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Direction: Below are sentences with underlined words which may or may not be correct. These are
numbered 1,2,3, 4 Choose the underlined word or phrase which is not acceptable in formal written

1. Many practices considered sacrilege in the past are now accepted casually.

1 2 3 4

2. Please keep this little secret between you and me.

1 2 3 4

3. When mother chooses which food to cook, she will choose the better one.

1 2 3 4

4. If it does not rained, there will be no water in summer.

1 2 3 4

5. The couple had hope to have made a good start of there marriage.

1 2 3 4

6. One of the best thing that she likes to do is to create a good impression.

1 2 3 4

7. The captain together with his men have attacked the enemies.

1 2 3 4
8. The rest of the children is joining their parents to the province.

1 2 3 4

9. Haven’t she noticed the bouquet of flowers given by her beau?

1 2 3 4

10.Neither Ana nor her brothers are coming to the affair.

1 2 3

11. The present-day businessmen is aware of the need to consider the provisions set by the securities

1 2 3

exchange Commission whenever managerial decision are made.

12. The writ of mandamus is issued by a superior court to a lower rank so that the letter can perform the

1 2 3 4

former’s job order as expected.

13. This second memorandum supercedes the one which was given out by the manager on minimum

1 2 3

wage and salary adjustments.

14. We were told to “take it easy” in order to prolong our lives and enjoy our work better for the benefit

1 2 3 4

of our own families.

15. “Make haste slowly” is one of the old saying which guides him whenever he makes an important

1 2 3 4


16. Our aim in attending this convention is simple, to get more information on the subject and renew old

1 2 3 4


17. A provision of presidential decree 1457 prohibits the surviving depositor in joint bank accounts from

1 2 3

making withdrawals unless the BIR has made a clarificatory statement.

18. A concerned citizen cannot help but expresses pity to see queuing Filipinos before the American

1 2 3

Embassy to get a visa for entrance to the United States.

19. In its truest sense, democracy means a political arrangement where the government exist for the

1 2 3 4


20. A plan of compensation provide for different types of payment on the various kinds of jobs done by

1 2 3 4

the employees.

Direction: A part of each statement below has been omitted. Complete the statement by choosing the
word or phrase from the choices given below each item. Choose the letter of your corresponding

21. Neither Rosa nor Nelia’s brothers _________ helping the dissenter.

a. are b. is c. was d. were e. had

22. Either the employees or the employer ________ invited to be in the ceremony.

a. have b. has been c. had been d. was e. had

23. Neither they nor he ________ to the flooded esteros every so often.

a. come b. came c. comes d. cames e. coming

24. Either the president or the Cabinet members ______ the affairs of the government to chance all the

a. leaves b. left c. leave d. leaved e. leaving

25. One of the customers ________ to sue the store manager for damages in last year’s fire.

a. was going b. are going c. has going d. were going e. is going

26. The long distance call has reached _______ destination on time.

a. it’s b. each c. its d. them e. her

27. None of the students do ______ assignments haphazardly.

a. his b. hers c. their d. them e. they

28. The secretary, together with the board members, ________ an annual report to the president.

a. submit b. submits c. submitted d. submitting e. none of the above

29. Hasn't ______ done her work well yet?

a. she b. he c. they d. it e. we

30. Haven’t the policemen _______ the physical examination?

a. undergoes b. underwent c. undergo d. undergone e. none of these

31. The butterfly flies _______ from one flower to another.

a. gently b. gentle c. gentler d. gentled e. none of these

32. For ________ is the message directed?

a. whom b. who c. which d. whose e. who’s

33. Was Mrs. Delos Santos the proxy _____ attended the meeting?

a. who b. whom c. whose d. which e. where

34. Mother will have arrived before she ______.

a. sleep b. sleeps c. sleeping d. slept e. will has sleep

35. The students did so ____ in the examination, hence, a remedial teaching was given.

a. poor b. poorly c. poorer d. poorest e. none of the above

36. We felt _____ upon hearing of her untimely demise.

a. saddens b. sad c. sadden d. saddened e. sadly

37. If anybody wants to leave ________.

a. he may raise b. he may rise c. he might rise d. he will rise e. they may raise

