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Statement of The the Problem study attempts to determine impact of stray dogs the

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What Human health concerns related to stray animals?

ll.What is the impact of stray animals on the environment and wildfare?

Ans:uncontrolled reproduction of stray animals increases their population that leads to a higher

chance of predation, road traffic accidents, transmission of zoonotic diseases, and therefore,

becoming vectors for some diseases.

lll.Who is the protector of the humane treatment of animals?

Ans: naa nay answer

lV.What make the animals being stray?

Ans:because of irresponsible pet ownership, pet owners not spaying/neutering their pets, people

still BUYING and BREEDING instead of adopting or fostering shelter and rescue animals.

V.What is stray animals?

Ans: it means any animal that is lost, abandoned, unclaimed by any person, or wandering at

large. An animal shall be considered a “stray animal” when it is not in the company of or under

the control of its owner, or if its owner is unknown, or cannot be located.

Vl.What is the negative effects of stray animals.

Ans:it increases their population that leads to a higher chance of predation, road traffic accidents,

transmission of zoonotic diseases, and therefore, becoming vectors for some diseases.

Vll. What is the disease you can get in stray animals

Ans:You may unknowingly bring home parasites such as fleas, ticks, worms, or other more

harmful things, such as parvovirus or even rabies.

Vlll.How to solve the problem in stray animals?

Ans:Contact an animal shelter or a community dog center or by taking care of them do you help stary animals in our community

Ans:by volunteer at animal welfare organizations

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