Food Preparation Vocabulary

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Food Preparation

Miss Kreikemeier
Set of instruction for preparing a particular food item
Conversion Factor
Number used to adjust each original ingredient amount
to achieve the desired yield
Transfers heat by direct contact
Transfers heat through waves of energy that penetrate
food and bump into the molecules of water and fat
Moist-Heat Cooking Method
Uses liquid or fat to transfer heat to foods
Dry-Heat Cooking Method
Uses hot air or fat to transfer heat to foods
Maillard Reaction
Chemical reaction between the amino acids and sugars
in a protein food that occurs when dry heat is applied
Brown foods by cooking quickly over high heat
Browning process that occurs when heat is applied to
Al Dente
Describes pasta and rice when cooked firm to the bite
A process by which the fat droplets from milk are
emulsified and the cream does not separate
Gradual addition of an ingredient to the milk, while
stirring constantly
Tough, yellowish tissue that cannot be softened by heat;
therefore, it is usually trimmed off before cooking

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