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August 19, 2011 Volume 3, No. 9

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2 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |
New Zealand
ETHC went through as fnalists in
three categories and was awarded
the winner for both the Cogita Ex-
cellence in Innovation & Strategy
Award and also the RSM Prince Ex-
cellence in Service Delivery Award.
The ETHC team present at
the ceremony then waited in an-
ticipation for the conclusion of the
award ceremony where the supreme
Westpac Business of the Year
Award was to be presented.
To their delight, ETHC was an-
nounced as the supreme winner,
which had ETHCs Clinical and
Management Team invited up on to
the stage to accept the award.
At the function it was acknowl-
edged that the judging panel for
the 2011 Westpac Business Excel-
lence Awards was experienced in
the judging process (approximately
30 judges are involved). Entries
were scored in accordance with the
Baldrige Quality Model that align
the awards with the global quality
award system.
Dr John Evangelista, GM of
ETHC says, It was a real thrill to
see primary health care and the con-
tributions it makes to both the busi-
ness community and the community
as a whole getting the recognition it
I think that all primary care
providers would beneft from the ac-
knowledgements gained by ETHC
at the awards and the greater reali-
sation by the commercial sector of
the difference general practitioners
and their teams can make to their
The business was established 35
years ago as a solo doctor practice
with its headquarters still based
in Otara, South Auckland. It has
grown to become New Zealands
largest private primary healthcare
provider, with 30 medical clinics
located throughout South, Central
and West Auckland.
The original founders of ETHC,
Dr. Kantilal Patel (QSM) and Mrs.
Ranjna Patel (QSM), continue to
actively be involved with the gov-
ernance and operations of the busi-
Dr. Patel dedicated the Westpac
awards to the hard work that all
ETHC personnel provide. I am so
pleased and honoured not just for
myself and my family but for all
our hard working, dedicated and
loyal personnel. We are proud that
our collective and persistent efforts
serving our community have been
recognised once again. From a
corporate business perspective we
take pride in winning the Supreme
and Excellence in Innovation and
Strategy Awards. However to win
the Excellence in Service Delivery
Award is very signifcant especially
as a health provider.
Mrs. Patel said, Achieving these
awards confrms that we are on the
right business pathway. Its good to
be judged at being good at what we
do but we also believe there is still a
lot of work ahead of us to get even
better outcomes for our patients.
The Baldrige performance excel-
lence criteria are a framework that
any organisation can use to improve
overall performance. Seven catego-
ries make up the award criteria:
Leadership: The leaders are the
people in your business that are
responsible for guiding and man-
aging the business. For ETHC it is
the Clinicians that largely infuence
business direction, performance
expectations, behaviours and how
they monitor the performance of the
Strategy and Planning: this
is the process by which the future
direction of the business is deter-
mined. ETHC incorporate the whole
team in determining the actions,
responsibilities and resources that
will ensure the business achieves its
short- and long-term strategies.
Customer and market: Cus-
tomer and market focus determines
the market requirements and expec-
tations, determine the requirements
and expectations of customers,
acquire new customers, build rela-
tionships with customers, monitor
customer perception of your success
and develop future opportunities.
The Patels philosophy that has
driven its success has always been
Look after the patient (customer)
and the patient will look after you.
Information and Analysis: This
is the foundation of a performance-
oriented business. It means having
a fact based measurement system
with the use of information and data
(knowledge) to support key busi-
ness activities, to make decisions
based on fact, as well as analyse the
performance of the business. ETHC
Clinical Management defnes the
key information and data used by
the business, how this is analysed
and made available to others both
inside and outside the business.
Workforce: Excellent business-
es encourage their people to develop
and use their full potential while
contributing to the achievement of
the business' short and long term
goals. ETHC designs and delivers
on how the work and jobs are organ-
ised, how training and education
provides the skills and knowledge
required and how the employee
work environment is measured and
improved to ensure satisfed com-
mitted employees.
Processes: Processes are the
way things are done to carry out the
business. Key Processes are those
processes that "touch" the customer
and may include the design, devel-
opment, manufacture and delivery
of products and/or services to cus-
tomers or suppliers. ETHC see this
as an ongoing development in the
delivery of high quality accessible
Results: The results are the
outputs from the business activi-
ties. ETHC are acknowledged in
understanding their business' per-
formance and improvement in key
areas that include services, patient,
fnancial, market, workforce and
business effectiveness. ETHC have
delivered on actual results and the
trends and stress the importance of
measuring real outcomes not just
East Tamaki Healthcare (ETHc) has added another feather to its cap with one more prestigious accolade.
ETHcs contributions to the health sector have been rightfully acknowledged at the Westpac Business
Awards ceremony held at the Telstra clear Events centre black tie dinner on August 12.
East Tamaki Healthcare winner at
Westpac Business Awards
Achieving these awards confrms that we are on
the right business pathway. Its good to be judged
at being good at what we do but we also believe
there is still a lot of work ahead of us to get even
better outcomes for our patients.
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New Zealand
A moving, personal tribute
Long time associate, friend and legal
luminary Thakorbhai Parbhu spoke
engagingly about Sir Anand at the
evening, peppering his address with
little known anecdotes that revealed
many biographical and personal
facets of the Governor General.
Your connection with the Indian
community goes back to your late
Father Dr Sati as he was affectionately
called. He practised at 201 Ponsonby
Road. He originally came from Fiji and
on completion of his medical degree was
supported by the Indian Association for residency in New Zealand. He was
one of our frst Indian doctors in New Zealand.
You are the by-product of a good family. Your late father and your
mother Taraben were respected stalwarts and great supporters of the Indian
community. You married a lovely girl Lady Susan, a Legal Executive from
the law frm of Cairns Slane & Co. and you both raised your lovely family.
My personal refections over all these years are the dinner parties at our
place, your place and your parents place; too many to mention. You and
Lady Susan attended by grand-daughter Shailas frst birthday at May Road
The hockey game you organised with the Justice Department and my
tea, our frequent meetings in the Law Library and the dinner at your unit in
Freemans Bay with David Lange who lived around the corner in Wellington
Street are still fresh in my mind.
I try to keep in touch with your movements at the local gymnasium which
you attend with our mutual friend Norman Elliott.
Your nature, disposition and character, your amiable attitude, your
ability to relate to all ethnicity, your friendship and contact with people and
organisations has made you a likeable and acceptable person in ftting with
your high offce. You have been a great bridge builder in New Zealand with
the various communities.
Your dignity in diffcult circumstances has stood you well. In the position
that you have attained you have brought honour and respect to the Indian
community not only in New Zealand but throughout the world.
You have walked into the pages of New Zealand history.
Remembering a dear mate
there were fewer than 10000, now there are
more than 100,000 making Indians the second
largest ethnic Asian group. The participation
of Indians is huge. When I joined law, Indian
lawyers could be counted on one hand now
there is a whole roomful and more, he added.
While being Governor General, he had the
occasion to attend several functions with an
Indian dimension throughout the country, he
said. Among these he recalled Diwali in many
parts of the country,
the diamond jubilee
of the Wellington
Indian Sports Club,
the 85th anniversary
of NZICA in Palm-
erston North and
the NZICA Womens
Conference in Wel-
lington in 2008 that
Lady Susan inaugu-
Touching upon relations between Indian
and New Zealand, Sir Anand acknowledged
the current negotiations on the free trade
agreement and the commitment of Prime
Ministers John Key and Manmohan Singh. He
said there was real substance in the negotia-
tions and that the relationship between the two
countries was becoming closer in a substan-
tive way.
Sir Anand described the Pravasi Bharatiya
Award that was presented to him at Vigyan
Bhavan in New Delhi was one of his most cher-
ished. While it made him proud of his Indian
heritage, it also refected the greatness of a
country like New Zealand where it was possi-
ble for a person of Indian, whose grandparents
and parents were migrants, could stand proud
with achievements as lawyer, judge, ombuds-
man and fnally as Governor General.
He said he looked forward to restore the
spontaneity and relative anonymity that comes
out of stepping down from offce. He was car-
rying a multitude of memories with him, he
added, many of these were shared closely with
the Indian community.
NZICA General
Secretary Raj Thandi
said, Sir Anand is a
great New Zealander
and distinguished com-
munity leader. He is a
fne example of a New
Zealander who made
good through hard work
and a commitment to
realising high goals.
The Association was very proud to honour
Sir Anand and his wife, Lady Susan. A special
plaque, designed by myself was presented to
Sir Anand that symbolised the respect that he
About 200 members and guests, including
representatives of the New Zealand Govern-
ment attended the function. Sir William Birch,
a former New Zealand Minister of Finance,
Ramesh Patel, a New Zealand Olympian,
Judge Ajit Singh, Auckland City Councillor
Des Morrison and Member of Parliament Kan-
waljit Singh Bakshi also attended the event
among several other community luminaries.
New Zealand
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Westpac Business Awards
Specifcally developed for tourists
and visitors to Auckland for RWC
2011, the A-PASS is a limited time
public transport pass.
The A-PASS will provide all day
travel across the Auckland Trans-
port network (train, bus and ferry).
It will be available for sale in
the lead up to and during the RWC
2011 between 1 September and 24
Auckland Transports Chief
Executive, David Warburton,
says; This is another milestone in
Aucklands preparations for RWC
2011 and in the phased delivery of
Aucklands Integrated Fares System
(AIFS) project.
The PASS includes a number of
special discount offers to attractions
around the city such as Auckland
Zoo, the Stardome, the Voyager
New Zealand Maritime Museum,
Auckland Art Gallery, the Edge,
MOTAT and Auckland Museum
during the RWC 2011 period.
Dr Warburton says, The
A-PASS marks the frst introduction
of Auckland Transports Ticketing
partner, Thales, and Thales technol-
ogy, into the citys smart-card mix.
The Mayor says the A-PASS is
great news both for RWC2011 and as
another step towards full integrated
International visitors expect
this kind of approach to public trans-
port, says Len Brown. Im looking
forward to the day that it will be part
of everyday travel for Aucklanders.
