,780 1,837 2,045 worse among participants who devel-
3-DPP 1,979 1,854 2,018 oped diabetes (Supplementary Table 3).
4 (Bridge) 2,059 2,087 2,330 Since more placebo participants developed
5-DPPOS 2,015 2,174 2,543 diabetes, the cumulative, undiscounted,
6-DPPOS 2,519 2,493 2,636 per participant quality of well-being score
7-DPPOS 2,645 3,061 2,875 gained over 10 years was greatest for
8-DPPOS 3,444 3,607 3,319 lifestyle (6.81), intermediate for metfor-
9-DPPOS 3,291 3,298 3,265 min (6.69), and least for placebo (6.67)
10-DPPOS 3,406 3,686 4,822 (Fig. 1D).
Total 24,563 25,615 27,468
Costs by category Cost-effectiveness
Outpatient visits 6,845 7,145 7,325 Table 3 summarizes the differences in total
Inpatient care 5,631 5,817 6,856 costs and QALYs among the treatment
Emergency room visits 1,941 1,690 1,825 groups and the incremental cost-effectiveness
Urgent care visits 1,697 1,945 1,811 ratios of lifestyle and metformin versus pla-
Calls to physicians 712 742 712 cebo, and lifestyle versus metformin. The
Prescription medications 6,490 6,619 6,959 incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is also
Self-monitoring supplies and laboratory shown for the DPP-group lifestyle versus
tests for diabetes 1,248 1,628 1,978 placebo. From the health system perspec-
Total 24,563 25,615 27,468 tive, from the modified societal perspective,
and from the societal perspective, lifestyle
cost more than placebo but was also more
(Supplementary Table 3). Over 10 years, among intervention groups. As might be effective as assessed by the QALYs that
cumulative, per capita nonintervention- expected, physical activity–related costs were gained. From a health system per-
related direct medical costs were greater by were greatest for lifestyle. Transportation- spective, with both costs and health out-
$1,853 and $2,905 for placebo compared related costs were also substantially higher comes discounted at 3% per year, the cost
with metformin and lifestyle, respectively. for lifestyle and metformin due to the of lifestyle compared with placebo was
Over 10 years, the cumulative, undis- greater number of study visits. Total diet-, approximately $10,000 per QALY gained;
counted, per capita direct medical costs of physical activity-, and transportation- however, metformin had slightly lower
the interventions were greater for partic- related costs were greatest for lifestyle but costs and nearly the same outcome (as as-
ipants randomized to lifestyle ($4,601) and similar for metformin and placebo. Partic- sessed by QALYs) as placebo. Compared
metformin ($2,300) compared with pla- ipant time contributed substantially to di- with metformin, lifestyle cost more but
cebo ($769). In contrast, the cumulative, rect nonmedical costs. Participant time produced better health outcomes. From a
undiscounted, per capita direct medical related to the interventions (time spent health system perspective, with both
costs of nonintervention-related medical traveling to study visits, at study visits, costs and health outcomes discounted at
care (medical care received outside the and for intervention-related calls) was 3% per year, the cost of lifestyle com-
DPP/DPPOS) were greater for placebo greater for lifestyle and metformin than pared with metformin was approximately
($27,468) than for metformin ($25,615) for placebo. Participant time related to $13,400 per QALY gained. DPP-group
or lifestyle ($24,563). By year 10, the cumu- medical care outside of the interventions lifestyle, like metformin, was generally
lative, undiscounted, per capita, total direct was generally greater for placebo than for less expensive and more effective than
medical costs of the interventions and metformin or lifestyle. Time spent shop- placebo.
