An Open Letter To The Republican Party

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An Open Letter to the Republican Party about African Americans

I think it's time for the Republican party to stop playing defense when it comes to racism and go
on the offense. The Democrat Party was racist, is racist and will continue to be racist and has been
the greatest scourge on African Americans. Let me count the ways.

1. The Democrats are responsible for fatherlessness in the Black communities1.

Prior to 1965 no self-respecting Black person would ever vote for a democrat. But Lyndon Johnson
needed the Black vote to win, so he went after Black families saying he would make sure “they”
(he used a racial epithet) would vote Democrat for the next 200 years. Black fatherlessness was
under 25% in the 1965s2 (some stats say it was under 9%). LBJ hired 100,000 social workers and
used the Great Society to force fathers out of the home by targeting Black mothers to kick their
men out of the home for more money, as a result fatherlessness soared to over 77% today3. LBJ
was a racist and he and the Democrats knew this would cause generational dependency on
handouts from the government.

2. The Democrats are responsible for Violence in the Black communities.

The Democrat induced fatherlessness resulted in crime & violence as young Black men grew up
without a father's discipline and sought father figures in gangs and young women became sexually
active while seeking male approval. 81% of blacks want an active police presence in the inner
city4. But today the Democrats continue to remove police5 from inner cities and defund them so
that blacks will continue to be killed.6

3. The Democrats are responsible for Illiteracy in the Black communities.

The violence caused by Democrat induced fatherlessness filtered into the classrooms. In 1910
Black literacy (proficiency) was over 70%7, today it's 17%.8 Over 80%9 of all Black parents want
school vouchers to take their kids out of the crime and drug and gang infested public schools but
the Democrats and Unions will not let them do so, even though vouchers have improved Black
lives every time. The Democrats want them to be illiterate and won't let Black kids graduate and
get good jobs as a result.

4. The Democrats are responsible for unemployment and poverty in Black

The minimum wage was created by the Democrats to stop Black men from underbidding jobs that
white men wanted and today it prevents young blacks with the 17% literacy from getting a job
where they can grow into more responsibility and a higher pay.10

7 “..Literacy rates climbed steadily among Black Americans, rising from 20
percent in 1870 to nearly 70 percent by 1910, according to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy .
8 scroll down the page to find BLACK Proficiency
5. The Democrats are responsible for unjustly imprisoning a vast majority of Blacks
Joe Bidens crime bills targeted these fatherless Black young men11 with horrible penalties for
crimes12 that would not apply to white young men who were also involved in drugs (i.e. crack
cocaine used by Blacks got 25 years vs the same amount of cocaine powder used by whites got a
slap on the wrist). This further exacerbated fatherlessness13.

6. The Democrats are responsible for killing almost 50% of the number of Blacks in
America today
Finally, Democrats are responsible for killing almost 50% of all Blacks in what Jesse Jackson
himself called a Black Genocide (in 1988). There are 41.8M African Americans today14 There
would have been 61.8M but 20M African Americans were killed before they could exit the
womb.15 All funded by Democrat appointed tax money. It doesn’t matter if you are prolife or
prochoice, you cannot be pro killing 50% of all blacks.

The common factor in all of these racist acts and policies is the Democrat party.

It's time the Republican party stood up for Black families and placed the blame at the feet of the
party that has been the greatest cause of Black plight. It's time to call out the Democrats as the
racists they are for perpetuating a system that is continually destroying Black families. and lives.

Until you do that, the Republican party will be playing defense and losing.

Neil Mammen is the Executive Vice President of EBLM Inc. and President of VAC Action.

Neil can be contacted to speak on your radio show or at your events
He is the author of the book “Jesus Is Involved In Politics! Why aren’t you? Why isn’t your church?,
Find out more at


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