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1,The internet is more convenient than television when it comes to knowledge.

The internet has more to

offer than television, however television provides more accuracy. When I say that the internet is more
convenient, I mean you can look for what to what and there's a good chance you will find it. If you’re
looking for things like a TV show, a video, or even a movie you’re most likely to find it. While television
provide accuracy on exactly what is coming on and what time it’s going to be coming on, the internet
provides more information and knowledge.

2, Advantages of TV
Television, sometimes shortened to TV, helps to upgrade knowledge, It helps you to know
the latest trend in the world, It is nowadays one of the widely used communication media,
useful information can be reached to millions of people directly by TV, and you can get a
whole look all over the world, and many people love television so much that they make
their careers out of it.

We can learn several languages and lots of other useful things by watching television, some
shows and channels offer educational programs that can increase our knowledge and make
us more aware of the world around us, It can connect us to the world and beyond.

Television can educate and inform independently of the government in most parts of the world,
People can learn more and more about the world by watching television, It keeps us updated, and we
can watch live news as well as live shows or live sports easily with the help of television.

Disadvantages of TV

Television often participates in risky, violent, or unwise behaviors and reinforces rigid
gender roles and racial stereotypes, It can portray idealized lives & body types that
negatively impact viewers’ self-esteem, Because of the violent news such as killings and
bombings, we may develop an inflated sense of danger, the content that contains sex or
violence can cause a belief that such behavior is normal and acceptable.

Television is an easy & cheap source of entertainment, By watching international news, we

are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking news around the world, but more use of
television may increase the electricity bill, The advertisers often target the kids, the
children see about 40,000 ads per year on television alone, including ads for unhealthy
snack foods and alcohol.

Too much TV viewing may lead to sleep concerns, behavior issues, worse grades, and other health
problems, and it can even contribute to obesity.

Television may be addictive; up to 12% of TV viewers feel guilty about how much they watch, identify as
addicts, and find it impossible to cut back.
Television turns us into antisocial creatures, replacing our relationships with family and friends. Viewers
can spend hours merely changing the channel in search of something interesting. Most programs
present a skewed or biased view of events. They are too brief and frequently interrupted by
advertisements to delve deeply into any given subject.

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