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Instructions for Sinajet Output Center

File status: File SINAJET

[ ] Draft identification:
[ ■ ] Released Current Version 2016.5.7.1
[ ] Being modified version
Author: Sinajet Research and Development Center of
Completion 2016-5-7

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I. Preface................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Name ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Function ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Version ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Update of cutter configuration files ............................................................................................................................... 5
II. Installation .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
III. Use ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Layout .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Open and Save ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Opening Marker Order ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Saving Marker Order ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3. Interface to External Data ............................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Type of Imported External Data ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.2 Parameter Settings of Imported External Data .................................................................................................. 15
3.3 Precautions ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.4 Importing Bitmap .............................................................................................................................................. 18
4. Integral Edition ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Comprehensive Pickup ...................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Moving View ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Measurement ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.4 Manual Marker .................................................................................................................................................. 26
4.5 Scaling through Pulling Box.............................................................................................................................. 27
4.6 To Placed Area ................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.7 To Unplaced Area .............................................................................................................................................. 27
4.8 Sorting by Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 27
4.9 Backward ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.10 Forward............................................................................................................................................................ 29
4.11 Language ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.12 Page ................................................................................................................................................................. 29
4.13 User.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
4.14 Summary View of Pattern Pieces..................................................................................................................... 30
4.15 About ............................................................................................................................................................... 31
4.16 Automatic Sequence ........................................................................................................................................ 32
4.17 Overlap Detection ............................................................................................................................................ 32
4.18 Adjusting Leather ............................................................................................................................................ 32
4.19 Environment Variable ...................................................................................................................................... 33
4.20 Adjusting Starting Point................................................................................................................................... 33
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4.21 Overcut Correction .......................................................................................................................................... 34
4.2 Projecting to Projector ....................................................................................................................................... 34
4.23 Projector Correction ........................................................................................................................................ 34
4.24 Full screen of Placed Area ............................................................................................................................... 35
4.25 Shortcut Display .............................................................................................................................................. 36
4.26 Drawing Interpretation of Digitizer ................................................................................................................. 36
4.27 Scaling Setting ................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.28 Stripe Matching and Plaid Matching Marker .................................................................................................. 38
4.29 Array Copy ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.30 Mark Identification .......................................................................................................................................... 42
4.31 Image Stretching .............................................................................................................................................. 42
5. Function of Editing Pattern Piece Individually ........................................................................................................... 43
5.1 Entering Editing Interface ................................................................................................................................. 43
5.2 Menu Functions of Editing Interface ................................................................................................................. 44
5.3 Cutter Setting ..................................................................................................................................................... 82
6. Manual Marker ............................................................................................................................................................ 82
7. Automatic Marker........................................................................................................................................................ 83
7.1 Preparations before Marker ............................................................................................................................... 83
7.2 Quick Marker..................................................................................................................................................... 87
7.3 Complete Marker ............................................................................................................................................... 87
7.4 Stop Marker ....................................................................................................................................................... 89
8. Output Cutting Files .................................................................................................................................................... 89
9. Setting .......................................................................................................................................................................... 93
9.1 Unit Setting ........................................................................................................................................................ 93
9.2 Marker Setting ................................................................................................................................................... 94
9.3 Display Setting .................................................................................................................................................. 96
9.4 Color Setting...................................................................................................................................................... 98
9.5 System settings .................................................................................................................................................. 99
IV. Positional Cutting .......................................................................................................................................................... 102
1. Camera Correction Instruction .................................................................................................................................. 102
1.1 Camera Correction for Image Distortion ......................................................................................................... 102
1.2 Correction of Camera Offset ........................................................................................................................... 102
2. Enabling Positional Cutting ....................................................................................................................................... 107
1. Run Output Center as Administrator ................................................................................................................. 108
2. Enable Positional Cutting Interface ................................................................................................................... 109
3. Confirming Gigabit Network Card .................................................................................................................... 110
3. Installation of Camera Driver and Configuration of Network Card ...........................................................................111
1. Installation of Camera Driver and Configuration of Network Card ...................................................................111
2. Method of Manual Setting of Jumbo Frame (Positional Cutting) of Network Card in Windows 7 .................. 112
4. Application of Positional Cutting .............................................................................................................................. 114
1. Use of Positional Cutting................................................................................................................................... 114
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2. Application Scenarios of Positional Cutting ...................................................................................................... 114

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I. Preface
1. Name

The output center is called SinajetScc or output center for short. The full name is as follows:
Chinese name: “纳捷单裁输出中心”.
English name: Sinajet Output Center.

2. Function

SinajetScc is the functional module producing cutting files for Sinajet control center.
The specific functions include:
Parsing external data;
Editing pattern pieces and attributes;
Automatic marker and manual marker;
Outputing cutting files.

3. Version

The instructions apply to Version 2016.5.7.1.

4. Update of cutter configuration files

Method1: Direct copy.

Copy all the cutter configuration files from the cutter configuration file directory of the control center to the cutter
configuration file directory of the output center.
The cutter configuration file directory of the control center: MccConfig\AllUsers\\CuttingTool
The cutter configuration file directory of the output center: SccConfig\AllUsers\\CuttingTool
The cutter configuration files are:

Method 2: Software automatic update

2.1 When output center is started, it will automatically update cutter configuration files.
2.2 The output center detects the cutter configuration files from the control center in real time. Once it detects new
files, it will immediately update.

Method 3: Manual update.

Update at the “Update Cutter Configuration” under the “About” menu, as shown in the figure below.

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II. Installation
Refer to the installation instructions for Sinajet Control Center
If you use green version which doesn’t need any installation, some environment variables shall be set before using it
for the first time. The steps are as follows (in Win7 system):

1. Right-click the “Computer” on the computer desktop.

2. Click “Properties” menu.

3. Click “Advanced System Settings” in the popup dialog. Then the following dialog will appear:

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4. Click “Environment Variables” button in the popup “System Attributes” dialog.

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5. In the popup “Environment Variable” dialog, click “New” below the system variables area.

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6. In the popup “New System Variable” dialog,

After “Variable Name”, enter: SINAJETMCC

After “Variable Value”, enter: F:\Sinajet
The variable name is the fixed characters, “SINAJETMCC”. The variable value is a directory address. Make sure there
is the drive of the directory address.

7. Complete by Click “OK”

If the output center program is started, the program shall be restarted after being closed.
The environment variable can also been set in the “Environment Variable” menu under the “Advanced” menu of the
output center, as shown in the figure below.

Click “Environment Variable” menu, the following “Set Environment Variable” dialog will pop up. Restart the
program after entering environment variable directory and confirming.

III. Use

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1. Layout

From top to bottom: Menu area, unplaced area, placed area and status bar area.
The buttons in the menu area are:
Under the “Start” tab:
File group—Open Marker Order, Save Marker Order, Import External File, Save to Cutting Table
Edition group—Backward, Forward.
View group—Language, Page, User, Pattern Piece, Summarizing View.
Pattern piece settling group—To Placed Area, To Unplaced Area, Sorting by Rules (Sort by Area, Sort by Nets)
Marker group—Quick Marker, Complete Marker, Color-Difference Marker, Copy Marker, Stop Marker
Setting group—Comprehensive Setting, Style Setting, Unit Setting
Tool group—Comprehensive Pickup, Mobile View, Measure, Manual Marker, Magnify through Pulling Box
Help group—About (Company Web Page), Open Help Document, Update Cutter Configuration, Check Work Log,
Backup System Parameters
Under advanced tab:
Object display group—Display Coordinate Points, Display Piece Name, Display Filling, Display Text in Vector-Mode,
Window group—Display CCD Window.
Tool group—Automatic Sequence, Overlap Detection, Adjusting Leather, Set Environment Variable, Adjust Start Point,
Overcut Correction, Digitizer, Scaling Setting, Stripe Matching and Plaid Matching Marker, Copy Array,
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Mark Identification, etc.
Projection group—Project to Projector, Projector Correction, Fullscreen Marker Area

2. Open and Save

2.1 Opening Marker Order

Choose the “Open” button in the file group under the “Start” tab.

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In the popup “Open” dialog, choose the marker file with the suffix of “*.sjm”. Then click “Open” button.

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2.2 Saving Marker Order

Choose the “Save” button in the file group under the “Start” tab.

In the popup “Save as” dialog, choose the directory to be saved and enter the file name of a marker order file. Then
click “Save” button to save the marker order file with the suffix of “*.sjm”.

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3. Interface to External Data

Choose the “Import External File” button in the file group under the “Start” tab.

In the popup “Import External Data” dialog, choose the file to be imported and set relevant parameters. Then click
“OK” button.

3.1 Type of Imported External Data

The types of imported external data are determined according to the suffixes of the files. The external data

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 “*.Dxf” and “*.aam”, including “dxf” of “Aama” format, “dxf” of “Tiip” format and “dxf” of “autocad” format.
 “*.plt”, “*.hpg”, “*.hpgl” and other drawing files.
 “*.ggt”, “*.iso” and other cutting files
 “*sjh”, Sinajet cutting files.

