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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Synchronous Presence of Chronic Lymphocytic

Leukaemia and Breast Cancer in Nigerian
Adult Females: Case Series
Ogbo F. O1, Otu T. I2,3, Yawe KD. T1,4, Okpako I. I1.
Department of Surgery, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria
Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University
of Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.
Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.

Abstract:- Synchronous presentation of Chronic immunotherapy, andtargeted therapy; singly or in various

Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) and Breast Cancer (BC) combination) and management of the associated co-
has been reported, but are uncommon. Although studies morbidities and complications1,7.
have revealed that the risk of second primary
malignancies (SPMs) developing in patients with CLL is CLL is the most common adult leukaemic
twice that of general population, it was also noted that lymphoproliferative disorder in Western countries with
concomitant SPMs in untreated BC are very rare1,2,3,4,5. annual incidence of 2 – 4.5/100,000 new cases 4,7. It is the
Studies have also shown that early diagnosis and second most common haematological malignancy after
appropriate management of malignancies are central to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in Nigeria, the disorder
patients’ treatment outcome (better quality of life and accounted for 17 – 26.09% of all haematological
overall survival) and very poor prognosis and treatment malignancies, with 2 – 6 per 100,000 new cases diagnosed
outcome for patients presenting with advanced stage annually8,9,10,11. CLL is characterized by proliferation and
(stage IV) cancers1,2,3,6,7.Synchronous presentation of accumulation of functionally incompetent mature-looking
CLL and BC, to the best of our knowledge, has not been monoclonal CD5 positive small B lymphocytes in the bone
previously reported in our environment. In this report, marrow with attendant peripheral blood lymphocytosis > 5
we describe our observation of two female patients X 109/L; infiltration of lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Thus,
diagnosed with synchronous primary CLL and BC. This patients with CLL present with a wide range of symptoms
raised a series of diagnostic, etiological and therapeutic and signs associated with bone marrow failure and/or
issues in a resource poor setting like Nigeria, persuading immune dysfunction such as, infection, anaemia,
us to report these rare findings. thrombocytopenia. Although CLL is eventually lethal, its
onset is insidious and usually follows a protracted and
Keywords:- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, Breast indolent clinical course, with 25% - 50% of patients being
cancer, Second primary malignancies, Synchronous asymptomatic at the time of presentation7,10. Breast Cancer
presentation. (BC) on the other hand, is also the commonest cancer
worldwide, it accounted for 22.7% and 37% of all new
I. INTRODUCTION cancer for both sexes and new cancer cases in females
respectively in Nigeria in the year 2018,12,13,14,15. BC is
Synchronous presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic characterized by the presence of a painless, hard, irregularly
Leukaemia (CLL) and Breast Cancer (BC) have been shaped breast lump/s which have different consistence
reported but are uncommon. Although studies have revealed comparing to surrounding breast tissue. The lump may be
that the risk of second primary malignancies (SPMs) associated rapid growth, skin erythema, peau d’orange,
developing in patients with CLL is twice that of general nipple deviation, nipple ulceration or puckering. There may
population, it was also noted that concomitant SPMs in be associated axillary lymph nodes enlargement at
untreated BC are very rare1,2,3,4,5.Studies also have shown presentation. The breast lesion/s have different biological
that early diagnosis through the use of primary diagnostic subtypes when subjected to immunohistological analysis.
tests (like FBC, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, fine Synchronous multiple primary malignancies is the
needle aspiration, incision/excision biopsies); ancillary occurrence of two or more cancers within a six months
investigations for confirmatory and prognostic markers and period in the same patient3. Although, presence of
clinical staging (e.g: immunophenotyping chromosomal, concurrent multiple primary cancers may be simply due to
cytogenetic, biochemical analyses and imaging), as well as chance, studies have shown that the etiologies of
appropriate treatment modalities for malignancies are central synchronous multiple primary cancers are multifactorial,
to patients’ management outcome (better quality of life and dysregulated immune system; shared genetic susceptibility
overall survival)1,2,3,6,7,12. The challenges inherent in and environmental factors; advanced age; and detection bias
management of synchronous primary cancers include: due to increased surveillance in patients diagnosed with a
decision on the sequence of treatment (such aswhich of the primary cancer2,3. Most (65.9% - 87%) patients with CLL
two cancers should be treated first), the treatment modalities and BC in resource poor countries are diagnosed in
and regimen (radiotherapy, chemotherapy,surgery, advanced stages due to lack of awareness, and poor access

