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& A th and Upbringing WE woe une Prophet Muhammad" was born i ; among these ae Se people. In those days there ‘ong the Arabs to give their suckling infants ane Bedouin women) who oh take them into the desert, and return them to th a em to the parents after a-few years. ‘ Sania. She loved Hazrat Mahansad™s ney ws S08 cate of Haina had the highest regard for her. He used to cal her "my mane SS At the age of six, Halima Saadia br ce eee | Fought him back to his mother who took im to Yasrib to visit the grave of his father Abdullah und also to meet her relatives. During the return journey from Yasrib, Aminah died and was buried at Aba, Hazrat Muammad™ was brought ack to Maliah by Une ‘Abdul MGtaS WS RSCK over the charge of his grandson. He showered on him all his love and affection, Unfortunately, this also could not last for a long | time as Abdul Muttalib died when the Holy Prophet™" was only eight years old. Then Abu Talib, an uncle of the Holy Prophet™', took over the responsibility of bringing him up as his son. He faithfully and kindly discharged his duties and loved his nephew more than his own sons in those days, reading and writing was not common, therefore, Hazrat Mutammad** did not get any formal education. When he was nine yeas okdy | Hot Mubammad*** began to show signs of an intelligent and inquisitive | renee te loved solitude and would not indulge in playful activites with chile | of his own age. He was loved by the people because of his sweet and peaceful nature, Scanned with CamScanner ¥ At the age of twelve, he accompanied Abu Talib on a trade journey tg tig nd proeeded a fr as Basta. There they mel a Christian moak, Bahia \ recognize in Haorat Mohammad the signs of the Prophet a related in Christian fonts He aed Abu Tah 0 take Hs nephew too for mo Sia pee that the Jews may recognize him as the future prophet and harm him, Wier his reurn from Syria, Hazrat Muhammad? used £0 spend tong hoy in solizry meditation and speak Less to the people. He, however, was yor . ¢ ¢ widows and the orphans. From his childhigg, aiticular in helping the poor, the widows andi = Fl a offered as a sacrifice t them. During his youth, he worked as a shepher ‘whigh gave him an opportunity for, thought agd meditation. . "facwe Cocos bey Peo Bee endian. Howes, Harb-ul-Fijarh Kona lok sheller ww Maobabyord erreant) Hazrat Muhammad"? was about fifteen years old when a sacrilegious war jar broke out between the Quraish and Hawazin tribes. The way was so called because it was foypbt during the saered months, when fighting was fovbiddernmtt dau by hap lounadie cuntestlteaye Hazrat Muhammad?* aecompsinied his uncles, but he did not take an active part in the war. He only collected the arrows thrown by the enemy and handed them over to his uncles, ‘This was @ major event in the life of Hazrat Muhammad"™” and one which ‘must have had a great impact on his character. His impression of the war was ‘most probably concerned with the tragic results of the war, the bloodshed and the unnecessary human suffering. Being the first armed conflict that he Witnessed, he could not have escaped its influence on his mild and peace yoxing temperament and he must have developed a very strong and lasting dislike for war. At the same time his indirect partici ‘experience that is so vital for any pé throt ipation in the war also gave him a military erson destined to be a leader of people ugh major socio-teligious revolution, |-Fazul As 2 result of Fijar war thousands of lives were lost. Whe, s lives were lost. When the leaders of Makkah saw the effpets of the war, they formed a league called Half-al-Fazul with the objet of he region; also for suppressing any hevdesciare) MBSHRE And for upholding the rights of the weak ge poor and the destitute) B00 ¢ yery lity This allisiice was called al Whom was called al-Bazl, It is Fazul because it was made for honour. ‘wl after three of also suggested thi ® noble cause: 1 the main participants each of at this alliance was called al- he mame suggests maintaining Scanned with CamScanner ‘The Hashimites under the leadership of Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib along with some other tribes assembled in the house of a noble Quraish, Abdullah bin Judan and pledged to stand on the side of the oppressed, whether stranger ‘or citizen, against the oppressor and to remove injustice from the land, Hazrat Muhammad" was among those who attended the meeting and was so impressed by its noble objectives that he remained loyal to it. Later on, he said: “I was present in the house of Abdullah bin Judan at so excellent a pact that I would not exchange my part in it for a herd of red camels, and if now in Islam, I were summoned unto it, | would gladly respond” (Muhammad: Martin Linos) Scanned with CamScanner res Marriage to Khadija AM that time sere lived in Makkah 2 wealthy and respectable widow Khadija, daughter of Khuwatid, who was the great grandson of Qussa. She was very impressed by the honesty and goodness of Hazrat Muhammad” She was forty years old and twice widowed. She had two sons and a daughter from her previous marriages. On account of her exceptional character, she ‘was known as Tahira, the pious one. She sequested Hazrat Muhammad o take her merchandise to Sys aguins fa chate in the profits. She also sent her slave Maisara with him. He returned from Syria with good profits. Maisara also spoke of his fair deslings © Hazrat Khadija, She was so pleased that she herself made an offer of marie’ him. ‘Abu Talib accepted the proposal on behalf ofthe Holy Prophet™ and shortly. thereafter, he married Hazrat Khadija. At that time be was twenty-five and she ‘vas forty, The union proved successful. They had to Ni and four daughters. Duth the sone died in infancy. Of the daughters, only the youngest, Hazrat 43 o Scanned with CamScanner — o mn sive he Hel) Pay ner death at the age . } Hazrat Khaulija wats the Prophet's! aaa tne fin year of Prophethood. The Holy Prophet™* always retaingy © sixtsfive in 2 his love for her, She was buried in Mi Oe ixing of Black Stone (Hajr al-Aswad) [( 0; \) teat the lowest pant in the valley of Paran and way water, The people of Makkal tried various methods 1, I their efforts failed and the building was damaged by I it. The tsk of rebuilding the Kaaba The Ratabal is always Nooded by stop this Mooxting, But awks They therefore rong th in harmony, wathout any dispute, But when the time came to place the Black 1° oF Hajr alsAswad in its proper place, a dispute arose among the chief, of Makkah. Everyone wanted the honour of placing the Holy Stone in its proper Place. There was fear of bloodshed. But then a proposal came from a wise, old ‘man who said that the first person 10 enter the Ka'abah the following moming, should decide the issue. His suggestion was aceepted by all Neat morning. the first person (o enter the Ka'abah was Hazrat Muhammad? who at that time was thirty-five years old. The people of Makkch agreed t0 accept his decision, He asked the leaders of the different families of Quraish to hold the four comers of a sheet of cloth which he spread on the ground. Then he placed the Black Stone in the middie of the sheet and asked them t0 lift it up together. When the sheet reached the proper height, he lifted the Black Stone and laid it in its place with his own hands. Thus, an explosive situation was resolved Peacefully by the wisdom and foresight of Hazrat Muhammad™™. Call to Prophethood — GIOM.. ( rpal Win age ad roving undsvanang tert Maha same mor aware of the corrupt society around him and it diurbed city rbd him greatly. He could not believe the poyteiste iess of the pagans of Maka cad shen ines Of God of his foetaer, thai and Isai He dina fallow om ane method of worship, Becase fe Was no aware of any: bt Ne elon Se is 4 force of wath beyond this world which mat have power ent ee the whole universe A few years before the conferment of prophethood, he became more and more fond of solitude. He started rering for days with a supply ot dates eaiveal and water into a eave in a nearby mountain, known ay Hla. There he ponte and meditated over the condition of his people, These spells of lonelinens aed ‘meditation became more Frequent as he approached the age of forty One day towards the end of Ramazan, he was at the mount of Hira, when Scanned with CamScanner and asked him to read. This was so sudden a ied by the strange voice. he answered: “I cannot read” queezed so hard that he thought %. He was then released and the request to read = said Muhammad™ again. The angel again % fad. Muhammad was afraid of being squeezed “What sh Tread?” The angel then recited the the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, of ¢ (mere) clot of congealed bloods ss Lond is Most Bountfil recited these verses atier the angel and