How Does Homer Convey The Idea of Continuity Between Generations in

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How does Homer convey the idea of continuity between generations in 

The Odyssey?
Homer conveys the idea of continuity between generations primarily through the mirrored depictions
of Odysseus and Telemachus. The two are similar in several ways, showing how certain qualities
recur across generations in families. Though they haven't seen each other in 20 years, both are
clever and brave. They both also undertake journeys that are not only physical but emotional and
psychological as well. Odysseus's journey takes him from the life of a noble warrior who prizes glory
above all else to that of a man who yearns to be reunited with his family. Telemachus begins his
journey as a naive and uncertain boy but becomes a man who takes responsibility and can
command. Also of note is Athena's guidance and protection of both men, which suggests continuity
through allegiance to a particular deity. Continuity across generations is also shown in Odysseus's
visit to Laertes in the last book. His father hasn't been eating or drinking since Telemachus left and
has been sitting, mourning the apparent loss of his son, Odysseus. Odysseus weeps when he sees
Laertes's condition. After he tests his father's loyalty, satisfying himself on that point, and proves his
own identity, satisfying his father, they enjoy a feast. Laertes is restored to health and dignity by
Athena. The whole episode shows the importance of devotion to elders. That Telemachus works on
providing the food and preparing the feast underscores the generational message.

 Odysseus Telemachus Athena Laertes

How do both gods and mortals handle justice in The Odyssey?

The gods of The Odyssey seem at times to administer justice in an arbitrary way. Though certain
types of conduct seem very important to them—hospitality, for example—their decisions to punish or
reward mortals based on single actions often seem to be dictated by an individual god's whim rather
than on any fixed rules. For example, Poseidon goes to great lengths to thwart Odysseus's return
home as punishment for blinding Polyphemus—until the god winds up, inexplicably, helping
Odysseus make it ashore. It's difficult to know what might provoke a god or who might be in their
favor on any given day. Because they are gods, however, they are beyond the judgment of mortals.
The mortal characters in The Odyssey seem to try to live according to their understanding of the codes
ordained by the gods—and many of their actions are meant to appease the gods. Indeed, the
humans seem to be always trying to anticipate the gods' desires as they consider what to do in a
situation. Often the first thing a character utters after witnessing something he or she considers
unjust is along the lines of "this will certainly displease the gods." Mortals apply justice without
mercy, and they judge in black-and-white terms. Someone who is hospitable is good and is repaid
with compliments and honor. Someone inhospitable is bad and is punished. Similarly, those who
abuse hospitality—who take advantage of the society's codes of behavior—are bad. Hence, all the
suitors must die.
 Justice Deception Vengeance Odysseus Athena Poseidon Polyphemus

In The Odyssey why is it so important to Elpenor that he be properly buried? Why does

Odysseus delay his journey in order to return to Circe's island?
Loyalty and honor were two important virtues to the ancient Greeks, and to honor the dead meant to
administer proper burial rites. Elpenor can't find peace in the afterlife until he is properly buried. For
Odysseus loyalty and honor are important to both his reputation and his sense of self. He feels he
owes his men the same loyalty they give him, and in some ways he feels responsible for Elpenor's
death. For these reasons he delays his return home to go back to Circe's island to fulfill this
responsibility. Doing so is more important to him than returning home at this point. It can be argued
that he is rewarded for this action, for Circe advises him how to evade the peril of the Sirens during
his second visit to her island.

 Elpenor Odysseus Homecoming
Which events cause the most change in Telemachus over the course of The Odyssey?
Over the course of The Odyssey, Telemachus changes from a shy, uncertain boy to a man with as
commanding a presence as that of his father, Odysseus, though his growth seems more
developmental over time rather than the result of one or two significant experiences. The epic opens
with Telemachus unsure of how to handle the suitors who have besieged his home. He has allowed
the suitors to wreck Odysseus's home and torment his mother, showing that he lacks manly dignity
and strength, which is not surprising considering he has been raised without a father. Under the
guidance of Athena, he slowly begins to take charge of his and his mother's future, first by sailing off
to discover the whereabouts of Odysseus. Hearing the tales of Odysseus from the Trojan War, he
learns about his father's accomplishments, which provides him with an example to follow. During his
travels he learns about how others offer sacrifices to the gods and what kinds of gifts are provided to
guests. After learning these lessons, he returns with news that his father is alive and with renewed
desire for vengeance on the suitors. He escapes the suitors' trap with the aid of Athena and through
his own cunning—demonstrating that he is his father's son. By the end of the story, when he and
Odysseus are reunited, it is almost difficult to distinguish between the two of them. He takes as
much responsibility for planning revenge on the suitors as his father does, an action that proves he
is far more capable and confident than at the story's outset.
 Telemachus Odysseus

Why is an eagle used as the omen of good news for Odysseus in The Odyssey?
The vision of an eagle appears several times in The Odyssey. In each case it is interpreted as an
omen that means good things for Odysseus and his family. The eagle is a symbol of royalty and
fierceness in fighting. It is suitable as a symbol for Odysseus because he is a king, and he is
renowned for his fighting ability and willingness to persevere until he gains victory. The eagle omen
predicts Odysseus's eventual victory over the suitors. As Halitherses says in Book 2, "a great
disaster is rolling like a breaker" toward the suitors' heads, and that looming disaster is Odysseus
about to wreak his revenge. The appearance of two eagles in this case may allude to the fact that
Telemachus joins his father in punishing the suitors.
 Eagle Omen Zeus Telemachus Odysseus Penelope Halitherses

What role does Athena play in The Odyssey?