Peter Beggs, Chief Execu-
tive Offcer, Thales New Zealand
says, The A-PASS and RWC 2011
has always been part of the rollout
schedule for the AIFS project and
Thales is pleased to be part of the
launch today. Using the A-PASS
during RWC 2011 provides an ex-
cellent opportunity to have an early
demonstration of some of the key
functionality of the Thales system,
prior to the full rollout of HOP from
mid - 2012.
Tourists can buy and load mul-
tiple day passes onto their A-PASS
selecting which days they plan to
travel (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Thurs-
day or Saturday), they will also be
able to reload the same card with ad-
ditional day passes.
The A-PASS is a visual and elec-
tronic day pass.
A-PASS customers will be able
to tag on and tag off using valida-
tors on: Fullers Ferries wharves;
specifcally Downtown - Devonport,
Birkenhead and Northcote Point
Veolia Transport stations; NZ Bus
services (North Star, Waka Pacifc,
Go West, Metrolink, LINK buses
and the NiteRider).
The PASS will also function as
a visual pass for all other operators
who will be integrated into Auck-
land Transports HOP smartcard
system from mid-2012. The A-Pass
is shown to staff to visually check
the pass is valid for that day.
When the full HOP system is
rolled out it will be fully electronic,
hold stored value and passes, be able
to be used as a tag-on tag off smart-
card for all participating public
transport operators, include online
top-up and incorporate a range of
concessions and discounts.
Using the A-PASS, each one-day
pass allows unlimited travel on par-
ticipating services for Aucklands
trains, buses and ferries. The pass
costs $15 per day and has no conces-
sions or discounts
Up to six, date-specifc; one-day
passes can be electronically loaded
onto the smart card at one time. Cus-
tomers will be given a new A-PASS
smartcard when they purchase their
seventh one-day pass.
The A-PASS will be sold at se-
lected retailers including Britomart
Transport Centre, Newmarket
Train Station, Fullers Ticket Offce,
i-SITEs- Domestic/International
Airport Terminals, SkyCity, Devon-
port and Princes Wharf and selected
Auckland Council Service Centres
(Greys Avenue (City), Henderson,
Takapuna, Manukau and Papakura).
Auckland Transport is launching a special public transport pass targeted at
tourists visiting Auckland during rugby World cup 2011 (rWc 2011) today.
Auckland Transport launches
the A-PAss
Auckland Malayali Samajam present-
ing Oceanias biggest Onam Celebra-
tions on Friday August 19 at Mahatma
Gandhi Centre, 145 New North Road,
Eden Terrace, Auckland. Prepara-
tions are in its fnishing point and in
well order. Programmes will start at
5.30 evening with the delicious ONA-
SADYA with 16 different dishes. At
6.15pm Samajam former President
Sri. Prabhakaran Chullian will inau-
gurate the celebrations by lighting up
the lamp.
Cultural programs will start im-
mediately after the inauguration.
Those who are performing cultural
programs please contact Shibu KP
(09-6246781) to have their time slot
immediately. Be ready at the back
stage 15min before your time slot to
avoid lagging between the programs.
ONAKAZCHA-2011 includes
traditional items such as Thiruvathi-
rakali, Ammankudam, Bharatanaty-
am & Mohiniattam and nontradi-
tional varieties like Cinematic dance,
skit & Fashion Show etc. The full
participation of former samajam
offce bearers will be in honoring
our Malayalam Class teachers by
giving them Ponnada, releasing of
Samajam Annual Magazine DARPA-
NAM-2011 and the frst distribution
The front counter will start op-
erating at 3 pm. Those who havent
paid their membership fee can pay
and collect their Onasadya coupons
at counter. Samajam introduces own
EFTPOS facilities for the payment of
membership fees. The membership
fee is as follows: Family: $75.00; In-
dividual: $30.00, Guest pass: $20.00,
Student guest pass $10 (ID must)
The frst ticket for our stage show
"HASYAMALA", which will held
at November 5 at Dorothy Winstone
Center, will be released then and
the trophies & Certifcates will be
presented to the winners of Kalot-
savam-2011 after that.
Main items for Onasadya being
prepared from 6.30 am onwards at
Mahatma Gandhi Centre Kitchen.
Volunteers for Onasadya team please
contact Shaji Varghese (09 6231406)
or Akrash Ravindran (09 8203257)
for your role and time.
You can watch the live telecast
of the Onam celebration by clicking
the following link from anywhere
in the world.
Give away $5000 worth gifts on
food coupon draw this time; keep
your food coupon counterfoils handy
to have the surprise gits. 2 degree
offers mobiles phones worth $200 for
5 lucky. Various stalls which gives
facilities to send money to India free,
sell Onam kits, Rice and Onam items
and BNZ Bank stall offer on the day
deals as well.Samajam invites and
expecting everyone's presence and
cooperation to make this mega event a
big success and which encourages the
coming events and works of Samajam.
Always remember Samajam is
nothing without the members so be
a part of the proud Malayali com-
munity. For more information and
details please contact Shibu KP @
09-6246781 /0211574785 or Cijimon
@ 5795212 / 021873024.
on August 19
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The Department of Labour is reminding
employers that the law now requires them to
keep signed written employment agreements
for all their staff.
Since 1 July all employers are required
to keep signed copies of employment agree-
ments or current terms and conditions for all
employees, or they may face a penalty.
Employment agreements are required
for all employees no matter when they
started work, says Annie Newman, the De-
partments Acting Chief Adviser of Employ-
ment Relations.
This affects all employees including
those hired on a verbal agreement or employ-
ees who do not have current written agree-
ments in place, says Ms Newman.
Having a clearly written employment
agreement helps reduce the risk of misun-
derstandings and there are some provisions
that must be included in employment agree-
ments, she says.
They must include the name of the em-
ployer and employee, a description of the
work to be performed, the place of employ-
ment, times the employee is to work, the
wages or salary, and an explanation of ser-
vices available for solving problems.
Its the employers responsibility to
maintain and keep an up to date copy of each
employees agreement and provide a copy of
the agreement if an employee requests it,
Ms Newman says.
The Department of Labour has developed
an Employment Agreement Builder to help
employers through this process.
Failure to ensure an employment agree-
ment is in place for all employees may result
in a labour inspector taking a penalty action
against an employer.
This involves a seven-day notice period
to rectify the breach and if this isnt com-
plied with then penalties may be sought in
the Employment Relations Authority of up
to $10,000 for individuals and $20,000 for
Employers must keep staff
Aucklanders and visitors will soon be able to
enjoy enhanced and expanded Wi-Fi services,
offering more wireless coverage and faster
access to the internet across central Auckland
and its fringes.
Auckland Council has entered a partner-
ship with Tomizone, Australasias largest
Wi-Fi services provider, which will see
network expansion start immediately.
The expansion will offer economic devel-
opment benefts to the region and provide an
important service to visitors to Rugby World
Cup and beyond.
With 85,000 visitors expected during
Rugby World Cup and more than 200,000 ex-
pected from next years cruise season alone,
visitors to Auckland will be able to step off
their plane or ship and immediately access
information about Auckland. For Auckland-
ers, it means more and better wireless inter-
net access for portable devices such as iPads,
says Len Brown.
The Wi-Fi zone will expand into areas
such as Kingsland, the entire length of Queen
Street, Britomart and Queens Wharf, lower
Parnell, northern Ponsonby Road, Mt Eden
Village, Onehunga, key rugby training areas
and selected transport hubs around Auckland.
The network will remain in place follow-
ing Rugby World Cup and continue to expand
to other parts of Auckland with re-investment
of profts from the service.
Auckland Council will retain control of
the content, which gives it a fexible platform
for the future, says the Mayor.
Service will be offered at a guaranteed dis-
count to benchmarked market rates, with free
access provided to a number of websites offer-
ing information about public services, RWC
activities, tourism and transport services.
This enhanced network coverage will be
attractive to residents and our international
visitors who want to use their Wi-Fi gadgets
to roam around the city, says Tomizone Ex-
ecutive Director Steve Simms. Many of our
visitors will want to use their roaming account
from providers such as Skype, iPass and
Boingo which they can do on this network.
Wi-Fi expansion for Auckland
New Zealand
Diversity forum will focus on media
A multi-media study about Paul Henry
and Hone Harawira is being presented by
Wellingtons Centre for Applied Cross-
cultural Research at next months 2011 New
Zealand Diversity forum jointly hosted by
the Human Rights Commission and the
Hamilton Multicultural Services Trust.
Its work examines the intense public ar-
guments around comments made by promi-
nent media fgures in 2010, such as Henrys
deliberate mispronunciation of an interna-
tional dignitarys name and then repeatedly
laughing about it, and Harawiras alleged
racist comments about Pakeha. The forum
will also include activities that tackle race
relations priorities identifed in this years
Race Relations Report, and feature the pre-
sentation of the Annual Diversity awards.
A parallel youth forum is being held at the
same time.
The New Zealand Diversity Forum 2011
is being held at Hamilton on 21-22 August
Also on the programme on Sunday at 3.30-
5.00 pm is a forum on Community Media
and Diversity hosted by the Community
Access Radio Waikato Trust.
Attendance on Sunday and for individ-
ual forums is free. If you are attending for
half a day or more on the Monday the regis-
tration fee is $50.
1 Applicable for money transfers to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. Subject to applicable taxes, if any. 2 Network data as of 31 March 2011. In certain countries, the Send Money
Service is not available; customers can only receive money. 3 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory and foreign exchange issues, required receiver
action(s), identifcation requirements, Agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional Restrictions may apply. See Send form for details. 2011 Western Union Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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New research out recently has found
that Auckland, or more precisely
Aucklanders, are the least prepared
in the country for a natural disaster.
The results, from a Colmar
Brunton survey into the effective-
ness of the national Ministry of
Civil Defence and Emergency Man-
agements Get Ready, Get Thru
advertising campaign, showed
Auckland was signifcantly lower
than the national average in four
of the measures used to detect how
ready a region is for an emergency.
Although the percentage of
Aucklanders who are fully prepared
has increased since the survey
began in 2007 (up from 4% in 2007
to 11% in 2011) Aucklanders are still
below the national average (18% in
The report found that 21% of
Aucklanders are prepared when
they are at home, compared with the
national average of 32%.