the words were on his ming. This was the first revelation and the begining of shood of Hazrat Muhammad™. He was then forty years old. -°* was greatly shaken by this experience and he ran out of the aly. he heard a voice and raising his head in the sky, he saw the you are the messenger of Allah and I am Jibrael.” looked, he saw the same vision and heard the same voice. stood there until the angel disappeared. he came home a bit shaken at his selection for this He feared the thought of the huge and memendous s mission, He narrated the incident to Hazrat Khadija. She comforiad and assured him that no harm could come to 2 man of his narure and thet Allzh would procect him from all evils, Then she took him to her cousin Warga bin Naufal, who was a scholarly person and had embraced Christianity hearing what had happened to her husband at the mount of Hira. he Was the Angel Jibrael who had elways brought revelations to previous masengers of Gad. He also informed her that his enemies would tum the new Prophet out of his city. Preaching by the Holy Prophet*=* The ‘as stopped for some time. The Holy Prophet passed this and anxiery, until ont day, he saw angel Jibrsel again. in chair. The Holy Prophet" became frightened and rushed ja to cover him up. She covered him up. after which he ther revelation which ssid ed up (in @ mantle? Scanned with CamScanner 74: 1-3) if Ala, the Hol Islam, He pre ces of inaounct atives that he tl err invited his them the Oneness vil ways. following their ei front, He confined his hought would ly Proph hed 0 tl Barz FO amy Lond thee ree oe tives to the tend an af anand wart Bh bead a th ree toate espe —— a he clieve in him was his » p. wtiois Theft per ean This a flowed by he aeeptanes meee rol Also of ADS al eee non etapa 38 Za bi as pe it fe sn ee pe mci fail ws is lose Fiend Hazrat Abu Bake. » artnet atiba Within a pe mewateinseerc, about for righteous and God-fearing people accepted Isfam ‘Among them were Usman, Talha, Zubair, Abdur Rahman bin Auf, Saad bin Abi Wagas and Abdullah bin Masud. sca These early converts were the people who had witnessed the Prophet's” private and public life very closely and had arived atthe conclusion that such 2 gentle and honest person could not mislead the people. “Then came smother revclation that said “And admonish thy nearest kinsmen.” — (26:214) In order to cary out this command, the Holy Prophet" invited his relatives {to his house and said to them: “Allah has ordered me to call you to Him, so See will help a in this affair and be my friend, my adviser and amy deputy No one responded to the message except Ali, who said: "O Prophet of Allah! I shall be your helper, I will fight him who fig Teughed and dispersed making fon ofthe Holy Prophee See ne lwars he recived ‘nother revelation through which the Holy ond tawny Bath Eo: “Expound openly what tho art conmanrseg allowing is cont fate sods with Allah.” (15:94) Maka athe St bl and sido hem: “CF Drees mole the people of Quraish, 1 were to tell you thet 4 large army hak coleced Sky a ea a Ae ie of ts mona oe and his Prophethood, they because Masked them xd them of the cs * amake any public 3 fiends and Fc his close fi who accepted his 1¢ of Islam ed to addres Seen gatherings and on approach routes ag yy’ "he people in nd people ‘started roa ee 4% embracing Islam | Scanned with CamScanner BF opposition and Persecution by the Quraish pr 3 | When the Holy Prophet" dectared his message in public Snd daffed upon >the people of Makkah to adopt it asa faith and way of life he moved into a new sage i the history of preaching Islam. Uptil now, the Holy Prophet and his followers had confined themselves to preaching Islam to a limited number of people. The Holy Prophet's declaration of his message, however, changed the picture as the whole society was now called upon to accept a total change where they were not only asked to pay homage to Allah instead of their idols, but they were also asked to bring about a complete change in their social conduct. economic and commercial practices as well as their political thought and iniluence ‘The response of the influential people of Makkah was hostile. They felt that anless they met the new call ssith stiff opposition, it was hound to be accepted by 2 large section of the popilation, especially the poor and the slaves Among those who took the lead in the opposition were the most influential chiefs of the Quraish, namely Abu Jabl, Abu Labab, Abu Sufyan, Walid bin lughaira and Atba bin Rabi. The poor and the weak converts to Islam, like (Bilal, Ammar bin Yasir and others like them suffered torture and severe persecution at the hands of these chiefS. They were thrown into prison, starved and then beaten with sticks. They were exposed to the scorching heat of the desert sand where they were offered the alternative of worshipping idols or death, Some of them died of the effects of the torture, but none renounced his religion, Even rich and respected people like Talha, Zubair, Saced bin Zaid, The opposition increased gradually. Rubbish and thorny bdShes were thrown and abuses were hurled at him- Once; when he-was-praying ah Qurash rolled his sheet round his neck and tried to strangle him. AnGéher time when he was prostating dung prayers, Abu Jaht placed! filth-on-hi back. His daughter. Fatima, removed it fom her father's back, also launched a conipaign against the Holy Prophet calling ma poet and a magician. Poems were written to ridicule the CHoly Prophet. Abu Lahab forced his two sons tO-divorce their wives. Rugayya and Umm-e-Kulsum, the Prophet's" daughters.When the ~ _ Prophet's! second son died in infancy Abu Lahab rejoiced and called the ) ligration to Abyssinia," ), The hardships and suffering of the Muslims increased, The Holy Prophet therefore, gave permission to a group of Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia Accordingly in the fifth year of prophethood, a group of eleven men and four women secretly left for Abyssinia. These included Hazrat Usinan-andhis-sife Rugayya, daughter of the Holy Prophet, Then followed another Group of ‘Seventy-nine men and seven women including Hazrat Jafar, son of Abu Talib. ““Najashi, the Christian king of Abyssinia treated the Muslims with kindness and respect and the Muslims found a safe place to live. When the Quraish came to know of this, they sent a deputation with some gilts to the king to request him to hand over the emigrants to them. Najashi was a kind and just man. He said in reply that he could not hand ‘over the Muslims to them until he found out the teuth about their religion, He called the Muslims to his court and after hearing the speech of Hazrat Jafar who explained the principles of Islam and what the Holy Prophet" had targht them, Najashi refused to send them back, Ieis said that Najashi asked Jafar to recite some ayats from the Holy Quran and Jafar recited a portion of Surah Maryam. After heating it, Najashi said “By God this and the Gospel are the lights of one candle. Thereafter Najashi returned the gifts brought by the leaders of Makkab, ‘Thus the mission failed and the Quraish returned totally ogo Significance of Migration to Abyssinia «, The migration of the Holy Prophet's" companions to Abyssinia was a a) Scanned with CamScanner a Ta 118 Makkah as the leaders of the Quraish were very anBry 2 Abyssinia heir tanure 10 Boycott Pye f Keeaaeeisnce of Islam by Hamza, the Prophet's* uncle and Umar son of Khett. greatly upset and enraged the pagans. They could see the honour 4nd prestige of the Holy Prophey'™* and his followers growing. They also saw the respect with which Najashi fad treated the Muslims and so they began to fear for themselves. They demanded that the,Banu Hashim withdraw their Protection from the Holy Prophet and hahd him over to them or face a complete boycou. This demand was tmed don. [50 sateen Scanned with CamScanner : a) a jomt agreement that enlorced a total social and economic boycott of the u Hashim. ‘This agreement way put into writing and hung in the Ka’aba, With the exception of Abu Lalab the Holy Prophet™® along with his tribe, whether believer or non-heliever, was forced to live in a secluded valley, known as Shib Abi Talib, in the outskirts of Makkah, which was the property of Abu Hib. AIL the roads leading into the valley were blocked. ‘The Muslims were sxcluded fromm all social and gomine . They wi trade dealings. No one could venture forth from the Shib OT pilgrinaye, when the hesieged were allowed to come out. Whatever little they had to eat, & ally finished and then came a ti extreme difficulty, Their condition became so bad that children cried with hungér, adults fed on boiled leather and leaves of trees. and the valley echoed with the eries of helpless people. 