nonintervention-related medical care were ping and cooking was the largest compo-
higher for lifestyle than for placebo but nent of participant time but differed little CONCLUSIONSdUsing 3 years of
were lower for metformin than for placebo across intervention groups. Although DPP data and computer simulation model-
(Fig. 1C). They were also lower for the DPP lifestyle subjects spent more time exercis- ing, we and others suggested that screening
group lifestyle (Fig. 1C). ing, the adjusted value of the time they for glucose intolerance in the overweight
Supplementary Table 4 summarizes spent exercising was less than for either and obese population and implementing
the undiscounted, per capita, cumulative, metformin or placebo because of their lifestyle and metformin interventions
10-year direct nonmedical costs by in- greater enjoyment of leisure time physical would have favorable cost-effectiveness
tervention group and type defined as diet- activity and the lower opportunity cost. ratios (7–9,16). However, one analysis
related costs, physical activity–related The total, per capita, 10-year, direct non- suggested that lifestyle might be too expen-
costs, transportation-related costs, and par- medical costsdincluding the costs of sive for health plans or a national program
ticipant time-related costs. Diet-related participant timedwere lowest for metfor- to implement (10). The current study, a
costs were substantial but did not differ min ($144,143) and similar for placebo 10-year, within-trial, intention-to-treat DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, APRIL 2012 727

DPP/DPPOS cost-effectiveness

Table 3dDifferences in costs and QALYs and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for health care expenditures for people with
lifestyle and metformin versus placebo and lifestyle versus metformin over 10 years from diabetes are $11,744 per year, of which
three alternative perspectives $6,649 is attributed to diabetes (19).
This estimate likely overstates the costs
Lifestyle vs. Metformin vs. Lifestyle vs. DPP group lifestyle of diabetes in DPP participants, since
placebo placebo metformin vs. placebo* DPP participants who developed diabetes
were screen-detected very early in their
Differences in costs (Dcost) clinical course and had few complications.
Health system perspective† The costs of diabetes increase with dura-
Undiscounted 928 2321 1,249 2650 tion of diabetes and with the presence of
Discounted** 1,226 2159 1,384 2323 complications and comorbidities and
Modified societal perspective‡ would be expected to be lower for persons
Undiscounted 2,472 2385 2,857 895 with short durations of diabetes and for
Discounted** 2,656 2196 2,852 1,107 those without complications (22). Patients
Societal perspective# with new clinically diagnosed diabetes
Undiscounted 1,377 23,221 4,598 2200 have been reported to have costs 2.1 times
Discounted** 1,755 22,657 4,412 205 those of individuals without diabetes, and
Differences in QALYs (DQALY) the incremental cost of diabetes is apparent
Undiscounted 0.14 0.02 0.12 0.14 from the time of diagnosis (20). In 2000,
Discounted** 0.12 0.02 0.10 0.12 using data from a single managed-care
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (Dcost /DQALY) health plan, we estimated that the median,
Health system perspective† annual, direct medical cost of care for a
Undiscounted 6,651 Cost-saving 10,555 Cost-saving man with diet-controlled type 2 diabetes
Discounted** 10,037 Cost-saving 13,420 Cost-saving with no microvascular, neuropathic, or car-
Modified societal perspective‡ diovascular risk factors or complications
Undiscounted 20,238 Cost-saving 27,689 7,323 was approximately $1,700 (23). More re-
Discounted** 21,743 Cost-saving 27,638 9,059 cently, using data from approximately
Societal perspective# 7,100 type 2 diabetic patients enrolled in
Undiscounted 11,274 Cost-saving 44,562 Cost-saving eight managed-care health plans participat-
Discounted** 14,365 Cost-saving 42,753 1,681 ing in Translating Research Into Action for
*Sensitivity analysis. Assumes that the core curriculum and follow-up visits were conducted as group session Diabetes (TRIAD), we demonstrated that
with 10 participants during the 3 years of DPP. †Includes total direct medical costs. **Both costs and QALYs median, annual, per capita, direct medical
discounted at 3%. ‡Includes direct medical costs and direct nonmedical costs excluding participant time.
#Includes direct medical costs and direct nonmedical costs including participant time.
costs of care were approximately $2,500
for a man with recent-onset diabetes with-
out complications or comorbidities (R. Li,
analysis of the DPP/DPPOS demonstrates and cholesterol treatment for secondary pre- personal communication). These costs
that lifestyle is indeed cost-effective, vention of cardiovascular disease have been of recent-onset type 2 diabetes are quite
and metformin is marginally cost-saving estimated to cost between $10,000 and consistent with those observed during the
or at least cost-neutral compared with pla- $60,000 per QALY (18). Widely implemen- DPP/DPPOS. Compared with the substan-
cebo. Even when the direct nonmedical ted interventions such as dialysis for end- tial costs of diabetes, the costs of lifestyle,
costs of the interventions are considered, stage renal disease ($50,000 to $100,000 metformin, and DPP group lifestyle seem
the interventions are cost-effective. Health per QALY) and left ventricular assist devices quite small.
