NSTP2 Reflections From Topic 1-11

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Reflections from topic 1-11

Topic# 1

A. Community Immersion

B. Dimensions of Development along the CWTS component of the program

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about community Immersion that it is one
important requirement of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) prescribed to students, male or
female alike, in private and public higher education institutions and technical-vocational schools or a
strategy in community organizing that is sought to imbibe among the NSTP trainees a better
understanding and realization of the different community concerns through the exposure on actual life
situations specifically in the deprived, depressed and the underprivileged (DDU) communities.

With this Students develop cultural literacy as well as enhanced cognitive skills. Language Immersion
students benefit from the ability to communicate with people from diverse linguistic and cultural
backgrounds. They also typically experience academic achievement at or above their single-language

Topic #2

A. Understanding the concepts and Principles of community Immersion

B. What is a Community

C. Elements of a Community

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Community according to Arlien
Johnson, a noted community Development specialist, a community is a collective of people with similar
interests and goals whether living in the same geographic locality or not or the people and cultures just
coming together or a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a
larger society and its elements. Elements of a Community are Demographic that includes population
distribution and density , History , Culture or the way of living of the people, Economy means income
level and occupation of people and lastly the structure.
A community is a familiar thread used to bring people together to advocate and support each other in
the fight to overcome those threats. As human beings, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of
belonging is what connects us to the many relationships we develop.

Topic # 3. A. Objectives of NSTP Community Immersion

B. Immersion as an Important Approach in Giving Community Service

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Objectives of NSTP Community
Immersion that is inculcate among the students the ideas of patriotism and nationalism, and enhance
their involvement in public and civic oriented activities. Train the student in various fields of endeavor
imbued with moral values that enhance their intellectual, physical, moral, spiritual and social well-being.

With this Personal Gains for Students in Community Immersion , an Opportunity for students to
comprehend people's live , Gain social acceptance derived from community relation , Enhance
experience in conducting surveys and researches, Establish rapport and relationships with different
people, Develop their concretization ability , Acquire first-hand experiences in dealing with community
works. Chance to learn life skills


Substance Abuse Education

A. Definition and Concepts

B. Ill Effects of Drugs

B. Common Signs of Drug Abuse

C. Classification of Drug Abusers

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Substance Abuse Education that it
provides knowledge necessary to avoid risky situations and information to make healthier personal
choices. It aids in creating personal strategies for avoiding both negative peers and the inherent social
pressures associated with substance use in social scenarios.

with this we can determine what are the Common Signs of Drug Abuse or Drug Abusers and how can we
prevent this from happen. Prevention and early intervention strategies can reduce the impact of
substance use and mental disorders in America's communities. Prevention activities work to educate
and support individuals and communities to prevent the use and misuse of drugs and the development
of substance use disorders.

A. Substance Dependency and Keeping Drug Free

B. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about the Substance Dependency it is the
medical term used to describe abuse of drugs or alcohol that continues even when significant problems
related to their use have developed. Signs of dependence include: Tolerance to or need for increased
amounts of the drug to get an effect. Keeping Drug Free we can explore ways to help others be drug free
and with the we have the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 .This Act, consisting of 101
sections, provides for importation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential
Chemicals. It establishes offences and penalty according to the different dangerous drug, regardless of
the quantity and purity involved

With this prevention and law given by our Philippine Government we can at least make sure that
whoever abusive drug pusher they will suffer the consciquences . The law of it is the policy of the State
to safeguard the integrity of its territory and the well-being of its citizenry particularly the youth, from
the harmful effects of dangerous drugs on their physical and mental well-being, and to defend the same
against acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation.


A. The Human Person: Overview

B. The Human Person: Revisited

C. Who am I?

D. Core and Related Values

In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about The Human Person: Overview
and Revisited. When we talk about the human person, it is obviously everything that pertains to man -
physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual attributes. There are several definitions of a human person
based on different perspectives:

Aristotle and Boethius described man as a rational being. As rational being, a person is able to know,
reason out and apply what he knows.

Theologians describe a human person as a substance of physical and spiritual. Spiritual in nature
because man has a soul and is created by a Superior Being with a divine purpose. Physical in nature,
because a person is created with body and faculty that correspond to his relationship with society.
Dictionaries define a human person as a living, self-conscious animal or a thing.
To fully understand the meaning of a person, let us re-evaluate and understand the
characteristics of a person:

1. Rational-Every person is a rational being.

2.Free-All human beings are born free.

3.Unique - Every person is unique.

4.Social being - Every person is intrinsically a social being

5.Sexual - All created living things are sexual in nature but the uniqueness of expression of a person’s
sexuality makes it all different.


A. Core and Related Values

B. 8 Stages of a Person

C. The Essence of a Person

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Core and Related Values in Human
Person under self dimensions and its values are the ff:

1. Physical Health: Physical fitness, cleanliness , harmony with the material universe, beauty and art

2. Intellectual Truth: Knowledge, creative and critical thinking

3. Moral Love: Integrity/honesty, self-worth/self-esteem, personal discipline

4. Spiritual Spiritually: Faith in God Human Person under community dimensions and its values.

5. Social-Family Society Social Responsibility:

Mutual Love/respect, fidelity, responsible parenthood, concern for others/common good,

freedom/equality, social justice/ respect for human rights, peace/active non-violence, popular

6. Economy

Economic Efficiency: Thrift/conservation of resources, work ethics, self reliance, productivity, scientific
and technological knowledge, vocational efficiency, entrepreneurship

7. Political

Nationalism: Common identity, national unity, esteem of national heroes, commitment, civic
consciousness/ pride, “Bayanihan”/ solidarity, loyalty to country.