3.2 Parameter Settings of Imported External Data

3.2.1 Unit setting

 Unit setting of “dxf” files

Usually, all “dxf” files have unit marks. Choose “Default” when choosing units. Some “dxf” files have no units or
units then you need to choose the appropriate units with appropriate proportion will be able to correct data conversion.
There are 3 selectable units, including millimeter (MM), centimeter (CM) and Inch (INCH). If the actual unit is
not the one of the above three units, choose by proportion.
There are 6 selectable proportions, including X10,1/1,1/10,1/40,1/100.1/160,1/1000.
 Unit setting of “plt” files
The basic units of “plt” are 0.025 mm and 0.001 mm. When choosing a “Default” unit, the unit shall be read from
the files. In the other cases, the “Default” unit shall be the designated unit. In general, MM (millimeter) shall be chosen
with the two proportions, including 1/40 and 1/1000.
 Unit setting of “ggt” files
The basic units of “ggt” are: 1/10 mm and 1/1000 inch. When choosing a “Default” unit, the unit shall be read
from the files.
In the other cases, the “Default” unit shall be the designated unit. In general, MM (millimeter) shall be chosen with the
two proportions. INCH (inch) shall be chosen for 1/10 with the proportion of 1/1000.


Minimum piece area: A parameter which marks whether a closed curve is of the pattern piece. In general, when
the system unit is millimeter, it shall be set as 40;
Maximum notch length: An important parameter for notch identification. It shall be set according to the actual
notch length within the range of 0-15 mm;
Maximum notch width: An important parameter for identification of internal outline notches which shall be used
combining the maximum notch length;
Maximum notch angle: An important parameter for identification of internal outline notches which shall be used
combining the maximum notch length;
Minimum overlap precision: A parameter which determines whether the two points are overlapped. It shall be
within 0.05-5 mm;
Curve importing precision: An arc precision of the compression curve. It shall be within 0.05-1 mm.


Optimize curve: If there are too many curve points, the parameter is used to compress the curve points;
Fully connect: Parameter for automatically search of connecting lines. If there are pattern pieces that cannot be
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identified, you can choose this option;
Smooth principal point: A parameter that optimizes the curves with spline curves, which is usually not chosen;
Round outline: A parameter that optimizes the curves with spline curves, which is usually not chosen.


Identify and delete rectangular box: You can choose this option for data with marker boxes;
Forcedly close outline: You can choose this option for unclosed pattern pieces;
Reset words: When word positions of some pattern pieces are seriously dislocated, if you want to correct them,
you can choose this option;
Use system words: When words of some pattern pieces are too large or too small, if you want to set them into
designated size, you can choose this option;
Detect and automatically create grain lines: For files with no grain lines, if you want to generate grain lines, you
can choose this option;
Level grain lines: If you want to make the grain lines level automatically, you can choose this option.
Flip pattern piece in X direction: Flip the imported pattern pieces in X direction.
Flip pattern piece in Y direction: Flip the imported pattern pieces in Y direction.
Rotate pattern piece: Rotate the imported pattern pieces according to the rotation angle.
Rotation angle: A parameter used for pattern piece rotation.
Adjust direction: Readjust the outline of the imported pattern pieces according to the designated direction.
Counterclockwise direction: Direction for adjustment.
Clockwise direction: Direction for adjustment.
Adjust starting point:
Ignore short internal lines: This option can be used to ignore imports for short internal lines, such as partial words.
Width of short internal line: A parameter used to ignore short internal lines.
Height of short internal line: A parameter used for ignoring short internal lines.
Identify circular holes as marks: Automatically identify circular holes of designated size as designated mark types
for the imported pattern pieces.
Mark type: A parameter used to identify circular holes as marks. It specifies circular holes as mark types.
Diameter of circular hole: A parameter used to identify circular holes as marks. It specifies the diameters for the
automatically identified circular holes.
Mark diameter: A parameter used to identify circular holes as marks. It specifies diameters of the identified mark.
Delete overlapped curves: Delete partial completely overlapped curves before import, so as to carry out automatic


Filter notch lines: For files in which the notches and the outlines are mixed as a whole, this option can be chosen
to filter the notch lines combining the maximum notch length;
Detect V-type notches: For files with V-type notches, this option can be chosen and needs to be used combining
the maximum notch length;
Detect T-type notches: For files with T-type notches, this option can be chosen and needs to be used combining
the maximum notch length;
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Separate outline notches: For files with V-type outline notches, this option can be chosen and needs to be used
combining the maximum notch length;
Maintain notch types: For notch lines on the outline including V-type and U-type notches, if you want to maintain
their original shape, you need to choose this option.


Maintain original position: If you want to maintain the position of original data, you can choose this option;
Import in append mode: When you import one more file, if you want to retain the last data you have imported,
you must choose this option;
Automatically check pattern pieces: You can choose this option. Then pattern pieces will be automatically
resolved when files are imported. If you don’t choose this option, the files will be imported as a whole.
Import as leather: If leather outline data is imported, you must choose this option;
Import new marker order: This importing method empties the current marker data before importing new data.
Direct to the placed area: If you want to directly import to the placed area, you can choose this option;
Automatically calculate width: It calculates the width of the current marker order according to the imported data
when importing data. Some “plt” files have the demand.
Retain residual pattern pieces: When pattern pieces are resolved automatically, some pattern pieces are incomplete.
Check this option, so as to import incomplete pattern pieces.


Under “dxf” settings

“aama”: If the files to be imported are “dxf” files of “aama” format, choose this option;
“tiip”: If the files to be imported are “dxf” files of “tiip” format, choose this option;
“dxf”: If the files to be imported are “dxf” files of “autocad” format, choose this option;
Import from blocks: If the data is in the block structure of “dxf”, choose this option;
Import from entities: If the data is in the entity structure of “dxf”, choose this option;
Ignore not-displayed layer: “dxf” marks some entities as not-displayed layers, if you don’t want to read these
entities, you can choose this option. It is chosen by default.
Common grading method: Grading method for files of “aama” format. It is chosen by default.
Ignore cut lines: For “aama” files, if you don’t want to read cut lines, you can choose this option;
Ignore sew lines:For “aama” files, if you don’t want to read sew lines, you can choose this option;
Ignore words: For “aama” files, if you don’t want to read words, you can choose this option.
Detect piece count: According piece name, such as resolving two P0 pieces from P0X2.
Detect symmetric lines: Detect symmetric lines of pattern pieces; if symmetric lines are detected, the pattern
pieces will unfold automatically.
Detect front and back pieces: For some “dxf” files, piece attributes include piece count mark. If this option is
chosen, front and back pieces can be identified automatically;


Automatically save configuration: After this option is chosen, the imported parameters will be saved to parameter
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Under file information (mainly aimed at “dxf” files of “aama” or “tiip” format):
Author: Author information of style data;
Style: Style name information;
Unit: Original unit of style data;
Date: Date of style creation;
Basic grade: Basic grade of style.


File path: Choose path of files to be imported. It can be directly entered or browsed by clicking “Browse” button.

Match cutters according to colors: If it is checked, the read pattern pieces can match cutters according to color
values or SP values.

3.3 Precautions

 The unit refers to the original unit of the data, not the unit of the system. If the read pattern pieces are too large or
too small, you can modify the unit or proportion.
 The maximum notch length refers to the maximum notch length of the original data, not the notch length of the
system. This option is critical. The pattern pieces and the notches on the pattern pieces can be correctly identified
only by setting the appropriate maximum notch length.
 Filtering notch lines is intended for I-shaped notched connected to the outline. The short segments below the
maximum notch length preliminarily filtered into notch lines, so as to connect the curves.
 Separating outline notches is to separate V-type, U-type and other notches connected to the outline as a whole.
Detecting T-type and V-type notches is to detect notches nearby the outline.

3.4 Importing Bitmap

Choose a bitmap of “bmp”, “Jpg” or “png” format.

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The bitmap is as shown in the figure below after import.

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4. Integral Edition

The edition of the Output Center consists of integral edition and individual edition. The integral edition includes but is
not limited to:

4.1 Comprehensive Pickup

Comprehensive pickup tools are in the tool group under the “Start” tab. It is a comprehensive editing function. It is also
the default tool. Under other tool statuses, click “Esc” button to automatically switch to this tool status. It has the following
 Selection (including click selection and frame selection)
 Continuous selection
 Invert selection
 Move
 Unplaced area to place area
 Placed area to unplaced area
 Automatic position searching
 Right-click functions:
Right-click functions in placed area:

Edit pattern piece: That is to enter the individual editing interface of an individual pattern piece.
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New pattern piece: Create a default pattern piece and automatically enter the editing interface. After importing the
background image, the size of the new pattern piece is that of the background image.


