Teh Mummy

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[Tepuk tangan]

[Musik] One day a group of subway workers found an ancient burial site under the
city of London, England

while the officers were checking the tomb suddenly a group of people came and told
the workers to leave because the railway line had been moved. As the sole heir to
the throne, Pharaoh Ahmad would later become the queen of Egypt and be considered a
god for his people, but all his hopes were gone. working with the devil Ahmad made
a pact with the god of death, namely the god of set during the ritual, a black
figure appeared who gave Ahmad a practice with a red pearl on the hilt, after
receiving the dagger, the mandate immediately reacted. Now he turned into a demon's
slave, with the dagger, Ahmad killed Pharaoh and his wife and the baby l the man
Ahmad then continued his task of resurrecting the death god set through the
intermediary of the body of a man he chose when Ahmad was going to show the coach
to the heart of the young man. Ahmad was buried alive his body was taken away from
Egypt and buried in a sacred tomb

back to the present, in the middle of the Iraqi desert, there are two American
soldiers who are looking for treasure, they are Nick and File, armed with a
treasure map previously stolen by this, he invites File to break into a village
that is currently controlled by the rebels. it turned out that the plan didn't go
smoothly after sneaking into the village and failed to be attacked by a group of
armed rebels whose numbers were very large, they both got in trouble and then
called the American military headquarters and asked for help. scattering away, then
you see a big hole caused by the explosion, it turns out that the explosion just
now opened a secret tomb hidden underground, then all the American military
personnel came to that place, the boss immediately scolded the mic and files, which
acted alone without direction. the woman named Helsi immediately scolded for
stealing her treasure map. Halsey was surprised to see behind the blast hole, she
immediately understood that it was an ancient Egyptian tomb, her superiors wanted
Nik and their files and were assigned to accompany Halsey into the hole to check.
the contents, the three of them went downstairs carrying their equipment. inside
and sure enough there was a pool of mercury while halsey was checking it Nik and
fail were busy stealing valuable things that were there the mic then saw something
strange hanging and connected by a rope then Nik shot the rope until it broke
suddenly Arriving from the pool, a coffin sarcophagus with the same shape appears g

at that time thousands of spiders suddenly appeared around them the spider bit the
file the pain reflex shot the spider after all returned to calm the mic who was
looking at the sacophagus suddenly saw a clear shadow Strange he saw the figure of
a beautiful woman in in the middle of the desert walking towards him was Ahmad
Ahmad said that Nicky was the chosen one a moment later he either regained
consciousness or asked for help from a helicopter to lift the sarcophagus they
carried the sarcophagus to a transport plane that would bring the troops back to
America from afar. the sandstorm that was getting closer to them everyone rushed to
put the sarcophagus into the plane and immediately took off

file, who was previously bitten by a spider, slowly died without being noticed the
next day. shooting it the file fell and did not move again

at the same time, suddenly thousands of crows attacked the plane, it was badly
damaged when the plane was about to fall, Nik put on a parachute and saved Helsi.
police officers were invited to check the services of the victims of the plane that
crashed in the morgue, a body had risen again. He was Nick. Nick, it turned out
that he was not dead. fail also suddenly disappeared birthplace around the wreckage
of the plane two police officers came to check the wreckage of the plane there one
of the police saw a sarcophagus and Out of curiosity he opened it suddenly pure
what was inside got up and kissed him another policeman then checked his friend it
turned out to be a body his friend was dry, he was shocked, then suddenly a strange
figure appeared who kissed him, the police became dry. Zombies obey all orders in
the middle of the city in a bar LC curious How can Nick survive a plane crash Nick
who doesn't know anything is also confused can't answer and Halti honestly says
that he was assigned to him to target the tomb of an ancient Egyptian princess
whose name is erased in world history he is also looking for a dagger with a red
gem on the hilt practicing It is believed to be able to resurrect the god of death,
namely the LC set gets information that the gems on the dagger have been removed
and hidden by the crusaders somewhere in London after successfully conquering Egypt
and coincidentally Not long ago a mom ancient humans have been found underground
City of London Chelsea are sure that the earth they found is the earth of Ahmad the
Egyptian princess who has killed her family and made a pact with the god of death
set LC is sure that the sarcophagus they brought before has unusual powers and it
makes enjoy being able to survive a plane crash somehow

saw the figure of the file who kept calling him Nick then left Halsey to find the
file in the women's restroom saw the appearance of the file from inside the glass
at first Nick didn't believe what he was seeing at this time But the file was sure
that this was real Farul gave a message to Nick to be careful the file admits that
he has been followed by the file also mentions that Nik is also cursed due to their
previous actions, the proof is that he survived the plane crash. the file says that
Ahmad has a plan for nih and they cannot run away from him. something strange,
namely a creature herding thousands of rats swarming his body and it turned out
that it was just a shadow. Halsey Nick, who was panicked, told what was said in the
file just now, but LC was confused as if he didn't believe it. took LCD to the
church where the pu the wreckage of the plane crashed but Helsin was confused. It
was nice to invite him into the church instead of checking the plane wreckage. The
mic was also confused because he felt something was leading him to enter from afar.
Seeing Ahmad's figure, when he realized, it turned out that he had already entered
the church when Nick was about to leave. Attack something he is held by 4 Zombies
then a magnet appears above him Ahmad says that he will use Nick's body to
resurrect the god of death that is set Ahmad destroys a statue and takes a dagger
from it when Ahmad is about to stab ya he stops because he sees a red gem on the
hilt Ahmadnya was gone, he was angry at the same time Halsey came in to see the


