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[275 marks]

The following diagram shows triangle ABC, with AB = 6 and AC = 8.

1a. Given that cos A = 5 ^.
find the value of sin A [3 marks]
valid approach using Pythagorean identity (M1)
sin2 A + ( 56 ) = 1 (or equivalent) (A1)
sin A = 6
[3 marks]

1b. Find the area of triangle ABC. [2 marks]

1 √11
2 ×8×6× 6
(or equivalent) (A1)

area = 4√11 A1
[2 marks]

P ( ) = 0.5 P ( ) = 0.4
2. Let A and B be events such that P (A) = 0.5, P (B) = 0.4 and [5 marks]
P (A ∪ B) = 0.6.
Find P ( A | B).
attempt to substitute into P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B) − P (A ∩ B) (M1)
Note: Accept use of Venn diagram or other valid method.
0.6 = 0.5 + 0.4 − P (A ∩ B) (A1)
P (A ∩ B) = 0.3 (seen anywhere) A1
P(A∩B )
attempt to substitute into P ( A | B) = P(B )
= 0.4

P ( A | B) = 0.75 (= 34 ) A1
[5 marks]

3a. Show that (2n − 1)2 + (2n + 1)2 = 8n2 + 2, where n ∈ Z. [2 marks]

attempting to expand the LHS (M1)
LHS = (4n2 − 4n + 1) + (4n2 + 4n + 1) A1

= 8n2 + 2 (= RHS) AG
[2 marks]
3b. Hence, or otherwise, prove that the sum of the squares of any two [3 marks]
consecutive odd integers is even.
recognition that 2n − 1 and 2n + 1 represent two consecutive odd integers
(for n ∈ Z) R1
8n2 + 2 = 2 (4n2 + 1) A1
valid reason eg divisible by 2 (2 is a factor) R1
so the sum of the squares of any two consecutive odd integers is even AG

recognition, eg that n and n + 2 represent two consecutive odd integers (for
n ∈ Z) R1
n2 + (n + 2)2 = 2 (n2 + 2n + 2) A1
valid reason eg divisible by 2 (2 is a factor) R1
so the sum of the squares of any two consecutive odd integers is even AG
[3 marks]

The functions f and g are defined such that f (x) = 4
and g (x) = 8x + 5.

4a. Show that (g ∘ f) (x) = 2x + 11. [2 marks]

attempt to form composition M1

correct substitution g ( x+3

) = 8 ( x+3
)+5 A1

(g ∘ f) (x) = 2x + 11 AG
[2 marks]

4b. Given that (g ∘ f)−1 (a) = 4, find the value of a. [3 marks]

attempt to substitute 4 (seen anywhere) (M1)
correct equation a = 2 × 4 + 11 (A1)
a = 19 A1
[3 marks]

log (cos 2 + 2) = log √cos 2 + 2

5a. Show that log9 (cos 2x + 2) = log3 √cos 2x + 2. [3 marks]

attempting to use the change of base rule M1
log3(cos 2x+2)
log9 (cos 2x + 2) = log39

= 12 log3 (cos 2x + 2) A1
= log3 √cos 2x + 2 AG
[3 marks]

log (2 sin ) = log (cos 2 + 2)

5b. Hence or otherwise solve log3 (2 sin x) = log9 (cos 2x + 2) for [5 marks]
0 < x < π2 .
log3 (2 sin x) = log3 √cos 2x + 2
2 sin x = √cos 2x + 2 M1
4 sin2 x = cos 2x + 2 (or equivalent) A1
use of cos 2x = 1 − 2 sin2 x (M1)
6 sin2 x = 3
sin x = (±) A1
x= 4
Note: Award A0 if solutions other than x= 4
are included.

[5 marks]
A large company surveyed 160 of its employees to find out how much time they
spend traveling to work on a given day. The results of the survey are shown in the
following cumulative frequency diagram.

6a. Find the median number of minutes spent traveling to work. [2 marks]
evidence of median position (M1)
80th employee
40 minutes A1
[2 marks]

6b. Find the number of employees whose travelling time is within 15 [3 marks]
minutes of the median.

valid attempt to find interval (25–55) (M1)
18 (employees), 142 (employees) A1
124 A1
[3 marks]
Only 10% of the employees spent more than k minutes traveling to work.

6c. Find the value of k. [3 marks]

recognising that there are 16 employees in the top 10% (M1)
144 employees travelled more than k minutes (A1)
k = 56 A1
[3 marks]

The results of the survey can also be displayed on the following box-and-whisker

6d. Write down the value of b. [1 mark]

b = 70 A1
[1 mark]

6e. Find the value of a . [2 marks]

recognizing a is first quartile value (M1)
40 employees
a = 33 A1
[2 marks]

6f. Hence, find the interquartile range. [2 marks]

47 − 33 (M1)
IQR = 14 A1
[2 marks]

6g. Travelling times of less than p minutes are considered outliers. [2 marks]
Find the value of p.

attempt to find 1.5 × their IQR (M1)
33 − 21
12 (A1)
[2 marks]
A metal sphere has a radius 12.7 cm.