Only 23% of Aucklanders have
a survival plan for when they are
away from home compared with the
national average of 30%.
Although most people under-
stand a disaster could strike at any
time, the main barriers to being
prepared remain similar to previous
years, although cost has become a
greater barrier (up from 11% in 2010
to 16% in 2011).
Clive Manley, Auckland Civil
Defence and Emergency Manager
said that Aucklanders need to learn
from the recent events and build re-
silience by being prepared.
Many people think that we are
never going to face an emergency
situation in Auckland, said Mr
Manley. Yet this year Auckland
has been affected by fooding, tor-
nadoes and tsunami threats gener-
ated by earthquakes in Chile and
Japan and we have seen the devas-
tating effect of the earthquakes in
Christchurch. The possibility of an
emergency, whether that be caused
by a volcanic eruption, the weather,
or man-made disaster should never
be dismissed.
Civil Defence can assist, advise
and coordinate, but it is up to the
community to accept some respon-
sibility and be prepared. Help may
not be available for some days so
our individual preparedness could
ultimately prove lifesaving.
Experience has shown that after
a disaster it may take three days
or more for emergency services to
reach neighbourhoods and individu-
als. In areas that are isolated or have
limited access, it may take longer.
To help our communities get
through an emergency we are
working with them to develop
neighbourhood response plans so
that the community knows what to
do in an emergency and can look
after themselves and each other. We
are not always going to be able to
alert people, so that is why the best
practice is still through communi-
ties alerting each other in an emer-
gency, says Mr Manley.
The plans build community re-
silience to emergencies and disas-
ters by identifying hazards that may
impact the area, and also outline
how the community will respond
and remain self-reliant for at least
three days without external assis-
Michael Goudie, Chair of the
Civil Defence and Emergency Man-
agement Committee is looking at
fresh, innovative ways to engage
and educate the Auckland public.
The council merger has been a cat-
alyst for looking at our communities
in a new light, says Cr. Goudie.
Because of how diverse Auck-
land is, we need to look beyond
normal connectivity and start
looking at best penetration. New
ways such as Twitter and location-
based smart phone applications
have huge potential to play a part in
raising the awareness and the need
to be prepared in an emergency.
Auckland: With the recent
natural hazards that have
affected the nation, just
how prepared are we?
How prepared for
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Management and staff wishing everyone Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak to the Muslim Community

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The Mayor and Mayoress are hosting
a charity ball to raise funds to provide
brighter futures for young Auckland-
The Mayoress Charity Gala Ball,
on Saturday 19 November, will be a
spectacular night of entertainment
hosted by Len Brown and his wife,
Mayoress Shan Inglis.
All net proceeds from this event
will go towards the Mayoress Fund
for Youth, an independent charitable
fund administered within the Auck-
land Communities Foundation.
The newly established fund will
raise money every year to support
initiatives that directly beneft the
health, well-being, educational op-
portunities and employment of young
people living in Auckland.
The Mayoress intends to build
a permanent endowment for Auck-
lands young people over time, in ad-
dition to annual grants. A percentage
of funds raised each year will be held
within the fund to ensure long-term
support for young Aucklanders. Shan
Inglis has designed the fund to be a
legacy for Auckland.
She hopes the Mayoress Charity
Gala Ball will become a key fxture
in Aucklands annual events calen-
dar. I believe in an Auckland where
every child has the best possible start
in life and a future full of opportu-
nities, says the Mayoress. We had
signifcant success bringing together
people who could make a difference
in Manukau and now I am delighted
to extend this across Auckland for
the beneft of all our young people.
There are some wonderful individu-
als and organisations working hard
to improve life for our young people,
and they need our support. By sup-
porting the Mayoress Ball, you can
help us to help them, she says.
The fund will be launched with
a gala event at one of Aucklands
newest waterfront venues, the
Viaduct Events Centre. The evening
will be flled with world-class perfor-
mances, dancing and fne dining and
will take place against the breathtak-
ing backdrop of the harbour and illu-
minated city. The event is a black tie
masquerade ball.
The event is being professionally
organised and underwritten by Duco
Events, with no cost to Auckland
Council or ratepayers.
Tables are strictly limited, please
visit or
phone Madeline Erkkila on 09 309
2411 to book your table. Individual
seats are also available.
Charity ball to create
legacy for Aucklands
New Zealand
Mystery surrounds the closure of the
well-known Indian grocery retailer
Moshims Discount Plaza premises
in Mt Roskill, Auckland.
The plaza which includes a
supermarket, butcher, restaurant,
video shop, and fsh shop has now
been closed for almost a month.
A notice on the main entrance of
the supermarket states the premises
is closed due to unforeseen circum-
The group is owned by Mo-
hammed Hashim Khan, who ini-
tially started out as a banker, frst
in Fiji and later in Auckland, before
branching out into selling fruit and
vegetables at a small shop in Papa-
The plaza, also in Stoddard Rd,
opened two years ago after Hashim
Khan closed his original Stoddard
Rd store. The opening of the store
took place amid much advertising in
community media.
Numerous telephone calls to
Hashim Khan this week remained
One of the biggest suppliers of
goods to Moshims in Auckland is
well-established and respected busi-
ness house AB International.
Its chief, Ashok Bhatia, said he
was not aware of details, but did
believe Moshims was in fnancial
problems. He confrmed that he
was owed money by Moshims.
Asked whether he was worried
about recovering the sum, Mr Bhatia
said: Naturally, as you can under-
stand in these circumstances.
Mr Bhatia said so far he had not
received any calls from receivers
or banks dealing with the Moshims
Hashim Khan is also believed
to have stepped down as president
of the South Auckland Muslim As-
sociation. Rizwan Khan is acting
The group operated 27 stores
25 in New Zealand and two in Aus-
tralia under the Moshims Discount
House banner.
Nine stores were run by the Dis-
count House Group while the others
were franchised, jointly producing
an income of $30 million, and em-
ploying more than 200 staff.
Indian store chain downs
The Moshims Discount House Plaza just before the opening . . .
Moshims owner
Mohammed Hashim Khan
attends to customers at
the opening of the plaza.
aeq furniture
Aucklands SB Music magic group
is back with an exclusive Telugu
Musical Night next month.
The programme will be held on
September 3 from 6pm at Mt Roskill
Intermediate School Hall, Denbigh
Ave, Mt.Roskill, Auckland.
SB Music magic group is
well known among south Indian
flm music lovers and organised
Geethanjali music programme for
3 years in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
This time they are back with
an exclusive Telugu Musical night
(Karaoke) by well known singers
from Auckland. All singers are from
Telugu back ground and going to
present very popular hits from old
and new flms.
Part of the programme is dedi-
cated to famous flm director Sri K
Viswanath and his classical hits will
be presented by the artists.
The main intention of the pro-
gramme is to have a musical get
together and provide good entertain-
ment to the music lovers. Auckland
popular singers Ravi Muthumanick-
am, Kum.Vishnu Priya Mallela are
among 14+ singers. Other singers
are N.P.Srinivasa Rao, Madhavi
Subba Rao, Sreesutha Nampally,
Master Balu Mallela, Kumari Roma
Nory, Kumari Vaishnavi Koilkanda-
dai, Kumari Divya Lakshmi Jammal-
amadaka, Kumari Ashraya Duvvuri,
Akshay Duvvuri, Srinivasacharya
Kidimbi, Kumari Pratyusha Tangi-
rala & Chaitanya Mantravadi.
A couple of dances will be per-
formed by Mrs. Himabindu School
of dances. The organisers assure you
a quality programme to have a full
pledged entertainment. Ticket is $5
and free for children under 12 years.
This programme is proudly sup-
ported by New Zealand Telugu As-
sociation. For tickets and other pro-
gramme information, please contact
Govardhan Mallela on 09-6245922.
Top performers for
Telugu show
Young Vishnu Priya, 17, has been one of the outstanding
talents of the Telugu music scene in New Zealand.

Ravi Muthumanickam . . . vibrant performer.
Unfortunately it is so true. Shravan
month heralds the beginning of
Hindu celebrations and festivities,
Eid will soon be upon us, closely
followed by Navratri, Dipawali and
Christmas. All our celebrations
are accompanied by one thing in
common: good tasty food and lots of
it. The downside is that it is usually
also rich food which can result
in high cholesterol and high blood
sugar and may consequently lead
to obesity, diabetes and cardio vas-
cular diseases (CVD). So this is the
reason to keep in mind your health
and ftness.
Alarming and eye opening sta-
South Asians (Indians, Sri
Lankans, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis
and any person of Indian origin)
have a high prevalence of diabetes
compared to Europeans, Maori and
Pacifc Island people. In Auckland
30,000 people have diabetes out
of which 4,200 are South Asians.
Indians in New Zealand also have a
high rate of heart diseases compared
to other ethnic groups in the country.
The Auckland Indian Associa-
tion (AIA) has organised a workshop
supported by Procare. The work-
shop is aimed at educating people on
the prevention and management of
CVD and diabetes through lifestyle
changes such as diet and exercises.
The workshop will be run by South
Asian Health Professionals compris-
ing of a Diabetes Nurse specialist,
registered Nutritionist and regis-
tered Fitness trainer.
The workshop will run on
Sunday 18th September at Mahatma
Gandhi Centre (MGC) from 11 am
to 12.30 pm free of charge.
The wider Indian community
is invited to attend the workshop
and learn how they can prevent
themselves from becoming another
number in the statistics given
above!!! We must understand the
factors that put us at risk for diabetes
and heart diseases.
To fght the above problems
the AIA has also organised at the
Mahatma Gandhi Centre:
Bollyrobix: Every Sat 7.30am
to 8.30am ($2.00 fee for non AIA
Pilates: Every Mon 6.30pm to
7.15pm. (Fees: $2.00 for members
and $5.00 for non-members)
Walking group: Most Sundays
and Thursdays 8.00am start
Your health is in your hands
For more information please contact:
Dhiru M Patel
Chairperson- Health & Fitness
Committee AIA
Ph: (H) 09 6266 134
Mobile: 0274 99 1947
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Viewing By Appointment
Artists Impression
8 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |
Rosehill College
The stage is all set for the 13th
annual Bollywood High School
Dance Competition which will be
held in Auckland next week, August
27. And the man behind it all,
Binesh Sumer of Desi International
Showbiz, is confdent of another
successful extravaganza.