and social policies should support the ($500,000 to $1.4 million per QALY) are It is now clear that the use of a 3-year
funding of intensive lifestyle and metfor- substantially more expensive. time horizon in our previous within-trial
min interventions for diabetes prevention From the perspective of a health system economic analysis resulted in a higher
in high-risk adults. or society, what is the value of delaying or cost per QALY gained than the current
When a new treatment is more effective preventing the development of type 2 di- analysis, which used a 10-year time hori-
and less costly than usual care, it should be abetes? From a health system perspective, it zon (6). With a 3-year time horizon, treat-
widely adopted and used. Unfortunately, delays or prevents the direct medical costs ment costs were higher, and the benefits
fewer than 1 in 5 new interventions in of diabetes including the costs of diabetes of lifestyle and metformin in terms of
health and medicine are cost-saving com- education and nutritional counseling, averted diabetes were less. The costs of
pared with usual care (17). Published glucose monitoring, antihyperglycemic both lifestyle and metformin were greatest
cost-effectiveness ratiosdthat is the cost treatments, and surveillance and treatment in year 1, decreased substantially in years
in dollars per QALY gained for prevention of complications (19–21). From a societal 2 and 3, and decreased further during
and treatmentdrange from less than perspective, diabetes prevention also re- years 4 through 10. In contrast, much
$10,000 per QALY to greater than $1 mil- duces health care–related costs to the indi- of the benefit of both lifestyle and met-
lion per QALY with most falling between vidual not reimbursed by the health system formin, as assessed by both cumulative,
$10,000 and $50,000 per QALY. While in- and time lost from work and usual activities nonintervention-related direct medical
fluenza immunization has been demon- (19). It also improves quality of life. costs and quality of life, occurred after 3
strated to be cost-saving in the Medicare The direct medical costs of diabetes are years of follow-up.
population, interventions such as mam- enormous. The American Diabetes Associ- There are a number of limitations
mography, antihypertensive treatment, ation has estimated that total per capita to our analyses. First, the DPPOS was an


DPP Research Group

observational follow-up of the DPP, a achieve the same outcomes, it would also APPENDIXdMembers of the writing
randomized controlled clinical trial. It is be cost-saving or cost-effective compared group are William H. Herman, MD, MPH1;
likely that during the DPPOS, when 57% with placebo. Even when compared with Sharon L. Edelstein, ScM2; Robert E. Ratner,
of placebo participants also attended at metformin, lifestyle was cost-effective from MD3; Maria G. Montez, RN, MSHP4 ;
least one group lifestyle intervention both a health system and societal perspec- Ronald T. Ackermann, MD, MPH5; Trevor
(HELP) session, placebo was more effec- tive. These analyses should assist health J. Orchard, MBBCh, MMedSci6; Mary A.
tive than the usual care that nonstudy plans and policy makers in comparing the Foulkes, PhD 2 ; Ping Zhang, PhD 7 ;
participants might receive (11). Thus, if benefit of diabetes prevention to other pre- Christopher D. Saudek, MD8†; and Morton
real-world usual care was used for com- ventive and palliative interventions. The B. Brown, PhD1.
parison, the difference between lifestyle adoption of diabetes prevention programs From the 1University of Michigan, Ann
and placebo might have been greater. by health plans and society will result in Arbor, Michigan; 2The Biostatistics Center,
The fact that 58% of metformin partici- important health benefits over 10 years and The George Washington University,
pants also attended at least one HELP ses- represents a good value for the money spent. Rockville, Maryland; the 3Medstar Health
sion may also have made metformin Research Institute, Washington, D.C.; the
appear more effective and cost-effective 4
University of Texas Health Science Cen-
compared with lifestyle (11). Second, the AcknowledgmentsdDuring the DPPOS, the
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
ter at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas; the
costs of medical care outside the interven- 5
and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Northwestern University Feinberg School
tions appear low compared with those re- Institutes of Health provided funding to the of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; the 6Uni-
ported in the literature for people with clinical centers and the DPP Coordinating versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
diabetes (19). This likely reflects the fact Center for the design and conduct of the study, vania; the 7Division of Diabetes Translation,
that trial participants were earlier in the and collection, management, analysis, and in- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
natural history of diabetes and were terpretation of the data. The Southwestern Atlanta, Georgia; and 8The Johns Hopkins
healthier than patients with diabetes in American Indian Centers were supported di- University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
the general population. It is important to rectly by the NIDDK, including its Intramural Maryland.
