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Government in Ancient Athens

 Read each scenario.
 Complete questions a-c for each scenario.

oligarchy monarchy direct democracy tyranny

1. Beginning around 2000 BCE, most city-states of ancient Greece were governed by a single
ruler. At first, the people picked the rulers, but eventually, the rulers demanded that their
children, usually the eldest son, become the next ruler. These single rulers held the power to
make decisions. For example, they made laws, acted as judges, led the army during wars, and
conducted religious ceremonies. They could also use the army to punish those who did not follow
laws or didn’t pay taxes. Although the aristocrats (wealthy land owners) were supposed to
advise the leader, for a long time they didn’t have real power.

a. What type of government does this scenario represent? ________________________

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?

advantages disadvantages

2. By about 800 BCE, the aristocrats realized that they did have power. The king depended on
them for help when there was a war because they could afford horses, weapons, and armor for
fighting. Soon, the realized that if they banded together, they could overthrow the king, and
many did. In this form of government, a small group of wealthy aristocrats passed laws and
made decisions. The poor had little say in the laws they made.

a. What type of government does this scenario represent? ________________________

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?
advantages disadvantages
3. The aristocrats did pass many unfair laws that made them richer and the poor, poorer.
While they lived comfortable lives full of food, music, and entertainment, the poor worked hard
and could even be forced into slavery if they could not pay off debts. The poor became
increasingly angry and looked for leaders to overthrow the small group of aristocrats from
power. By the mid 600’s BCE, individuals, oftentimes military leaders, were able to take power
by using the army. One such leader was Peisistratos. Even though he took power by force, many
thought he was fair and kind because he helped the poor and protected them. Others were
concerned that he might abuse his power since all of the power was in his hands and he was did
not have legal right to rule.

a. What type of government does this scenario represent? ________________________

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?
advantages disadvantages

4. While Peisistratos was generally considered a fair ruler, his sons eventually took power and,
in the end, were not as kind. At first the brothers Hipparchus and Hippias were also fair rulers,
but after Hipparchus was murdered by a couple of men, Hippias became cruel and harsh.
Eventually the citizens had enough and were able to expel Hippias. Instead of having one ruler,
through 500 B.C.E. on, the citizens of Athens decided to try ruling themselves. The city
created an assembly that would discuss and vote on new laws. They also created a council of
500 citizens that would be randomly chosen each month, which a new leader chosen each day.
They also created a jury in which citizens themselves had the power to resolve problems and
make judgments about fellow citizens when they broke the law.

a. What type of government is represented AFTER Hippias was expelled?

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?
advantages disadvantages

Government in Ancient Athens

 Read each scenario.
 Complete questions a-c for each scenario.

oligarchy monarchy direct democracy tyranny

1. Beginning around 2000 B.C.E., most city-states of Ancient Greece were governed by a single
ruler. At first, the people picked the rulers, but eventually, the rulers demanded that their
children, usually the eldest son, become the next ruler. These single rulers held the power to
make decisions. For example, they made laws, acted as judges, led the army during wars, and
conducted religious ceremonies. They could also use the army to punish those who did not follow
laws or didn’t pay taxes. Although the aristocrats (wealthy land owners) were supposed to advise
the leader, for a long time they didn’t have real power.

a. What type of government does this scenario represent? ___monarchy__

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?
advantages disadvantages
-people who didn’t follow the law could -aristocrats weren’t listened to
be punished -regular people didn’t have much say in
-if you were the king you could make anything like the punishments
sure your kids would have power, too -if you didn’t like the leader you couldn’t
-the leader as clear do anything about it
-you might have a bad leader
2. By about 800 B.C.E. the aristocrats realized that they did have power. The king depended on
them for help when there was a war because they could afford horses, weapons, and armor for
fighting. Soon, the realized that if they banded together, they could overthrow the king, and
many did. In this form of government, a small group of wealthy aristocrats passed laws and made
decisions. The poor had little say in the laws they made.

a. What type of government does this scenario represent? __oligarchy____

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?
advantages disadvantages
-got rid of kings who may not have been -poor people still had little say in the
good leaders laws
-more than one person was making -laws could still be unfair to people
3. The aristocrats did pass many unfair laws that made them richer and the poor, poorer. While
they lived comfortable lives full of food, music, and entertainment, the poor worked hard and
could even be forced into slavery if they could not pay off debts. The poor became increasingly
angry and looked for leaders to overthrow the small group of aristocrats from power. By the mid
600’s B.C.E., individuals, oftentimes military leaders, were able to take power by using the army.
One such leader was Peisistratos. Even though he took power by force, many thought he was fair
and kind because he helped the poor and protected them. Others were concerned that he might
abuse his power since all of the power was in his hands and he was did not have legal right to rule.

a. What type of government does this scenario represent? ___tyranny___

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?
advantages disadvantages
-some like Peisistratos were kind and -all of the power was in one person’s
helped the poor and protected them hands
-they overthrew unfair aristocrats -did not have the legal right to rule

4. While Peisistratos was generally considered a fair ruler, his sons eventually took power and, in
the end, were not as kind. At first the brothers Hipparchus and Hippias were also fair rulers, but
after Hipparchus was murdered by a couple of men, Hippias became cruel and harsh. Eventually
the citizens had enough and were able to expel Hippias. Instead of having one ruler, through 500
B.C.E. on, the citizens of Athens decided to try ruling themselves. The city created an assembly
that would discuss and vote on new laws. They also created a council of 500 citizens that would
be randomly chosen each month, which a new leader chosen each day. They also created a jury in
which citizens themselves had the power to resolve problems and make judgments about fellow
citizens when they broke the law.

a. What type of government is represented AFTER Hippias was expelled? ____direct

b. Justify your answer by highlighting the evidence that supports this answer.
c. What might be the advantages and disadvantages of this type of government?

advantages disadvantages
-citizens could make decisions for -it might be harder to make decisions if
themselves that they could benefit from everyone has a voice
-it was more fair because they had the -what if a few people influenced a lot of
power to solve problems and punish people more than other?
people who broke the law -would it be confusing that a there was
new leader all of the time?

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