1 ¢ 13 im ‘These conditions continued for three years, until a few kind-hearted men among the unbelievers moved by pity, decided to break the agreement and lift the ban. The Bunu Hashim were then able to come out of the gorge: Although the period of boyeott meant that the Muslims suffered great rdships, it was not without some benefit to Islam, Despite the boycott new converts continued to trickle through although on a very limited scale. The suffering of the Banu Hashim moved the kind hearted among the unbelievers 7 1 tne ation aginst he havingrie, Abu. Jab them. A. ( ydicwe, pirat Year of Grief ’ fm the LOth year of Prophethood, Hazrat Khadija died. In the same year the Prophet's™* uncle Abu Talib too, passed away. The Holy Prophet™* was so deeply grieved by the deaths of his wife and his lov i ole hat this year was calied AmoulHazn, the Year of Grief.3) rity [Wool Wo yo ese ‘The dear STATI Talib, provided an opportunity tothe enemy, to harm and Persecute the Holy Prophet?."The Mustims shared in his sorrow, but they ‘were tao weak to stand up against the Quraish or to provide the kind of protection hat he had lost due to the death of Abu Tal. TLiey(o yt a 9 Iaeacne deat ref) This caused disunity among He lo lost Limoncal Sy Marriage with Sawdah and Aisha// ~~ | A " Jn the 10th year of Prophethood, the Holy Prophet™® mariied’ Sadah, Widow of a companion who had emigrated to Abyssinia, She had ceturned to Makkah on the death of her husband, Later in 1e year the Prophe™ Married Aisha, daughler of his close friend Abu Bakr. The marriage was Solemnised in Madinah,p7 A. si 1 Scanned with CamScanner to Taif 7) Alter the death of Ab\ Holy Prophet™®. This new sit ised their attacks against the ger stay in int that he could no 0 Makkah with any hope of victory. Belare things became too critical, he had to explore new avenues in his search for support, So, accompained by his adopted son, Zaid bin Haris, he set out for Taif, to preach the Divine Message to its people the second largest tribe in Arabia. As he Tait was populated by Sagee began his journey he was full of ‘would signify new phase in the history of Islam. In Tait the Holy Prophet approached the chiefs calling upon them to believe in Allah and t© support him in his efforts to establish Islam: but none gave hima favourable response. Instead, they set upon him a crowd of teenagers to follow him and shout abuses at him. They even threw stones at him. He was so badly wounded that his shoes were filled with blood. Zaid tried hard to defend and protect him from the stones. In trying to shield the Holy Prophet” his head was badly wounded, The mob followed them until they were driven tothe outskirts of the city “(ihe Holy Prophet then sought refuge in an orchard that belonged to two Grothers, who although opposed to Islam{and to the Holy Prophet, felt sorry for him. They sent their Christian slave’ with a bunch of grapes for him. \ Afterwards, the Holy Prophet*™* set out on his journey back to Makkah. While resting in the orchard, the Holy Prophet™® prayed to Allah to show the people of Taif the right path. He said: “Why should I pray for the destruction of these people? I hope that their posterity will certainly be among the believers in one Allah.” (Muslim) In9 A, the whole of Taif embraced Islam. spe that if they responded favourably it Pledges of Aqabah _)\ (3.12 On his return to Makkah from Taif, the Holy Prophet?™ resumed his preaching concentrating more on strangers, who came to Makkah for the pilprimaze. In the eleventh year of Prophethood, six pilgrims from the tribe of Khustaiin Yasrib came to Makkah, The Holy Prophet™ invited them to Islam, ‘Alter hearing the teachings of fslam, they embraced the faith, When they returned 0 Yasnb, they introduced Islam to their friends and relatives, In this way, the message of Islam reached Yasrib, Next year, that is, the 121n year of the Prophethood, twelve persons from Yasriby met the Holy Rope “at Agubuh, accepted the faith and agreed to abstain from idol ca ete aieane ee S to lead a righteous life and to believe in One Gat Ts calle ne ge of Aqubah, ‘These Muslims promised to 7 he Holy Prophet sent wo persons with them to 52 Scanned with CamScanner = reach Islam to the residents of that city. In the 13th year of the Prophethood, a deputation consisting of sevent persons came from Yasrib to take the same pledge. This is called the 5 Pledge of Aqabah. They also invited the Holy Prophet to Yasrib and pledged {ull support for him and his followers. On the return of this deputation, tslam |, begs t0 spread rapidly in Yasriy 0 Migration to Yasrib ealyCases 1k was after the pledges oF Aqabal that the bora in the heart of the Holy Prophet, but there were also strong which compelled him to leave Makki for Yasrib ‘The people of Makkah were generally hard and ill tempered. On the other hand, the people of Yasrib were tender hearted and considerate, so Islan could find a more suitable ground in Yasrib then at Makkah in its early period of expansion. ‘DThe Holy Prophew™ was hated and despised by his own people in Makkah, but he was invited by the people of Yasrib to come to their city. The priests of Makkah opposed Islam from the very beginning, because the Success of Islam meant their own desteuetion, as Islam is opposed to idol worship. In Yasrib, however, there was no priest class, so it was easier to preach Islam there. A In Yasrib the two tribes of Aus and Khazraj, who had been at war with each ‘ther looked for a steong leader who could establish peace in their land. so they invited the Holy Prophet" to come to their city. The Jews, who were living at Yast, had been informed of the coming of the Holy Prophet as a supporter of their scriptures, so they were eager (0 receive him. “The aggressive attitude of the Quraish and their persecution was an important factor in the migration to Yasrib. specially the death of Abu Talib who had been his protector from the very beginning. ‘After the pledges of Adabah, the Muslims realized that the people of Yascib were ready to welcome them and there was a place where they could seek refuge. ing to Yass 2) Event of Migration ‘When the unbelievers came to know of these developments, they redoubled their persecution of the Holy Prophet and his followers. The Prophet”, therefore, advised them to emigrate to Yasrib secteily, Thereafter family’ after family left in this manner. By and by, all the companions of the Holy Prophet™* except Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Ali succeeded in migrating to Yast. The Quraish held meeting in the council hall, Dar-un-Nadwa, where it was onl Scanned with CamScanner : wend 1c selected who wo exch ety Hm Tis way thee Piet and Kl WO apt co cake reVENEe, would me his enemies by Allsh and Agere decided that simulans woul fe acest “ie Fly Poh vey ee ata 3 ee re ont (of thy home). The ret pers Aj and 10 etur te valuables Ae A ve people. Then quietly. he left the house re ied ty Abu Bakr, he made his way to Yasrib, wend aE ung fr him everywhere, he stayed in the cave of ir for the days al nigh. i SE eI Therchiefs of Makkah found Ali in Hazrat Monanmad'y™ bed they were furious. Determined more than ever to find him, they offered a huge reward of one hundsed camels for his capture, dead or alive. ‘Many soone men of the Quraish sent out in search of the Holy Prophet™* and came close tothe cave, Hazsat Aba Bakr vembled with fear and expected them to bye into the eave, He said to the Holy Prophet™", “If anyone of them lsis dwn he wl nd us” To this, the Holy Prophet answered: “O Abu a, ew ano foro men hase conan conpanion i Allah Hse?" is incident is mentioned inthe Quran in the following. words: for « than one companion: the two were in the cave, and he said to hen Companion have no er for Mahi with ws. (95 a0), Ne S404 #0 is ome members of the Qurash party ci ot iter tne ance 2 oe asl rey clue upto the cave and the foremost CIES Sd ot go io the cave. He answered “ig ea ene asked him cts nd ee spo ene entrance is covered with mn te threshold. Obviously. no one att cd Holy ste Prophet a Hashim x of this pl ht nd against rey pot a (8:30) thee in bonds, hee, to keep ae Allah 100 id plan, and or stay the plans, Bur he best Of “The Holy Prophct™ ash entrust to the Prophet" On thew ay. the Holy py Hazrat Ali Holy p After f On his i re WAY Tn the quarters of Scanned with CamScanner stay at the plice where his Vt on ty pl ‘on it the mosque with ‘wats being built, he stayed in toys. The Holy Prophet" paid the price fori two rooms for his own abode, White the mosqu the house of Hazrat Abu Ayub An ‘The name of the ei inter shortened to Maclin, This is called the Hijrat, or the emigration of the Holy Prophe Makkah (0 Yasrib. This marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, fmportance of Migration The importance-of migration.can be judged from the fact that the Muslim calender starts from this event and not from any other incident in the life