Select pattern pieces of the same number: Select all the pattern pieces of the same number;
Select pattern pieces of the same size: Select all the pattern pieces of the same size;
Select pattern pieces of all sizes: Select the pattern pieces of all sizes of the same pattern piece;
Select pattern pieces of the same style: Select all the pattern pieces of the same style;
Select all the placed pattern pieces: Select all the pattern pieces in the placed area.

Copy pattern piece:

Copy pattern piece: Copy the selected pattern pieces;

X Mirror Copy: Copy the pattern piece symmetric to the selected pattern piece around X axle;

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Y Mirror Copy: Copy the pattern piece symmetric to the selected pattern piece around Y axle;


Rotate 45° counterclockwise

Rotate 45° clockwise
Rotate 90° clockwise
Rotate 90° counterclockwise

X mirror: Transform into the pattern piece symmetric to the selected pattern piece around X axle;

Y mirror: Transform into the pattern piece symmetric to the selected pattern piece around Y axle;

Marker attribute table: Pop up “Marker Attribute Table” dialog, as shown in the figure below;

Piece attribute: Pop up “Piece Attribute” dialog, as shown in the figure below;

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Marker attributes of the selected pattern piece can be modified in the table, including
 Rotate
 Rotational behavior
 Flip
 Flip behavior
 Tilt
 Original angle
 Clearance

Simple marker: Put materials from unplaced area to placed area.

Merge line: Line merging operation can be carried out for individual pattern piece or pattern pieces of the whole
marker order.

For individual pattern pieces, only internal lines are merged. For multiple pattern pieces, the outlines shall be merged
into a pattern piece.

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According to the popup “Parameters for Line Merging” dialog, set the line merging clearance and minimum line
merging length. Confirm and carry out line merging process.

Lock pattern pieces: after you locking the pattern pieces, any operation is not allowed. And it will be recovered after

To unplaced area: Move the selected pattern pieces to unplaced area.

Delete pattern pieces: Delete he selected pattern pieces.

Cut pattern pieces: Click the “Cut Pattern Pieces” submenu of the right-click menu, the following view will pop up:

You can choose “Cutting Method”, “Sewing Method” and whether to select angle cutting method in the floating
window on the right. You can enter seam allowance.

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The cutting methods include level method, vertical method and arbitrary-line method.

The sewing methods include normal-line method and tangent method.

Select cutting method and sewing method and output parameters. Then click “Save” menu to complete the piece
cutting operation.

Bundle pattern pieces: If two or more pattern pieces are close to each other, they can be bundled.

Unbundle: The bundled pattern pieces can be unbundled.

Stripe matching and plaid matching offset correction: Import the scanned stripe matching and plaid matching data, and
carry out offset correction process for pattern piece data according to the scanned data and stripe matching and plaid
matching changes.

Fullscreen: Fullscreen the placed area and hide the unplaced area

Exit full screen: Recover the sizes of unplaced area and placed area

Right-click functions of the unplaced area:

Most of the functions are the same as the right-click functions of the placed area.
Sequence by size: Sequence the pattern pieces of the unplaced area by size;
Sequence by specification: Sequence the pattern pieces of the unplaced area by specification;

Functions of shortcut keys:

When selecting one or more pattern pieces,

Number Key 1: Clockwise rotation
Number Key 2: Counterclockwise rotation
Number Key 3: X mirror
Number Key 4: Y mirror

Left: Slightly move the pattern piece left;

Right: Slightly move the pattern piece right;
Up: Slightly move the pattern piece up;
Down: Slightly move the pattern piece down.
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4.2 Moving View

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Start” tab.

Under this tool, you can move the whole view and individually move unplaced area and place area.

4.3 Measurement

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Start” tab.

Under this tool, there is two-point measurement and angle measurement.

Tool for two-point measurement: It can measure the distance between two points. It also has the function of point
locking measurement.
Tool for angle measurement: It can measure the angle among the three points.

4.4 Manual Marker

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Start” tab.

Operating method:
1. Select all or partial pattern pieces of the unplaced area.
2. Left click in the placed area to place the pattern pieces to the current position.
3. Right click to apply next selected pattern pieces of the unplaced area.
4. Left click to move pattern pieces.

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4.5 Scaling through Pulling Box

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Start” tab.

In addition to the provided scaling through wheel, a king of scaling through pulling box is also provided. Pulling from
left to right is to magnify. Pulling from right to left is to shrink.

4.6 To Placed Area

This function button is in the “Sort Pattern Piece” group under the “Start” tab.

Move all the pattern pieces from the unplaced area to the placed area.

4.7 To Unplaced Area

This function button is in the “Sort Pattern Piece” group under the “Start” tab.

Move all the pattern pieces from the placed area to the unplaced area.

4.8 Sorting by Specifications

This function button is in the “Sort Pattern Piece” group under the “Start” tab.

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Three sorting methods for pattern pieces of unplaced area:
Sorting by specification, as shown in the figure below;

Sorting by area, as shown in the figure below;

Sorting by net, as shown in the figure below;

4.9 Backward

This function button is in the “Edit” group under the “Start” tab.

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Take a step backward.

4.10 Forward

This function button is in the “Edit” group under the “Start” tab.

Take a step forward.

4.11 Language

This function button is in the “View” group under the “Start” tab.

Through the pull-down list, you can switch languages. The languages of the pull-down list are displayed according to
the configured language file.

4.12 Page

This function button is in the “View” group under the “Start” tab.

The page is the page of maker order. You can switch the current maker order page through the pull-down list.

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4.13 User

The user is the machine name of the control center. The output center can correspond to multiple control centers,
multiple machines.

4.14 Summary View of Pattern Pieces

This function button is in the “View” group under the “Start” tab.

The function is used to change the display mode of unplaced area, as shown in the figure below:

View of dimension type table. This function button is in the “View” group under the “Start” tab.

As shown in the figure below:

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4.15 About

This function button is in the “Help” group under the “Start” tab.

The function group includes:

 Help document: You can open the instructions for the output center.
 Backup configuration file: Save the system parameters to a designated directory.
 Recovery configuration file: Import backup system parameters into the program.
 About

Display software version, company copyright, telephone information, etc.

 Visit: Click this button in networking status. Then you can visit the home page of Sinajet.

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 Update cutter configuration: After the control center changes the cutter configuration, click this menu to
synchronously update.
 Check work log: You can check work log.

4.16 Automatic Sequence

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

This function can automatically sequence the pattern pieces of the placed area.

Manual sequence

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

This function can manually sequence the pattern pieces of the placed area. You can click the pattern pieces of the
placed area to number them.

4.17 Overlap Detection

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

This function is to carry out overlap detection for pattern pieces of the placed area.

4.18 Adjusting Leather

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

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The leather adjusting tool is a function under the leather cutting method. After the scanned leather is paved on the
cutting table, the program will call the corresponding leather marker order and adjust the leather marker order with the
help of the projection, so as to make it agree with the leather on the cutting table.

4.19 Environment Variable

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

You can click this button to set the environment variables. After confirmation, you need to restart the program to
activate the environment variables, as shown in the figure:

4.20 Adjusting Starting Point

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

This function can automatically restrain the cutting starting point of the outline of the pattern pieces according to the
cutter-lifting angle and so on.

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4.21 Overcut Correction

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

The function is a method of the software to automatically recover the overcut produced in cutting.

4.22 Projecting to Projector

This function button is in the “Projection” group under the “Advanced” tab.

After connected to the projector, click “projecting to projector” to project the maker area to the cutting table through
the projector.

4.23 Projector Correction

This function button is in the “Projection” group under the “Advanced” tab.

Before projecting to the projector for the first time, correction process shall be carried out for the data of the projector.
This function is to correct the projector and obtain the correction parameters. Click this button. Then an offset-correction
patter piece will be automatically created while the interface will switch to a projector interface in the form of full screen.

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4.24 Full screen of Placed Area

This function button is in the “Projection” group under the “Advanced” tab.

This function can make the placed area become full screen, and usually combined and used when projecting the
projector to the cutting table.

4.25 Project Adjust

This function button is in the “Projection” group under the “Advanced” tab.

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4.26 Create Project Board

This function button is in the “Projection” group under the “Advanced” tab.

4.27 Shortcut Display

This function button is in the “Display Pattern Piece Object” group under the “Advanced” tab.

Includes: Display Coordinate Points, Display Internal Lines, Display Line of Direction, Fill in Pattern Pieces, Display
Piece Name, Display File Name, Display Model, Display Annotations, Display Sequence Number, Display according to
Output Settings, Display Words according to Vector, Display Background Image, etc.

4.26 Drawing Interpretation of Digitizer

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

Key description
0: Break point—Starting point and ending point of a line.
1:Break point—Internal points of a line (except starting point and ending point).
2: Curve point—Internal points of a line (except starting point and ending point).
3: Notch—It can only be operated after the pattern pieces are closed.
4: Close—Close internal lines.
8: Backward in operating record.
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9: Forward in operating record.
A: New pattern piece.
B: Close/finish pattern piece.
C: Cancel all the operations (only limited to the current pattern pieces).