Global Solidarity: International understanding and cooperation

Topic #8 Good Citizenship Values and it's sub values

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Good Citizenship Values and it's sub
values .Good citizenship engenders love of country making the seemingly gargantuan task of
building the nation easier. Through good citizenship, even the poor, the young and the old can
contribute to nation-building. Good citizenship likewise strengthens unity. As Filipinos, we have our
shared values which can be a strong force to unite us as a people despite our differences. Our nation is
oftentimes in crisis. And at these times, people are suffering. By being good citizens we will not be part
of the problem; we will be part of the solution’s, as citizenship training, focuses on translating the
good citizenship values as reflected in the Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution into concrete
actions in building a better Philippines.

These values can be an important instrument in influencing the people in the community towards
productive change and development. Here are the ff:

1. Pakikisama / Camaraderie – refers to an interpersonal relationship where people are friendly with
each other.

2.Familial / Close Family Ties – Filipino are said to value and take good care of their family

3. Hospitality – refers to the warm welcome that the Filipino gives to visitors who come to his and her

home, especially strangers.

4.Damayan System – refers to the sympathy for people who suffered lost and in unfavorable situations.

5.Flexibility and Adaptability – Filipinos can keep up with whatever life throw at them.

6.Resiliency – nothing can keep the Filipino down. Even in dire situation, Filipino always find a reason to
laugh at the difficulties and proceed with their lives.

and many more.

Topic # 9

Disaster Management and Public Safety

A. Disaster

B. Common Causes of Disasters

C. Fire

D. Disaster Prevention and mitigation Approaches

E. Common Criminal Acts

- In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Disaster Management and
Public Safety. In implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, the NSTP shall be guided
with reference from: Republic Act 9163 Section 11. The creation of the National Service Reserve Corps –
There is hereby created a National Service Reserve Corps, to be composed of the graduates of the non
ROTC components. Members of this corps may be tapped by the state for literacy and civic welfare
activities through the joint effort of the DND, CHED, and TESDA. Section 13. Accreditation, Mobilization
and Protection of Disaster Volunteers and National Service Reserve Corps, CSOs and the Private Sector.
– The government agencies, CSOs, private sector and LGUs may mobilize individuals or organized
volunteers to augment their respective personnel complement and logistical requirements in the
delivery of disaster risk reduction program and activities. The agencies, CSOs, private sector and LGUs
concerned shall take full responsibility for the enhancement, welfare and protection of volunteers, and
shall submit the lists of volunteers to the OCD, through the LDRRMOs for accreditation and conclusion in
the database of community disaster volunteers Republic Act 10121.

The Philippines is located in the circumpacific belt of fire and typhoon. This being so, the country
has always been subjected to natural disaster and calamities anytime of the year, in whatever part of
the country, we have been experiencing yearly natural calamities – floods, typhoons, tornadoes,
earthquakes, drought, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions which have brought incessant miseries to our
people, loss of lives properties. To enhance the people’s preparedness and ensure precision and
spontaneity in responding to emergencies

or catastrophes, the NDCC, together with the concerned agencies conduct regular mobilization exercises
and drills at all levels with the participation of the private agencies concerned and the non-government

Topic # 10

A. The leadership

B. Leadership Approaches

C. Leadership Styles

D. Leadership Manager

E. Types of a Leader

-In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Types of a Leader . Leader is both a
research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individualor organization to "lead" or
guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. Types of leaderships are the ff:

1. Autocratic Leadership-Also known as Authoritarian Leadership, an Autocratic Leadership style can

easily be summed up by the command, “Do as you’re told.”
2. Democratic Leadership-Also known as Participative Leadership, the Democratic Leadership approach
involves gathering input from your subordinates and team members so everyone has a chance to
contribute to the decision-making process.

3.Laissez-faire Leadership Don’t let the name deceive you. Laissez-faire Leadership is not a “Who cares?”
approach. Rather, it involves empowering your employees, being hands-off, and trusting them to
accomplish the task at hand without constant questions or micromanagement. Laissez-faire leaders
leave decisions to their employees, while staying available to provide feedback when necessary.

4. Transformational Leadership-Transformational Leadership involves developing a grand vision and

rallying your employees around it. Under this style, the team is eager to transform and evolve –
personally and professionally – in order to achieve the overall goal. With the organization and
employees aligned, teams working under a transformational leader are united for the singular cause,
and willing to commit their effort, time, and energy to the organization.

A leadership style refers to a leader's methods and behaviors when directing, motivating, and
managing others. A person's leadership style also determines how they strategize and implement plans
while accounting for the expectations of stakeholders and the well-being of their team.

Topic # 11

Environment and Solid Waste Management

A. The Physical Environment

B. Air and Climate change

C. Water Resources

D. Solid Waste Management

- In reflection on my experience in our NSTP class we tackle about Environment and Solid Waste
Management. Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time
that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in
the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather
events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth. The
Earth‘s climate is influenced by many factors, mainly by the amount of energy coming from the sun,

but also by factors such as the amount of greenhouse gases and aerosols in the atmosphere, and the
properties of the Earth‘s surface, which determine how much of this solar energy is retained or reflected
back to space.

Educate yourself, you family, your friends, and everyone you meet. Our culture is just waking up
to issues that have existed for years. The more people are aware of the issues the more likely they are to
make decisions that will be constructive. House & Garden Grow your own food. Planting things like
garden vegetables and herbs will help you eat locally and organic. Redecorate with Eco-products. If you
need to repaint your house, use latex paint rather than oil based. Latex paint releases significantly fewer
harmful fumes while drying and smells a lot better -it's healthier for you, too.

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