7a. Find the volume of the sphere expressing your answer in the form [3 marks]
a × 10k , 1 ⩽ a < 10 and k ∈ Z.

4 3
π(12.7) (or equivalent) A1
8580.24 (A1)
V = 8.58 × 103 A1
[3 marks]
7b. The sphere is to be melted down and remoulded into the shape of a [3 marks]
cone with a height of 14.8 cm.
Find the radius of the base of the cone, correct to 2 significant figures.

recognising volume of the cone is same as volume of their sphere (M1)
πr2 (14.8) = 8580.24 (or equivalent) A1
r = 23.529
r = 24 (cm) correct to 2 significant figures A1
[3 marks]
The following diagram shows part of a circle with centre O and radius 4 cm.

Chord AB has a length of 5 cm and AOB = θ.

8a. Find the value of θ, giving your answer in radians. [3 marks]

attempt to use the cosine rule (M1)
2 2 2
4 +4 −5
cos θ = 2×4×4
(or equivalent) A1
θ = 1.35 A1

attempt to split triangle AOB into two congruent right triangles (M1)

sin( θ2 ) = 2.5

θ = 1.35 A1

[3 marks]

8b. Find the area of the shaded region. [3 marks]

attempt to find the area of the shaded region (M1)
2 × 4 × 4 × (2π − 1.35 …) A1
= 39.5 (cm2) A1
[3 marks]

On 1st January 2020, Laurie invests $ P in an account that pays a nominal annual
interest rate of 5.5 %, compounded quarterly.
The amount of money in Laurie’s account at the end of each year follows a
geometric sequence with common ratio, r.

9a. Find the value of r, giving your answer to four significant figures. [3 marks]
5.5 4
(1 + 4×100
) (M1)(A1)
1.056 A1
[3 marks]

9b. Laurie makes no further deposits to or withdrawals from the account. [3 marks]
Find the year in which the amount of money in Laurie’s account will become
double the amount she invested.
5.5 4n
2P = P × (1 + 100×4
) OR 2P = P × (their (a))m (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into loan payment formula. Award (A1) for
correct substitution.
PV = ±1
FV = ∓ 1
I% = 5.5
P/Y = 4
C/Y = 4
n = 50.756… (M1)(A1)
PV = ±1
FV = ∓ 2
I% = 100(their (a) − 1)
P/Y = 1
C/Y = 1 (M1)(A1)
⇒ 12.7 years
Laurie will have double the amount she invested during 2032 A1

[3 marks]
A six-sided biased die is weighted in such a way that the probability of obtaining a
“six” is 10 .

10a. The die is tossed five times. Find the probability of obtaining at most [3 marks]
three “sixes”.

recognition of binomial (M1)
X ~ B(5, 0.7)
attempt to find P (X ≤ 3) M1
= 0.472 (= 0.47178) A1
[3 marks]
10b. The die is tossed five times. Find the probability of obtaining the third [3 marks]
“six” on the fifth toss.

recognition of 2 sixes in 4 tosses (M1)
P (3rd six on the 5th toss)
= [( ) × (0.7)2 × (0.3)2 ] × 0.7 (= 0.2646 × 0.7) A1
= 0.185 (= 0.18522) A1
[3 marks]
The following table below shows the marks scored by seven students on two
different mathematics tests.

Let L1 be the regression line of x on y. The equation of the line L1 can be written in
the form x = ay + b.

11a. Find the value of a and the value of b. [2 marks]

a = 1.29 and b = −10.4 A1A1
[2 marks]
11b. Let L2 be the regression line of y on x. The lines L1 and L2 pass through [3 marks]
the same point with coordinates (p , q).
Find the value of p and the value of q.

recognising both lines pass through the mean point (M1)
p = 28.7, q = 30.3 A2
[3 marks]
Adam sets out for a hike from his camp at point A. He hikes at an average speed
of 4.2 km/h for 45 minutes, on a bearing of 035° from the camp, until he stops for
a break at point B.

12a. Find the distance from point A to point B. [2 marks]

× 45 A1
AB = 3.15 (km) A1
[2 marks]
Adam leaves point B on a bearing of 114° and continues to hike for a distance of
4.6​ km until he reaches point C.