Students want a little more chal-
lenge, and this is where they get it,
Sumer said.
Desi International Showbiz en-
courages and inspires students to
work on their steps until mastered,
and most importantly gives them
an opportunity to be challenged
amongst the best.
The 13th Annual Bollywood
High School Dance Competition has
showcased the best Bollywood High
School teams of all time since 1999,
that is a decade and ongoing.
But now, it is time to show-
off the Best High School Talent in
Town, Sumer told Indian Week-
Desi International Showbz will
display the creative abilities of a
broad Bollywood dance spectrum
from West to South, East to North
of Auckland. This is your schools
opportunity to not only impress the
judges but to make an impact in the
dance age.
Sumer said the competition
would be judged in a very system-
atic fashion by the dance commu-
nitys recognised professions. The
2nd ($1500) and 3rd ($750) will be
awarded, alongside $600-plus in
total categorised prizes.
But all eyes are on the $3000 frst
Schools are not the only partici-
pants at this well renowned event;
you are part of it too.
The Vegas Horror Show will
exhibit the impressive Andre Vegas
and his Magic.. Watch him saw a
woman in half with a motor driven
stage set for 13th Bollywood Dance contest
circular saw, dissect assistants and
even himself, Suspend a woman
on the tips of swords, levitate his
assistant, foating up and down in
mid-air, and much more magical
Venue is Logan Campbell
Centre, Greenlane, starting at 7pm.
Tickets available from participat-
ing schools and from major Indian
heres what the participating
schools said about their prepara-
tions, and involvement:
Kelston Girls Schools group
leader - Munirih Fatima Cameron
Preparation is going great. We're
just completing the fnal touches
for the night; should be an amazing
experience for everyone
dancing. We defnitely won't
fail to impress.
Glenfield College
James Cook High School
Avondale College
Papatoetoe High School
Westlake Girls
Alfriston College
Rutherford College
Auckland Girls Grammar
Pakuranga College
Edgewater College
Mt Roskill Grammar
Kelston Girls College
Manurewa High School
as it gives us a chance to showcase
our schools bollywood stars. It is a
great opportunity as it lets us stu-
dents take part in a wonderful dance
comp like this. Well were different
because were natural, passionate,
and we all want to win just as much
as others do.
Rosehill College Schools Group
Leader Koyal Lal
My school is different because
it has great ethnic group and we are
gonna win because our school has
Talent in dancing and performing.
Rutherford College Teacher in
charge Asha Singh
It is hard work but the students
are keen and its all about the stu-
Edgewater College Teacher in
charge Debbie Mckinley
We are a small but very dedicated
group. We like the discipline needed
to be part of this competition.
Papatoetoe College Teacher in
charge Keith Francis
The students feel privileged and
excited to be able to perform in a
competition that is specifcally for
secondary schools. Our school has
only been participating in HSDC
for the past fve years and winning
it in 2009 has been a defnite high-
light. For some of our students it
will be their last year at school, so it
will be a special night for them.
This competition allows the stu-
dents to do what they love, which is
to dance. We believe its a great op-
portunity for students to engage in a
friendly competition while enjoying
themselves at the same time.
We believe the most common
type of dance is Hip-Hop. For us,
dance is all about different genres.
Just sticking to one genre doesnt
really demonstrate or utilize the
combined talent that a group of stu-
dents possesses. Bollywood isnt
all about Hip-Hop to us. Its about
uniqueness. We want to be differ-
ent and try and stand out in our own
We defnitely feel privileged
have this opportunity to perform at
Hsdc. It means that we not only have
the chance to have fun dancing, but
it means we gain another amazing
experience on stage. We're loving
every moment of it.
HSDC has supported us through-
out the many years of the shows.
They've offered a more and excit-
ing show this year. The shows are
always better than the last. So they
defnitely improve every year, which
just motivates us to perform. It was
something we were looking to do
anyway but knowing that we were
asked made us as a team feel like we
were wanted.
What our school plans to change
this year is that we're taking a more
traditional approach to re-famil-
iarise everyone just what Indian
culture is. Of course there will be
modern dancing and music but thats
a surprise for the night.
Westlake girls Schools group
dance leader Richa Chandra
It is a great opportunity for people
of our age to show off our talent and
creative side in a competitive dance
building up our confdence and
maintain our heritage. HSDC allows
us to have frst hand experience of
preparing the dance for costume to
choreography making us test our
leadership and membership skills.
Of course this
all fnally gets
shown to the wide
fan base of HSDC
to hundreds of
people proving to
others that we've
got what it takes
to win.
Alfriston College
We feel great
0 1
Binesh Sumer
* Conditions Apply
For Further details contact Binesh 021 496 321, A/H 828 0150 or visit
09 277 4852 / 021 209 4807
Door Sale $30
Indian Indian
Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi MP, 1/131 Kolmar Rd, Papatoetoe, Auckland
Ventura Securities Limited
Corporate member of BSE & NSE
Official Knowledge Partner for investments with

For NRI Related Services
Offers services to NRIs/PIOs for investments in Indian markets
Equity and Mutual Funds
User Friendly Software POINTER for Online Investment in Stock Markets
Online Mutual Fund investment platform
Regular research updates on Equities & Mutual Funds
Internet access to customers for digital contracts, portfolio reports etc.
Tax Reports for investments bought & sold
for more information contact : Sanjay Bhatia 021 586 352
I am pleased to convey my heartiest Eid
Mubarak greetings on the auspicious occa-
sion of Eid. Eid marks the end of Ramadan,
the Islamic holy month of fasting. This is an
important time in the Muslim calendar.
For Muslims worldwide the Festival of Fast Breaking is a time of
celebration, when friends and family gather, rejoice and give thanks.
I hope you will be spending time with your friends and family over
this time. As preparations are made for Eid, I am reminded of the
signifcance of Ramadan to Muslims all over the world. It is an op-
portunity for everyone to refect on their lives and their faith.
Through fasting and the giving of Zakaat (Alms), we are reminded
of our shared responsibility to help those less fortunate than our-
New Zealand is an increasingly diverse and vibrant nation. The
Muslim community is an important part of this. Allowing New
Zealand to share in your festivals and celebrations is an important
contribution you make to the rich tapestry of our nation.
National wants to make sure that every New Zealander is given the
opportunity to succeed. We share your desire for a brighter future
and we are focused on the issues that matter to you such as the
economy, law and order, health, and education.
I WIsh you A hAppy EId.
Authorised by [MP Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi], [1/131 Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand]
The history of the Indian mutual fund indus-
try can be traced to the formation of UTI in
1963, a joint initiative of the Government of
India and RBI. It held monopoly for nearly
30 years. Since 1987, mutual funds pro-
moted by public-sector fnancial companies
like LIC, GIC and several banks made their
entry into the Indian Mutual Fund Industry.
SBI Mutual fund was the frst Public Sector
Mutual Fund.
However, the year 1993 was a turning
point in the Indian Mutual Fund industry
with the entry of private sector mutual funds,
giving the investors a wider choice for selec-
tion. From then on, the number of mutual
fund players has been on the rise with many
foreign mutual funds also setting up funds
in India. The industry has also witnessed
several mergers and acquisitions. With the
signifcant volatility being witnessed in
various fnancial instruments, investing via
Mutual funds would give a more balanced
look of an individual portfolio on account
of the diversifcation over a large number of
stocks and sectors.
So WhAt IS A MutuAl FunD?
Mutual funds acts as a vehicle to mobilize
moneys from investors, to invest in differ-
ent markets and securities, in line with the
investment objectives agreed upon, between
the mutual fund and the investors. Their
primary role is to assist investors in earning
an income or building their wealth, by par-
ticipating in the opportunities available in
various securities and markets.
However, since different investors have
different investment preferences, mutual
funds mobilize different pools of money.
Each such pool of money is called a mutual
fund plan. The money collected from inves-
tors under various plans are invested in secu-
rities like equities, fxed-income securities,
bonds and other money market instruments
based on the plan's investment objectives.
The collective valuation of the portfolio such
created is expressed in per unit term as Net
Asset Value (NAV) per unit of the plan. The
NAV of the plans increases/ decreases with
the change in the underlying value of the se-
curities of the Mutual Fund plan. The ben-
efts earned from the investments in the form
of interest income, dividend income or value
appreciations of the securities are shared by
its unit holders in proportion to the number
of units owned by them.
The advantages of mutual fund:
PRoFeSSIonAl MAnAgeMent
By pooling the money of thousands of inves-
tors, mutual funds are able to provide full-
time, high-level professional management
that few individual investors can afford to
obtain independently. It is then the Fund
Manager's job to fnd the best securities for
the fund, given the fund's stated investment
objectives, and keep track of investments
and changes in market conditions so as to
adjust the mix of the portfolio as and when
Mutual Funds plans have stringent norms
on exposure to single instrument, sector,
company, etc. These criteria's ensure that the
portfolios created are diversifed in nature.
An individual investor may tend to unduly
concentrate his holdings in only a few secu-
rities, which are not appropriate. Diversifca-
tion reduces unsystematic risks of individual
investments while giving exposure to the
concerned markets.
Investors also beneft from the convenience
and fexibility offered by Mutual Funds. In-
vestors can switch their holdings from a debt
plan to an equity plan and vice-versa. Option
of systematic (at regular intervals) invest-
ment and withdrawal is also offered to the
investors in most open-end plans.
Since Mutual Funds pool investments from
various investors, they allow an investor to
buy in to a portfolio, which would otherwise
be extremely expensive to create individu-
ally. Each unit holder can get an exposure to
Mutual Fund portfolios with an investment
of as low as Rs.1, 000/-. MFs also allow in-
vestors to participate in securities (especial-
ly in the fxed income markets), which have
a high ticket size.