Athena plays the role of protector and advisor throughout The Odyssey, not only to Odysseus but also
to Telemachus. Although she seems to orchestrate a great deal of the action of the book, she rarely
intervenes directly to change the course of events. Instead, she advises Odysseus while appearing
in human form or leads him to a certain place where he will encounter someone who can help him.
She acts similarly with Telemachus, appearing in several different guises at timely points. Her initial
appearance to him spurs Telemachus to action, just as her appearance as Mentor in Book 22,
during the battle against the suitors, revives Odysseus's resolve to triumph. Her role is invaluable
and indicates the divine blessing that Odysseus and his family enjoy. As Nestor tells Telemachus in
Book 2, when Athena changes from Mentor into the form of an eagle, "never fear you'll be a coward
or defenseless" as long as Athena is providing protection.
 Athena Odysseus Telemachus Nestor Eagle Omen Fate Deception

Why is providing hospitality so important in The Odyssey?

The Greeks held hospitality to be one of the highest mortal virtues. The Odyssey shows that it ran
through the cultural fabric everywhere, from palaces to swineherds' cottages. Perhaps the most
important example of hospitality in The Odyssey is the 10 years of hospitality that Penelope shows the
suitors, much to her discomfort and unease. The fact that she provides them food, drink, and a place
to stay for so long a time and at such great personal cost shows how centrally important this value
was to the Greeks. Odysseus receives wonderful hospitality from several kings and queens, who
supply him with ships, treasures, and directions home. But perhaps the most moving instance of
hospitality comes when Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, seeks out his old swineherd Eumaeus.
Eumaeus doesn't recognize his former master but welcomes him into his home nonetheless and
provides him with food, shelter, and clothing. Even a humble swineherd understands that hospitality
is an important value.
 Hospitality Deception Penelope Odysseus

In what ways does Odysseus display the typical qualities of a hero in The Odyssey?
Odysseus displays many typical qualities of a hero, according to ancient Greek standards. He is
courageous and a natural leader. He is charismatic and clever, using his wits when he cannot rely
on his strength. Even his journey is typical of a hero's quest—he overcomes obstacles, seeks
helpers, and faces tests. Yet Homer portrays Odysseus as a more complex character rather than a
one-dimensional hero. He is easily swayed by temptation, and he sometimes lets his arrogance or
pride get in the way of making good decisions. Odysseus doesn't always have control of his men,
who disobey him to disastrous effect on at least two occasions. He can be lazy and make mistakes.

 Odysseus Hospitality Vengeance

What evidence in The Odyssey supports the idea that Telemachus is its central figure?
While The Odyssey focuses on the journey of Odysseus, marking him as the protagonist, Telemachus
is also very important to the narrative. His story launches the epic, and he arguably changes the
most, growing from an unformed youth to an adult man capable of assisting his father in the great
task of avenging the harm and humiliation caused by the suitors. In many ways his is a typical
coming-of-age tale. He learns a great deal about himself and has a pivotal role in the climax of the
book. His presence at the reconciliation feast of Odysseus and Laertes at the end of the epic
underscores the sense of resolution created by that scene, for he represents the future of the royal
house of Ithaca, as his father and grandfather represent the present and the past.
 Telemachus Odysseus Laertes

What can be inferred about ancient Greek culture from the treatment of women in The
The Odyssey has many examples of men and women being treated differently, indicating that there
were clear differences in roles, expectations, and social position for men and women in ancient
Greece. These differences extend even to the gods. Although Athena is shown great deference
throughout, gods and goddesses are viewed differently. As Calypso points out in Book 5, Olympus
has a significant double standard. Gods prefer that goddesses shun relationships with mortal men,
but the gods themselves are often involved with mortal women. The story of Penelope points out
other differences. Penelope has the power to delay a wedding to one of the suitors—something she
does with remarkable success for two decades. She cannot resolve the problem of the suitors,
however, without her son taking action or her husband returning home. She is trapped by the
expectation that she will remarry given that Odysseus is presumed dead. Mortal women are treated
as their husbands' property, while mortal men such as Odysseus are not punished for their
infidelities. On the other hand, Penelope does demonstrate that women in ancient Greece could
exert power in some way.
 Calypso Penelope Odysseus

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