12b. ∧ [2 marks]
Show that A B C is 101°.
66° or (180 − 114) A1
35 + 66 A1

A B C = 101° AG
[2 marks]

12c. Find the distance from the camp to point C. [3 marks]

attempt to use cosine rule (M1)
AC2 = 3.152 + 4.62 − 2 × 3.15 × 4.6 cos 101° (or equivalent) A1
AC = 6.05 (km) A1

[3 marks]

12d. ∧ [3 marks]
Find B C A.

valid approach to find angle BCA (M1)
eg sine rule
correct substitution into sine rule A1

sin(B C A)
sin 101
eg 3.15
= 6.0507…

B C A = 30.7° A1
[3 marks]
Adam’s friend Jacob wants to hike directly from the camp to meet Adam at point C

12e. Find the bearing that Jacob must take to point C. [3 marks]


B A C = 48.267 (seen anywhere) A1
valid approach to find correct bearing (M1)
eg 48.267 + 35
bearing = 83.3° (accept 083°) A1
[3 marks]
12f. Jacob hikes at an average speed of 3.9 km/h. [3 marks]
Find, to the nearest minute, the time it takes for Jacob to reach point C.

attempt to use time = distance M1
or 0.065768 km/min (A1)
t = 93 (minutes) A1
[3 marks]
The length, X mm, of a certain species of seashell is normally distributed with
mean 25 and variance, σ 2 .
The probability that X is less than 24.15 is 0.1446.

13a. Find P(24.15 < X < 25). [2 marks]

attempt to use the symmetry of the normal curve (M1)
eg diagram, 0.5 − 0.1446
P(24.15 < X < 25) = 0.3554 A1
[2 marks]
13b. Find σ, the standard deviation of X. [3 marks]

use of inverse normal to find z score (M1)
z = −1.0598
correct substitution σ
= −1.0598 (A1)
σ = 0.802 A1
[3 marks]

13c. Hence, find the probability that a seashell selected at random has a [2 marks]
length greater than 26 mm.
P(X > 26) = 0.106 (M1)A1
[2 marks]

A random sample of 10 seashells is collected on a beach. Let Y represent the

number of seashells with lengths greater than 26 mm.

13d. Find E(Y). [3 marks]

recognizing binomial probability (M1)
E(Y) = 10 × 0.10621 (A1)
= 1.06 A1
[3 marks]
13e. Find the probability that exactly three of these seashells have a length [2 marks]
greater than 26 mm.

P(Y = 3) (M1)
= 0.0655 A1
[2 marks]

13f. A seashell selected at random has a length less than 26 mm. [3 marks]
Find the probability that its length is between 24.15 mm and 25 mm.
recognizing conditional probability (M1)
correct substitution A1
= 0.398 A1
[3 marks]

Consider a function f , such that f(x) = 5. 8 sin ( π6 (x + 1)) + b, 0 ≤ x ≤ 10,

b ∈ R.

14a. Find the period of f . [2 marks]

correct approach A1
π 2π
eg 6
= period
(or equivalent)

period = 12 A1
[2 marks]
The function f has a local maximum at the point (2, 21.8) , and a local minimum
at (8, 10.2).

14b. Find the value of b. [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
eg 2 b = max − amplitude
2 , or equivalent
b = 16 A1
[2 marks]

14c. Hence, find the value of f (6). [2 marks]

attempt to substitute into their function (M1)
5.8 sin ( π6 (6 + 1)) + 16
f (6) = 13.1 A1
[2 marks]

A second function g is given by g(x) = p sin ( 29π (x − 3.75)) + q, 0 ≤ x ≤ 10; p,
q ∈ R.
The function g passes through the points (3, 2.5) and (6, 15.1).

14d. Find the value of p and the value of q. [5 marks]

valid attempt to set up a system of equations (M1)
two correct equations A1
p sin ( 29π (3 − 3.75)) + q = 2.5, p sin ( 29π (6 − 3.75)) + q = 15.1
valid attempt to solve system (M1)
p = 8.4; q = 6.7 A1A1
[5 marks]

14e. Find the value of x for which the functions have the greatest difference. [2 marks]

attempt to use |f(x) − g(x)| to find maximum difference (M1)
x = 1.64 A1

[2 marks]

2 ln = ln 9 + 4
15. Solve the equation 2 ln x = ln 9 + 4. Give your answer in the form [5 marks]
x = peq where p, q ∈ Z+ .
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
2 ln x− ln 9 = 4
uses m ln x = ln xm (M1)
ln x2 − ln 9 = 4
uses ln a− ln b = ln a (M1)
ln 9
= e4 A1
x2 = 9e4 ⇒ x = √9e4 (x > 0) A1
x = 3e2 (p = 3, q = 2) A1
expresses 4 as 4 ln e and uses ln xm = m ln x (M1)
2 ln x = 2 ln 3 + 4 ln e(ln x = ln 3 + 2 ln e) A1
uses 2 ln e = ln e2 and ln a + ln b = ln ab (M1)
ln x = ln (3e2 ) A1
x = 3e2 (p = 3, q = 2) A1
expresses 4 as 4 ln e and uses m ln x = ln xm (M1)
ln x2 = ln 32 + ln e4 A1
uses ln a + ln b = ln ab (M1)
ln x2 = ln (32 e4 )
x2 = 32 e4 ⇒ x = √32 e4 (x > 0) A1
so x = 3e2 (x > 0)(p = 3, q = 2) A1
[5 marks]
16. The following table shows the probability distribution of a discrete [6 marks]
random variable X where x = 1, 2, 3, 4.