38. The number of persons ______ in the fire could not be counted.
a. who were killed b. who was killed c. killed d. who had been killed e. none of the

39. The Philippine Government does not like to ____ to communist aggression.

a. secede b. seceed c. secedes d. seceeds e. none of the above

40. Why must not someone volunteer _____ seen the victim?

a. he has b. he have c. had d. they have e. his


Directions: Each item has three (3) words followed by a list of four (4) words. From the list of four words,
choose the one that is most related to the third word in each item in almost the same way as the second
word is related to the first.

41. March: April :: Wednesday: ____________

a. Tuesday b. May c. Monday d. Thursday

42. male: female :: lad: __________

a. lass b. woman c. man d. guy

43. hot: cold :: summer: _________

a. spring b. winter c. fall d. rainy

44. test tubes: laboratory :: books: _______

a. closet b. cabinet c. library d. dictionary

45. bread: butter :: rice: ________

a. butter b. fish c. soup d. cake

46. frogs: jump :: birds: _________

a. fly b. chirp c. sing d. lay eggs

47. laughter: joy :: tears: _________

a. fear b. anger c. happiness d. sorrow

48. blue : peace :: white: __________

a. sadness b. cleanliness c. purity d. shallowness

49. car: gasoline :: pen: ________

a. ink b. ballpen c. ballpoint d. eraser

50. captain: ship :: pilot: ________

a. jet b. airplane c. motor d. jeep

51. jelly: dessert :: tea: ________

a. beverage b. drink c. juice d. fresh

52. city: urban :: barrio: ________

a. poor b. backward c. rural d. quiet

53. physician: stethoscope :: secretary: _________

a. typewriter b. glasses c. papers d. tables

54. happy: adjective :: happiness: ___________

a. adjective b. noun c. adverb d. verb

55. painter: brush :: musician: ___________

a. composition b. guitar c. pen d. microphone

56. auditorium: stage :: house: __________

a. room b. balcony c. living room d. sala

57. submarine: sea :: wagon: __________

a. lagoon b. air c. land d. road

58. eyes: tears :: skin: _________

a. glands b. allergy c. sweat d. muscle

59. dog: bark :: snake: _______

a. crawls b. hiss c. bites d. squeeze

60. Filipino: nipa hut :: eskimo: ________

a. house b. bricks c. igloo d. caravan


61. graft: corruption :: ____________: ______________

a. question: answer b. peace: order c. white: black d. male: female

62. red: color :: ____________: ______________

a. chair: table b. round: shape c. ballpen: paper d. book: reader

63. Moses: rod :: ____________: ______________

a. Joshua: pen b. Peter: net c. James: boat d. fairy: wand

64. dusk: dawn :: ____________: ______________

a. sunrise: sunset b. cold: weather c. white: clouds d. blue: sky

65. nose: face :: ____________: ______________

a. feet: toe b. eyes: nose c. ears: lips d. hands: feet

66. August: September :: ____________: ______________

a. big: small b. hard: soft c. Wednesday: Thursday d. cold: warm

67. office: secretary :: ____________: ______________

a. book: library b. hospital: nurse c. animal: zoo d. fish: water

68. Shakespeare: English :: ____________: ______________

a. Russian: Leo Tolstoy b. Guy de Maupassant: French c. Hamlet: Shakespeare d. Helen: Homer

69. Philippines: Malacanang :: ____________: ______________

a. UP: Executive House b. USA: White House c. House: guest room d. UAE: Place

70. Legaspi: Mt. Mayon :: ____________: ______________

a. Mt. Makiling: Laguna c. Batangas: Taal Volcano

b. Mt. Pinatubo: Zambales d. Mt. Banahaw: Quezon

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