Open-ended mutual funds declare their Net
Asset Values on a daily basis. Investors are
allowed to exit the funds on the NAV price
whenever they so choose. The redemption
proceeds are provided to the investor of the
fund at prevailing NAV (net asset value),
within three to fve working days of putting
in the request.
loW CoStS
Due to the economies of scale (benefts of
larger volumes), mutual funds pay lesser
transaction costs. These benefts are passed
on to the investors
Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI), the Capital Markets regulator has
clearly defned rules, which govern mutual
funds. These rules relate to the formation,
administration and management of mutual
funds and also prescribe disclosure and ac-
counting requirements. Such a high level of
regulation seeks to protect the interest of in-
DISCLAIMER: The above information
has been written for general guidance only.
Please consult your own fnancial advisor
before making any fnancial decision.
Investing in Mutual Funds has several pluses
Part 1 of a tWo-Part serIes
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Ventura Securities Limited
Corporate member of BSE & NSE
Official Knowledge Partner for investments with

For NRI Related Services
Offers services to NRIs/PIOs for investments in Indian markets
Equity and Mutual Funds
User Friendly Software POINTER for Online Investment in Stock Markets
Online Mutual Fund investment platform
Regular research updates on Equities & Mutual Funds
Internet access to customers for digital contracts, portfolio reports etc.
Tax Reports for investments bought & sold
for more information contact : Sanjay Bhatia 021 586 352
Ventura Securities Limited
Corporate member of BSE & NSE
Official Knowledge Partner for investments with

For NRI Related Services
Offers services to NRIs/PIOs for investments in Indian markets
Equity and Mutual Funds
User Friendly Software POINTER for Online Investment in Stock Markets
Online Mutual Fund investment platform
Regular research updates on Equities & Mutual Funds
Internet access to customers for digital contracts, portfolio reports etc.
Tax Reports for investments bought & sold
for more information contact : Sanjay Bhatia 021 586 352
For NRI Related Services
Offers services to NRIs/PIOs for
investments in Indian markets
Equity and Mutual Funds
For more information contact: Sanjay Bhatia
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If you moved house in the past couple of years you
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Newly elected committee of NZ Sikh Society Tauranga
led by Kashmir Singh Hayer President.
If you fancy a refreshing dip in the sea then
bring your family and friends to Auckland
Councils popular annual winter swim at
Mission Bay on 21 August.
Dress as your favourite wacky circus
character and come along to Selwyn
There are prizes for the best-dressed
male and female, and youngest participant
as well as other great spot prizes.
Register at 10am and join the roaming
street performers and other entertainment
before taking the big splash at 12 noon in
full costume.
Afterwards you can warm yourself with
a hot drink and a sausage sizzle while enjoy-
ing the prize giving.
So if youre looking for a refreshing
laugh and a dip get down to Winter Splash!
When: Sunday, 21 August 2011
from 10am to 1pm
Where: Selwyn Reserve, Mission bay
Cost: Free
Clown around at
Winter Splash 2011
General Secretary
Raj Singh Thandi J.P.
Phone: +64 21 333 604
Paul Singh Bains J.P.
Phone: +64 21 167 3974
Vice President Harshadbhai Patel [027 447 5706] | Assistant Secretary Raj Bedi [021 241 1424] | Treasurer Manjit Singh [021 781 902]
Affiliated Branches Auckland | Bay of Plenty | Central Districts | Christchurch | Country Section | Manukau | Pukekohe | Taranaki | Waikato | Wellington
Associate Members NZ Punjabi Cultural Association Inc | New Zealand Kannada Koota Inc | Probasee Bengali Association of NZ Inc | Auckland Marathi Association Inc | New Zealand Telugu Association Inc
| Muth Tamil Sangam Inc
Probationary Associate Members Auckland Malayali Samajam
The New Zealand Indian Central Association officer team
and affiliated associations throughout New Zealand
congratulate the Indian diaspora of New Zealand on the
64th anniversary of our Independence Day.
After almost 300 years of British rule India finally won its
freedom on 15th August 1947, it was a birth of a new
nation, the worlds largest democracy.
We cherish the development of 64 years of Independent
India and look forward towards our mother-lands progress.
Please visit
to find the details of the Indian Association in your area
New Delhi: India and its diaspora
across the world celebrated the 65th
Independence Day on Monday,
with Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh unfurling the tricolor at the
historic Red Fort and the nation ob-
serving the day in every town and
Addressing the nation on the
65th Independence Day on Monday
from the ramparts of the historic
Red Fort, Prime Minister Manmo-
han Singh admitted the menace of
corruption but sent a stern message
to the civil society group led by
Anna Hazare saying the Indian par-
liament would have the fnal say in
any anti-corruption mechanism like
the Lokpal.
Prime Minister acknowledged
that "corruption is a big obstacle in
national transformation", adding
that "corruption should be discussed
in a manner that should not create
an atmosphere in which country's
progress comes into question."
The Prime Minister said dis-
cussion on corruption should not
distract from self-confdence and
asserted that "the government is
taking strictest possible action in
cases of corruption".
Security was tight in the national
capital in the wake of the terrorist
attack that rocked Mumbai in July.
In New Delhi, the armed security
personnel were keeping a tight check
in every important corner of the city
to avert possible terror attacks.
Earlier, the Union Ministry had
announced a countrywide alert al-
though no specifc inputs of a possi-
ble terrorist attack were there, media
reports said.
In Mumbai, Maharashtra Chief
Minister Prithviraj Chavan un-
furled the national fag and said that
the government is giving more im-
portance on security to ensure that
the people of the state feel safe and
Independence Day was celebrat-
ed under tight security in Mumbai
in the wake of the that serial bomb
blast that occurred in the fnancial
capital of India in the month of July.
In Kolkata, West Bengal Chief
Minister Mamata Banerjee cel-
ebrated her frst Independence Day
as CM of the state as she hoisted the
fag in the morning.
West Bengal Governor MK Nara-
yanan participated in the celebration
as he placed fowers on the statue of
Mahatma Gandhi on the Mayo Road
in the early hours of the day.
He said that the biggest challenge
of the nation at the present moment
is to bring the all round development
of the country.
I think the biggest challenge is
development, he said.
However, the people of Delhi
were not as lucky as Kolkata as rain
disrupted the city on Monday.
But, Delhiites braved heavy rains
and tight security to turn up in large
numbers on the ocassion the Inde-
pendence Day at the historical Red
Fort, from where Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh addressed the
nation in a combative mood by con-
cluded the speech by exulting "Jai
Hinds" thrice.
Some 3000 children, dressed in
tracksuits, from 35 schools of the
national capital were present during
the ceremony. As soon as the Prime
Minister cavalcade drove in, they
got up from their seats, waved and
As the tricolour was unfurled,
the cannons boomed and the 21 gun
salute added to the majestic sur-
rounding and the pigeons took to the
air. A large number of balloons were
released in the sky at the end of the
There was tight security all
around Delhi and empty roads on
a Monday morning typifed the at-
mosphere. Gun toting commandos
were all over the and specially in
various places of Old Delhi were the
ceremony took place. Sinpers were
spotted at rooftops of several build-
ings round the Red Fort.
Indians living outside India also
participated in celebrating I-day
with tricolour being hoisted at the
Indian embassies located in various
corners of the world like in Beijing,
New Jersey and Dhaka.
Indians in the Chinese capital,
Beijing, gathered at the Indian
embassy as Indian Ambassador S
Jaishankar hoisted the national fag
there. He also read out the address
made by President Pratibha Patil to
the nation.
In the other Chinese city, Shang-
hai, Counsul General of India Riva
Ganguly Das attended the celebra-
tions that were jointly performed
by Indian medical students from
Suzhou and Nantong (Jiangsu Prov-
ince) Universities and members
of the Indian Association, media
reports said. In the USA, the Indians
marked the 65th Indian indepen-
dence in the same spirit and mood
as their counterparts did in the other
corners of the world.
In New Jersey, hundreds of
Indians waved the national fag and
sang patriotic songs as they partici-
pated in a parade to mark the occa-
sion in their own ways.
The parade organised by Indian
Business Association of New Jersey
witnessed large number of people
participating in it. The parade that
was organized by Oak Tree Indian
Business Association was cancelled
due to rough weather.
The parade also witnessed nearly
150 volunteers from India Against
Corruption walking in support
of Anna Hazares anti corruption
movement and the much debated
Lokpal Bill.
Anna later prayed before the
memorial of Mahatma Gandhi at
Rajghat ahead of his fast against
corruption and demand for a strong
Lokpal Bill. The volunteers were
seen wearing the cap designed as the
one worn by Anna Hazare and were
shouting slogans in support of the
India celebrates I-Day amid tight security
NarayaN Bareth
suPrIyo haZra WIth CorresPoNdeNts
Kolkata: Golpark Ramakrishna
Mission in association with Aura
Cinematics on Thursday unveiled
a teaser trailer of a 3-D animated
feature flm on Swami Vivekanan-
da, set to be produced to celebrate
his 150th birth anniversary in
The animated fick will be a bi-
ography of arguably the greatest
monk, philosopher and visionary of
India and an attempt of propagating
his philosophies to everyone with a
special focus on the younger popu-
Golpark Ramakrishna Mission
Secretary Swami Sarvabhutananda
said, For one who knows him is a
treat to know some unknown facts
and for them who are deprived of
his knowledge, a story on toward
as great as his, would simply be of
grave injustice to the world. Like the
subject himself the flm might just
revolutionize the society and if a
speck of it happens we will consider
our goal is achieved."
The 90 minute feature flm is ex-
pected to cost around 6 to 7 crores
and will portray the legendary
hermit as a teacher and a reformer
of Indian society who is also a dedi-
cated patriot.
Swami added to that by saying,
"Research and scripting is on its last
few steps after two years and it is in
a preproduction state."
The flm is scheduled for a simul-
taneous national and international
release in 2013.
3-D animated feature
on Vivekananda
Nevada: A US based Hindu group
has applauded Mick Jagger, lead
vocalist of rock band The Rolling
Stones, for singing in Sanskrit.
Jagger sings in Sanskrit in "Saty-
ameva Jayate", the second single
on a new album of rock supergroup
SuperHeavy. SuperHeavy consists
of Mick Jagger, Joss Stone, Dave
Stewart, Damian Marley, and A. R.
