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The easiest part of writing a strategic paper is when you are doing the
company background. Aside from the fact that it is really exploring, I found it
easy to do because there are a lot of resources that we can use to explore. I also
enjoyed what I’ve learned from Lazada because I was able to know the history of
Lazada, how it was built from the start, and the people behind Lazada’s success.

3. The SWOT analysis I could not say this is easy, but I would rather
describe it as the most useful tool or analysis while writing a strategic paper.
SWOT is a simple, versatile technique that is equally effective in either a quick
or in-depth analysis of any size organization. It is also useful for assessing
other subjects, such as groups, functions, or individuals. SWOT identifies the
strengths and weaknesses in a corporate structure, presenting them as opportunities
and threats. The knowledge helps analysts make better decisions regarding resource
allocation and make suggestions for organizational improvement.

4. Yes. I’ve learned a lot, and I found writing a strategic paper very
engaging because strategic planning isn’t just for companies; it's also applicable
to individuals. Strategic planning is the ability to think through ways to achieve
desired outcomes. Just as strategic planning helps organizations realize their
goals for the future, it helps individuals grow and achieve goals in a unified

5. 100/10: superb, admirable, and

   Very professional
I honestly admire how Dr. Cabreros is hands-on with every student; she is a little
bit strict and grumpy, but the way she taught us, she always made sure that
we'd learned something, and I really like that she is calling us "Anak." As a
fourth-year graduating student, she inspires me to work harder in life.

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