note that resource utilization and cost Research Program, and the Indian Health Ser- †Deceased.
were assessed in an identical fashion vice. The General Clinical Research Center
Program, National Center for Research Re-
across intervention groups so the differ-
sources, and the U.S. Department of Veterans
ences among groups, which determine the Affairs supported data collection at many of References
incremental cost-effectiveness ratios, the clinical centers. Funding was also provided 1. Pan XR, Li GW, Hu YH, et al. Effects of
should be reasonably accurate. Third, in by the National Institute of Child Health and diet and exercise in preventing NIDDM in
our analysis of the DPP group lifestyle in- Human Development; the National Institute on people with impaired glucose tolerance.
tervention, we assumed that lifestyle could Aging; the National Eye Institute; the National The Da Qing IGT and Diabetes Study.
be implemented in a group rather than in Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the Office of Diabetes Care 1997;20:537–544
an individual format at one-third lower cost Research on Women’s Health; the National In- 2. Tuomilehto J, Lindström J, Eriksson JG,
and achieve the same outcomes. Although stitute on Minority Health and Health Disparities; et al.; Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study
group-implemented lifestyle interventions the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Group. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mel-
and the American Diabetes Association. litus by changes in lifestyle among subjects
have been shown to be at least as effective
Bristol-Myers Squibb and Parke-Davis pro- with impaired glucose tolerance. N Engl J
as individual programs for weight loss, vided additional funding and material support Med 2001;344:1343–1350
there has not been a direct comparison of during the DPP. Lipha (Merck-Sante) pro- 3. Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler
individual and group lifestyle interventions vided medication and LifeScan Inc. donated SE, et al.; Diabetes Prevention Program
for diabetes prevention (12,13). Finally, we materials during the DPP and the DPPOS. No Research Group. Reduction in the inci-
recognize that in assessing the direct non- other potential conflicts of interest relevant to dence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle in-
medical costs of the interventions, we have this article were reported. tervention or metformin. N Engl J Med
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participate in a randomized controlled as such, had full access to all the data in the et al.; Diabetes Prevention Program Research
study and takes responsibility for the integrity of Group. 10-year follow-up of diabetes inci-
clinical trial. We did not have a good
the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. dence and weight loss in the Diabetes Pre-
method for distinguishing study-related S.L.E. and M.B.B. researched data, conducted vention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet
and nonstudy-related food consumption. analyses, reviewed and edited the manuscript, 2009;374:1677–1686
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that they indicate that there were not sub- R.T.A., T.J.O., M.A.F., P.Z., and C.D.S. researched Diabetes Prevention Program Research
stantial differences in diet-related costs data, reviewed and edited the manuscript, and Group. Costs associated with the primary
across intervention groups. contributed to discussion. prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the
This 10-year, within trial, intention- Parts of this study were presented in oral form diabetes prevention program. Diabetes Care
to-treat economic analysis of the DPP/ at the 71st Scientific Sessions of the American 2003;26:36–47
DPPOS demonstrates that lifestyle, when Diabetes Association, San Diego, California, 6. Herman WH, Brandle M, Zhang P, et al.;
24–28 June 2011, and in poster form at the Diabetes Prevention Program Research
compared with placebo, is cost-effective,
47th Annual Meeting of the European Associa- Group. Within-trial cost-effectiveness of
and metformin is marginally cost-saving tion for the Study of Diabetes, Lisbon, Portugal, lifestyle intervention or metformin for the
from a health system and societal perspec- 12–16 September 2011. primary prevention of type 2 diabetes.
tive. If a DPP group lifestyle intervention The DPP Research Group gratefully ac- Diabetes Care 2003;26:2518–2523
could be delivered at one-third lower cost knowledges the commitment and dedication 7. Herman WH, Hoerger TJ, Brandle M, et al.;
than the DPP lifestyle intervention and of the participants of the DPP and the DPPOS. Diabetes Prevention Program Research DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, APRIL 2012 729

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