Change The Verb.

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Change the verb into the simple past

Write down the sentences below and fill the blanks with the verb in parenthesis, using it
in the simple past.

1. I _heard___(hear) a new song on the radio this morning.

2. I _read___(read) three books last week.
3. They __spoke__(speak) French to the waitress.
4. He _understood___ (understand) during the class, but now he doesn’t
5. I _forgot___(forget) to buy some milk.
6. She _had___(have) a baby in December.
7. We _lent___(lend) Alex $100.
8. He _taught___(teach) English at the University.
9. She _brought___(bring) chocolate to class.
10. We __left__(leave) the house at 7 a.m.
11. They _drove___(drive)to Beijing.
12. We _flew___(Fly) to New York.
13. The child _fell___(fall) off his bike.
14. Finally my mother _let___(let) me go to the party.
15. It _was___(be) cold last night.
16. I _met___(meet) Shawn Mendes at his concert.
17. She _wore___(wear) her new coat to the party last night.
18. Billy _ran___(run) after the bus.
19. They __put__(put) their bags in the bedroom.
20. I _brought___(buy) some books this morning.

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