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Tatha Siddiqui CH (BOLD Qvestin 2 ( Sectin) e Al-lmnyom _Nevse 64. © Tromsloliow . Say : "0 people of Me Book !wme to comm tern as between vs-and (perro we worship mone but Allah jdhat we omociate Mo partmers with Him ; thot we evect mot ‘on arn ong ovevselues Lovds and patrons other than Allah .” f then they lyn bck say gel "Bear wines that we (ot Least) ave Muslims (bowing te Allah's will)” “The context : verse 6! has instructedt the Holy Prophet and fo invite his opponents ( Chivs tians) te Mobahatoh which Literally means “ome tvad pager” but in the tevmimology of Tglamie Shavi’ah it vefers fem particular form of Yerolving mentee dis pokes. : Q2(b) e Hadiin : So Fe Hazvak Aby Kovoivah (R-a) Yeported that ; " Merrenger ei Allah ($wT) sold + rn A Believer ones omothev betiever five ighs . *) Responding to qreeking 2) Visiting Wim in ines 2) Fotowing Wis Jonevat #) Accepting Wis tuvitaton 5) Saying Yar ham-uk- Allah ( May Allah have mevcy ypon ) when he Sags ' Alhamolollilah “otter Sica e Tato, Sidiqu i Im this wor cmvdtion wovid love omd take ce Wore of each othey on-the boris of the eching oj brothetbood , no matter how oLisfomt they mo be From each other. Kiso tne prophet (Sh) saad: ce kK Belivev t amother beliewer fs Like a buildin, whose oli ffevent parks erforee each other.”

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