IJISRT23JAN558 2341

Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
to medical care, while in developed countries, where 70% - CD23, chromosomal and cytogenetic, and biochemical
80% of CLL cases are diagnosed incidentally analyses) workup for CLL were not performed due to lack
inearlystageduring routine complete blood count for of the requisite facilities in our center. She was thus,
unrelated medical check-up, and majority of the BC cases by diagnosed as case synchronous CLL (Binet stage A) and
routine screening. Although, the burden of both cancers are BC.
high in developed and underdeveloped countries, the
mortality rates of these cancers are very high latter III. CASE REPORT 2
compared to the very low mortality rates in the western
countries7,9,10,12,15,16,17. Although, high incidence of both A 52-year-old postmenopausal woman, of Igbo tribe,
CLL and BA have been reported in Nigeria, synchronous para 7, all of the children are alive who presented with an
presentation of CLL and BC, to the best of our knowledge, overwhelming disease on self-referral to Accident and
have not been previously reported in this environment. In Emergency Department of our hospital, with three months
this report, we describe our observation of two female history of rapidly growing bilateral breasts masses with
patients affected by primary synchronous CLL and BC. This associated protrusion of the left eye, multiple intra-
raised a series of diagnostic, etiological and therapeutic abdominal masses, swellings on the trunks and gluteal
issues in a resource poor setting like Nigeria, persuading us regions, and inability to walk. There is associated fever but
to report these rare findings. no weight loss, A detailed past medical history was taken,
which was reported positive for prior use of oral
II. CASE REPORT 1 contraceptive pills and primary co morbidities. She was
diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension 20 years prior to
A 61-year-old postmenopausal woman, of Hausa tribe, presentation and has been on regular medications
para 9 and 5 children alive who was referred from Specialist (Amlodipine and Lisinopril). No environmental exposition
hospital Bauchi State to our Surgery Outpatient Department to risk factors, as well as no family history of cancer.
with a histologically confirmed right breast invasive ductal
carcinoma. NST, TxN2M0; and immunohistochemistry Physical examination revealed an obese woman (BMI
result of Oestrogen receptor (ER+ve) positive, Progesterone = 35.8kg/m2), with marked proptosis (>28) of the left eye
receptor (PR-ve) and human epidermal growth factor and chemosis; hyperpigmented surrounding skin, peau
receptor-2 (HER-2/neu-ve) negative tumour with high level d’orange bilateral breasts masses (Figure 2); and bilateral
of ki67. On detailed medical history, there was no associated axillary infra and supraclavicular lymphadenopathies.
weight loss (BMI = 25.8kg/m2), fatigue, fever or any co- Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, pelvic masses, gibbus and no
morbidities or other specific complaints. No family history associated loss of sensation. Both Right and Left breast
of cancer or exposure to environmental risk factors. Physical biopsy tissues histology reported invasive tubular
examination revealed skin involvement (right breast), peau carcinoma. TNM stage T4cN3M1 with metastasis to the
d’orange and a transverse scar of the previous incisional bones, cerebral and liver.
biopsy that was done in the referral centre. A Matted
ipsilateral axillary lymph node enlargement was note, She was evaluated and was noted to have elevated
normal left breast, liver and spleen were not enlarged. She white blood count (43.1 x 109/L) with differential leukocyte
had modified radical mastectomy (Auchincloss) done. She count: Lymphocytes 90%, smear cells, Neutrophils 7%,
did well post operatively and was discharged home after she Monocytes 2%, Eosinophils 1%. Repeated FBC showed: Hb
had the first course of chemotherapy (intravenous Docetaxel -8.7 g/dl, WBC – 55.1 x 109/l, Platelet count 417 x 109/L,
and oral capecitabine). the blood smear showed predominance of small
lymphocytes and numerous smudge cells. Bone marrow
She presented to the clinic for second cycle of aspirate smear also revealed marrow hyperplasia with
chemotherapy, on review of her previous full blood counts, predominance of small lymphocytes, numerous smudge
series of elevated white blood count (between 131-148 x cells, markedly suppressed erythroid and myeloid cells
109/L) with predominantly lymphocytes and smear cells series cells, and adequate number of megakaryocytes, no
suggestive of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) was foreign cells seen. Peripheral blood and marrow aspirate
noted. Follow-up full blood count result showed, Hb - findings were consistent with diagnosis of CLL. Patient was
11.9g/dl, WBC – 99.9 x 109/L, with 90% lymphocytes, diagnosed as synchronous primary CLL (Binet stage B) and
smear cells and 10% neutrophils; Platelet count – 302 x BC (stage IV). Patient succumbed to the multiple
109/L. Bone marrow aspirate revealed: Hypercellular morbidities before any further secondary investigations
marrow with predominantly mature looking small could be performed.
monomorphic lymphocytes (accounted for 90% of the
marrow nucleated cells) and numerous smear cells. Mild Written informed consent for use of their history and
erythroid hypoplasia with megaloblastic changes; investigation results were obtained from both patients as
Suppressed myelopoiesis with sequential maturation, few well as ethical approval from the institutional research ethics
giant metamyelocytes and band forms; Megakaryocytesare review board (IRB) of University of Abuja Teaching
adequate in number; Plasma cells not increased in number; Hospital, Gwagwalada, FCT, Nigeria.
No foreign cells seen (Figure 1). Both peripheral blood and
bone marrow findings were consistent with diagnosis of
CLL. Further secondary confirmatory and prognostic
markers (immunophenotyping such as CD5, CD20, CD19

