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Princess May Pescadero

Jade- Anne D. Gonzales

Ma. Mae Nicole Matinguha

Cheska Marie B. Liza

Module 5 Learning Task 2

Safety rules and practices

Organizations will need to assess the risks to the health and safety of employees and
anyone else affected by the activities of the organization (for example, employees, customers,
visitors, and the general public) and devise means for implementing preventive and protective
measures. Assessment must cover planning, organization, control, monitoring, and reviews.
There is a close link between risk assessment and arrangements specified in the policy statement.

With a policy and a management system in place, organizations must monitor and review
arrangements to achieve progressive improvement in health and safety. Improvement will be
enhanced through the development of policies, approaches to implementation, and techniques of
risk assessment.

The following checklists will help organizations monitor their adherence to and progress
against health and safety legislation.

Company Name: Octagon Computer Superstore

Address : 2nd flr. Northwing , Cyberzone, SM City Bacolod.

Safety Rules & Practices Yes No

Are policy management and x
organization, safety rules, and procedures
in place?
Are these details available to all X

Organization employees and other building users?

Have arrangements been made for X
consultation with employees and other
user bodies?
Is the safety policy clearly displayed? X
Is the health and safety law poster X
Noticeboards Is a copy of the employer's liability X
insurance certificate displayed?
Are the names of trained first-aiders X
Is an accident book held on the premises? X
Are employees and other building users
aware of the location of the accident
Accident Reporting book?
Are internal accident report forms held? X
Is the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) X
leaflet, Everyone's Guide to RIDDOR,
Have all those with health and safety x
responsibilities received specific health
and safety training?
Have all employees attended a general X
health and safety awareness course?
Are records maintained of training x
Are there employees who have received X
specialist training, for example,
NEBOSH national general certificate in
occupational health and safety?
Is a current list of first-aid personnel and X
their locations displayed on each notice
How many first-aid personnel are there x
and how are they spread throughout the
First Aid
Does each first-aider have an adequate x
first-aid box?
Who keeps top-up supplies for first-aid x
Who is responsible for inspecting all x
first-aid boxes for their contents,
visibility, and availability?
Who organizes first-aid training? x
Which organization supplies first-aid x
Are records of first-aid training adequate X
and up to date?
Are treatment record sheets available by X
each first-aid box or located with the
accident book?
Is there a fire certificate for the x
Who has delegated responsibility for fire x
How often are evacuation drills carried x
Are full records of these drills kept, X
including building clearance times?
How often are fire alarms tested and are x
Fire Precautions full records of these tests maintained?
How often are smoke and heat detectors X
Is this in accordance with manufacturers' x
recommendations or fire certificate?
Are full records of these tests X
How often are fixed hose-reel and X
sprinkler systems (if applicable) tested?
Are full records of these tests X
Do the drills and tests comply with the x
conditions of the fire certificate?
Are records kept of visits from the fire X
Is there a service contract for the x
maintenance of fire extinguishers and
other fire control equipment?
Are there adequate fire extinguishers of x
the correct type?
Is there at least one fire warden for each X
What training, practice, or regular x
meetings are arranged for fire wardens?
How often are the offices inspected in x
relation to fire precautions?
Is there a procedure for notifying the fire x
authority of alterations to buildings?
Have assessments been carried out for all x
display screen equipment workstations?
Is there a valid risk assessment for the x
Have all hazardous substances been x
Statutory Risk
Assessment assessed under the Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
Have any other assessments been carried X
out, for example, lifting of loads and
personal protective equipment (PPE)? –
see also points below.
Are the control measures specified in the x
risk assessments being adhered to?
How often does the facilities manager or x
other persons with delegated
responsibility inspect the offices for
Inspections and Audits physical hazards?
When was the last inspection carried out? x
When was the last audit of procedures x
carried out and by whom?
Who is responsible for arranging annual x
lift/elevator inspections, where
Are the premises' electrical installation x
and all portable electrical appliances and
equipment tested by a competent person,
as required by the Electricity at Work
Regulations 1989, with the results of
Work Equipment
those tests and any necessary remedial
action properly recorded?
Are there procedures for inspecting and x
maintaining all work equipment?
Is the use of potentially dangerous work x
equipment restricted to authorized
persons and are those persons properly
Personal Protective Have assessments been carried out to X
Equipment (PPE) determine the requirements of
Have records of these assessments been X
Is all necessary PPE available? X
Are records kept of PPE issued? X
Have employees been trained in the use X
and maintenance requirements of PPE, if
Has adequate storage for PPE been X
Have risks associated with visiting other X
sites or working outside been assessed?
Is a procedure for lone working defined X
Off-Site and in use?
Are employees aware of these procedures X
and have they been trained in them?
Are contractors used for window X
cleaning, maintenance, electrical
installation and so on?
Is there a 'contractors on site' policy X
document that all contractors must read
and then sign as evidence of their
Employing Contractors
(service providers) awareness of their duties and
Do contractors carrying out work on the X
premises complete a health and safety
questionnaire before they are engaged?
Who vets these questionnaires and on X
what basis is it decided that a contractor
is competent to carry out the work?
What information is given to contractors X
on emergency procedures, safety rules,
and access?
Who is responsible for ensuring X
compliance with CDM?
Notices Are all necessary compliance and safety x
signs in place?

As we observed during our interview on octagon, we found out that they only tested their sprinkler,
smoke detectors, and fixed hose once during the construction of the establishments. They also have
insurance incase when the fire and flood occurs. In addition, all their employees undergo on seminars
regarding the safety training at least once a year. They also provide fire exit signs on their establishment
to direct people to emergency exits or areas of refuge.

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