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SNJB’s Late Sau. K. B. Jain College of Engineering, Chandwad.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Lab Practice – 1 Cloud Computing Laboratory (404186)

Experiment No.- _______


Date of Completion: __________________ Date of Submission: __________________

S.N. Criteria Possible Marks Obtained Marks

1 Active Participation 8, 10, 15, 20

2 Knowledge about topic / programming 8, 10, 15, 20

3 Timely Completion /Submission 8, 10, 15, 20

4 Performance, Punctuality & Neatness 8, 10, 15, 20

5 Output, Viva and Conclusion 8, 10, 15, 20

Out of 100

Out of 10 Total

Date:____________________ Prof.
Department: - Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Cloud Computing


TITLE: Find a procedure to transfer the files from one virtual machine to another virtual

AIM: To study how to transfer the files from one virtual machine to another virtual machine.

1. To study how to use VirtualBox.
2. To to transfer the files from one virtual machine to another virtual machine.


VirtualBox is open-source software for virtualizing the x86 computing architecture. It acts as
a hypervisor, creating a VM (virtual machine) where the user can run another OS (operating

The operating system where VirtualBox runs is called the "host" OS. The operating system
running in the VM is called the "guest" OS. VirtualBox supports Windows, Linux,
or macOS as its host OS.

When configuring a virtual machine, the user can specify how many CPU cores, and how
much RAM and disk space should be devoted to the VM. When the VM is running, it can be
"paused." System execution is frozen at that moment in time, and the user can resume using it
Supported guest operating systems

Guest operating systems supported by VirtualBox include:

 Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista, 2000, NT, and 98.

 Linux distributions based on Linux kernel 2.4 and newer,
including Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, Mandriva/Mandrake, Fedora, RHEL,
and Arch Linux.
 Solaris and OpenSolaris.
 macOS X Server Leopard and Snow Leopard.
 OpenBSD and FreeBSD.
 OS/2.
 QNX.
 BeOS R5.
 Haiku.
 ReactOS.


1. Download and install Oracle's Virtual Box. (Reboot needed after installation)

2. Download Ubuntu VMDK Image.

3. Launch Virtualbox and create a new VM.

4. Click on new and mention the Name and the machine folder along with the Type and
Version of the Machine to be created.

5. Assign memory size for our VM (1024 MB sufficient for now).

6. Select the option Use an existing virtual hard disk file and locate the donwloaded
VMDK image below and create VM.

7. Now we have to create a NAT Network so go to File -> Preferences -> Network -> Add
a New NAT Network (Click on +)

8. Right click and edit the Network name and CIDR if needed. Example :

Name - My VMbox Network

CIDR - and save the changes.

9. Repeat the process of launching the VM for 2 instances.

10. Now go to the setting, go to the network setting and change the adapter to NAT
Network and and select the NAT Network you made ( in our case : My VMbox
Network ) and click ok.

11. Launch the VM now.

12. Install the net-tools to know the IP's of the instance.

$ sudo apt install net-tools

$ sudo apt update

13. To know the IP address

$ ifconfig
Now the IP will be in the range of 172.168.2.*

* - any number in the range of 1 to 254 (total 256 addresses)

14. Now create a file and write something into it.

$ touch tranfer.txt
$ nano transfer.txt
-> hey, How are you?
ctrl + X and save
Some Commands for Linux Based Distros:

ls - list all the files and directories

cat - show the content inside a file
scp - it will help us to copy files from one vm to other
cd - change directory
mkdir - make a new directory
touch - it makes a new file
nano - nano is a editor inside linux os

15. If your file is on the VM with IP and the second VM's IP is

16. Tranfer the file using SCP

$ scp tranfer.txt vagrant@

Put in the password of the 2nd VM and done.

17. Check for the file in the Second VM under the /home/vagrant directory.

18. Done..!!!!
Start VM1.

Login: vagrant

Password: vagrant
Start VM2.

Login: vagrant

Password: vagrant

In VM1 type command ifconfig.

Inet =

In VM1 type command:

touch transfer.txt

nano transfer.txt

Write message “Hello” in editor and save and exit.

cat transfer.txt

scp transfer.txt vagrant@ /home/vagrant

Password: vagrant

In VM2 type command:

ls /home/vagrant

cat transfer.txt


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