Composed by Rahman, it is re-
portedly four minutes and seven
seconds long. "Miracle Worker" was
the groups frst single.
Hindu statesman Rajan Zed,
in a statement in Nevada (USA)
today, welcoming Jagger and his
group for experimenting in San-
skrit, urged other popular singers/
groups like Madonna, U2, AC/DC,
Bruce Springsteen, Britney Spears,
Beyonce Knowles, Jay-Z, Lady
Gaga, Elton John, etc., to record in
Sanskrit was a storehouse of
wisdom which needed to be explored
further by popular culture in order
to bring spirituality into the life of
consumerist society full of distrac-
tions, Rajan Zed, who is President
of Universal Society of Hinduism,
"Satyameva Jayate" (common-
ly translated as "Truth alone tri-
umphs") is part of a mantra from
ancient Hindu scripture Mundaka
Upanishad. Sanskrit is considered
a sacred language in Hinduism and
root language of Indo-European lan-
Hinduism is oldest and third
largest religion of the world with
about a billion adherents and moksh
(liberation) is its ultimate goal.
Mick Jagger sings in Sanskrit
New Delhi: Pakistan has recog-
nized that grant of most-favoured-
nation (MFN) status to India would
help in expanding bilateral trade
relations, said Minister of State for
Commerce and Industry Jyotirad-
itya M. Scindia.
Bi-lateral trade and commerce
talks were held between Commerce
Secretaries of India and Pakistan on
27-28 April in Islamabad.
The two sides, inter-alia, agreed
to improve trade infrastructure and
expand trade through Attari-Wagha
land route.
It was agreed to set up a Working
Group to address and resolve clearly
identifed sector-specifc barriers to
trade. Both sides agreed to under-
take new initiatives to enable trade
in electricity and Bt. Cotton seeds as
also expand trade in petroleum prod-
ucts, said Scindia in Rajya Sabha.
It was agreed that cooperation
in Information Technology sector
would be encouraged through the
private sector.
Both sides agreed to facilitate
grant of Business Visas to encour-
age expansion of trade.
Pakistan recognized that
grant of most-favoured-na-
tion (MFN) status to India would
help in expanding bilateral trade
relations. It agreed to replace its
present Positive List with Nega-
tive List, by October, said Scindia.
Joint Working Groups have been
set up for Customs cooperation,
trade in electricity and trade in all
types of Petroleum Products.
A Joint Working Group on Eco-
nomic and Commercial Cooperation
& Trade Promotion to be co-chaired
by the Joint Secretaries of the re-
spective Departments of Commerce
has been set up for reviewing the im-
plementation of the decisions taken
during the meeting of the two Com-
merce Secretaries and also other
trade promotion issues.
Pakistan votes for India's MFN status
Kolkata: Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India (ICAI) President G Ramaswamy on
Friday stressed upon the urgent need of ad-
dressing the issue of black money through
strict amendments from the Union govern-
While speaking at a conference in
Kolkata, he assured of assisting the govern-
ment by forming a committee to provide
suggestions in taking
all the necessary steps.
We have formed a
committee to help the
government with the
issue of black money,
he remarked.
While addressing
the issue Ramaswamy
stated the need for
necessary amendment
in several laws of the
government that are
currently a hindrance to the law enforcers
and those that provide adequate cover to the
We want focus on the Benami Act and
the Double Taxation Agreement which
needs to be reviewed. We need strict amend-
ments in order to handle the issue properly,
he said.
Upon query Ramaswamy revealed that
the committee is planning to submit a pre-
liminary report by Sep 30, 2011 after which
it will work towards addressing the nuances
of the problem that has gripped the nation.
Currently nobody has any statistics and
nobody has any accurate idea of how much
money is out there, he stated.
Ramaswamy informed that on request
from the Election Commission of India they
have made a presentation to the authorities
regarding the proper regulation of fnancial
holdings of the various political parties in
He said, The Election Commission had
directed us to provide guidelines to audit
the accounts of the political parties properly
so that the fnancial state-
ments of political parties
are uniform. In fact we
have already made a pre-
sentation to them.
Ramaswamy praised
the new government of
West Bengal for showing
a defnite purpose
towards fulflling the
need of transparency and
also for showing a posi-
tive attitude towards in-
I would like to complement the new
government of West Bengal for their active
support towards industrialisation and we
would like to help the State government by
any means possible, he remarked.
We would like to have our say at the
State level budgets and the State Planning
Commission, he added.
Ramaswamy applauded the efforts of
Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) for
taking active steps towards providing trans-
parency of its fnancial assets.
We should look at the work of the KMC.
It has already converted the single entry
system to double entry system, he said.
Black money is an issue of
concern: ICAI President
New Delhi: India has also emerged
as a leading foreign investor, spe-
cially in fnancial services and com-
munications, said Centre for WTO
Centre for World Trade Organi-
zation (WTO) Studies, Indian In-
stitute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) in
association with UN-ESCAP and
ARTNet, has presented the major
fndings of the Asia-Pacifc Trade
and Investment Report 2011: Post-
crisis Trade and Investment Oppor-
The report focuses on policy re-
sponse at the national and regional
levels for improving the governance
of trade agreements and the Chal-
lenges & Areas of opportunity in
trade and investment for regional
On the occasion Abhijit Das,
Head Centre for WTO Studies, IIFT
said, The trade rules particularly
in the area of anti-dumping & rules
of origin need to keep pace with the
developments in international trade
which are challenging the basic as-
sumptions behind the trade agree-
Ravi Ratnayake, Director for
Trade and Investment Division of the
United Nations ESCAP, Bangkok,
Thailand presented the major fnd-
ings of APTIR.
He presented the highlights of the
report and told that the forecast for
2011-2012 predicts India climbing to
the top of the list of dynamic traders
in Asia: export growing at 11.3% in
2011 and 13.3% in 2012. Compared
to China, Indias economy is rela-
tively less trade dependent which on
the other hand helped the countrys
resilience during the 2008-2009
global economy crisis.
Highlights of Asia-Pacifc Trade
and investment report-2011
The recent trend is showing that
Indian companies are starting to
move away from
services toward
services that
require higher
skilled labour in-
novation and cre-
infows to India
have been
growing by
46% per year on
average during
the last fve years
although the
country expe-
rienced a slow-
down in FDI
during the 2008-
2009 economic crisis.
India has also emerged as a
leading foreign investor, specially in
fnancial services and communica-
tions. FDI outfow from
India is increasing rapidly in
Western Europe and Africa, which
the growth rate was 37% & 74% in
India is in the worlds top ten
countries ranked by discriminatory
measures imposed and in the worlds
top 20 target jurisdictions.
Indian exports will grow much
further if the country could diversify
its capability to meet intraregional
demands from other major import-
ers of the region & proper regulatory
reforms is key to the expansion of
trade in services.
The sophisticated Indias IT
companies will continue to move
up the value chain. However, infra-
structure bottlenecks, shortage of
skilled labour and diffculties in-
volved in shifting resources from
low-productivity agriculture to
higher-productivity sector will need
to be removed.
The estimated Indias Climate
Smart Goods (CSG) exports poten-
tial are $4.976 bn within Asia-Pacifc
region and $1.01 bn with EU. Indias
CSG export potential to Pakistan &
Bangladesh is $4.4 bn. India should
explore this potential trade and can
stimulate to control climate change
in the region.
India as one of the largest and
most dynamic developing econo-
mies, has a unique
opportunity to
contribute to a
positive result of
the Doha Round.
India and large
developing coun-
tries of this region
should work to-
gether towards
improving and
adapting the mul-
tilateral trading
system to respond
to the challenges
confronting de-
veloping coun-
This summit
also showcased
the launch of a book on Fighting
Irrelevance: The Role of Regional
Trade Agreements in Internation-
al Production Networks in Asia
wherein there are various case
studies from across the Asian coun-
As a contributor to this book,
Biswajit Nag, Associate Profes-
sor, IIFT said, This is a wonderful
effort from ARTNet/UN-ESCAP to
document the dynamics of Interna-
tional Production Network (IPN) in
"Researchers from different
countries have worked in the project
and looked into how IPN is evolv-
ing here with respect to the network
between SMEs and MNCs and pro-
liferation of Free Trade Agreements.
The book has also looked into the lit-
erature of Global Value Chains and
analyzed how Asian dynamics are
different from those of Europeans
and Americans.
Excerpt from the book; The
presumption is that an RTA should
increase the depth of the produc-
tion networks, as the formal recip-
rocal trade liberalization agreement
between countries are meant to
smooth the channels for movement
of goods, services and resources
among the countries concerned.
The study revealed that based
on the perception of the respon-
dent in the fve selected countries,
formal trade agreements were not
considered a major driving force in
strengthening IPNs; rather, it relies
on market initiatives.
In addition, given that the nego-
tiation approach of many of these
agreements is so-called positive-
list the exclusion of a number of
industries from trade agreements
meant that they would have not re-
ceived the benefts from regional lib-
eralization efforts in any case.
India emerges as leading foreign investor: study
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Indian Weekender | august 19, 2011 | 15
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Birmingham: India captain
Mahendra Singh Dhoni said
the ongoing Test series in
England was one of those
series where nothing clicked
for his team.
India suffered one of its
worst defeats Saturday as
they lost the third Test by an
innings and 242-run loss with
a day to spare.
The win gave England the
No.1 Test crown and the unassail-
able 3-0 lead in the four-match
series. It was also the frst series
loss for India under Dhoni.
"Being No. 1 or not being No. 1
is not important, it's all about being
consistent. I've been quite happy
with the preparation but it's one
of those series where nothing has
really clicked for us," said Dhoni.
"We need to see what limita-
tions we have. A few of our players
are not great felders and we're not
the best looking felding side in the
world. What we're really proud of
is our bowling and batting.
"We have not been able to keep
good deliveries out, it's a major
area of concern. We need to see
out the good ones and make use
of the loose deliveries. A couple of
defeats doesn't change anything, I
am still proud of my team. When
you play for India there is a lot of
expectation and people expect us
to win everything but that's not
possible," said Dhoni.
England captain Andrew
Strauss lauded his boys for the win.