Find the value of k, justifying your answer.

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
uses ∑ P(X = x)(= 1) (M1)
k2 +(7k + 2)+(−2k)+(3k2 )(= 1)
4k2 + 5k + 1(= 0) A1
attempts to factorize their quadratic M1
(k + 1)(4k + 1)= 0
attempts use of the quadratic formula on their equation M1
−5±√52−4 ( 4 ) ( 1 )
k= 8
(= −5±3
k = −1, − 14 A1
k = −1 as this value leads to invalid probabilities, for example,
P(X = 2)= −5 < 0 R1
so k = − 14 A1
Note: Award R0A1 if k = − 14 is stated without a valid reason given for
rejecting k = −1.
[6 marks]

, 5 −8 3 +8
The first three terms of an arithmetic sequence are u1 , 5u1 − 8 and 3u1 + 8.

17a. Show that u1 = 4. [2 marks]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
uses u2 − u1 = u3 − u2 (M1)
(5u1 − 8)−u1 =(3u1 + 8)−(5u1 − 8)
6u1 = 24 A1
u 1+ u 3
uses u2 = 2 (M1)
u1+ ( 3u1+8 )
5u1 − 8 = 2
3u1 = 12 A1
so u1 = 4 AG
[2 marks]
17b. Prove that the sum of the first n terms of this arithmetic sequence is a [4 marks]
square number.

d = 8 (A1)
uses Sn = n2 (2u1 +(n − 1)d) M1
Sn = n (8 +
2 8(n − 1)) A1
= 4n2
= (2n)2 A1
Note: The final A1 can be awarded for clearly explaining that 4n2 is a square
so sum of the first n terms is a square number AG
[4 marks]

∈R ( )= −2
f and g are defined for x ∈ R by f(x)= x − 2 and
18. The functions [6 marks]
g(x)= ax + b, where a, b ∈ R.
Given that (f ∘ g)(2)= −3 and (g ∘ f)(1)= 5, find the value of a and the value of
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
(f ∘ g)(x)= ax + b − 2 (M1)
(f ∘ g)(2)= −3 ⇒ 2a + b − 2 = −3(2a + b = −1) A1
(g ∘ f)(x)= a(x − 2)+b (M1)
(g ∘ f)(1)= 5 ⇒ −a + b = 5 A1
a valid attempt to solve their two linear equations for a and b M1
so a = −2 and b = 3 A1
[6 marks]

= −1 − √ + 3 ≥ −3
The following diagram shows the graph of y = −1 − √x + 3 for x ≥ −3.

19a. Describe a sequence of transformations that transforms the graph of [3 marks]

y = √x for x ≥ 0 to the graph of y = −1 − √x + 3 for x ≥ −3.
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
for example,
a reflection in the x-axis (in the line y = 0) A1
a horizontal translation (shift) 3 units to the left A1
a vertical translation (shift) down by 1 unit A1
Note: Award A1 for each correct transformation applied in a correct position
in the sequence. Do not accept use of the “move” for a translation.
Note: Award A1A1A1 for a correct alternative sequence of transformations.
For example,
a vertical translation (shift) down by 1 unit, followed by a horizontal translation
(shift) 3 units to the left and then a reflection in the line y = −1.
[3 marks]

A function f is defined by f(x)= −1 − √x + 3 for x ≥ −3.

19b. State the range of f . [1 mark]

range is f(x)≤ −1 A1
Note: Correct alternative notations include ]−∞, −1], (−∞, −1] or y ≤ −1.
[1 mark]

19c. Find an expression for f −1 (x), stating its domain. [5 marks]

−1 − √y + 3 = x M1
Note: Award M1 for interchanging x and y (can be done at a later stage).
√y + 3 = −x − 1(= −(x + 1)) A1
y + 3 = (x + 1)2 A1
so f −1 (x)= (x + 1)2 − 3(f −1 (x)= x2 + 2x − 2) A1
domain is x ≤ −1 A1
Note: Correct alternative notations include ]−∞, −1] or (−∞, −1].
[5 marks]

= ( )
19d. Find the coordinates of the point(s) where the graphs of y = f(x) and [5 marks]
y = f −1 (x) intersect.
the point of intersection lies on the line y =x

(x + 1)2 − 3 = x M1
attempts to solve their quadratic equation M1
−1±√12−4 ( 1 ) ( −2 )
for example, (x + 2)(x − 1)= 0 or x = 2 (x = 2 )

