21st Century

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Rosario National High School

Sto. Rosario, San Juan, La Union

A Film Review on Troy the Odyssey in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in 21st
Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Submitted by:
Nicole P. Ordinario
Charles Erick Pobre
Mac Oliver Mendoza
Grade 12- ABM-Descartes

Submitted to:
Ms. Aurora B. Guillet
English Teacher

20 January 2023
The Odyssey

Odysseus was known as a man of exceptional cunning and ingenuity. He was the one
who thought about the giant wooden horse and gave it to Trojans which causes Trojans their
downfall. As Odysseus went on an adventure and lost his way because of Poseidon’s wrath,
his wife Penelope stays faithful and loyal as she waits for Odysseus to return. Odysseus and
his soldiers faced many obstacles along their way home to Ithaca.
This film is entitled “The Odyssey” which is directed by Andrey Konchalovsky. The
main cast were Armand Asante as Odysseus, Greta Scacchi as Penelope, Isabella Rossellini
as Athena, Alan Stenson as Telemachus, Frederick Stuart as Hermes, Miles Anderson as
Poseidon, Bernadette Peters as Circe, and Vanessa Williams as Calypso. This movie was
made on 1997, it was filmed in Malta, Turkey, England and places around Mediterranean and
has a rating of 7.0/ 10. This movie was all about the adventures and dilemma faced by
Odysseus and how Penelope stays faithful to him without assurance when will he returns.
Odysseus was a legendary hero in Greek Mythology, king of Ithaca and the husband of
Penelope, he fought for Sparta and leaves his infant son to Penelope. Penelope is the wife of
Odysseus and the queen of Ithaca, while waiting for Odysseus return Penelope had 108
suitors. Athena is the Olympian goddess of wisdom and war; she is the one who’s helping
Odysseus and giving him advices. Telemachus is the son of Odysseus and Penelope. Calypso
is an immortal goddess and she holds Odysseus a prisoner for seven years on the island where
she lives and forces him to be her lover. Hermes is the messenger of the Gods; he is a
disguised helper and guide Odysseus to return home to Ithaca. Circe is a witch that intends to
turn Odysseus to an animal by using a magic potion. Poseidon is the god of sea; he sends
Odysseus storms and waves, sea monsters because of how ungrateful Odysseus was that
incites his anger.
The most interesting part for me was when Athena transformed Odysseus to an old man.
As Telemachus and Odysseus arrived at the palace where the suitors of Penelope resides and
they bullied Telemachus as he brings an old beggar with him without knowing it’s Odysseus
but Queen Penelope still showed hospitality as she orders her servants to give him food and
water without knowing he is Odysseus. In this part, Penelope shows how sympathetic and
kind-hearted she was. Also, Penelope shows hospitality to her suitors as she gave them food,
shelter, and water while her suitor trashed the place as they wait for Penelope to finish
weaving the shroud but Penelope also unravels it at night as she waits for her husband’s
I highly recommend this movie to teenagers and adults. Specially adults, I know the adults
will like it. I recommend this movie because it’s not only about the adventures but it’s also
realistic in human nature, Odysseus struggles to survive the wrath of Poseidon as he wanders
of the sea without any path, he overcomes many obstacles with his sheer will-power just so
he can go home to Ithaca and see his son and wife. In addition, I really like how loyal and
faithful Penelope is, she waits for her husband for twenty years. With her 108 suitors that’s
willing to marry her because they perceived that Odysseus were dead, still Penelope did not
cheat on his husband without knowing how long will it takes her to wait for Odysseus return
and if he is still alive or not.
The theme of this movie is all about loyalty, faithfulness, and patience. Penelope shows a
strong desire of loyalty as she waits for her husband to return home after 20 years. Even with
her 108 suitors, she did not sleep with them and stayed loyal to Odysseus.

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