"Getting to No. 1 has been a
goal for a long time and it flls me
with a lot of pride to know we
have completed something
very special. We have had to
work very had and the guys
have put a lot of hard graft to
get to No. 1," said Strauss.
Strauss said it wasn't a
massive gamble to bowl frst.
"There was probably less
in the wicket than we thought
there would be and by the time
we batted the wicket had gone
fat. The wickets have been shared
around the bowlers and the pres-
sure they have applied has been
relentless, I don't think there are
many better in the world right
now," said Strauss. The southpaw
also praised Cook, who was ad-
judged as Man of the Match.
"It was fantastic to get runs
myself and then sit on the sofa and
watch Cookie bat for two days. He
has amazing concentration and de-
termination, he's in this patch at the
moment where he's very clear what
his game was and he's an example
for us all," said Strauss.
Cook said: "The work put in
over the week off has paid divi-
dends for me. Over the last 12
months scoring big hundreds was
what I needed to work at and I'm
glad that's happened. You want the
attacking middle order players to
go at the tiring bowlers later in the
day. I'm very pleased but it's a huge
team effort to bowl a team like
that out for less than 250 on a fat
wicket in both innings."
Mumbai: Disappointed at India's
pathetic performance in the Eng-
land, former captain Anil Kumble
proposed the idea of having more
practice matches in the run-up
to the Australia series in Down
Under later this year.
The Indian team played just
one prac-
tice game in
England and
they failed to
cope with the
seaming con-
ditions which
has made
them trail the
hosts by 3-0
margin in the
ongoing four
match Test se-
ries. India will face England in the
fourth and fnal Test match of the
series at The Oval on Thursday.
According to sources,
Kumble's proposal of having
additional two frst class games
ahead of the opening Boxing Day
(Dec 26) Test at Melbourne "was
accepted" by the working com-
mittee of the Board of Control for
Cricket in India (BCCI).
Kumble said if three games
are played then all the 16 touring
members would get opportunity.
The lone warm-up game is to be
played against Cricket Australia
Chairman's XI from December
18-21 at Manuka Oval in Can-
During, the working committee
meeting the
board also
that it has
made a
proft of Rs
163 crores
in the last
year. But
it doesn't
include the
profts from
the World Cup since it ended on
April 2.
The Indian team will play
four Tests from December 26 at
Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and
Adelaide. The Test series will
be followed by two T20 Interna-
tionals on February 1 and 3 at
Sydney and Melbourne and in a
triangular series also featuring Sri
Lanka between February 5 and
March 8.
One of those series when nothing
clicked for us: Dhoni
India to play two
additional warm-up
games in Australia
We need to see
what limitations
we have. A few
of our players are
not great felders
and we're not
the best looking
felding side in
the world. What
we're really proud
of is our bowling
and batting
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16 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |
Irene Jai Narayan farewelled in Suva
Surely Irene is not like Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi is synonymous with corruption,
nepotism, autocratic rule etc.Indira Gandhi did not fght against anything.She started
the dynasty politics in India which has been a curse to Indians.
Jayant Nagar
Jayant, I think Irene Jai Narayan is being referred to as the "Indira Gandhi of Fiji poli-
tics" in a good way. Can't speak for all but I think Indira Gandhi was well loved and
respected by the people of Fiji a strong leader. Fiji needs more leaders of the calibre
of Irene Jai Narayan. she always stood by her principles.
Harish C
Sorry Harish. Indira Gandhi may be respected in Fiji out of ignorance. Indira Gandhi
may be respected in Fiji out of ignorance. Strong Leaders don't suffocate democracy -
wish to remind you of emergency period in India and the corruption that ensued after
with crony Socialism. She never governed by principles. So you will have to think twice
about calling Irene as the Indira Gandhi of Fiji. It is a black spot.
Jayant Nagar
Fiji democracy groups join forces
Those who know a little history of mining in Namosi are well aware that this venture
has been germinating for the last fourty odd years. Many villages in Namosi have been
promised much wealth and employment but all have been just mirages. Now when even
the basic land purchase or lease has not been fnalised the illegal government makes a
big claim of income of $2 billion to Fiji. The real situation is that the country is virtually
bankrupt and now making ludicorous promises to just survive.
Fast in Wellington for Hazare, Ramdev
Keep it up Thomas ji and Sudha ji.
Harish Sharma
It is surprising to see comment like prayer here, unless the person referred to pray lord
Manmohon for mercy. In any case it is quite absurd. BTW does anyone knows how many
died of fasting in an effort to stop corruption?
Fasting is a religious thing (otherwise it will be called dieting) so why shouldn't they
pray. I didn't ask anyone to pray except those who are undertaking this fast. Why are
they fasting is what I asked, and why can't they pray rather than fast? I agree with your
sentiments anyone who has such close political affliation with India should stay there.
They are wasted here.
A day to bust some myths about India
Here is the latest on the Aryan theory. (another latest report exposing the false Aryan in-
vasion theory) - Kulbhushan Mishra, research associate, Indian Archeological Society,
says that there is enough evidence indicating an indigenous origin of Indian civilisation
that has made the foreign theories take a back seat.
Sandesh Narayan
Full marks to Ram Lingam. Nothing could be more factual and simple than this. These
myths were delibrately formulated for political reasons by the past invaders. What is sad
is that many Indian scholars have embraced these myths as facts. On the other hand, we
need enerst efforts from Indian scholars to remove the word 'mythology' when descrbing
holy scriptures such as Ramayan, Mahabharath, Vedas, etc., for these are not "Indian
Myths" but real events in World history.
Satendra Kumar
If caste system is indeed a myth then how come it is widely accepted and practiced not
only in India but by the Indian diaspora world-wide? How come only "Brahmin" can be
priest? Where do the dalits come from? One cannot mislead the world by making outra-
geous claims not substantiated by what's practiced on the ground.
From the Editor
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Indian Weekender Volume 3 No. 9
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Ten top stories on
1. Bank of India set to start operations
2. Fast in Wellington for Hazare, Ramdev
3. The joy of Janmashtami
4. A day to bust some myths about India
5. Indian help for Fiji coconut revival
6. Is it time to fix your mortgage interest rate?
7. Saibaba Sansthan to perform Mata Chowki
8. Irene Jai Narayan farewelled in Suva
9. Polar blast to linger till Thursday
10. Shammi was Bollywoods original rock-star
The recent mayhem in the United Kingdom, which saw thousands of youth on the
rampage in several cities across the otherwise peaceful country, is a wake up call for
countries all over the world, especially for New Zealand.
As social scientists, psychologists and armchair analysts of different persuasions
propound their theories to determine and explain what exactly was the tipping point
that led to those horrifc days of strife in the coming weeks and months, a few things
are crystal clear and dont need the prying lens of academic examination.
For one, there is certainty about the demographic type that took to the streets: it
was quite clearly unemployed, disaffected, despondent youth that had little to look
forward to in life. There was no money, nothing to look forward to, no perceived ray of
hope to alleviate them from their stagnant lives devoid of any self esteem.
When there is no hope, there is a sense of fnality; there is a conviction that there is
nothing to lose. A single stone hurled by such a disaffected young person, a single cry
of anguish is enough to galvanise likeminded compatriots, of which we now know from
the great alacrity with which they participated in the mayhem, there are hundreds of
Looking at the self-justifcation that the looters went about their business, it is
evident that they have lost all respect and fear of authority. They have neither faith in
the police, nor the justice system nor, of course, their political leaders.
The tipping point could not have come suddenly. Negativity has been piling up
straw by painful straw until it broke the proverbial camels back in London. In the past
couple of years, the world has witnessed a string of instances of shameless unmitigated
greed, fnancial imprudence and unbelievable profigacy on the part of those wielding
political and fnancial power both in governments and the corporate sector.
This led to the great global fnancial crisis, which has taken a toll on common
people, with governments often leaving them holding the can, while seemingly reward-
ing the fnancial scamsters. Political expediency, blatant dishonesty, and self-preserva-
tion imperatives of those in power have helped protect wrongdoers everywhere in the
As countries go bankrupt, unemployment soars, the cost of living skyrockets,
bonuses paid to the captains of the fnancial industry and tax laws that favour the rich
continue with impunity. In the age of instant mass media and social networking, such
stories are the stuff of instant folklore and it takes seconds for disaffection to spread
across the world, just as it takes a single stone to start a riot.
And that is what exactly happened in England. Experts warn that the United States
is ripe for a similar situation. Earlier this year, a number of Middle Eastern countries
saw it happen against their corrupt, entrenched leaderships. Then there was Greece.
Everyone knows Europe is a tinderbox. Even ever peaceful Norway had a shocking
episode, though that is as yet believed to have been the action of a single person but
one never knows.
Drawing comparisons between England and New Zealand, if one is to go by
the numbers, New Zealand is in a worse situation than England. Our fgures for
unemployed youth, child poverty and other comparable indices are far worse than
Englands. Some of these indices put New Zealand at the very bottom of the OECD
Past governments have created a culture of long term dependency rather than
promoting one of investment and industry to create gainful employment and wealth.
Labour in its nine years of power has done nothing except strengthen this culture of
dependency and National has done little to reverse the trend.
What the National Party has proposed in its convention last weekend, though a step
in the right direction may be too little too late. But it appears to have got the message
loud and clear: It is most important to engage with the youth and the young. For too
long have they been neglected. Indeed they are the future and must be nurtured and
put in the right direction.
As well as its fnancial bankruptcy, it is hoped that the world will soon come out of
the bankruptcy of political leadership.
- Dev Nadkarni
Youth must be accorded absolute priority
Indian Weekender | august 19, 2011 | 17
Indias supremely corrupt political
class refuses to see the writing on the
wall. It continues to take people for
granted, as it has done for the better
part of the 65 years that the country
has been independent.
Indians are a tolerant lot. That
indeed has been their strength,
which has helped Bharatiya culture
continue and fourish uninterrupted
over millennia. They have embraced
and assimilated the cultures of the
successive peoples who arrived over
thousands of years to make their
home. It has been a melting pot for
centuries. That is what makes the
Indian experience so bewilderingly
rich, varied and endlessly enchant-
ing. But that natural quality of tol-
erance, which equips Indians to face
the most trying of circumstances
and have them smiling in the face
of adversity as photographers and
flmmakers of the world media often
like to depict is exactly what has
created the huge monster of political
and bureaucratic corruption in inde-
pendent India.