−1 − √x + 3 = x M1
(−1 − √x + 3) = x2 ⇒ 2√x + 3 + x + 4 = x2
substitutes 2√x + 3 = −2(x + 1) to obtain −2(x + 1)+x + 4 = x2
attempts to solve their quadratic equation M1
−1±√12−4 ( 1 ) ( −2 )
for example, (x + 2)(x − 1)= 0 or x = 2 (x = 2 )

x = −2, 1 A1
as x ≤ −1, the only solution is x = −2 R1
so the coordinates of the point of intersection are (−2, −2) A1
Note: Award R0A1 if (−2, −2) is stated without a valid reason given for
rejecting (1, 1).
[5 marks]
The following diagram shows a ball attached to the end of a spring, which is
suspended from a ceiling.

The height, h metres, of the ball above the ground at time t seconds after being
released can be modelled by the function h(t)= 0. 4 cos(πt)+1. 8 where t ≥ 0.

20a. Find the height of the ball above the ground when it is released. [2 marks]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
attempts to find h(0) (M1)
h(0)= 0. 4 cos(0)+1. 8(= 2. 2)
2. 2 (m) (above the ground) A1
[2 marks]
20b. Find the minimum height of the ball above the ground. [2 marks]

uses the minimum value of cos(πt) which is −1 M1
0. 4(−1)+1. 8 (m)
the amplitude of motion is 0. 4 (m) and the mean position is 1. 8 (m) M1
finds h'(t)= −0. 4π sin(πt), attempts to solve h'(t)= 0 for t and determines
that the minimum height above the ground occurs at t = 1, 3, … M1
0. 4(−1)+1. 8 (m)
1. 4 (m) (above the ground) A1
[2 marks]

20c. Show that the ball takes 2 seconds to return to its initial height above [2 marks]
the ground for the first time.

the ball is released from its maximum height and returns there a period later
the period is 2ππ (= 2)(s) A1
attempts to solve h(t)= 2. 2 for t M1
cos(πt)= 1
t = 0, 2, … A1
so it takes 2 seconds for the ball to return to its initial position for the first time
[2 marks]
20d. For the first 2 seconds of its motion, determine the amount of time that [5 marks]
the ball is less than 1. 8 + 0. 2√2 metres above the ground.
0. 4 cos(πt)+1. 8 = 1. 8 + 0. 2√2 (M1)
0. 4 cos(πt)= 0. 2√2
cos(πt)= 2 A1

πt = π
, 74π (A1)
Note: Accept extra correct positive solutions for πt.
t = 14 , 7
(0 ≤ t ≤ 2) A1
Note: Do not award A1 if solutions outside 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 are also stated.
the ball is less than 1. 8 + 0. 2√2 metres above the ground for 74 − 1

1. 5 (s) A1
[5 marks]

20e. Find the rate of change of the ball’s height above the ground when [4 marks]
t = 13 . Give your answer in the form pπ√q ms−1 where p ∈ Q and
q ∈ Z+ .
attempts to find h'(t) (M1)
recognizes that h'(t) is required (M1)
h'(t)= −0. 4π sin(πt) A1
attempts to evaluate their h'( 13 ) (M1)
h'( 13 )= −0. 4π sin π
= 0. 2π√3(ms−1 ) A1
Note: Accept equivalent correct answer forms where p ∈ Q. For example,
− 15 π√3.
[4 marks]

16 14. 5
21. A data set consisting of 16 test scores has mean 14. 5 . One test score of [4 marks]
9 requires a second marking and is removed from the data set.
Find the mean of the remaining 15 test scores.
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
= 14. 5 (M1)
Note: Award M1 for use of x̄ = n
⇒ i=1xi = 232 (A1)
new x̄ = 15
= 14. 9(= 14. 86̄, = 15
) A1
Note: Do not accept 15.
[4 marks]

O 3
The following diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius 3.

Points A, P and B lie on the circumference of the circle.

Chord [AB] has length L and AÔB = θ radians.

22a. Show that arc APB has length 6π − 3θ. [2 marks]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
uses the arc length formula (M1)
arc length is 3(2π − θ) A1
length of arc AB is 3θ A1
the sum of the lengths of arc AB and arc APB is 6π A1
so arc APB has length 6π − 3θ AG
[2 marks]
22b. Show that L = √18 − 18 cos θ. [2 marks]

uses the cosine rule (M1)
L2 = 32 + 32 − 2(3)(3) cos θ A1
so L = √18 − 18 cos θ AG
[2 marks]

22c. Arc APB is twice the length of chord [AB] . [3 marks]

Find the value of θ.
6π − 3θ = 2√18 − 18 cos θ A1
attempts to solve for θ (M1)
θ = 2. 49 A1
[3 marks]

The following table shows the systolic blood pressures, p mmHg, and the ages, t
years, of 6 male patients at a medical clinic.