Complete pattern piece: A--> Internal operation --> B
Internal operation:

0-->0 Straight line

0-->1-->1-->1-->0 Polyline
0-->1-->1-->2-->2-->1-->0 with arcs
0-->1-->1-->1-->4 closed line

4.27 Scaling Setting

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

It is valid for the pattern pieces of the whole marker order when no pattern pieces are selected. The interface is as shown

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4.28 Stripe Matching and Plaid Matching Marker

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

This tool is intended for manual Stripe matching and plaid matching marker.

The steps are as follows:

Stripe matching and plaid matching are divided into fabric plaid matching and plaid matching for pattern pieces.
Select the main plaid matching point of the pattern piece, and move the pattern piece to the appropriate position of the
Then place the pattern sheet. The following menu pops up.

At this moment, you can designate the plaid matching method and plaid matching parameters. After the completion of
settings, the plaid matching point will be placed in the position designated offset away from the nearest stripe matching and
plaid matching position. As shown in the figure below:
The entered parameters are: The plaid matching method is horizontal and vertical. The horizontal position is 0. The vertical
position is 0.

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If the plaid matching point of patter piece A is selected and moved to patter piece B which has completed plaid matching
and patter piece A is moved to an appropriate position after right click on the plaid matching point, the plaid matching point
of patter piece A can be placed in the position the same offset as patter piece B away from the nearest stripe matching and
plaid matching position.
As shown in the figure below:

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After plaid matching of the pattern piece is designated, the position of the pattern piece is as follows:

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4.29 Array Copy

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.
The interface of this function is as follows:

You can designate the number of lines, columns, line spacing, column spacing, and copy method of pattern piece. The result
is as follows:

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4.30 Mark Identification

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

After “Identify Mark” button is clicked, “Automatically Set Mark” dialog will pop up.

Pixel diameter: Diameter of holes needing to be identified.

Mark diameter: Mark diameter after holes are identified as marks.
Mark type: Mark type after holes are identified as marks, including cross mark, punching and drilling.

4.31 Image Stretching

This function button is in the “Tool” group under the “Advanced” tab.

After images are imported from the external bitmap menu, you can use this tool to stretch the images, as shown in the
figure below:

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5. Function of Editing Pattern Piece Individually

If you need to set the cutter properties and modify the contour line or add internal lines and other operations for pattern
pieces, you need to use this function. This function will enter the editing interface.

5.1 Entering Editing Interface

Select a pattern piece in unplaced area or placed area, then right click.

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Select “Edit Pattern Piece” in the popup menu and enter the editing interface.
You can also select “New Pattern Piece” to enter the editing interface. A new pattern piece will be created when you
click “New Pattern Piece”.

The following figure shows the editing interface.

5.2 Menu Functions of Editing Interface

The editing interface is an independent view, including:

 Menu
 View

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 Attribute frame
The menu area is as shown in the figure below:

It comprises the following functions in turn: Save, Cancel, Move View, Backward, Forward, Comprehensive Pickup,
Pencil, Draw Line, Draw Polyline, Bezier Curve, Spline Curve, Draw Rectangle, Draw Circle, Draw Arc, Draw Character
and Draw Mark. Length Control and Notch Adding, Equal Division Point, Breaking Line, Breaking Lines, Connecting
Lines, Extending Lines, Chamfering, Mirror Image, Parallel Line, Flat Cutter Arc Line, Rotation, Move, Copy, Array
Punching, measurement, Automatic Sequencing, Scaling through Pulling Boxes. Display coordinate Point, Display Internal
Line Number, Display Direction Line, Display Tool Window, Fill in Closed Internal Line, Display Background Image,
Display Reference Line, Display Character According to Vector. Shrink, Stretching, Image Stretching, Unfolding, Round
and Smooth Curve, Reference Line, Bundling, Multiple Segmental Lines of Technology Line, Rectangular Line f
Technology Line, etc.

5.2.1 Save

This function button is in the “File” group under the “Start” tab.

After clicking “Save” this edition is confirmed, and the interface returns to marker sheet interface.

5.2.2 Cancel

This function button is in the “File” group under the “Start” tab.

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After clicking “Cancel” this edition is cancelled, and the interface returns to marker sheet interface.

5.2.3 Moving view

This function button is in the “Edit” group under the “Start” tab.

Move the view area as a whole.

5.2.4 Backward

This function button is in the “Edit” group under the “Start” tab.

Take a step backward.

5.2.5 Forward

This function button is in the “Edit” group under the “Start” tab.

Take a step forward.

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5.2.6 Comprehensive Pickup

This function button is in the “Edit” group under the “Start” tab.

You can select objects by box or click, including selecting objects in pattern pieces. After selecting one or more objects,
you can operate with shortcut keys:
Left: Slightly move towards left;
Right: Slightly move towards right;
Up: Slightly move up;
Down: Slightly move down;
Number Key 1: Clockwise rotation;
Number Key 2: Counterclockwise rotation.
After selecting the object, you can right click the menu. If you select an object, however, click on the blank, the
following menu will pop up:

The right-click menu includes:

 Abandon Edition—Abandon edition, and exit editing interface;
 Confirm Edition—Confirm edition, and exit editing interface;
 Automatically Decompose Pattern Piece: If there are multiple closed curves inside the pattern piece, this function
can decompose them into multiple pattern pieces and save them to marker sheet.
 Automatically Merge Lines: Merge internal lines. Refer to the “Merge Line” in the right-click menu of Integral
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Edition for specific operations.
 Deselect—Cancel the selected objects;
 Add Points—Add a controlling point at the position on the selected curve closest to the mouse;
 Change Direction—Change the direction of selected object;
 Delete Object—Delete the selected object;
 Connect Lines—If two curves are selected, which are close to each other, they could be connected;
 Close Curve—If the selected curve is not closed, the function can close the curve;
 Link Lines: Select a curve, and automatically connect it to the curve connected to it, so as to merge a line.
 Segments Connection: Select two close lines, and conduct segment connection processing.
If you right click on a coordinate point, the following right-click menu will pop up:

The right-click menu includes:

 Abandon Edition—Abandon edition, and exit editing interface;
 Confirm Edition—Confirm edition, and exit editing interface;
 Automatically Decompose Pattern Piece: If there are multiple closed curves inside the pattern piece, this function
can decompose them into multiple pattern pieces and save them to marker sheet.
 Automatically Merge Lines: Merge internal lines. Refer to the “Merge Line” in the right-click menu of Integral
Edition for specific operations.
 Deselect—Cancel the selected objects;
 Delete Points—Delete the selected coordinate point;
 Break Line—Break the line at the selected point.
 Set as Starting Point—Set the selected coordinate point as starting point of the curve;
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 Set as Notch—If this curve is a closed curve, then add a new notch here;
 Set as Main Plaid Matching Point: Set the selected point as main plaid matching point.
 Set as Affiliated Plaid Matching Point: Set the selected point as affiliated plaid matching point.
 Change Direction—Change the direction of selected object;
 Delete Object—Delete the selected object;
 Connect Lines—If two curves are selected, which are close to each other, they could be connected;
 Close Curve—If the selected curve is not closed, the function can close the curve;
 Link Lines: Select a curve, and automatically connect it to the curve connected to it, so as to merge a line.
 Segments Connection: Select two close lines, and conduct segment connection processing.

5.2.7 Pencil

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function can achieve convenient drawing of curves.

5.2.8 Drawing Straight Line

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

Draw a straight segment. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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Operating mode: Left click the starting point. Release and move the mouse. Then Left click the ending point.
Parameter dialog will pop up.

You can enter length parameter and modify coordinates.

5.2.9 Drawing Multiple-Line Segment

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to drawing a multiple-line segment. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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Operating mode of this function:

Left click to draw the first point. Release and move the mouse. Then left click to draw the second point. Draw other
points successively.

Then right click the menu. There are three options, including “OK”, “Cancel” and “Close Curve”:
OK—Finish drawing;
Cancel—Cancel the drawing this time;
Close Curve—Close the curve drawn and finish.

5.2.10 Draw Bezier Curve

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to draw one or more continuous Bezier curves. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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Operating mode:

Left click on the first point. Release the mouse and move it. Then left click again and press “CTRL” to confirm the
second point. If you do not press “CTRL”, you can adjust any of the 4 control points or click on the curve while
adjusting the two control points in the middle.

Press “Space” key to take a step backward.

Right click. Then a menu will pop up.

OK—Finish drawing.

Close Curve—Close the curve drawn and finish.

Cancel—Cancel the drawing this time.

5.2.11 Drawing Spline B

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to draw a spline B. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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The operating mode is:

Left click on the first point. Move after release. Then left click again and press “CTRL” to confirm the second point. If
you do not press “CTRL”, you can adjust any of the control points.

Press “Space” key to take a step backward.

