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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship

Learning Episode 5 – Writing My Lesson Plans

Date: November 8, 2022

School: Sto. Cristo Integrated School

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7

Subject Area: English

Resource Teacher: Paul Marion Vallentos

Teacher’s Signature:

Based on the instructions given by your Resource Teacher, prepare your lesson plan(s) based
on the learning competencies of the lesson.
Request lesson plan exemplars/ templates from your Resource Teacher. If not available, you
can make use of the basic components of a lesson plan.

Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 7

Grade Level Grade 7

Learning Outcomes

a. Define Genre and its two types: Fiction and Non-fiction.

b. Identify the genre purposes, intended audience, and feature of various viewed text.
c. Answering the following activity according to the lesson discussed:

Learning Content

• The teacher will present the topic for the day and the objectives that are going to be
• Define Genre and its two types: Fiction and Non-fiction.
• Discuss the Purpose, Intended Audience, and Features: Characters, Plot, Dialogs,
and Visuals.
• The students will be answering the oral activity that flashed in the TV screen after the
Learning Resources

English Quarter 1: Week 2 Learning Activity Sheets.

Learning Procedures
EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 5 – Writing My Lesson Plans

A. Before the lesson

• Greet the students and ask them to sit properly.

• Motivation: The students will give an insights and ideas about the topic that will be
flashed in TV screen.

B. During the lesson

• The teacher will present the topic for the day and the objectives that are going to be
• Define Genre and its two types: Fiction and Non-fiction.
• Discuss the Purpose, Intended Audience, and Features: Characters, Plot, Dialogs,
and Visuals.
• The students will be answering the oral activity that flashed in the TV screen after the

C. After the lesson

• Application: Identify the Genre: Fiction and Non-fiction and the Purpose to inform,
persuade and entertain. And also, the features of various viewed text in the given photos.
• Generalization: The teacher will give a brief description about the lesson Genre.
Purposes, Intended Audience, and Feature of Various Viewed Text
• The teacher will ask the students to give brief description about the topic or lesson
• The teacher will be giving a quiz for next meeting.

1. After developing your lesson plan, answer the following questions:

 What are the different things you must consider in writing your lesson / learning plans?
 What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson / learning plans?
 What feedback was/ were given by your Resource Teacher in your first draft and
succeeding lesson/learning plans?
 What were the best features and areas for improvement of your lesson plans?
2. Record your answers below
EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 5 – Writing My Lesson Plans

1. When creating my lesson/learning plan, I considered the ages of my students to

ensure that the language and activities I employed are appropriate for them. Because
I want my students to be able to demonstrate what they've learned in class, I also
want to consider combining other activities into performance objectives. To urge my
students to learn, I want to make my lessons more interesting and fascinating.

2. As this is a face-to-face class, I'm having problems conceptualizing how I'll present
the lesson and what activities I'll include in my lesson plan. Since it has been 2 years
since I had face to face class, I am having trouble deciding on precise implementation

3. There is no feedback yet since we are not yet writing our lesson plan.

4. Since I had an experiences writing a lesson plan last semester, I could say that the
best features of my lesson plan is the learning objectives it self because this only
implement that the student must learn during the entire lesson.
EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 5 – Writing My Lesson Plans

Questions Answers

As I observe to my Cooperating Teacher, he

have shown a film and posing a dilemma, Which
he really gets the interest of the students. He
utilized video presentations since it can attract
students' attention and aid in their
1. How did you arouse students’ interest? What
comprehension of the course when delivered.
motivational techniques did you indicate in
Moreover, raising challenges in the classroom
your plan?
can enrich students' learning experiences and
enable them to develop problems in a realistic
environment. The involvement, participation, and
motivation of the students enhance as a result of
this learning experience.
My cooperating teacher catered examples and
2. How did you respond to the diverse types of activities to different genders, religions,
learners? indigenous groups, and so on, in order to target
 gender, needs, strengths, interests, and the many types of students. He also encouraged
experiences the students to come up with their own examples
 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and based on their own experiences or passions. In
religious backgrounds addition, He also used instructional and
 with disabilities, giftedness, and talents assessment strategies that catered to the unique
 in difficult circumstances needs and interests of each student.
 from indigenous groups

The instructional activities that can be employ in

remote learning are:

 Video presentations – because it helps

students learn all subjects, but especially those
that are complex and/or highly visual.

