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Taya B

Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking
1. “I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that
influence how people think about topics.”
When I come across someone with a different view or opinion on something than me, I listen to
them and try to understand their stance on the subject. I will then come up with new and
unique ways to explain my own views on the topic and help them understand why I have these
views myself. This helps keep the person I'm talking to open-minded and helps to avoid conflict.
I have avoided unneeded fights and conflicts with others using unique ideas and perspective.
This is how I demonstrate unique and creative thinking.

2. “I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious
mind to generate new ideas.”
During group discussion or projects in class I use the environment, peers, and myself to think of
new ideas or possibilities regarding the subject being discussed or project being made, this
helps me better collaborate with my classmates and come up with new creative ideas to
contribute to the group. This shows how I use the world around me to create unique ideas.

Area of Improvement
1. “I can take my ideas, evaluate, develop, and refine them and make
something productive out of them.”
I often will have ideas I want to pursue or discuss with others, but I find myself holding back due
to the fear of it not going the way I want it to. This has resulted in unknown outcomes and
missed opportunities. I recognize this weakness holds me back, in order to improve this, I want
to work on discussing and putting my ideas into motion even if I don’t know that the results will
conclude how I want them to.

1. “I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate,
consider different perspectives, and build consensus.”
During presentations or even a simple lunch with a friend, I love to listen to others' opinions
and views on the world. When others discuss their perspective on things it challenges me to put
myself in their shoes and recognize the experience my peer has had to have them develop this
perspective. Having an open mind is very important to me when it comes to this, having a
friendly discussion on others opinions encourages me to see the world in a different light and
helps me to develop my own views more.

2. “I can engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and
Engaging in deep meaningful discussions of topics helps me to further learn more about a
subject or even assist me in teaching a skill or subject better to a friend. This helps others and
me expand our knowledge and skills on important topics.

Area of Improvement
1. “I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have learned.”
When I try to reflect on the processes of learning and try to share what I have learned I often
struggle. I find it hard to focus for long periods of time which results in me missing some parts
of lessons. When asked to reflect on what I have learnt I try to piece together what I learned
and explain to the best of my ability. To improve this weakness, I want to practice focusing for
longer amounts of time on a subject or going back to the material we learnt and go over it.

Personal And Cultural Identity

1. “I understand what is important to me.”
The most important things to me are family, friends, and the outdoors. These things help shape
who I am as a person and what I value, I couldn't live without these three things which helps
define that they are important, even vital to me. My family, friends, and the outdoors are all
things that have helped me learn and grow through my short seventeen years of being on this
earth. These are the things that define me and make me who I am.

2. “I know my strengths and what makes me unique”

I have many strengths, some of them are being empathetic, caring, kind, respectful, and
trustworthy. I make sure that I am as nice as possible even to the meanest of people, no one
knows what each other are going through and kindness can completely change someone's day.
This is what makes me unique, my love and kindness for everything from bugs to people.

Area of Improvement
1. “I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world”
I tend to struggle when defining myself to others, I struggle with knowing who I am so when
people ask me I often tell them what I think they want to hear. I hope to further work on myself
and discovering who I am so others and myself can know the real me.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

1. “I can express my needs and seek help when needed”
When I'm struggling with a topic or even with my mental health, I try to solve it on my own first,
but I have limits and when I recognize I'm confused or need to talk to someone I always reach
out. This shows I can express what I need and seek help when needed.

2. “I understand learning takes patience and time”

Last ski season I had the opportunity to learn to ski alongside my uncle who was a ski tour
guide, I was so eager to learn this skill but also knew it would be very difficult and that this sport
was quite dangerous. I spent both Saturday and Sunday every week of the whole season out on
the hill learning how to ski, it took a very long time for me to even go down a run without falling
but I gave it time and I was patient and now I am a skilled skier and I'm confident on the hill.
This shows I recognize that learning anything takes time and patience.

Area of Improvement
1. “I understand my decisions and actions can affect me”
When it comes to consequences of my own actions I sometimes don’t think, when making
decisions they are mostly impulsive, and I regret them later. I want to try going forward to take
the time to think and decide on my decisions and ideas in order to have more positive

Social Responsibility
1. “I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and
evaluate strategies to resolve problems.”
Listening to others perspectives on problems can help resolve issues and create better
outcomes in the end. This helps reduce problems and create more ideas.

2. “I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act
ethically in all my interactions, including online.”
I feel very strongly about equality and human rights for all. In person and online I advocate and
support all people no matter who they are or what they look like. Everyone deserves love and
acceptance for everything they are.

Area of Improvement
1. “I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships”
When it comes to peers, I struggle to make friends in school due to social anxiety and not being
included in activities. I hope to make more friends by putting myself out there more and taking
chances when it comes to meeting and talking with others.

Critical Thinking
1. “I can analyze and critique my work and my learning.”
In class I check over and re-read my work to make sure I understand the content and I do
everything correctly. I also analyze what I have learned and make sure I understand what I was
taught. This shows I can look over my learning and work and be able to understand it and ask
for help.

2. “I can ask good quality questions, gather relevant information, and come up
with well-developed conclusions.”
While researching topics I go to reliable sources and sites for information and ask in-depth
questions to better help me understand and apply my gains knowledge and information to the
topic I'm learning and researching. This helps me create a well-developed conclusion on the

Area of Improvement
1. “I can assess my progress”
When tracking my progress, I often think I'm closer to completion than I actually am. This
results in me working slower thinking I have time when I really don’t. I then either don’t
complete work by the due date, or panic to get it done in time. To improve this, I want to focus
on getting things done and better tracking the amount of work I've done.

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