of the Prophet? “The migration not only completely altered the prevailing conditions of Arabia, but it changed the entire course of human history. Those who embraced Islam before migration used to pray secretly for fear of the unbelievers. As they were weak and in minority and the unbelievers were powerful and strong, it was not possible for them to fight for their faith or to defend themselves from the torture n, Jt was after migration that Muslims became strong enough to injustice and persecution. “Tn Makkah, the Holy Prophet could not preach his faith as openly as he wished: whereas, in Madinah, he got the chance to preach and explain his faith and show his followers. how-to act upon: the commandments of Allah. He also. ~ got the chance to organize his followers into a disciplined community. Despite differences of colour, race, social and economic status, Muslims became one nation and Madinah became the place where the Holy Prophet's" call received response and continued to grow and expand. ‘The Muslims had to leave their homes and property, and in some cases, even their wives and children when they migrated. They thus, proved that Allah and His religion were more-important for-them than anything else in the world. ‘Among the numerous blessings of migration, one of the most important was the creation of brotherhood between the emigrants from Makkah known as Mufiajirin and the helpers of Madinah known as Ansar. According, 10 this, brotherhood, the Ansar shared all their possessions with the cmigrants who had left all their belongings in Makkaly and were in great need of such help. Scanned with CamScanner BS stiraon ‘also proved to be a turning point in the life of the Holy Propherta oral humifigtion at Makkah were over and the yeay, th fie Was muute the head of the state, je acher, took on the role of statesman ayy who, had fil now been a poli it which he proved equally capable. caves he Holy Prophet's" exp Cave of Mira / nee that took place in the eave of Hira was the beginning of revelation “ara aly Quest tat nat only changed the Hives of people of Arabia but aso sahistary of the world (it marked the beginning of Hazrat Muhammad's Prophethood™* and the spread of Islam's universal message The very first verses revealed to him tell ws about Allah, the Creator and Master of everything. The revelation came to the Prophet™* through angel Jibracl, who brought the revelation to Hazrat Muhammad" as also to all opher previous prophets. _ iso mention reading and writing which shows the importance The verses OF knowledge in Islam, Allab enlightens man in all kinds of knowledge. That the first revelation ends with the words: “Taught man that which he ian’s teacher and the Quran is a Book that gives world and to is why knew not”. Allah Himself is m man information and directs him how to lead his life in thi prepare himself for the next. This experience of the Holy Prophet™ reveals to us that_Hazrat wwe of Sour ‘The stay in the cave of Saur holds great significance in the history of Islam. isa ee RAs Tesi UU enc lee, the nce nd its branches, bath the Holy Prophet@“s and Hazrat Abu Bakr would have eat Shea aig ign Batya RES AE reve SET a ne emigration of the Holy Prophet™ to Madinah and so preserved the opportunity {or the spread oF slain (This shows that Allah protects His chosen people from the vile gf this world and proves thal Allah has power and control ove evgsything Gre Muslims glso learnt about the spirit of true friendship as shown by Hazrat Abu Baki} It proved a turning point for the Holy Prophet" for alter the refuge in the cave, he managed to reach Yasrib safely, where he urrounded by his follovers from Makkah, and also those who lived in Madinah. (He did not have (o fight alone anymore but had his suppogers around hit. “his led to the consolidation of the Mastin rule in Main) A 56 Scanned with CamScanner . pede Aaa Life & Importance of Prophet “~ Chopter 2, amma Life in Madinah (622-632 A.D.) Te pee fe cows line so iat 3 : te 1ST YEAR OF HIJRAT Mosque of the Prophet™* Salocl et ‘The first important thing that the Holy Prophet™ did on arriving in Madinah was to build a mosque that not only ‘became a spiritual centre for worship, but also the political and military headquarters for the new state. Ail affairs of the state were conducted at the mosque. It soon developed into (| an institute of learning where discussions and seminars were held, and a social institution where Muslims learnt and practised discipline, unity and brotherhood. ), ve ‘The land for the mosque was bought from two orphans and the Holy | Propher™ himself worked hard with his companions to complete the building. This mosque was known as the “Mosque of the Prophet" or Mas &- Nabawi. It is referred to in the Quran in the following words: Zl “—, there is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of thy standing forth (for prayer) therein. in it are men if who love to be purified, and Allah loveth those who make themselves pure.” (9:108) Ba (re was of me mosque nate of aka wks, te wot wae pg musLand date palm leaves and the trunks of date palm tees were used for pillars. A large platform with a thatched roof, was built in one of the comers mosque. This was known us Suffah. It became the training centre for Islamic education and also a shelter for poor Muslims specially, the emigrants be from Makkah. ) ‘After the Holy Kaaba, the Masjid-e-Naba is the holiest mosque. Azan (Call for Prayers) In order to call the believers to the: mosque for offering their prayers in congregation, the system of calling Azan was introduced, as suggested by Hazrat Umar. Hazrat Bilal was appointed as the Muezzin. a Scanned with CamScanner inhabit jinah ants for the inhabitants of Mae Arrangemet a) Settlement of Munajirin wi Masfinah belonged 6 pve gategaries. Those ssho had migrate : ay emigrants. Those wh + eas Sin oem’: Tho oot wa ee cts a SBE hg oh an ad hen see rats were Seely Poor ccna Te all thei Belonging were brown as even those wh fad been well off im Mal sll rae Halk Prophet established brotherhood between these [WO ETOUps rin were in need of help. and so h Misiims. He tol the Ansar thatthe Mubjit nn ; Snel create Broterhood between them. The Ansar willingly agreed Tae hes tok their Muhajirin brothers to their Houses. treated them wih pepialf und shared all ther possessions with thert The Holy Quran mention are ands: “Those who believed and adopted exile, and fought for ty ‘wth tein properts and their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well a who gave (them) asslum and aid, these are (all) friends and protector, of another.” (8:72) The emigrants and their hosts were united into a bond of brotherhood, whist, proved. in practice. to be stronger than real brotherhood. Even the enmity between the 0wo tribes of Madinah, Aus and Khazraj was forgotten, 3s ‘mentioned inthe Holy Quran: “... And remember with gratitude Allah's four om you: for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, 50 that by His race, ye became brethren... (3:103) : |b) Treaty with the Jews: (Charter of Madinah) The nae es maine of re ber of Jos: Ban Qing, Banu Narr and Bas sce in he itt of Medinah thr oa Sa Roce an serronct wos rahe wich ged liber oflloy ter own fat widens Or is followers sated tha the Maine and Jone ee ge HOY Pophet™ or low Jes were alles and novi hel This treaty is a landmark in the hist ai nt 9 inthe history of mankind. it gon of worship for the Jew: tection of thelr etn re Scanned with CamScanner {yam AERP OO 6 tablish frienully and coudial relations fe the Jows of Madinah t0 hive together ay peaceful citizen foo from all invaders, » virtue of this agreement, the relations between the Must slated and at basis for the governance at Malin section would have complete freedom of relig plete autonomy sith regard to its internal affairs, but would be ey an aulininistrative fostem that Would be presided over hy the Holy Prophet" uy also established the Holy Prophet!" adhnal, He came to be recog 1s and the Jews h was provided, Fach ais the leader und the head the undisputed leader, Hypocrites ‘At the time of the Prophet's™* migration, many people of Ih accepted like the success of on. They are known as *Hypoerites’ or Munafiqin in the Holy Quran that says the following about thet “When it is said t0 them. ‘Come fo what Allah hus revealed, and to the Messenger’, thou seest the hypocrites avert their faces from thee in disgust” (4: 61) To all appearances, they became Muslims and prayed and fasted as if they belonged to the Muslim community. Deep at heart, however, they did not believe. Their hears were full of hatred for the Prophet" and his companions. ‘They spared no effort in their attempts to cause harm t@ the Muslims. ‘Th proved fo be more dangerous than the Islam, However, among them there were some who did 1: Prophet’ mi believers, because