23a. Determine the value of Pearson’s product‐moment correlation [2 marks]

coefficient, r, for these data.

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
r = 0. 946 A2
[2 marks]
23b. Interpret, in context, the value of r found in part (a) (i). [1 mark]

the value of r shows a (very) strong positive correlation between age and
(systolic) blood pressure A1
[1 mark]

The relationship between t and p can be modelled by the regression line of p on t

with equation p = at + b .

23c. Find the equation of the regression line of p on t. [2 marks]

p = 1. 05t + 69. 3 A1A1
Note: Only award marks for an equation. Award A1 for a = 1. 05 and A1 for
b = 69. 3. Award A1A0 for y = 1. 05x + 69. 3.
[2 marks]

A 50‐year‐old male patient enters the medical clinic for his appointment.

23d. Use the regression equation from part (b) to predict this patient’s [2 marks]
systolic blood pressure.

122 (mmHg) (M1)A1
[2 marks]

23e. A 16‐year‐old male patient enters the medical clinic for his appointment. [1 mark]
Explain why the regression equation from part (b) should not be used to predict
this patient’s systolic blood pressure.

the regression equation should not be used because it involves extrapolation
[1 mark]

2 R
24. The quadratic equation (k − 1)x2 + 2x +(2k − 3)= 0, where k ∈ R, has [5 marks]
real distinct roots.
Find the range of possible values for k.
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
attempts to find an expression for the discriminant, Δ , in terms of k (M1)
Δ = 4 − 4(k − 1)(2k − 3)(= −8k2 + 20k − 8) (A1)
−2±√4−4 ( k−1 ) ( 2k−3 )
Note: Award M1A1 for finding x= 2 ( k−1 )

attempts to solve Δ > 0 for k (M1)

Note: Award M1 for attempting to solve Δ = 0 for k.
2 < k < 2 A1A1
Note: Award A1 for obtaining critical values k = 12 , 2 and A1 for correct
inequality signs.
[5 marks]

Consider the curves y = x2 sin x and y = −1 − √1 + 4(x + 2)2 for −π ≤ x ≤ 0.

25a. Find the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of the two curves. [3 marks]
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.

attempts to solve x2 sin x = −1 − √1 + 4(x + 2)2 (M1)

x = −2. 76, −1. 54 A1A1
Note: Award A1A0 if additional solutions outside the domain are given.
[3 marks]

25b. Find the area, A, of the region enclosed by the two curves. [4 marks]

A= −2.762… (−1 − √1 + 4(x + 2)2 − x2 sin x) dx (or equivalent) (M1)
Note: Award M1 for attempting to form an integrand involving “top curve” −
“bottom curve”.
so A = 1. 47 A2
[4 marks]

Helen and Jane both commence new jobs each starting on an annual salary of
$70, 000. At the start of each new year, Helen receives an annual salary increase
of $2400.
Let $H n represent Helen’s annual salary at the start of her nth year of

26a. Show that H n = 2400n + 67 600. [2 marks]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
uses Hn = H1 +(n − 1)d with H1 = 70 000 and d = 2400 (M1)
Hn = 70 000 + 2400(n − 1) A1
so H n = 2400n + 67 600 AG
[2 marks]

At the start of each new year, Jane receives an annual salary increase of 3% of her
previous year’s annual salary.
Jane’s annual salary, $Jn , at the start of her nth year of employment is given by
Jn = 70 000(1. 03)n−1 .

26b. Given that Jn follows a geometric sequence, state the value of the [1 mark]
common ratio, r.

r = 1. 03 A1
[1 mark]
At the start of year N , Jane’s annual salary exceeds Helen’s annual salary for the
first time.

26c. Find the value of N . [3 marks]

evidence of use of an appropriate table or graph or GDC numerical solve
feature to find the value of N such that Jn > H n (M1)
for example, an excerpt from an appropriate table


for example, use of a GDC numerical solve feature to obtain N = 10. 800 …
Note: Award A1 for an appropriate graph. Condone use of a continuous
N = 11 A1
[3 marks]

26d. For the value of N found in part (c) (i), state Helen’s annual salary and [2 marks]
Jane’s annual salary, correct to the nearest dollar.
H11 = 94 000 ($) A1
J11 = 94 074 ($) A1
Helen’s annual salary is $94
000 and Jane’s annual salary is $94 074
Note: Award A1 for a correct H 11 value and A1 for a correct J11 value seen in
part (c) (i).
[2 marks]

26e. Find Jane’s total earnings at the start of her 10th year of employment. [4 marks]
Give your answer correct to the nearest dollar.
at the start of the 10th year, Jane will have worked for 9 years so the value of
S9 is required R1
Note: Award R1 if S9 is seen anywhere.
J1 ( rn−1 )
uses Sn = r−1
with J1 = 70 000, r = 1. 03 and n = 9 (M1)
Note: Award M1 if n = 10 is used.
70000 ( ( 1.03 ) 9−1 )
S9 = 1.03−1
= 711 137. 42 … (A1)
= 711 137 ($)
Jane’s total earnings are $711 137 (correct to the nearest dollar)
[4 marks]
The time, T minutes, taken to complete a jigsaw puzzle can be modelled by a
normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation 8. 6.
It is found that 30% of times taken to complete the jigsaw puzzle are longer than
36. 8 minutes.