3. What instructional strategies will you  Group activities – because it can be an

employ in a remote learning delivery for this effective means of motivating students,
lesson? Explain. encouraging active learning, and developing
critical-thinking, communication, and decision-
making abilities.

 Written assessment – because it enables

students to demonstrate their abilities and
knowledge while also indicating their progress
toward meeting educational goals and standards.
Of course, it should be English Language, so that
4. Was the language used appropriate to the while they are still young, they will be more
level of the students? Explain your answer knowledgeable in speaking the language.

My cooperating Teacher generates inquiries of

both lower-order and higher-order thinking skill
levels. Here are some examples of higher order
5. What types and level of questions did you
thinking skills questions from his lesson:
formulate? Are they of the higher order
thinking skills (HOTS)? Cite example(s).
1. What is fiction and nonfiction?
2. How do you imagine things?
3. How did you come up with that answer.
6. What instructional resources will you use? The instructional resources that my CT had used
Why? was
EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 5 – Writing My Lesson Plans

a. Video presentation
b. PowerPoint presentations
Yes, I believe that the modes of assessment are
aligned with the learning outcomes and activities
which are:
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned with a. Define Genre and its two types: Fiction
your learning outcomes and activities? Cite and Non-fiction.
example(s). b. Identify the genre purposes, intended
audience, and feature of various viewed text.
c. Answering the following activity according
to the lesson discussed:
Yes, I believe that the performance tasks ensure
8. Will your performance tasks ensure the that My cooperating teacher have mastered the
mastery of the learning competencies? learning competencies.
Explain briefly

In scale of 1-10, I can rate his lesson plan as 10,

9. In a scale of 1-10. How will you rate your since he was an experienced teacher as I read
learning plan(s)? Justify your answers. his lesson plan it really shows what does the
lesson plan must content.
He implement it as it is by using the deductive
method, which is a traditional approach in which
10. How are you going to implement this lesson
information about target language and rules are
driven at the beginning of the class and
continued with examples
EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 5 – Writing My Lesson Plans


The problems / challenges I encountered in writing my learning / lesson plan

Are how will I do it when it will be my turn to teach on next semester because as I observed it is
really difficult to teach different sections with different students of course.


I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by:

Practicing and my doing my best next semester. As well as to watch videos regarding on how to
manage classroom.


Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situation/ problems

By interviewing or by asking my cooperating teacher a questions.


The possible title of my action research on this episode is:

"A study of the effects of video presentations on student engagement and performance in a first-
grade mathematics class."
To further enrich my knowledge in writing my learning / lesson plan in remote learning,
these are some of the online resources which will help me in these activities. (include
books, websites, journal articles, web articles, videos, etc.)
Better Lesson Plans, Better Lessons: Practical Strategies for Planning from Standards
By Ben Curran

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode5: Writing My Lesson Plans

Name of FS Student: Melissa Meneses Agustin

Year & Section: BSED English 4C
Date Submitted: November 8, 2022
EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 5 – Writing My Lesson Plans


Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

5 4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One to two observation Three observation Four or more
Observation question/tasks questions/task not questions/tasks not observation
completely answered/ answered/ answered/ questions/ task not
Sheet accomplished. accomplished. accomplished. answered/
Analysis and All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four or more
Reflection answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation
answers are with depth answers are clearly answers are not clearly questions were not
and are thoroughly connected to theories; connected to theories; answered; answers
grounded on theories; grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) are not connected to
grammar and spelling are free from errors. grammatical/ spelling theories; more than
are free from errors. Clear but lacks depth; errors. four (4) grammatical/
Profound and clear; supported by what Not so clear and spelling errors.
supported by what were observed and shallow; somewhat Unclear and shallow;
were observe and analyzed supported by what rarely supported by
analyzed were observed and what were observed
analyzed and analyzed.
Action Research All questions were All questions were One or two questions Three or more
Prompts answered completely; answered completely; were not answered; questions were not
Answers are reflected Answers are reflected Answers are not answered; Answers
in the context of the in the context of the reflected in the context are not reflected in
action research; action research; of the action research; the context of the
complete, well- complete, well- complete, not action research; not
organized, highly organized, relevant to organized, relevant to complete, not
relevant to the learning the learning outcome. the learning outcome. organized, not
outcome. relevant.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2)
deadline deadline the deadline days or more after
the deadline
Comments: Total Score:


_____________________________________ ___________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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