they were able 10 now the secrets of the Muslims and pass them on to the enemies of Islam, Their leader was Abdullah bin Ubbay. Before the Prophet's migration, preparations were being made 10 erown him the king of Madinah, but after the Prophet's™* migration, he was deprived of that position. He, however, wed to have great influence over all hose sho viewed Iskam with hatred and suspicion, He continuously intrigued with the chiefs of Makkah t0 wage ‘war against the Muslims (His behaviour at the time of Battle of Uhad, when he withdrew three hundred of his supporters and almost broke the strength of the Muslims was damaging to the cause Of Islam. After the Battle of Trench, he was in secret contact with the Jews who ayer exiled from Madinah, to inform them of the movement of the Muslims, Abdullah bin Ubbay built a mosque outside“Madigah, where, he a his companions used to hold meetings against the Holy Prophet". When Allah revealed verses against this house of conspiracy, which the hypocrites filled a mosque, it was demolished and burnt by the order of the Holy Prophev*= BR 59 Scanned with CamScanner nel died, With his deay ye Faith. ell ill fon, Abdllal fell i a ned to the genit 5 oon afer the Tabuk Exped many of the hypocrites Fe} 2ND YEAR OF HURAT tec and 0 oo Ramazan was made obligatory upon all adult Muslin, singin he mono Raazan was ma oS ae aT i ms rescred "0 sim who believe! Fasting és inat you may (learn) selfrestraint.” (2: 183) those before you so that yo kat was also made obligatory upon all rich Muslims ir The payment o = i ‘of your substance inthe cause of Alla; .. do good: for Ath loveth those who do good.” (2:195) Change of Qiblah py, , AW important event Gf the second year of Hijrat was the change of Qiblah, ‘that is the direction to which a Muslim turns his face while saying his prayers. In Makkah, the Muslims used to Pray facing the direction of the Mosque of At-Agsa in Jrusalum. In Madinah, they continued 10 do $0 Tor over stereo, tre eacdt 2 AH. while te Holy Prophet™ was leading the Ast prayes a the mosque in Madinah, he was ordered to Pray facing the direction of the Ka’ ‘aah, sehich henceforth, became the religious centre for Muslims. The Holy Kemnay att te congregation immediately turned fete, towards jac nts conection, the Holy Quran saya: “We een turning of your Y ce or Suidance) to the heavens: now shall We turn you to @ Qiblal that ‘lease You. Turn then your face in the direction Of the sacred Mosque. Oi (2:14) \ Battle of Badr ai ay te Rapa Se smn sium the Holy Propheu™ had only Madinal me Quraish, who eventually forced sh of Mata n!® £8 opposition tren eee followers The ty ns ner determined to erush the Mustims nde PL eis pretnn ESPEN oF the P# economic leaden ES Bian of toe aes 4 Scanned with CamScanner —_— + catered ines teMty si the Baly Secondly. there were the Jews whi i Prophee’, yet dey team uo inteigue, and thew vatsins thes began ts break eaties Wath the Murti fi Apitt team these tive enemies, there were the hypoctites nr the Munatiqgin the interests of the Musines {he Holy Prophet tad tally sete sw an tAadinah hen the Curis Pi Mab alt sent ward tn the people i Madinah ter hun eecen the Healy and the emigtants to them, ar bill them ‘The Anwar whey had (Prep 7 temelves, invited the (aly Puophet= tw Marlinah, refused to diy se Ik ype bad accepted Wham, tan weve wend inp | A that trove Abw Sutyan, a tic and influential feat af the CQuraish, was ewan ft Syria with a caravan carsying mere He asked the Cueaish fe ner an armed experlitiom 40 escort him hume safely as he did tt wart te | she the USK of taterference trom the Muslims un his way. ‘The Quraish, Matar eit ue Joi Abu Sultyan an Syein. When Abu Sufyan reached Haikah safely he asket the army us scium bur thoy refused uo do on, Some of the leaders, Wke Abu Inbl, insisted om advanetg tountdy Madinaty ) In the month of Satie 2 AL, Allah hi already piven pereissin vs fight apainnt the unbelievers, “Fight tr she case’ af Allah those wha Sight you lB (21%) When the Holy Prophet" learnt that the Quraish wer advancing towards Madinah with the intention to attack, he immediately called the Muslims to lake ecesary steps The Muti and ne ae a i fhemvclves. They were threeshundred and thirteen men in with only two homes an a few camel SFYC), . bi, which is a village ata distance’of about eighty Y had come with a huge quantity of food supply sith rived it Bale First they occupied all itnportant portions ‘They were about one thousand in nyeber with all thelr bewt meres and arms and a large number of horses and camel), | When the Holy Prophet" and his’ Companions reached ihequipped with gags and the place which they acupied hel ‘ler. Before the battle started. Ye Holy Prophet" prayed to Allah to help them against the praties of Islam) The prayer was uevepted and heavenly ayiistenn was Promised in these Words of the Quran: [Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered Jou: “Twill assist you with a thousand of the autgels, ranks om ranks.” (8:9) (Meunwhite, there was heavy rain and the Muslims collected sulficient water {or theif use-\stimately, the two armies met and the bale stanat White the bite was going om, the Holy Prophet prosiated. betone Ala and prayed A Atak! Wf this small band of men perish, there will be mo one alice vy worship You, and Yerur faith will be destroyed forever.” adr. they were Regarding these two ill-matched armies, the Qu icy Scanned with CamScanner [uoref-Allah granted victory (0 min the two armies that met (in combat ie other resisting Allah; these saw wit, “There has already been for you a sis! lah doth support with His aid whom i ih, th was fighting in the cause of Allah, their own eves twice their number. But A He pleascth—.” (3:13) ims. The Quraish fled in disorder, leaving ; Se tet Mead and wounded on the battlefield. In all, seventy of the Qusish were or tet enich included very famous chiefs and warriors like ‘Shaibs, Ltba and Abi Jahl. Seventy were taken prisoners. Among them were eae Gnele of the Holy Prophet, Ageel, tbe brother of Hazrat Ali, ang eens aa the son-in-law of the Holy Brophet™"(The Muslims lost only fourteen people, six Muhajirin and eight Ansa). The Quran mentions this victory in these words: Allah had helped you at Badr, when you were a contemptible little force.” (3: 123) When news of this defeat reached Makkah the whole town was struck with grief, There was also much anger and pledges were taken to avenge the blood of their kinsmen. For this purpose, preparations were started on an extensive level. In Madinah, the captives were dealt with very mercifully. All those captives who could pay were freed after payment of ransom. The poor and the old were freed without ransom. Those who could read and write were charged with the duty of teaching ten Muslim children each and to get their freedom after: fixed period of teaching, Scanned with CamScanner aed 3RD YEAR OF HIJRAT Bs ihad —_ Battle 7 tae of Badr, Islam gained a firm footing at Madinah and the er ~ After Te of the city began to increase. The Quraish considered the rise of impor as a threat to their politieal and commercial interests, Moreover, they Madi forget their defeat in the battle of Baclr. Several of their important not fore i could tere killed in the battle( and they wanted tw avenge their des Tb of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nazir went to Makkah to Faicipate in the mourning for those killed at Badr be and other Jewish poets Pie poets 0 instigate the Quraish to fight against the Muslim), Abu Sufyan, We vsommander of the Quraish army, which was defeated at Badr, were i incre Jews of Banu Nazi, who promised help. Meetings were held where a var decided to collect funds and raise a sttong army for attacking Madinah and wiping out the Muslims. Some other tribes were also invited to join in this war, Finally a fully armed force of three thousand men left Makkah for Madinah. The Holy Prophee™* consulted his companions about the best way to meet the enemy. The consensus of opinion was that the Muslims should go out of Madinah to meet the enemy. Although the Holy Prophet had a different opinion, yet \when the majority insisted on meeting the enemy outside Madinah, he agreed, Three miles to the north of Madinah, the Quraish camped at the foot of a hill known as Uhgd. The Prophet"™* advanced towards Uhad with one thousand companions. (On the way, Abdullah bin Ubbay, the leader of the hypocrites, deserted with three hundred of his men on the excuse that the Holy Prophet?™=: had twmed down his suggestion of fighting the enemy from inside the cit The Holy Prophet, with the remaining seven hundred reached Uhad” * and also set up camp. He posted fifty archers protect the pass ae ee mountain and defend the Muslims from any possible attack by the enemy fom behind. They were given strict instructions not to leave their Post under ny circumstances. 