Right click. Then the menu will pop up.

OK—Confirm this drawing.

Cancel—Cancel the drawing this time.

5.2.12 Draw Rectangle

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to draw a closed rectangular line or closed line with chamfers. The result is as shown in the figure

Operating mode:

Left click and move the mouse without releasing the left button. After the left button is released, the parameter dialog
will pop up.

You can modify several points and the height and width.
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You can also set chamfers and set chamfer length. The result of rectangle with chamfers is as shown in the figure

5.2.13 Drawing Circle

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to draw a circle. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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Operating mode:

Left click to determine the circle center. Then move the mouse and left click again. The parameter dialog will pop up.

You can modify the circle center and radius. You can also set the precision of the curve.

5.2.14 Drawing Arc

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to draw an arc. The result is as shown in the figure below:

Operating mode:
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Left click to draw the first point. Move the mouse. Left click again to draw the second point. Then draw the third point
while left click for the third time. Generate an arc curve according to the three points.

5.2.15 Drawing Character

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to draw characters and add them to the current pattern piece. The result is as shown in the figure below:

Operating mode:

Left click to confirm the first point of character direction line. Move the mouse. Left click again to confirm the second
point of character direction line. Then the parameter dialog will pop up.

You can designate the basic height, width, angle, number of points and other basic properties.

5.2.16 Drawing Mark

This function button is in the “Draw” group under the “Start” tab.

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This function is to draw marks and add them to current pattern piece.
Operating mode:
Left click to confirm the coordinate of the mark center. The parameter dialog will pop up at the same time.
You can modify the diameter of the mark and mark type: punching, cross mark, drilling and positioning point.
The result is as shown in the figure below:

5.2.17 Length Control and Notch Adding

This function button is in the “Modify” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is length control and notch adding. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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Operating mode:
1. Select a line.
2. Left click to select a point. Don’t release, and move the mouse. A parameter dialog will pop up.
3. Set the value of length control, and select the type to be added: Add Point or Add Notch.
If it is to add notch, you can select type of the notch to be added.

5.2.18 Equal-Division Point

This function button is in the “Modify” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is equal-division point. The result is as shown in the figure below:

Operating mode:
1. Select a curve.
2. Left click to select a point.
3. Left click to select the second point next to the first point. Then a parameter dialog will pop up. Enter the number of
equal divisions and click “OK” to put the segment between the two points into equal divisions and add the
equal-division points to the curve.
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5.2.19 Breaking Line

This function button is in the “Modify” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to break line. The result is as shown in the figure below:

Operating mode:
1. Select a line.
2. Left click somewhere on the line (or on the coordinate points on the line, or on the line). Then the line is broken into
two lines from the point of left click.

5.2.20 Connecting Lines

This function button is in the “Modify” group under the “Start” tab.

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This function is to connect lines. The result is as shown in the figure below:

Operating mode:
1. Select two curves close to each other.
2. Right click on the position where the two lines are close to each other.

5.2.21 Extending Lines

This function button is in the “Modify” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to extend lines. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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Operating mode:
1. Select a line.
2. Left click on the end of extending direction of the end. The parameter dialog will pop up. You can select the
extending direction: Forward or backward direction. You can also choose the starting point of extension: Head or end. You
can enter the extending distance. Press “OK” to finish.

5.2.22 Chamfering

This function button is in the “Modify” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is to chamfer. The result is as shown in the figure below:

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Operating mode:
1. Select a curve (For curves needing chamfers, there must be three coordinate points).
2. Select chamfer points (Chamfer points must be in the middle. There must be coordinate points before and behind
3. After selecting chamfer points, move the mouse without releasing it. After the mouse is released, a parameter dialog
will pop up. You can enter the parameter of the distance between the two edges of the chamfers.
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4. Press “OK” to finish.

5.2.23 Mirror Image

This function button is in the “Modify” group under the “Start” tab.

This function is mirror image. The result is as shown in the figure below:

Operating mode:
1. Select an object, curve, character or mark.
2. Right click. Then a menu will pop up. Select horizontal mirror or vertical mirror.

5.2.24 Parallel Line

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Start” tab

This function is parallel line and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

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After paralleling

Mode of operation:
1 Check a curve
2 Move the mouse, right click to pop up parameters dialog and enter amount of parallel.
3 If it is a straight-line segment and it has parameters of number of the parallel line, it can generate multiple parallel

5.2.25 Flat Cutter Arc Line

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Start” tab

This function is flat cutter arc line and the function conditions are as follows: The selected curve is circular cutter or
vibration cutter and the flat cutter or vibration cutter needs to be configured, preselect the cutters for overcut on the cutting
output dialog box, such as flat cutter or vibration cutter. The effect is as shown in the figure below:

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Mode of operation:
1 Check a curve
2 Check the start point
3 Check the end point
4 Right click (click on the curve that requires the flat cutter treatment) to pop up menu and select (interval line between
two points) or the whole line. You can cancel it as well.
After confirmation, if the selected interval line or the whole line is modified or excessively cut by the flat cutter, the
curve will be split by the length of the flat cutter. If the selected interval line or the whole line is modified or excessively cut
by the vibration cutter, the structure of the original curve will remain unchanged and the cutter will be changed to be
vibration cutter.

5.2.26 Rotation

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Start” tab

This function is rotation and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

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Mode of operation:
1 Check a curve or multiple curves or multiple other objects
2 Right click to pop up menu,
3 Check the rotation angle according to the options in the menu.

5.2.27 Move

This function button is in the “Modify”barunder the “Start” tab

This function is move and the effect is as shown in the figure below:
Mode of operation:
1 Check a or multiple objects
2 Right click to select move point and press the Move. Release and stop moving,
3 The buttons of Up, Down, Left and Right can also be pressed to move the objects.

5.2.29 Copy

This function button is in the “Modify”barunder the “Start” tab

This function is copy and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

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Mode of operation;
1 Check a or multiple objects
2 Right click for direct copy.

5.2.30 Array Punching

This function button is in the “Modify”barunder the “Start” tab

This function is array punching and it can generate punching marks in batches. The effect is as shown in the figure

Mode of operation:
1 Left click on a location button to pop up parameter dialog
2 Modify the parameters on the dialog box:
Diameter: Punching hole diameter
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Coordinate of start point: Coordinate of start point
Number of lines: Number of lines for generating punching
Number of columns: Number of columns for generating punching
Line spacing: Interval between lines
Space between columns: Interval between columns
Line offset: Offset between lines
Column offset: Offset between columns

5.2.31 Measurement

This function button is in the “Modify”barunder the “Start” tab

This function is measurement and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

Mode of operation:
1 Left click on the first point (select point of lock point)
2 Left click on the second point (select point of lock point) to show the length between two points

5.2.32 Angle Measurement

This function button is in the “Modify”barunder the “Start” tab

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This function is angle measurement and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

Mode of operation:

1 Check a point with angle (Coordinate point before and after it)

2 Move the mouse which can show the angle of this point

5.2.33 Automatic Sequencing

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Start” tab

This function is automatic sequencing and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

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Mode of operation:

Click this button, which can sequence the internal lines of the pattern pieces.

5.2.34 Manual Sequencing

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Start” tab

This function is manual sequencing and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

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Mode of operation:

1 Left click on the internal lines and sort the internal lines in accordance with the click sequence

2 Click on the blank, which can end this sequencing.

5.2.35 Scaling through Pulling Boxes

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Start” tab

This function is scaling through pulling boxes and the effect is as shown in the figure below:
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Mode of operation:

Pulling the box from left to right is amplification

Pulling the box from right to left is minification

5.2.37 View Display Option

View display option is in the small “View” bar under the “Advanced” tab.

Display coordinate point: Display or hide the coordinate points of the objects
Display serial number of the internal lines: Display or hide the serial number of the checked curves
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Display direction line: Display or hide the direction lines of the checked curves
Fill the internal closed line: Display or hide the filling of the internal closed line
Display cutterwindow: Display or hide the attributes dialog window
Display background image: For imported bitmap, display or hide the background images
Display reference line: Display or hide the reference lines
Display text by vector: Checking means the text is displayed by vector and unchecking means the text is displayed by

5.2.38 Shrinkage

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Advanced” tab

This function is pattern pieces shrinkage and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

Mode of operation:
Click Shrinkage menu to pop up shrinkage and stretching dialog
Modify the length and the width after stretching and then the current pattern pieces can be carried out overall shrinkage

5.2.39 Stretching

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Advanced” tab

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This function is object stretching and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

Mode of operation:
1 Check the curves to be stretched
2 Press the left button and click the button of Check and Move Map Blocks and then move the mouse to stretch the

5.2.40 Image Stretching

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Advanced” tab

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This function is image stretching and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

Mode of operation:
1 Check the curves to be stretched
2 Press the left button and click the button of Check and Move Map Blocks and then move the mouse to stretch the

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5.2.41 Unfolding

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Advanced” tab

This function is closed curve unfolding and the effect is as shown in the figure below. The left pattern is the pattern
before unfolding and the right pattern is the pattern after unfolding:

Mode of operation:
1 Check the closed curves to be unfolded
2 Check the first point of the unfolded line
3 Check the second point of the unfolded line
4 Click the right button on one side of the line to be unfolded to pop up menu, press Confirm Button and then the
unfolding operation can be completed.

