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Republic of the Philippines

Republic of the Philippines

Capiz State University
Dayao Satellite College
Dayao, Roxas City



Course Facilitator

Essential Questions
Student Teacher
Essential Questions

 What is the role of the cooperating school principal in the teaching internship program?
The role of the cooperating school principal in the teaching internship program is
to oversee the effective implementation of the teaching internship program.

 What are the school’s expectations of the teacher candidates who are placed in their
school for teaching internship?
The school’s expectations of the teacher candidate who are placed in their
school for teaching experience is to be knowledgeable about the schools policy as well
as following the schools rules and regulations.

 What tools do I need to bring in terms of KASH (Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habit)?
The tools that I need to bring in terms of KASH is my dedication, passion and love
for teaching. Without these I cannot assure that I can be able to give my students the
learnings that is necessary for them to learn.
My Performance Task

Performance Task 1
Based on the orientation orientation conducted by the Cooperating Principal, complete the
matrix given below.

Name of Cooperating School Principal



1. Be in proper uniform
I have to be responsible enough as a
2. Be polite student teacher to meet the
expectations of my cooperating
3. Follow the rules and teacher, the students, and the
regulations of the school school. I need to pay attention to my
4. Build good rapport to your cooperating teacher's feedback. I
colleagues need to be patient with my students
5. Courteous
and maintain a positive relationship
with my co-workers. This will allow
me to assert that I am now prepared
to be an effective teacher.
Performance Task 2

Write the school policies and procedures that you need to comply with as teaching intern to
foster harmonious relationship with the wider school community.

School rules and policies I need to What do I need to do?

comply with

1. Manifest a meaningful and To meet the teacher's

comprehensive knowledge of expectations, I would perform
the subject matter they will responsible actions.
2. Practices the professional and I have to remember the school's
ethical requirements of the laws and regulations, as well as the
teaching profession basic ethics of a professional

Performance Task 3

What tools do I need to bring in terms of KASH (Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits) to
prepare myself in the wonderful world of teaching and learning?

Knowledge As I considered becoming a teacher, questions

like "what is the greatest approach to teach?"
arose in my mind. "However, after all these years
of study, I've come to learn that the finest way to
educate is to teach with both your mind and
your heart." Teachers can influence their pupils
to become decent people and competitive
leaders in addition to teaching lessons. Now I
can confidently state that I am ready to
challenge myself to use various teaching tactics
that will help my students.
Attitude The way a person acts is referred to as their
attitude. And as a result, I must maintain a
professional attitude in most situations, such as
while dealing with my coworkers and students. I
must be professional in my chosen field to gain
the respect of my students and the trust of my
coworkers. Then, as a teacher, I must be able to
differentiate between my problems and those in
my classroom.

Skills Teachers are well-known for being multi-

talented individuals. The teacher is required to
have skills that will aid their students, particularly
while discussing a lesson. As a result, I need to
develop skills such as singing, dancing, drawing
theater, and so on. Because I am aware that an
Elementary Teacher must be able to manage,
entertain, and teach students in such a way that
they are motivated and enjoy learning.

Habits The habit that I may introduce and develop for

my kids is one that I enjoyed and learned and
that can benefit them intellectually. I can
demonstrate the importance of reading in a
way that pupils will appreciate. Like the habit of
practicing writing, expressing themselves when
they are upset, and honing their talents like
singing, drawing, and painting.
My Assessment Task

Chose the letter of the correct answer

1. Who oversees the effective implementation of the internship program in the

cooperating school?
A. Cooperating Teacher
B. Cooperating principal
C. Practicum Supervisor
D. Practicum mentor
2. Which activity is done to inform the teaching intern of the school’s policies and
A. Dialogue
B. Mentorship
C. Orientation
D. Question and Answer
3. Why should the school’s policies and procedures be known by the intern?
A. To prevent chaos.
B. To make the intern comply with the rules.
C. To strengthen the TEI’s implementation of the school’s rules and regulations
D. To foster harmonious relationship with the wider school community.
4. Why should orientation sessions be conducted in the cooperating school?
A. To make all thing in order.
B. To comply with the requirements of the teacher education institution
C. To inform the teaching intern of the school’s rules and regulations.
D. To instruct the interns to behave while in the cooperating school.
5. Which tolls/kit are needed to fully equip teaching interns to better prepared teachers?
A. Knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits.
B. Knowledge, appreciation, system and habits
C. Knowledge, attitude, systems and habits.
D. Knowledge, attitudes, skills and Hands-on.
My Learning Artifact(s)

Compose an acronym on the word PRINCIPAL. You may emphasize on his/her

attributes/roles or importance on the Teaching Internship Program.









Given the chance to become a principal someday, what qualities/attributes must you
If given a chance to become a principal someday, the qualities/attributes that I must possess is first

to be visionary, being a visionary leader allows me to be clear about what I believe is the best for the

students, not only academically but also in their social and emotional learning. The second is Emotional

Intelligence, being an emotional intelligence leader makes me understand and manage my own emotions

and recognize, understand and manage the emotions of others. If I have this attribute I can easily take care

of and be able to deal with conflict between people. Last is to exhibit leadership. Leadership is a

characteristic that every school principal must possess because they are the constructional leader of their

institution. A good leader has to take responsibility for the success and as well as the failures of their school.

A good leader puts the needs of others in front of their own and is looking for ways to improve their school

and figure out how to make improvements no matter how hard it might be.
My Scoring Rubrics
Indicators Meets Standard Approaching Meets Does Not Meet
of Excellence Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Standard Standard

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance  Has all the  Has some  Has  No aspect
Tasks aspects of aspects of minimal of work
work that work that aspects meets level
exceed exceed of work of
level of level of that meet expectation
expectati expectatio level of s.
on n expectati  Has errors.
 Shows  Demonstra on. Omissions
exemplar tes solid  With and
Signature of Practicum
y Supervisor performan some misconcepti
performa ce and errors and ons
nce understand MASTERY
ing is not
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers
Learning The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of
Artifacts evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
learning is/are learning is/are learning is/are learning is/are
aligned with aligned with aligned with NOT aligned with
learning SOME of the ONE of the the learning
outcomes learning learning outcomes
outcomes outcomes
Creativity The learning The learning tasks The learning The learning tasks
and tasks are done are done tasks are done are poorly done
Resourcefuln very creatively creatively and quite creatively and need
ess and resourcefully and improvement
resourcefully resourcefully
Submission of The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned tasks
Requirements learning tasks learning tasks are learning tasks are submitted 3
are submitted submitted a day are submitted 2 days or more after
on or before the after the days after the the deadline.
deadline deadline deadline

Signature of Practicums Supervisor

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