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Tita Sid diqua CH 1B 1D Q- mo. 3(a) Sectim 4 © Cavses of Migna. lion + IE wos after the pledge °F Aqabah that ine idea of mmogva.tion bo Nathvib wou born in the heart of he prophet ( pbvh) + Fist Pledge af Aqabah _{ Ohol taf, 1M year of Prophethrood ») > Next genv + Five of the six men from Yaihvib veAvrned to meek the prophet (pbvh) during Hajj $ They brovgnt with them five wonverts from thetr own tribe and PIO from the Avibe of Ros. & The mames °F five wnverts °F tne Khazvat tribe were Mvo'dh Bin Havith Zakwan Bin Abelut Qays, Vboda Bin Soamit, ozeed Bin Tolba, and Abbas Bin Ubada. : & These 12 People Som Yathrib met the Prophes | pboh) in pina, ok Aabah, where he tougne them more about Ielam omd asked dnem te take on path or aegiance, # Serna Pledae of Aqabah : Giw he Bh eer si Frophettosd, doving the season of Hayy [ Jone e22 AD] a delegation eee of TS people. & Tre propnet (pv) os occompliniecd with is once , Nebas Bin Nedol Muttalib who tough wet Muslin ot the time 1 WH wncerned Mbovt lis nephew's uw Ke, S They abso imwited to Frophet (pbuh) ty Yothrib anol pledge full Sopport So Wim ond luis AGotowerrs. Totha Siddliqu) Q-no 03 (b) Sechon 44 Ch-18012- < . Importance of Migration . = the imaportance maigwation con be judge from the foct Mat the Muslim, calender Starts from tris event ond “ol jyom ong ether In the Life of Prophet (pbeh). ome wigration not only com pledely attered the prevaulin tonditions of fvabia ;bot it ranged the entire worse homan Wistor © “Mase who embraced Tslom before maignation vsed to prey Cearedyy fev fear of tke onbelievers, « As they are were weak and In minovill ond the bunbetiev ers were Bowerdul and Strong, it war mot poible for them to Signe n for their faith ov te defend themselves from the lovture a persewhon . @ Te was ofter the menrocten thak Moslims became Strong enough to Stand agaunst iwjoskee and persecuhon « He also gat the chance fe ovganize bis followers inte a alisei pUnedt cornmn ily. * Despite tefference ef colovy, vace, gociat and economic status , Muslims became ene Nation © And Mactinah became the place where the Prophet (pbuh) 's wu veceived res pons e and wntnved fe arrow and expanol. - They AnYS$, proved that Allah and His Yekigion weve more important jer nem inon ongiving ese in the world |

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