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5.2.42 Round and Smooth Curve

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Advanced” tab

This function is round and smooth curve and the effect is as shown in the figure below. The left pattern is the pattern
before rounding and smooth treatment and the right pattern is the pattern after rounding and smooth treatment:

Mode of operation:
1 Check a curve
2 Check the first point
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3 Check the second point
4 Move control point to adjust the round and smooth curve
5 Click the right button (on one side of the curve to be rounded and smoothed) and press Confirm Button to end the

5.2.43 Reference Line

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Advanced” tab

This function is reference line and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

Mode of operation:
1 Left click the left side of view and then hold it down, move the mouse to add a vertical reference line.
2 Left click the bottom of view and then hold it down, move the mouse to add a horizontal reference line.
3 Left click the vertical reference line and then hold it down, move the mouse to move the reference line. If the vertical
reference line is moved to the left side of the view, release the mouse and at this time the vertical reference line is deleted.
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4 Left click the horizontal reference line and then hold it down, move the mouse to move the reference line. If the
horizontal reference line is moved to the bottom of the view, release the mouse and at this time the horizontal reference line
is deleted.
5 We can choose the Button of Display or Close the Reference Line from the Display Parameters dialog in System
Settings in the interface of marker order or “View” bar under the “Advanced” tag in the editing interface

5.2.44 Bundling

This function button is in the “Modify” bar under the “Advanced” tab

This function is curve bundling and the effect is as shown in the figure below (the left pattern is the pattern before
bundling and the right pattern is the pattern after bundling):

Mode of operation:
1 Check two adjacent graphics
2 Right click to pop up menu, click Confirm Button and then the bundling can be realized.
3 After bundling, keep the original graphics, the original graphics are set as non-output and the closed curves after
bundling are added to the original graphics.

5.2.45 Multiple Segmental Lines of Technology Line

This function button is in the “Technology Line” bar under the “Advanced” tab

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This function is multiple segmental lines of technology line and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

Mode of operation:
1 Check the tools of “multiple segmental lines of technology line”
2 Set the types of technology line and its parameters in the attributes window
3 Left click the first point, release and move the mouse and click the second point…right click to pop up menu and
choose “OK” or “Cancel”.
The parameter setting of technology line is as shown in the figure below

Stitching type: Craft_V (V wave shape), Craft_HalfRect (semi-rectangular wave shape),Craft_Trap (ladder-shaped),
Craft_Sin (sinusoidal waveform), Craft_Bezier (Bessel wave shape),Craft_Arc (arc wave shape)

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Height of stitching: height value of stitching
Height of upper base of stitching: ladder-shaped and semi-rectangular stitching has this parameter
Height of lower base of stitching: base width of stitching and all stitching have this parameter

5.2.46 Technology Line Rectangle

This function button is in the “Technology Line” bar under the “Advanced” tab

This function is rectangular line of technology line and the effect is as shown in the figure below:

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Mode of operation:
1 Left click the first point of the rectangle and then hold the mouse down, move the mouse and release the mouse to
pop up the parameter dialog
2 We can modify the parameters in the popup dialog

5.3 Cutter Setting

Check one or multiple objects and then choose the object’ cutter in the attributes dialog

Choose the object’s cutterattributes in the cutterdrop-down box

Other attributes

Tool: Set cutter for the checked objects

Drawing tool: Choose default cutter of drawing so as to set a cutter for the newly-generated object when drawing.
Parameters of technology lines: We can modify these parameters while choosing the drawing cutter of technology line.

6. Manual Marker

Carry out manual marker for the marker order by virtue of “comprehensive pickup” and “manual Marker” tools and

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some shortcut key functions, etc.

7. Automatic Marker

The automatic marker is divided into quick marker, complete Marker, color-difference markerand copy Marker.

7.1 Preparations before Marker

The marker attributes need to be set before the first marker and has three settings:
a Set in the style attributes setting

The pattern pieces here refer to the basic pattern pieces in the style. Here, we can not only set markerattributes, but also
set style number and the quantity of front and back pattern pieces.

The markerattributes that can be set include:

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Types of rotation angle: 0, 180, 90, 45 and Free.
0° means it cannot rotate,
180 ° means it can rotate 0° or 180 °.
90° means it can rotate 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°.
45° means it can rotate 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270° and 315°.
Free means it can rotate in multiples according to the specified angle.
Rotational behaviors: independent and related.
The independence means this pattern piece can be rotated separately and the relevance means it can be rotated with the
pattern pieces in the same group simultaneously.
Flip types: None, X flipped, Y flipped and XY flipped.
Flip behaviors: independent and related.
The independence means this pattern piece can be rotated separately and the relevance means it can be rotated with the
pattern pieces in the same group simultaneously.
Angle of inclination: It can be used matching with the rotation angle, which means it can rotate with specified tilt
angleon the basic of rotation.

The quantity of pattern pieces that can be set includes:

Quantity of suits
Quantity of front pattern pieces
Quantity of back pattern pieces
Attention: If the modification is confirmed, the quantity of pattern pieces in the markerproposal must be regenerated
according to the quantity of suits and the quantity of front pattern piece and back pattern piece in this setting. The priority
sequence is from the unplaced area to the placed area, such as a basic pattern piece Front Pattern Piece.
If its theoretical quantity is more than the actual quantity after setting, the corresponding front and back pattern pieces
need to be increased in the unplaced area .
If its theoretical quantity is less than the actual quantity after setting, it is necessary to reduce the quantity in the
unplaced area first and then reduce the quantity in the placed area.

b Set in the marker attributes

After checking the pattern pieces that need to set the marker attributes, right click.

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Click the marker attribute sheet.

The pattern pieces here refer to the pattern pieces in the unplaced area and placed area . The markerattributes that can
be set include:
Types of rotation angle: 0, 180, 90, 45 and Free.
0° means it cannot rotate,
180 ° means it can rotate 0° or 180 °.
90° means it can rotate 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°.
45° means it can rotate 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270° and 315°.
Free means it can rotate in multiples according to the specified angle.
Rotational behaviors: independent and related.
The independence means this pattern piece can be rotated separately and the relevance means it can be rotated with the
pattern pieces in the same group simultaneously.
Flip types: None, X flipped, Y flipped and XY flipped
Flip behaviors: independent and related.

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The independence means this pattern piece can be rotated separately and the relevance means it can be rotated with the
pattern pieces in the same group simultaneously.
Angle of inclination: It can be used matching with the rotation angle, which means it can rotate with specified tilt angle
on the basic of rotation.
Initial angle: The angle of the pattern pieces
Clearance: The clearance between pattern pieces. Its value can be positive and the pattern pieces can be away from
each other. Its value can be negative as well and the pattern pieces can be connected with each other.

c Set in the marker dialog

In the pattern pieces marker attributes group, the type of rotation angle, range of inclination, amount of clearance, X
turning-over, Y flipped of the pattern pieces can be set. After the setting is finished, click Apply.
If the checkbox of Apply to Pattern pieces is checked, all pattern pieces in the unplaced area in the marker proposal
and all pattern pieces in placed area need to be set the marker attributes.
If the checkbox of Apply to Pattern pieces is not checked, there attributes will be set as default marker attributes for
importing pattern pieces next time.

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7.2 Quick Marker

Quick marker does not need to set marker time and carry out the marker for the selected pattern pieces in the unplaced
area preferentially. If the pattern pieces in the unplaced area are not selected, carry out the marker for all pattern pieces in
the unplaced area. If the placed area has the pattern pieces, it will pop up the dialog as follow:

Keep the placed pattern pieces: The position of the placed pattern pieces is unchanged, only carry out the marker for
the pattern pieces in the unplaced area;
Only keep the locked pattern pieces: The position of the locked pattern pieces in the unplaced area is unchanged and
other pattern pieces need to be carried out the marker again;
Mark the unlocked pattern pieces in the placed area again: The position of the pattern pieces in the unplaced area is
unchanged and carry out the marker for the unlocked pattern pieces in the placed area;
Mark all pattern pieces in the placed area again: The position of the pattern pieces in the unplaced area is unchanged
and carry out the marker for all pattern pieces in the placed area;
Complete marker: Carry out marker again for all pattern pieces in the unplaced and placed places;
Cancel: Cancel this marker operation.

7.3 Complete Marker

Carry out marker for the checked pattern pieces in the unplaced area preferentially. If the pattern pieces in the unplaced
area are not checked, carry out marker for all pattern pieces in the unplaced area. Click “Complete Marker” Button and the

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following dialog will appear:

Set a time required for marker, generally 1 to 5 minutes, check the checkbox of “Memory” and set in accordance with
this time next time.