asked Helsin to take a car to get away But it turned out that they were actually
circling back to the church Nick again tried to escape this time they were also
attacked by zombies and made the car they were driving fall into a ravine But it
turned out that Ahmad was also there trying to attack but for a few moments then a
group of troops appeared who shot the ah magnet with their ropes they drugged Ahmad
and those people also drugged him until he fainted

those people took Nik into a room there the younger brother saw strange things
stored in the room those people then left him alone a few moments later a man
appeared in front of Nick that person's name was doctor Henry He was a neurosurgeon
scientist and also a lawyer there Henry told me that he suffered from a strange
disease when he was telling a story Henry's body shook, he saw his face blacken
Henry then injected something in his hand and the drug succeeded in making Henry
calm down all this time Henry was trying to find a powerful medicine to cure his
illness Henry then took Nik to a place where he saw a figure of a magnet who was
tied up and injected with liquid mercury into his body. This was able to weaken the
magnetic power in the room. There was also Helsi, it turned out that Helsi was
Henry's subordinate. resurrecting Ahmadnya Henry confessed very ing in dissecting
his body and doing research Henry then said that Nik was currently cursed and his
body was chosen to be the vessel for the god of death set Henry said that he could
have cured Nick then Ahmad then said that no one in the world could change the
destiny of the curse on Nik can't be removed Ahmad explains that he will give
Eternal life make the god of death come alive at that moment tiannik will turn into
a god the world will bow to him the mic can also revive the dead Nik and Ahmad both
will rule the world Rahmania has been screaming hot because of the mercury inside
his body is elsewhere, Henry's men on duty in the underground tomb finally manage
to find a red gem in one of the tombs in his office. Ask Hendri to remove the curse
on his body. Unexpectedly, Henry is lying. He can't remove the curse on his body.
Helsi immediately realizes that Henry Plans to kill Nick and conduct research on
his body Henry will install Gems on the dagger and stab his body if later the god
of death of the cuttings manages to rise then Henry will use it for research
experiments Nick was angry to hear Henry's plan suddenly Henry felt pain he tried
to reach for the medicine who was nearby in another place Ahmad summoned a small
spider to enter the ear of one of the officers in Nik's office snatched Henry's
medicine Henry also reacted And he told everyone to run but it was too late who was
locked in Halsey's room ran to find another way to save him in the room Henry has
now turned into a demonic figure named hide hide has extraordinary power elsewhere
Ahmad manages to influence an officer to save himself in the office Nick fights
hide hide invites Nick to cooperate differently with Henry wanted n killed hide
actually wanted to turn Nick into a god of death and the two of them would rule the
world when Nick was cornered he managed to stab medicine into hide's chest It made
the idea of pain and finally he turned back into a doctor figure Henry then rushed
Nick to destroy the red gem because that's the only way the curse on the mic's body
can be removed when Nik is trying to escape Ahmad who saw him immediately got angry
and managed to escape Ahmad then summoned a sandstorm to bring Nik back to him
everyone panicked because they were attacked by a sandstorm that suddenly appeared
a child Henry's men called their underground comrades to be careful because Ahmad
managed to escape and is currently heading underground on the streets of Nik and
Helsi trying to escape from this very violent sandstorm has seen a file figure that
tells where the red gemstone is there Nick was following him The file takes Nik
into the underground tunnel. However, it turns out that Ahmad has already arrived
there. back to the dagger handle elsewhere and Helsi was attacked by Zombies to get
into a culvert filled with water in the culvert Helsi was dragged into the bottom
of the water by Ahmad Nick trying to chase but in vain he didn't find halsey when
he returned trying to look for again he saw Helsi's body which was motionless while
avoiding zombie attacks. there then disappeared holding Ahmad's dagger begging a
Nick to get closer Nik tries to attack Ahmad but in vain enjoys feeling sad seeing
LC's body lying there ah magnet then attacks again nih Ahmad who is angry breaks
the left leg of the cornered mic manages to steal the dagger from Ahmad's hand
until it cracks seeing that Ahmad stops Nick's action and said that he would die if
the stone was destroyed and would lose the opportunity to become a death god who
was able to control Nick's death. Then looking at Helsi's body from afar, he was
silent for a moment and thought he was then stabbed the dagger into his own body
and immediately there was a reaction on earth Nick also fainted and a few moments
later woke up NIK turned into a god of death. Nik dropped the dagger and destroyed
it. and kissed Ahmad and slurping the essence of his body until it was dry, Ahmad
died back into the earth while being trained. Nick moved closer to Halsey's
lifeless body. Nik hugged Helsi and suddenly the body rose, moved strangely.
Confused to see Ahmad's body, which has now returned to being a mummy, Helsi saw
from a distance when she was going to approach him screaming to prevent LC from
getting closer. Nik said that he was no longer human. He didn't want to hurt
Healthy. Henry returned to seal Ahmad's body in mercury. ally for it's to fight
monsters that will soon rise to bring the apocalypse on earth ends a very down-to-
earth ending

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