27a. By stating and solving an appropriate equation, show, correct to two [4 marks]
decimal places, that μ = 32. 29.
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
T ~N(μ, 8. 62 )
P(T ≤ 36. 8)= 0. 7 (A1)
states a correct equation, for example, 8.6
= 0. 5244 … A1
attempts to solve their equation (M1)
μ = 36. 8 −(0. 5244 …)(8. 6)(= 32. 2902 …) A1
the solution to the equation is μ = 32. 29, correct to two decimal places AG
[4 marks]

Use μ = 32. 29 in the remainder of the question.

27b. Find the 86th percentile time to complete the jigsaw puzzle. [2 marks]

let t0.86 be the 86th percentile
attempts to use the inverse normal feature of a GDC to find t0.86 (M1)
t0.86 = 41. 6 (mins) A1
[2 marks]
27c. Find the probability that a randomly chosen person will take more than [2 marks]
30 minutes to complete the jigsaw puzzle.

evidence of identifying the correct area under the normal curve (M1)
Note: Award M1 for a clearly labelled sketch.
P(T > 30)= 0. 605 A1
[2 marks]

Six randomly chosen people complete the jigsaw puzzle.

27d. Find the probability that at least five of them will take more than 30 [3 marks]
minutes to complete the jigsaw puzzle.
let X represent the number of people out of the six who take more than 30
minutes to complete the jigsaw puzzle
X~B(6, 0. 6049 …) (M1)
for example, P(X = 5)+P(X = 6) or 1 − P(X ≤ 4) (A1)
P(X ≥ 5)= 0. 241 A1
[3 marks]

27e. Having spent 25 minutes attempting the jigsaw puzzle, a randomly [4 marks]
chosen person had not yet completed the puzzle.
Find the probability that this person will take more than 30 minutes to complete
the jigsaw puzzle.
recognizes that P(T > 30 T ≥ 25 ) is required (M1)
Note: Award M1 for recognizing conditional probability.
P ( T >30∩T ≥25 )
= P ( T ≥25 )

P ( T >30 ) 0.6049…
= P ( T ≥25 )
= 0.8016…

= 0. 755 A1
[4 marks]

The temperature T °C of water t minutes after being poured into a cup can be
modelled by T = T0 e−kt where t ≥ 0 and T0 , k are positive constants.
The water is initially boiling at 100 °C. When t = 10, the temperature of the water
is 70 °C.

28a. Show that T0 = 100. [1 mark]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
when t = 0, T = 100 ⇒ 100 = T0 e0 A1
so T0 = 100 AG
[1 mark]

1 10
28b. Show that k = 1 ln 10 . [3 marks]
10 7

correct substitution of t = 10, T = 70 M1
70 = 100e−10k or e−10k = 10
−10k = ln 10
ln 10
= − ln 10
or − ln 7
= ln 10

e10k = 10
10k = ln 7

k= 10
ln 10

[3 marks]

= 15
28c. Find the temperature of the water when t = 15. [2 marks]

substitutes t = 15 into T (M1)
T = 58. 6 (°C) A1
[2 marks]
28d. Sketch the graph of T versus t, clearly indicating any asymptotes with [4 marks]
their equations and stating the coordinates of any points of intersection
with the axes.

a decreasing exponential A1
starting at(0, 100) labelled on the graph or stated A1
T → 0 as t → ∞ A1
horizontal asymptote T = 0 labelled on the graph or stated A1
Note: Award A0 for stating y = 0 as the horizontal asymptote.
[4 marks]

50 °C
28e. Find the time taken for the water to have a temperature of 50 °C. Give [4 marks]
your answer correct to the nearest second.
100e−kt = 50 where k = 10
ln 10

uses an appropriate graph to attempt to solve for t (M1)
1 1 10
manipulates logs to attempt to solve for t e.g. ln 2 =(− 10 ln 7
)t (M1)
t= ln2 = 19. 433 … A1
1 10
10 7

temperature will be 50 °C after 19 minutes and 26 seconds A1
[4 marks]