If the placed area has pattern pieces, the following dialog will pop up:

Keep the placed pattern pieces: The position of the placed pattern pieces is unchanged, only carry out the marker for
the pattern pieces in the unplaced area;
Only keep the locked pattern pieces: The position of the locked pattern pieces in the unplaced area is unchanged and
other pattern pieces need to be carried out the marker again;
Mark the unlocked pattern pieces in the placed area again: The position of the pattern pieces in the unplaced area is
unchanged and carry out the marker for the unlocked pattern pieces in the placed area;
Mark all pattern pieces in the placed area again: The position of the pattern pieces in the unplaced area is unchanged
and carry out the marker for all pattern pieces in the placed area;
Complete marker: Carry out marker again for all pattern pieces in the unplaced and placed places;
Cancel: Cancel this marker operation.
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7.4 Stop Marker

Click on the button of “Stop Marker” and the marker will be stopped automatically, it may be delayed for a while and
then carry out marker in accordance with the latest marker results.

8. Output Cutting Files

The position of saving to the button of cutting table is the button of “Save to Cutting Table” on the file group in the
“Start” tab:

The following matters need to be dealt with before saving to the cutting table:
8.1 Ensure the environment variable has been set. If it is not set, turn off the software after setting and then restart
8.2 Carry out marker in accordance with the specified width and length (manual marker or automatic marker).
8.3 Output parameters setting,
It is necessary to ensure the cutter parameters to be consistent with the cutter parameters in the control center before
setting output parameters.
Two ways for updating cutter parameters are as follows:
a The cutter parameters will be updated automatically after the program is restarted every time
b The cutter parameters in the control center can be We can copy the cutter parameters catalog from the control center
and then copy to the cutter parameters catalog in the output center.

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As shown in the figure above, set output parameters in the cutting table setting attributes page under the
comprehensive setting dialog.

8.3.1 Setting of cutting tools of cutting objects

Setting of default cutting tools of internal objects of pattern pieces includes:

For contour line, if it was checked, the contour of the pattern piece will be set as the default cutting tools of
the contour line automatically when the external data is imported.
For internal line, if it was checked, the internal line, grain and mark of the pattern piece will be set as the
default cutting tools of theinternal line automatically when the external data is imported.
Fore notch line, if it was checked, the notch of the pattern piece will be set as the default cutting tools of
thenotch line automatically when the external data is imported.
If the “Apply to All Pattern Pieces” was checked, the corresponding objects of the pattern piece in the unplaced
area will be set as the current set default cutting tools after exiting the attributes setting dialog.

8.3.2 Text setting

Output text language: Currently, there are two kinds of language: Japanese and simplified Chinese.
Minimum font size: Minimum font height of the output text, if exceeds this size, this size will be changed.
Maximum font size: Maximum font height of the output text, if exceeds this size, this size will be changed.
Name of pattern piece: Whether to output the name of pattern piece
Annotation text: Whether to output the annotation text.
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File name: Whether to output the file number of pattern piece
Number: Whether to output the number of pattern piece
Model: Whether to output the model number of pattern piece
Style: Whether to output the style name of pattern piece

8.3.3 Special cutting setting

Eliminate edge: Whether to output the lines that coincide withthe marker box. If it is checked, the lines will not be
Maximum edge distance: Eliminate the error value of the edge line and if the curve is in this range, the curve will
not be output.
Eliminate double cuttingof straight line: Whether to output the coincident straight lines.
Maximum spacing of straight line: Error value for coincidence of straight lines. The two straight lines within this
error value can be called as coincidence.
Prevent overlap when cutting: Whether the overlapped pattern pieces can output cutting. If this option is checked,
the overlapped pattern pieces cannot be output to cutting table.

8.3.4 Paging output

Paging output: Whether to carry out paging output

Paging length: The length of paging output
Dynamic paging: Whether to carry out dynamic paging output (if this option is checked, check the paging output
first and then set paging length)
Output paging mark: Whether to output paging mark in the paging place

8.3.5 Notch setting

Change the types of notch: If needs to output double I type, V-type contour notch or circular arccontour
notch, check this item.
Types of notch: Currently, three types of notch are supported: Double I type, V-type contour notch or
circular arccontour notch.
Length of notch: If outputs double I type notch, it needs to set the length of notch. (shorten than the
actually installed I type punching )
Width of notch: If outputs V-type contour notch or circular arccontour notch, it needs to set the length and
width of notch.

8.3.6 Cutter and sequence setting

This cutter setting table displays all configured tools.

The cutter can be set whether to output and the output sequence.

8.3.7 Cutting sequence setting

Proposal of cutting sequence: It includes the output by cutter sequence and the output by the sequence of
pattern piece.
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Priority proposal of elements of pattern pieces: It includes the operation by cutter sequence, the operation firstly
by text sequence and then by cutter sequence, the contour output and the operation by cutter sequence and the
internal line output and the operation by cutter sequence.
Proposal of pattern piece sequencing: It includes automatic sequencing, specified sequence and default
Sequencing proposal of internal elements: It includes automatic sequencing, specified sequence and
default sequence.
Inkjet first: Check this option and output plot line preferentially
Print cutting line: Check this option, which means that it needs to output plot line as cutting line once

8.3.8 Output unit setting

40 unit per mm:

160 unit per mm:
1000 unit per mm:
Three kinds of units for output cutting files
8.3.9 Modification of overcut parameters
Cutter liftingcompensation: Compensation when cutter lifting with circular cutter or vibration cutter
Cutter loweringcompensation: Compensation when cutter loweringwith circular cutter or vibration
Effective length of flat cutter: The effective length of flat cutter for actual cutting and the actual cutting
length of 5mm cutter may be 4.2mm.
Effective overcut: The overlapped cutting length of circular cutter and flat cutter
Overcut correction angle: It is similar to angleof cutter lifting,
Small arc transition angle: Set a parameter for correction comparing short arc type curves.
Correction of small arc: Whether to carry out overcut correction for small arc.
Do not output short internal lines: Whether to output short internal lines
Correction of short line segment in the position of cutter lifting: In the position of cutter lifting, the line
segment should not be too short. If the line segment is too short, it will be easy to cause a overcut. This option can
lengthen the short line segment in the position of cutter lifting
Correction of internal line overcut: Whether to carry out overcut treatment for the internal lines of
pattern pieces.
Correct the internal short line overcut only: Check this option and only carry out overcut correction for
the internal shorter line segment.
Correct the short line segment overcut only: Check this option and only carry out overcut correction for
the contour of pattern piece and the short line segment of the internal line.
Correction of overcut cutters: The correction of overcut can be operated with flat cutter and vibration
cutter as well, so we need to choose it.

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9. Setting

There are the following settings in addition to parameters setting when importing the internal data and parameters
setting when outputting:

9.1 Unit Setting

The system units can be set in unit setting dialog

Currently, three kinds of units are supported: mm, cm and inch

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9.2 Marker Setting

The marker parameters setting can be found in the marker setting attribute page in the comprehensive settings
9.2.1 Fabric setting
Use the size of cutting table:If this option is checked, the fabric width and length will be set automatically in
accordance with the table size of the machine.
Fabric width: Width in the current marker order
Fabric length:Length in the current marker order
9.2.2 Setting of stripe matching and plaid matching
Stripe for use: Whether to use stripe
Space between longitudinal stripes:Space betweenstripes
The first stripe starts from: The first stripe starts from the distance of left margin
Use plaid:Whether to use plaid
Space between horizontal plaids: Space betweenplaids
The first plaid starts from: The first plaid starts from the distance of top margin
9.2.3 Marker setting
Fixed length marker: Whether to use fixed length marker
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Length of fixed length:The length of fixed length marker
Segmented marker: Whether to use segmented marker
Segmented length: The length of segmented marker
Top margin: The distance between the marker order and top margin
Left margin: The distance between the marker order and left margin
Bottom margin: The distance between the marker order and bottom margin
9.2.4 Setting of marker attributes of pattern pieces
Rotation angle: 0, 180, 90, 45, Free.
Tilt range: An angular metric matching with the rotation angle.
Space:Space between pattern pieces. The space between pattern pieces is half of this value.
X flip is allowed and Y flip is allowed as well:
Apply to pattern pieces:The marker attributes will be applied to all pattern pieces immediately after checking this
9.2.5 Marker page setting
Can add pages, delete pages and choose the current pages.
The marker attributes will be the attributes of the current page after switching pages.