4 fe. Cadet, Nou Sue, : Scanned with CamScanner Several Quraish women aceompanicd the army of the Pagans includiny ee Sar pita who wiv Killed inthe Bae OF Bade Un Bnd the doves of Us Nile inthe Ds fae Fatima, the sister of Khalid bin Walid I ang ihe sie oF Kah tached a, The Meslins bravely vinder the command of the Holy Prophet" and killed and eee at i tn sin rr ‘al of booty. When gre retreating, they left thes jn the mountain undefended. He attacked from behind th ee ee ee onsvacromfaen Ties eras wesenincrr a fenemy raised the cry thatthe Holy mm great des posts to collect th found the ope’ Muslim force was take! tried to reach the spot where the Holy Proph ne of his teeth. Lead and face and lost = Propher™ was killed and the confusion increased, het, however, stood firmly and called out to his companions “Re Holy Proph vo sung back, When the Muslims saw their leader, they rejoined the bat ee pe support came to the Prophet" and a group of his companion somes him to a well protected area atthe foot of the mountain, ve ahe fighting was less one-sided. The Muslims who had rallied put up 2 + genamnined fight. Both parties were, however, extremely exhausted. S00n the I Fighting died down and each army prepared to leave killed and forty injured: while the In this encounter seventy Muslims were enemy tos nly thirty of il Mamzah, an uncle of the Holy Prophet™ creed by a slave of Hindif ate OT'Abu Sufyan. Hinda mutitared i ovst eae aaned his liver in order f6 avenge the death of her father, Usba, Killed the Butle of Badr at the hapds of Hamza it was on this occasion, Ci for the first time, Muslim ladies went to the batteheld}o give water (0 the solgiers and co nurse the wounded. ‘The Holy Quran mentions this battle in these words: “Allah did indeed fulfil His promise to you, when Ye, were about to annihilate your enemy, until xe flinched and fell seer the order and disobeyed it after He brought you in sight which ye covet, Among you are some that hanker after this wor that desire the Hereafier—" (3:152) sre ma rarned back onthe day the two hosts met, it was Seat who caused ther to fail.” (3135) What ye suffered on the day the ew arnnies met, was wit the Tear Ci Alla, in order that He might test the Believers.” (3166) swith His permission I 10 dispusine {of the boats! rl and some Impact and Conclusion Defeat in the bat : «batt in the bale of Una came a a great shock tothe Muss THe nd how they could achieve victory at Badr, when they =" 64 9, — Scanned with CamScanner <) andi ee 4 se8® Madinal ; 5TH YEAR OF HURAT Of two WeeRSy Battle of Trench ( as 1 battle of Uhad, the Muslims were able to regain their former Quraish could not reconcile themselves with the growing power ir ihe Muslims because they felt it was a threat to their social and religious position as well as their commercial prosperity, 1 4 2, [te Jewish tbe of Banu Nazir who had settled at Khyber kept on plotting siSinst the Muslims. Their chiefs went to Makkah and asked for help agains the Muslims which the Quraish agreed to give. Then they went fo Ghatafan tribe and obtained their support too, Some other tribes also agreed to give full Acpport against the Muslims. With an army of ten thousand men under the command of Abu Sufyan, they marched to Madinah. When the news came to the Holy Prophet™", he consulted his companions oe == al Scanned with CamScanner cal to dig. trench, Madinah was safe on three sides. arate aint oasis, The fourth side that was on the Syrian Mepne Htoly Prophet", therefore, decided that qo a wT gp was open 69 atlaek, Three thousand compani ag 8 ST Prophet™ in digging the trench, ! 2 ee oa refused to support the unbelievers, Bul later fest owt against the Muslin and broke their treaty with the Hoty they there Was mighty attack on Muslims fram all sites, Hor thie frogtee™. 10 called Battle of Abzab or the “Battle of Allies” er cree dolar Word onic Bed weno. c ‘on yor from abow¥ yeu an fiom below you. and behollt dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye imagined vain) thoughts about Allah! In that situation were the Believers tied: Hee shaken as By at tremendous shaking,” (34: 10410 Neonparion PS ehaposttes among the Muskim army, finding the situation dang 1008, smuission from the Holy Prophet™® to retum to their homes on the thir homes were not safe. In this connection, the Quran says: _.() ‘Behold’ a party among them said: “Ye men of Yasrib! ye cannot stand (Ne Au! Taerefore g0 back! And a band of them asked for leave of the Prophet, saving, Traly our houses are bare and expased," though they were not exposed: ‘hey intended nothing but to run away.” (33:13) belly, HRP The siege lasted for a month, during which the Muslims face hunger, -'_! coldanl constant auacks from the enemy: Wh, however. came 10 the help of the Holy Prophet and the Muslims. One night there was a piercing blast of ~ cold wind, the enemy's tents were torn up, their fires were extinguished, the ke sol ant the rin bet in their faces. The enemy. stricken by cold and terror ftom the severe storm, withdrew in utter confusion...) \¢1_S\ubes Tre Holy Quran mentions this in the following words cached 1 he 18 worked ash mit “O xe who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah (bestowed) on vot, when there came down on vou hosts (to overwhelm you): but We sent against them @ farricane and forces that ve saw not, But Allah see “tam tte MND 2 Yount) it Islam emerged successful from the trial and’was more firmly established ia thaa ever. This was the end of the aggressive power of the chiefs of Makkah. ‘Aer the Battle of Trench the strength of the enemy was broken forever. Banu Quraiza ee 1, Boltay | oni ia tribe of Banu Quraiza, in violation of the agreement signed with Te Holy peenct™: had helped the enemies of Islam in the battle of Ahzab, them, The ebhet™. therefore, advanced against their fortresses and surrounded sear continued for about a month after which the Banu Quraiza 6 "UNSY a8rced to accept the decision of Sa’ad Bin Mu'az regarding Ss Wass 67 Ey om Scanned with CamScanner seca of the As 1 HOM he baa ie des wf the OM Tes Sead opr uriea were Killed he Women and hg Aci se ales ie MOE Ma scans FW vn det i hese ors The Holy Qua tcf he Bk vied ten Aah i hy cit et eta ca raft ear 0 et Me yon he oftheir 1 er ne ye made prisoners, And He ein (38: 26-27) |) Berio sn wens sel ey near ' | | Treaty of Hudaibifa syst Uo 5 Free fe the ly Pope had dream Hat he Had entered te Se, west Saakkan Therefore, he decided to go (0 Makkah for performing Dinslts or the minor pilgrimage. The Quran s2y ar al fuel the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sac | pact ita it ith minds secure, «and sithou fear" (48:27) | a iy (itarrat Muharsmadi™” with fourteen hundsed unaenée aoe eertae Makkah for the pilgrimage. The Quraish howeve Faerie allow the Holy Prophet™* and his companions to enter Makkik seen Prophet™, therefore stopped at Hudaibiya.» place at a distance a aan neal trom Makkah. From there he sent a messenger to inform th aoe thar they had not come to wage war, bul had come unaemed at wished to enter Makkah only for the purpose of performing the Umrab) / The messenger seat by the Holy’ Prophet"™* did not return and, therefore, png tas sent. When the second messenger also did nat return, the Hely Prophet sent Hazrat Usman. He, too, was detained by the Quraish amd rev spread that he was kiled. The Holy Prophet™" collected all his fllowes sath oasis of Rizwan. He took from them the oath that they would Is, down their lives in the name of Allah, This oath is known as Bait-e-Rizwan Regarding this oath, the Quran says: * Ae -Levenge S]WUSIroN . Was Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore fealty tee Kunde haces shat wa in thetr hears and He sen down rani to.shem: and He rewarded them with a speedy victory” (48:18) The Quraish were very disturbed when they heard of this and te @trealy of peace with the Muslims) It was called the udaibiya. It had the following terms:= \ (i Satins would rene so Med in yor OO 2. They would be permitted to come for pilgrimage next year but W* stay only for three days in Makkah, thir fate, Sa‘ad Bin Mua” hhad been in alla FOL According 0 this law U companions, decided | ‘Treaty of ould Scanned with CamScanner WPalGorann otatigy teas om Maha hoi jin the Must witha pss tS Suantians, he woukl be sent bach tw Mi G from Ma tw Makkah Bea Mush ¢ i Madina went to Makhat he would not he sent hack 4 j ers Would be no fighting fir ten years,) G De" kedew Merrice ishting tor fen years.) Sohal Blew Pirroxe 10> ethene MeN sting Have Un re mt hg oer he ema, 22 | bess Prophet ee Sey bash and against the terest of Muslims, Yet eduvot sh j Fhe ee SeeeDted them with the command of Allsh Who Himself, \ | 4 Ssclared this treaty to be a mami acer Sires to Ge a manifest