28f. The model for the temperature of the water can also be expressed in [3 marks]
the form T = T0 a 10 for t ≥ 0 and a is a positive constant.
Find the exact value of a .
substitutes T0 = 100, t = 10 and T = 70 into T = T0 a 10 (M1)
70 = 100a 10 A1
a= 10

100a 10 = 100e−kt where k = 10
ln 10
e−k = a 10 ⇒ a = e−10k (M1)
( - 101 ln )t
a = (e )
10 t
7 (M1)


a = e− ln 7 (= eln 10 ) A1
10 7

a= 10

[3 marks]

29a. Explain why any integer can be written in the form 4k or 4k + 1 or [2 marks]
4k + 2 or 4k + 3, where k ∈ Z.
Upon division by 4 M1
any integer leaves a remainder of 0, 1, 2 or 3. R1
Hence, any integer can be written in the form 4k or 4k + 1 or 4k + 2 or 4k + 3
, where k ∈ Z AG
[2 marks]
29b. Hence prove that the square of any integer can be written in the form [6 marks]
4t or 4t + 1, where t ∈ Z+ .
(4k)2 = 16k2 = 4t M1A1

(4k + 1)2 = 16k2 + 8k + 1 = 4t + 1 M1A1

(4k + 2)2 = 16k2 + 16k + 4 = 4t A1

(4k + 3)2 = 16k2 + 24k + 9 = 4t + 1 A1

Hence, the square of any integer can be written in the form 4t or 4t + 1,
where t ∈ Z+ . AG
[6 marks]

A set of data comprises of five numbers x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 which have been

placed in ascending order.

30a. Recalling definitions, such as the Lower Quartile is the n+1 th piece of [2 marks]
data with the data placed in order, find an expression for the Interquartile Range.

x 1+x 2 x 4+x 5 x 4+x 5−x 1−x 2
LQ = 2 , UQ = 2 , IQR = 2 M1A1

[2 marks]
30b. Hence, show that a data set with only 5 numbers in it cannot have any [5 marks]

UQ + 1.5IQR = 1.25x4 + 1.25x5 − 0.75x1 − 0.75x2 ⩾ x5 M1A1
Since 1.25x4 + 0.25x5 ⩾ 0.75x1 + 0.75x2 due to the ascending order. R1
Similarly LQ − 1.5IQR = 1.25x1 + 1.25x2 − 0.75x4 − 0.75x5 ⩽ x1
Since 0.25x1 + 1.25x2 ⩽ 0.75x3 + 0.75x4 due to the ascending order.
So there are no outliers for a data set of 5 numbers. AG
[5 marks]
30c. Give an example of a set of data with 7 numbers in it that does have an [2 marks]
outlier, justify this fact by stating the Interquartile Range.

For example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 100 where IQR =4 A1A1
[2 marks]

The principal of a high school is concerned about the effect social media use
might be having on the self-esteem of her students. She decides to survey a
random sample of 9 students to gather some data. She wants the number of
students in each grade in the sample to be, as far as possible, in the same
proportion as the number of students in each grade in the school.

31a. State the name for this type of sampling technique. [1 mark]

Stratified sampling A1
[1 mark]
The number of students in each grade in the school is shown in table.

31b. Show that 3 students will be selected from grade 12. [3 marks]

There are 260 students in total A1
× 9 = 2.91 M1A1
So 3 students will be selected. AG
[3 marks]
31c. Calculate the number of students in each grade in the sample. [2 marks]

60 83 33
grade 9 = 260
× 9 ≈ 2, grade 10 = 260
× 9 ≈ 3, grade 11 = 260
[2 marks]

In order to select the 3 students from grade 12, the principal lists their names in
alphabetical order and selects the 28th, 56th and 84th student on the list.

31d. State the name for this type of sampling technique. [1 mark]

Systematic sampling A1
[1 mark]
Once the principal has obtained the names of the 9 students in the random
sample, she surveys each student to find out how long they used social media the
previous day and measures their self-esteem using the Rosenberg scale. The
Rosenberg scale is a number between 10 and 40, where a high number
represents high self-esteem.

31e. Calculate Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, r. [2 marks]

r = −0.901 A2
[2 marks]

31f. Interpret the meaning of the value of r in the context of the principal’s [1 mark]

The negative value of r indicates that more time spent on social media leads
to lower self-esteem, supporting the principal’s concerns. R1
[1 mark]
31g. Explain why the value of r makes it appropriate to find the equation of a [1 mark]
regression line.

r being close to –1 indicates there is strong correlation, so a regression line is
appropriate. R1
[1 mark]
31h. Another student at the school, Jasmine, has a self-esteem value of 29. [4 marks]

By finding the equation of an appropriate regression line, estimate the time

Jasmine spent on social media the previous day.

Find the regression line of t on s. M1
t = −0.281s + 9.74 A1
t = (−0.2807 …) (29) + 9.739 … = 1.60 hours M1A1
[4 marks]

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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®


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