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9.3 Display Setting

9.3.1 Object display setting

Display outer contour:
Display inner contour:
Display internal line:
Display grain line:
Display notch line:
Display point:
Display overlapping line:
Display marked line:
High quality display: Adopt GDI+display
Display directional line: Display the start point and direction of multiple segment lines
9.3.2 Filling display setting
Pattern piece filling:
Bundling filling:
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Flaw filling:
Drop-down box filling:
9.3.3 Text display setting
Display name of pattern piece
Display model:
Display file name:
Display sequence number:
Display style number:
Display number:
Display annotation text:
Display according to output setting: Check this option and display in accordance with the output setting, or
display according to the setting here.
Display by the vector: Check this option and display text by this vector, or display text in pixels.
Font setting: Set font for text displayed.
9.3.4 Other display settings
Display Grid line:
Display septal line:
Display plaid matching line:
Display stripe matching line:
Display paging line: Set paging output and length.The paging line will be displayed when setting this option.
Display ruler:
Display background image:
Display reference line:

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9.4 Color Setting

9.4.1 Color of pattern piece objects

Cut line color
Sew line color
Internal line color
Grain line color
Character color
Notch color
Punching color
Coordinate point color:
In addition to coordinate point color, the colors of the other objects are displayed according to the color of their
9.4.2 Color related to marker
Filling color of patter piece: Has no effect here and shall be set in size and color settings.
Color of overlap region:
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Flaw color:
Color of binding group
Interval line color:
Color of overlap region:
Flaw filling color:
Binding filling color:
9.4.3 Color of marker objects
9.4.4 Size color
The color of each size is displayed in the table of size color. The color of the size is reflected in the color of the
piece when it is filled.

9.5 System settings

9.5.1 Character attributes: Default character font parameters of the system

Character height:
Character width:

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Character spacing:
9.5.2 Notch attributes: Default notch display parameters of the system
Notch length
Notch width
Notch type
9.5.3 Default marker attributes: Default pattern piece marker attributes of the system (no longer used)
Rotation type:
Flip type:
Title range:
9.5.4 Stepping quantity attributes
Rotation stepping quantity: Minimum angle of each rotation
Moving stepping quantity: Minimum distance of each moving of objects
Moving view stepping quantity: Minimum distance of each moving of views
Scaling stepping quantity: Minimum level of each scaling of views
Marker stepping quantity X: A parameter used in simple marker
Marker stepping quantity Y: A parameter used in simple marker
9.5.5 Grid settings:
Distance in X direction: Distance between stripes
Distance in Y direction: Distance between plaids
9.5.6 Parameters of calibration board of projector
Automatically generate calibration board: Click “Projector Correction”. Then a calibration board pattern
piece will be automatically generated.
Length: Length of calibration board
Width: Width of calibration board
9.5.7 Other settings
Forward and backward: Enable forward and backward function or not
Backward steps:
Automatically save: Enable the function of automatically saving as marker sheet or not
Time of automatic save:
Types of binding outline: Group outline, convex hull, minimum bounding box, bounding box.
Limit overlap: Limit overlap while moving
Generate system log: Generate system log or not
Generate marker debugging information: Generate marker debugging information or not
Display marker box according to proportion of width: Display marker box according to proportion of width
or not
Automatically update cutter configuration: Automatically update cutter configuration or not
9.5.8 Image parameter settings
Maintain original size of image: Check this option to maintain original size of imported image, otherwise,
according to the set size.
Width of background image: When original size of imported image is not maintained, this parameter is used to set
width of the image
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Height of background image: When original size of imported image is not maintained, this parameter is used
to set height of the image

9.5.9 Digitizer parameter

Baud rate: Default baud rate is 9600.

Data bit: Default data bit is 8.

Stop bit: Default stop bit is 0.

Check bit: Default check bit is none.

Communication port: Default communication port is COM1

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IV. Positional Cutting

1. Camera Correction Instruction

1.1 Camera Correction for Image Distortion

Calibration tool:
Calibration board (black and white chessboard with internal corner of 11×8)

Calibration method:
1. To make calibration board, print chessboard and stick it to the plate.
2. To focus the camera, when object distance is about 8.5cm, lock the focal length of the camera.
3. Make the calibration board and the camera form an angle of about 45º (±15º) and identify the calibration board
25 times in total.
4. If identification fails, the angle of the calibration board shall be adjusted and identified again.
5. After successful calibration, “out_camera_data.yml” file of correction coefficient will be obtained.

1.2 Correction of Camera Offset

Correction tool:
Circular cutter or vibration cutter
Correction conditions (When one of the following conditions is met, offset correction shall be carried out for the camera
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1. Initial installation of camera.
2. The first cutter seat or cutter on this seat is changed or adjusted.
3. There is large deviation in cutting accuracy.
Correction method:
1. Make sure the camera head deviates from the margin for more than 15cm. Place a piece of paper in the position of the
current camera head and obtain the coordinates of the current camera head (automatically obtained by the program)
2. Right click in the camera window and select “Correction of Camera Offset”. Then the cutter will cut a cross on the paper.

3. Move the camera head to make the center of the cross appear in the range of camera image (rough adjustment).
4. Enlarge the image, click on the position of cross center of the image and make the image center overlap with the cross
center (fine adjustment).

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5. Adjust the installing angle of the camera, enlarge or shrink the image and make the cross line of the image overlaps with
the cutting cross line.
6. Repeat 4-5 an make sure the error is within the pixel range of 1-2.
7. Right click the camera window, select “Calculate Coordinate Offset of Camera”. After successful correction, the offset of
image center will be obtained.

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8. You can also identify and cut test pieces and modify offset through positioning.

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2. Enabling Positional Cutting

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1. Run Output Center as Administrator

Select “Attribute (R)” in right-click menu of “SinajetScc.exe”. Select “Compatibility” tab. Click “Change Settings for All
Users” button and check “Run as Administrator” check box in the “Privileged Level” label. Then click “OK” to save the
settings. Avoid selecting “Run as Administrator (A)” in right-click menu every time.

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2. Enable Positional Cutting Interface

After running the output center, if the positional cutting interface is not displayed on the right, find out and check “Display
CCD Window” check box in “Function Zone of Menu—Advanced”. Then CCD positional cutting function can be enabled.

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3. Confirming Gigabit Network Card

Ensure that the cable is connected to the cutting table. Then open “Windows Task Manager”. Find out “Local Connection”
in “Networking” option. If “Line Speed” displays as 1Gbps, the network card supports gigabit network; if “Line Speed”
displays as 100Mbps or other values, please use the positional cutting function after replacing gigabit network card.

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3. Installation of Camera Driver and Configuration of Network Card

1. Installation of Camera Driver and Configuration of Network Card

After enabling the positional cutting function, in the CCD interface, press “Ctrl” key and “Open IP Settings of Network
Camera” icon. Select the network card connected to the cutting table in "Sinajet Camera and Network Card Configuration”
dialog. Then click “Bulk Setting of Jumbo Frames (Jumbo)” and “Install Filter Driver” successively. Pay attention to install
the driver as administrator. Then operate according to the prompts. Please select “OK” or “Always Trust...” in popup dialog.
After installation, you may need to restart the computer.

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2. Method of Manual Setting of Jumbo Frame (Positional Cutting) of
Network Card in Windows 7

Click icon in the left bottom of the desktop and enter “Network and Sharing Center”. Than press “Enter” key.
Open “Network and Sharing Center” window and click “Change Adapter Settings” in the left side.
Then find out “Local Connection” icon in the popup window and select “Attribute” by right click.
Click “Configuration” button on the left of the popup dialog and select “Advanced” tab.
Then find out “Jumbo Frame” list item under “Property (P):” list and select “9KB MTU” in the drop-down list box of
“Value (V)” on the right.
Finally, click “OK” to complete the setting of Jumbo Frame.

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4. Application of Positional Cutting

1. Use of Positional Cutting

Step I, run output center and import “.dxf” pattern piece files containing positioning point information;
Step II, fabric-spreading, adjust the positions of material or move vector graphics in the marker sheet, so as to ensure the
positions of vector graphics are roughly the same as the placing direction of material;
Step III, click “Start Positioning”. After the cutter head stops moving, adjust the position of cutter head through pressing
“↑↓←→” keys (rough adjustment) or clicking the image (fine adjustment), so as to make the first positioning point
displayed near the image center. Then click “OK” button and the program will automatically find the next positioning point
and automatically cut according to the file.
a. Must ensure the number of positioning points is less than 3.
b. If placing direction of material quite different from its placing direction in marker sheet, the second positioning point may
fail. Now enter manual mode, that is, the second positioning point needs positioning of manual intervention. See Step III for
manual identification method.
c. If the third and the next positioning points fail, two schemes may be provided. One is to delete the positioning point; the
other is to take the positioning method of manual identification.

2. Application Scenarios of Positional Cutting

a. Non-continuous positional cutting

In case of this scenario, there is only a share of vector data of pattern pieces. There is no need to conduct data splicing. You
may just manually designate the first positioning point. This scenario is applicable to single pattern piece or the situation
that the size of the marker sheet doesn’t exceed the effective cutting range of the cutting table.
b. continuous positional cutting
This scenario requires accurate data for splicing and is applicable to cutting of the marker sheet with a length longer than
the length of cutting table once.

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