vietory for the believers by saying: -). [J > As the subecsuene aed te 4 manifest tons” (HB). I eat 6 catse OF alan ene sO tis teat proved to be benef ore belevers of Stekg ended the atmosphere of constant hostility Sd the non felivers. they skah sed coming o Madina, Having ie cones with he donna att E0% the chance to study closely the Islamic way of life and the cBESSSS ashleved by the Holy Prophet™ and his followers. After this treaty. a A. (aise umber of unbelievers accepted Islam, Among them were Khalid bin lid and Amr bin Aas. Khalid bin Wali later conquered Syria forthe Muslims and Amr bin A’as was the conqueror of Egypt, Numerous tribes entered into alliance with Muslims Eonsidering them to a | power equal to the Quraish. This alliance opened up n opportunity for the propagation of Islam. After the Treaty, the Holy Prophet? sent messages of Islam to kings and ‘emperors some of whom embraced Islam. He also despatched envoys to different states. governments and tribes for propagation of Islam. According to the Treaty, the newly converted Muslims of Makkah were not allowed to visit Madinah so they established a camp and started looting the caravans of the Quraish. Ultimately, when the Quraish cancelled the Treaty, they migrated to Madinah, “The Treaty of Hudaibiya was a turning point in the great struggle of Islamic revolution which laid the foundation of later success/It ultimately paved the ground for the peaceful and bloodless conquest of Makkafl) al Scanned with CamScanner F khyber Expedition o ir and other Jewish tribes after being exiled from Madingh Khyber where they were always plotting against the Muslims support of the Ghatafan tribe and the hypocrites of Madinah, y came to know of thé terms, which the Holy Prophet*™ had agreed 2, they took it as a sign of weakness or almost a defeat for him ‘0 make preparations for attacking Madinah. yy of sixteen hundred men against the Jews of Khyber. Seeing the y under the Holy Prophet™, the Jews shut themselves up in their 1 well-guarded fortresses, of which the strongest and best fortified was There was 2 force of about 20,000 Jews in these forts from where they ‘ones and showered arrows on the Muslim! army.) Holy Prophet™ did not want a long siege, so he ordered an attack. The ceptured all fortress without much difficulty, but when they reached fort of Qamus, the fight prolonged to twenty days. Each day, they had to without success, until one day, the Holy Prophet*™* sent Hazrat Ali as nder of the troops for the day’s fight. ) ing the Muslims under the command of Hazrat Ali, Marhab, the famous jews came out of the fort to fight against him! Hazrat Ali killed the first attack. Then a fierce battle started in which the Jews were ed to surrender and the Musliths captured the fort. 2 The Jews requested the Holy Prophet to grant them peace. The Holy FEE ot ge Ne std PS wen unt Ents Scanned with CamScanner F rope vould allowed them to stay in Khyber on the condition that they would Une peace, and give hal of the rouce oftheir and tothe Musi) Relations between the Prophet and thefews)E22~ 62> - GQvhen the Holy Prophet came to Madina h us with the Jewish tribes of Madinah to defend the city from foreign invaders and to maintain peace and order. But instead of defending it from its enemies, they organized 4 campaign of slander against Islam and its followers. ‘They fist tried to creat disruption between the two main tibes of Mian ie, the Aus and the Khar ‘Then they incurred the displeasure of Muslims by their eontacts with the Quraist™ of Makkah, @ the time of the Battle of Badr, they Ae help the Muslims according to the treaty signed with the Holy Prophes, After the Battle of Badr, Ka'ab, the leader of the Jews propagated against Musiiis and maintained secret communi- cation with Abu Sufyan. He even tried to murder the Holy Prophet Among the thrge tribes of the Jews ~ the Banu Qainuga, Banu Nazir and Banu Qura } Banu Qainuga, were the first to break the treaty that was signed earlier and fought with the Muslims in the periods between the Battles of Badr and Unad,)Attempis made by the Prophet™ 10 come to terms with the Jews were unsuccessful. (Thereupon, a siege was enforced against the Banu Qaimuga, the result of which was their expulsion from Madinalf) In the third Year of the Hijrat, Ka'ab was executed for his activities against” Madinah and the Muslims. n the 4th year of the Hijrat the Banu Nazir tribe of the Jews plotted to murder the Prophet and at the instigation of the Quraish planned to rise against the Muslims. The Prophet" sent them 2 message to leave Madinah within ten days. Bu they rejected it and shut themselves up in ther fortresses. At this the Prophet™* led an army against tem and laid siege 10 their fons. After a siege of two weeks, the Jews surrendered) They were-exiled from Madinah, Tiithinl idm eco Ree Guaies openly fei RGR Init Battle of Diteh. Afier the batle, they were told to leave the city. But on their refusal, the Prophet ™* besieged their setlements, At last they also surrendered to him and agreed to abide by the decision of Sa'ad bin Mu’az who decided their fate according to the Jewish law of the Old Testament. Their men were slain, the women sold as captives and theit lands and properties were divided agtong the Muslims. fost of the Jews’expelled from Madinah took shelter at Khyber, rder of Syria, Here they began to plot against the Musti With the Bedouin tribes. In 5 A.H., the fortresses at Khyber captured by the Muslims. The Jews were allowed to remain 8 share of their produce to the Muslim government, But the Jews did not refrain altogether from enmity towards the Muslims KX. ear the ims in co-operation. were besieged and here by contributing Scanned with CamScanner é nee aa of Ab HTH YEAR OF HURAT utile: of Masti 4M pyar ONG ray Pept tad we Arex were he nage insti the aetna bed a Mata, wa ely Hrgpher’’*, therefore, nent wm anny of vnuml Muslims under vent Hgabe After thee deat of Uhaziat Zi, Vavsat ae tee teeter, he Most amy ule rewteasy innt arial Ab tt nt ll Wath eet the eweny.? sf) ‘Conquest of Makkah , Csr sean eaty of Hay de Kinz te one the Ma ine Mt Hak tie vn a ily of He ara, Ome ot 6 soe tes pty faa aly uf the a sro ws of He tic, the Carano wit he Hay Killed the men of Mant Khitea, A dep Khun came 10 he wee pet ava asked i His atl protection. ‘The APY Prophet™ Henne! jae He set aestenger «0 the Quis oH ther three Tw pay compensation oF Ble as dysalve thei ali ie Mant Bake. aan tal Tie Gealy of Hudaiiya, stud dissolved +e ouat tok the thin prion The Moly Prophet? decided Nt there wasn oer alternative bu 10 the Queaish, He, therefore, ordered 1 fest Madina on the 10th of Ramazan 8 AH seth an nioy whieh by the dine b td Makkab, numbered ten thousand. ‘The Ha Prapliee*™ divided his uny into four groups and Bev iructions to all a areal ws to be se snd hey were 0 Tight UmMess NOY WEEE aa eh cane hey auld dew! therselve. The Quraish wh had trever seen scl a Mnnge, ela nlined army before, offered no re vemces but the unit wer the command of Khalid bin Walid was amtacked Fiatncrot tan Bakr and also by some of the most hostile Quraish 1 Ay a Wai alder, no option butt fight back, in this encounter taventy-ciht wen sere Killed Thehalener nye Makkalt the Holy Prophet announced a general pardo except ur sixicen of seven persons who were the bitterest enemies of felanr A messenger preceded ihe Holy Prophey® asking the people to have retest wx na -ane would be killed or injured. (ite also anounced that anyone Wah ba dow his arms would be safe, anyone who cook refuge in the house Sufyan, till then one of the Holy Prophet's" biteest encaies, would of Banu Khuza. ‘The Holy. Bac - n es Scanned with CamScanner its nature) bound to perish.” (I7/$1) When the Holy P: out of the Ke'sbah his captives. [The Holy Propher"™ asked them what teat hands. They cried out \LeYou are a noble brother and a noble cousin.” [On this, the Holy Prophet said. “There shall be no reproach agains: xo lthis das, go, you are free!” “Eventually the Holy Propliee™ also pardo who had been excluded from the general pardon. Only four persons out of original list were actually executec History cannot cite another instance of such megnanimity and mercy on the part of a conqueror. Stanley Lane Poole in his book, The Speeches and Tab! Talk: of Prophet Muhammad’ “He freely forgave the Quraish all the years of sorrow and cruel scom in which they had afflicted him and gave amnesty to the whole population of Makkeh— . The army followed his example. and entered quietly and peaccfully; no house was robbed, no woman insulte@——. It was thus that Muhammad” entered again his native city. Through all the annals of history there is no tiumphant entry comparable to this one.” . ‘Arthur Gilman in his book, The Saracens, says: “It is greatly to Muhammad's praise that on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah, when his resentment for ill usage in the past might naturally have incited him to revenge, he restrained his army from shedding of blood. and showed every sign of humanity and thanksgiving to Allah for His goodness. ‘The conquest of Makkah opened a new era in Islam. It practically settled the utruggle for supremacy in Arabia and the Prophet*™* was elevated to 2 »azamount position over the whole peninsula, fier the purification of the Ka’abah before the Zuhr prayer the Holy " epee ETE O n= z WEE ou 2 cit Scanned with CamScanner Po rope directed Bilal 19 0 roan AN the prayers, the Holy Prophet!