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S.No. Program Name Page No. Date Sign

Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order
1. 07.09.2022
using Insertion Sort
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order
2. 14.09.2022
using Selection Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending
3. 21.09.2022
order using Merge Sort
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order
4. 28.09.2022
using Quick Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order
5. 12.10.2022
using Radix Sort.
Arrange the list of numbers in ascending order
6. 19.10.2022
using Heap Sort.
To search an element in the array using
Linear Search. 26.10.2022
To search an element in the 2-dimensionalarray using
8. 02.11.2022
Linear Search.
9. Implementation of stack using array. 09.11.2022
10. Implementation of queue using array. 16.11.2022
Implementation of circular queue using array.

Program to implement Stack using Linked List in C
language 14.12.2022
Program for implementing queue using linked list
13. 21.12.2022
in C
14. Implementation of binary search tree using array. 28.12.2022

15. C Program to Find Sum of Array Elements using 04.01.2023

Implement a Program in C for the following Stack
16. Applications. Solving Tower of Hanoi problem with n
disks 11.01.2023

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