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Patients with CLL have been reported to have Thorough primary and ancillary assessment of cancers
increased risk of developing second primary malignancies patients could mitigate or help in resolving most of the
(SPMs), and breast cancer constitute 9% of these challenges inherent in the management of synchronous
SPMs.1,2,4,18. Patients with CLL present with a wide range primary malignancies. The treatment modalities and
of symptoms and signs associated with bone marrow and regimen are, Surgery; Radiotherapy; Chemotherapy;
immune dysfunction including infections, anaemia, Hormone; Immunotherapy; Targeted therapy; (singly or in
thrombocytopenia. And onset of the disease is insidious with various combination); with other supportive care. The
25% - 50% of pts being asymptomatic at the time of clinical features, genetic, molecular and biochemical
presentation7,10. Most (65.9% - 87%) patients with CLL and characteristics of the cancers can help in the determination
BC in resource poor countries are diagnosed in advanced of the sequence of treatment, treatment regimen and
stages due lack of awareness, and poor access to medical anticipate management complications. When both cancers
care, unlike in developed countries. where 70% - 80% of require treatment, the therapy should be targeted to the more
CLL cases are diagnosed incidentally in early stage during aggressive cancer 1,7. CLL is a chronic disease with insidious
routine complete blood count for unrelated medical check- onset, patients who are asymptomatic (Binet stages A and B,
up or workup for other morbidities, similarly, majority of or Rai stages 0 - II with no associated B symptoms) do not
the BC cases are diagnosed during routine screening require treatment, but are routinely followed-up until the
(mammography) programs7,9,10,16,17. Both of our patients disease progresses, death in these patients may be due to an
presented with advanced BC, just as reported by various unrelated cause, therapy should be initiated for patients with
studies. While case report 2 presented with advanced CLL Binet stage C or Rai stages III and IV7. Treatment is
(fever/infection and weakness; lymphadenopathy, recommended once BC diagnosis is established. Our first
splenomegaly, hepatomegalyand, it is important to note that case report patient had modified radical mastectomy
case report 1, has no apparent clinical features of CLL, it (Auchincloss)and first cycle of chemotherapy (intravenous
was an incidental finding following routine workup for BC. Docetaxel and oral capecitabine). Marked reduction in
This highlighted the need for diligence by clinicians when patient’s pretreatment lymphocyte count from 148 x 109/L to
reviewing all investigations reports so as not to miss flagged 99.9 x 109/L during the follow-up visit was noted, this might
results and appropriate communication from the medical be attributed to the effect of the chemotherapy. She is
laboratory, despite our busy schedules occasioned by very currently on second line chemotherapy using Docetaxel and
high patient turnout in our setting. The megaloblastic oral capecitabine combination regimen. The second patient
changes observed in her marrow aspirate could be attributed diagnosed with advanced stage (Binet stage C and stage IV)
to the antimetabolite capecitabine in her chemotherapy synchronous CLL and BC succumbed to her multiple
regimen. However, folate and vitamin B12 (nutritional) morbidities before any further secondary investigations
deficiencies have been shown to cause anaemia in CLL and could be performed or treatment initiated.
should be ruled out, she is thus, being evaluated
appropriately. VII. CONCLUSIONS

V. DIAGNOSIS We report two female patients diagnosed with

synchronous primary CLL and BC, This rare synchronous
Ancillary investigations for confirmatory and presentation of CLL and BC, to the best of our knowledge,
prognostic markers and clinical staging are crucial in the has not been previously reported in our environment. One of
determination of initiation of therapy and treatment the objectives of this report is to alert physicians in our
modalities in current cancers management globally. Sadly, setting on of the need for surveillance to improve the
most resource poor countries (including Nigeria) have to detection of uncommon malignancies. We highlighted
contend with lack of requisite facilities for secondary diagnostic, etiological and therapeutic issues encountered in
investigations in most of the public health care institutions. a resource poor setting like Nigeria and the need to: Create
The high cost of these ancillary tests in the few public and public awareness of the prevalence of cancers and
private diagnostic centers couple with the limited health importance of early diagnosis through routine screening
insurance coverage in the country makes these essential tests programs for common cancers that are curablein our
inaccessible to majority of cancer the patients. Thus, environment; Equip tertiary health institutions with the
physicians in these setting face the challenges of making the requisite secondary diagnostic facilities for effective
best use of primary and the few ancillary diagnostic tools efficient cancer workups that are imperative for
available as documented in the case reports. The incidental identification of genetic and epigenetic factors associated
diagnosis of CLL, following review of previous FBC results with cancerprognostication; And advocate wider health
on subsequent follow up visit, highlights the need for insurance coverage to enable all cancer patients access these
comprehensive review of all tests reports and surveillance facilities.
for the presence of second primary cancer(s) in patients
diagnosed with a primary cancer by clinicians.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflict to  Correspondence: Dr .Felix Ogili Ogbo,
 Acknowledgement: God Almighty and our family

Fig. 1: Bone marrow Aspirate from case 1

Fig. 2: Bone marrow Aspirate from case 2.

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