™ proceeded to the Safa ir and people came in eroweds to embrace Islan, About this, the Quran says! Sen comes the Help of Allah, and victory, And how dost see the people ace Al's etigion in cron, celebrate he praises of thy Land. and pray Joes forgiveness: on" (HO 13) fae ly Prophet stayed in Maat for fifteen day He devoted hs «ae explaining the teachings of Islam. During this tignehe va ides also came (0 Makkah and embraced 1 for Makkuh the Prophet hbouring ‘After appointing a returned to Madinalt. governor @Pattle of Hunain 0,23, soar the Holy Prophet could leave Makkah for Manah, he received repots tat the Hawarin and Sageef, the two very stone and warring tribes of ‘Tai had collected a large army for attacking the Muslims. ‘The Holy Prophet. therefore. postponed his departure for Madinah and made preparations for necting this new challenge. He proceeded against them with an army of 12,000 ‘Muslims, ten thousand ‘of which had come from Madinah and two thousand were the new converts to Islam. Probably the enemy had received reports of the route 10 be followed by the Mucins namy. So they posted archers in secret places and made a surprise aitack on the Mustims while they were passing through a marrow valley near Hunain. As a result, Muslims began (0 retreat in disorder. The Holy Prophet and his Companions called the retreating men to return. The Muslim army responded to the call and the Holy Prophet? rallied his forces. Thus within ro time, the defeat was changed into victory. The Quran says: “Assuredly Allah did help you in many battlefields and on the day of Hunain. Behold! your great numbers elated you. but they availed you naught: .... and ye tumed back in retreat. But Allah did pour His calm on the Messenger and ‘on the Believers and sent down forces which ye saw not:—" (9: 25, 26) In this battle, the Muslim army took six thousand prisoners of war, twenty- four thousand camels and forty thousand goats, 2 .),..‘h . Siege of Taif After their defeat at Hunain, some of the enem: re ain, some of the enemy took refuge in Taif, The WG Bopht epics amy wth defeat ibemand oof BAY Of then. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet himself proceeded with his army and lege to the fortresses in which the enemy had taken refuge. The siege continued for wer after which it erated fr twenty days afer which twas lifted, In 9 AHL. the whole of Scanned with CamScanner OTH YEAR OF HURAT 4 “] Tabak Expedition to ten ye oh thee [} te sumo Panes ts Emp ptt, th Ae Hoy Pope 1 thy sy eh tha this Tore hich qe Fad antived ear the Frontier Tye Vue be uel 1 eee this ela ie Matis fave, auleveW JO" Car tin me eve see taney Hepa a seatety fe oe vi cimterne Heat Tt wan als the 16 or ty Wr plac binge wl lates, Moreover’ av a pie ean serve ovale, 1.18 £0" Te. rea, tne, nil subscriptions. O5 and three hunter equips The Haly Prophet? wade an ap thee, van Uy pe one da ett tana ond hal of all everything that he id. The ins. However inary hypoctie, 1 Amin mae excuses for nit accompanying the Muslin army. A fet Madinal with an ariny of ane ney beewuse of the intense heat aog the seateity of food and wat ims remained steadfast. The strenz: df the army demoralised the Romans who dispersed without any fighting, Te Holy: Prophet stayed at Tabuk for twenty days, during which number tribes came to the Holy Prophet and embraced Islam. When the Holy Prophet" retuned to Madinal those who had not joine! ‘om chime to make their excuses. Three true believers, howeve aoe et thats mistake, They were pardoned by Allah while the others wet aetatemmed by the Holy Quran, The Tabuk expedition was the last militan capeaitin ins whieh the Holy Prophet" personally took part. Hal woo made ee . Review of the Battles fought by the Holy Prophet? uyh the Holy Prophet" fought many battles against his enemies. 5° ind manner of the battles fought by him were totally different. Be started his mission through peaceful invitation to the people to accept all should worship none but Him. But this peace received serious oppositinn from pagans who dil th When they found that in spite of set sth in Madinah, they took up arms to dest fay rat Abu Bakr do nents as dor rood and | Mastin huties, tow pave their a nd ot The Holy Prophet encamped at ‘Tabk, I Wi the expedi hy persecution | "49 the Quran telly Mer wal they crese Heya gaya Sing ow antl they turn yon ack from bie _—_—_ 3 E Scanned with CamScanner 10TH YEAR OF HUJRAT Year of Deputations The 10th year of Hijrat is called Am-ul-Wafd, the Year of Deputatio, because it was in this year that numerous tribes of Arabia came to the fy Prophet™® to join Allah’s faith. : Farewell Pilgrimage The most important event of the 10th year of Hijrat was the Holy Prophet'y farewell pilgrimage ~ Hajjat-ul-Wida. When he decided to go to Makkah fy performing the pilgrimage, messengers were sent to all parts of Arabia to infor, the believers of the Holy Prophet's intentions and to invite them to join hin in the great Pilgrimage. \LYooo The Holy Prophet" left Madinah on the 2Sth of Ziqad, 10 A.H., in te company of one hundred fourteen thousand of his followers; all his wive accompanied him. On the 4th day of the following month, they reached Makich Pi performed the pilgrimage. Sermon of the Holy Prophet" The Holy Prophet delivered his last sermon in the plain of Arafat, ne! the Jabal-e-Rehmat, the “Mount of Mercy”. This sermon is not only remarkabk for its eloquence but it is also very significant because it contains # is . He said: imperishable message for mankind. H er “O people! Listen to my words; for I do not kn mm midst after this year. Remember that you shall have to appear before Scanned with CamScanner ° ON Lord tho wil demand from you an scent of yor ations © people! You have rights over your wives and your Security of AMGH aid made them lanfid unto sou by words of Allah, And fe your slaves as you feed yourselves and clothe your slaves as you clothe yourselves. If they commit a fault which you are unwilling to forgive ; then sel im for they are the servants of Allak and not to be harshly treated. one opte! Listen to my won and remember that all Muslims are brothers ante one another, As you are one brotherhood, you will not take your brother's belongings which he will not give you out of goodwill. Guard yourself from committing injustice. worship your Lord: offer prayers five times a day: observe fast in the month of Ramazan: pay the Zakat on your property: and perform pilgrimage to the House of Allah 1 him that és present tell it to him that is absent.” With these words, the Holy Prophet finished his address and the following elation eame to him “This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (5:3) ‘The Holy Prophet's! Khutba Hajjat-ul-Wida shows that he knew he was hearing the end of his mission and of his earthly existence, and that this was going to be his last Hajj. It clearly showed that the Holy Prophet** had completed his mission and that Islam had been perfected, This Kiutha can be called the first Universal Charter of Human Rights. ‘The Holy Prophet" declared, at the beginning, that Sovereignty belongs to Allsh, Who is One and tas no partners. He then said that we are all children of Adam and, therefore, equal and brothers to one another. He declared the sacredness of life, property and honour of everyone, 4m his last sermon, he pointed out in brief the duties and responsibilliti : bilities of Muslims towards each other. He laid special emphasis on te Tights of Ht aul enjoined that they must be treated with kindness. For io first time, women were given rights and a status in the Arab Society. He raised Matter of food and clothing the status of slaves and made them equal in the 186 the later history of Islam rs have rights with their masters. On the basis of these teachin, has been moulded, LTH YEAR OF HURAT Iness and Death Scanned with CamScanner B {ll and on the fifth day of his illness. he shifted to the apartment of Tan’ ‘S. After an illness of thirteen days. he breathed his last on the 124 ¢5 Rabi-ul-Awwal. His age at the time of death was 63 years. He was buried the apartment of Hazrat Aisha. Scanned with CamScanner

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