If successive invaders and colo-
nisers of India are accused of steal-
ing Indias priceless treasures, Indias
political class especially that rep-
resented by the Congress after the
Nehru-Gandhi family made it their
fefdom and ruthlessly strengthened
its stranglehold has presided on the
loot of far greater wealth since inde-
Apocryphal or not, the stuff of
urban legend or not, but the blizzard
of emails landing in millions of in
boxes in the past few months listing
the major scams since 1947, compiled
Wikileaks lists of Indian politicians
and business peoples undeclared
wealth in Swiss bank accounts and
the sudden multi-billionaire status of
a close member of the Nehru-Gandhi
family are entirely believable.
Especially so after the stagger-
ingly eye-watering amounts that
were robbed from the Indian ex-
chequer and the hapless taxpayer in
a string of mega scams in the past
couple of years. The amounts pil-
fered in the 2G scandal and the Com-
monwealth Games alone could have
successfully addressed hunger and
malnutrition among Indias poorest,
of which there are not inconsiderable
The noose is clearly tightening
around Indias shamelessly corrupt
and brazenly nepotistic political
class. But knowing Indians great
quality for tolerance over millen-
nia, it is smug in the belief that it
can never be tightened enough to
threaten it. It is the result of the
deeply embedded narcissistic culture
of arrogance perpetrated by the poli-
tics of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty
in the 1960s and 1970s that has held
back Indian economic and industrial
progress by at least two decades.
Clearly, it is out of sync with what
the past two decades of economic de-
velopment has done to peoples at-
titude. The average Indians silence
can no longer bought by election
time freebies of rice, dhotis and saris,
while starving them of all opportu-
nities to better their lives with strict
controls and a strangulating license
and permit raj, the supreme tool that
propped corruption to Himalayan
The blinkers of Indias corrupt
political class prevent it from seeing
a huge and fast growing number of
educated, politically aware, upward-
ly mobile and caring Indians who
know their rights and prepared to
fght for them. That is the only con-
clusion that can be drawn from the
governments response to the Anna
Hazare led anti-corruption crusade
of April 2011, which spread so
quickly and virally in the backdrop
of the Middle East unrest that was
raging like a wild fre.
Greatly worried, the Indian gov-
ernment showed grave concern at
the time but came up with a tooth-
less, effete proposed bill that will
ensure the writ of the political class
runs as it always did, giving it free
and unfettered rein on the countrys
fnances and resources.
At the time, the government in
principle agreed to Hazare's version
of the bill, which was designed to
truly check corruption at all levels
of government and the bureaucracy.
But since then, as things seemed to
cool down on the public protest front
and amid the distracting side shows
of Ramdev, the government threw
away Hazares draft, and has pre-
sented its own toothless version of
what it thinks the Lokpal Bill ought
to be.
This bland and powerless draft
that the government wants to present
to Parliament proposes bringing
just 0.5%, under its purview. This
translates to one in 200 government
offcials. Places and offces, where
common Indians encounter corrup-
tion every day of their lives, will not
be under its purview. For instance,
the passport offce, the ration shop,
the road transport offce, the mu-
nicipal corporation or the panchayat
offce, besides many more, will not
be covered.
This effectively means that
state and regional level scams will
go unchecked. Mind you, scams at
this level have been no less massive
as seen from the Jharkhand and
Mumbai Adarsh Society scams.
Whats more, the Prime Minis-
ters Offce is also exempt from its
purview. In other words, the govern-
ments version is a showpiece that
can do absolutely no good to address
the morbid disease of corruption in
so many forms that has eaten away at
the guts of the Indian people for the
better part of 65 years.
This is the reason Anna Hazare
has launched a second agitation.
It is important to see Hazare in the
right perspective. Personality aside,
he must be seen as the rallying point
for the anti-corruption sentiment
that has ballooned to such an extent
throughout India. Like it or not, he is
the face of that sentiment. And that is
how he must be seen, if you believe
India deserves better than the lot of
unaccountable politicians in charge
of running the country.
One of the Indias greatest losses
other than the hundreds of billions of
dollars worth of money and treasures
that politicians have plundered is the
number of talented people that have
left the country tired of the corrupt
environment. That loss cannot be
measured in monetary terms. But it
is substantial, undoubtedly.
And for many such Indians living
all over the world, what disappoints
them most is the deeply embedded
culture of corruption. That is why, if
you want things to change, you must
show your support to the movement,
whose face today is Anna Hazare.
Politicians all over the world are
rudely waking up from their power-
drunk stupor to the power of the
people. We have seen it happen in
the Middle East. In England. And
many expect it to happen in the US.
India, too, is at a tipping point. The
anti-corruption campaign has the
potential to ring in changes for the
better. It is a question of time before
Indians in great numbers spill on to
the streets.
Why Anna Hazare deserves wholehearted support
The Girmit Centre in Lautoka was
the brainchild of Pandit Banarsi-
das Chaturvedi. Chaturvedi, who
had been an associate of Rev. C.F.
Andrews, considered himself a spiri-
tual citizen of Fiji. Though he had
never been to Fiji, it had been nearest
to his heart for a long period of time.
So at the time of the Girmit Cen-
tenary in 1979 Chaturvedi asked Mr.
Atal Behari Vajpai, who was then the
Foreign Minister of India, to donate
a sum of 6 to 7 lakh rupees to build
a centre for racial integration in Fiji.
The government of Fiji donated
prime land in a central location in
Lautoka and the foundation was laid
when the Indian Prime Minister,
Mrs. Indira Gandhi, visited Fiji in
The Centre was duly built and
it is an outstanding building and is
often used for public and private
functions. Chaturvedi wanted it
to be named the Gandhi-Andrews
House but it came to be known as
the Girmit Centre (girmit was the
debased term used by the labour-
ers for the agreement they signed
before coming to Fiji on inden-
ture, and today it means indenture
in Fiji).
Chaturvedi also wanted it to be
managed by not Indians alone, but
by all the races and his hope was that
it would help to promote better rela-
tions between different races. I am
not sure if the Girmit Council ever
had any non-Indian members though
I know that Fijians used to use the
place for church services.
Chaturvedi believed that Indians
should respect the Fijians like elder
brothers as they were the frst set-
tlers. A.D. Patel, the founder of the
National Federation Party and the
frst Leader of the Opposition in Fiji,
also used to express similar senti-
ments. Patel had always stressed that
the interests of the Fijians should
take precedence over others as they
are the original settlers.
It is not clear how much was ever
done through the Girmit Centre for
bringing about racial integration as
Chaturvedi had hoped. The Girmit
Council also gave scholarships to
students to study in India but again
I am not sure on what basis these
scholarships were given if they
looked at only merit or if they also
looked at need and ethnic back-
ground. There was also a Girmit
Womens Association. I am again not
sure whether they had women of all
races among its members and what
sort of activities they had.
When the Indian Cultural Centre
was established in Suva the aim was
not just to teach Indian music and
dancing to Indian children but also
to teach them to children of all races,
especially Fijian children. It could
have been possible to have a branch
of that in the west based at the Girmit
Centre but I do not think it was ever
Just outside Lautoka, on the way
to Nadi, is the Viseisei village in
Vuda which is important as the frst
settlement of the Fijians. There is a
cultural and handicraft centre, the
Ratu Jeremiah Motibhai memorial
cultural centre. It was the initiative
of Motibhai and Company in the
1970s and it was to be a symbol of
multiracial co-operation. The Girmit
Council could have asked for help
from Viseisei villagers in having
Fijian handicraft and for teaching
Fijian culture.
Chaturvedi noted that Rev.
Andrews had great hopes that racial
integration will proceed amicably in
those distant lands. People of Fiji
also had great hopes at indepen-
dence that there would be multira-
cial harmony. Chaturvedi was happy
to note that Fijians had a sympathetic
outlook towards Indians and that the
Prime Minister of Fiji (Ratu Mara)
was also sympathetic.
Ratu Mara and A. D. Patel were
both for multiracialism and though
Patel died before independence,
Siddiq Koya who succeeded him
also seemed to support the idea at
that time. But a few years after inde-
pendence Koya seemed to take a dif-
ferent line and in 1975 R.D. Patel, the
brother of A.D. Patel, left the NFP
saying that the party had changed
beyond recognition. The most im-
portant change was that it became an
Indian party.
An attempt could have been made
at the Girmit Centenary to revive
multiracialism, with the centre
for racial integration proposed by
Chaturvedi, as the focus. Indeed
there was a brief moment when
Mrs. Gandhi visited Fiji two years
later, and laid the foundation for the
Girmit Centre, when it seemed that
the country would succeed in fulfll-
ing the euphoria felt by the people at
But then came the 1982 general
elections and the relations between
Fijians and Indians went back
several years to what it was during
the 1968 by elections when Fijian
became dangerously angry and
demonstrated their resolution not
to be dominated in the land of their
heritage. It was noted that Fiji came
as close to the brink of racial con-
frontation as it ever had.
However, in 1968 Indo-Fijians
had a leader like A. D. Patel who
believed in multiracialism and dia-
logue. So at the frst sitting of the
Legislative Council after the elec-
tions Patel made a symbolic gesture
of reconciliation which helped to
heal wounds. In the next decade
Fiji was able to become an example
for multiracial harmony as it became
the Paradise of the Pacifc.
From 1977 the multiracial po-
litical party that A. D. Patel founded
became a communal party in poli-
cies as well. And the gap between
the Fijians and Indians in political
outlook became wider and wider
until in April, 1987 the Fijian domi-
nated Alliance Party was defeated
by an Indian dominated Coalition.
The Coalition ruled for a month till
May 14, 1987 when the third ranking
offcer in the Fiji Military Forces, Lt.
Col. Sitiveni Rabuka, executed the
frst coup detat in the Pacifc. The
Fijians rallied behind him almost to
the last man.
PadmINI GauNder
A symbol of friendship between India and Fiji
dev NadkarNI
18 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |
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India will work with the Govern-
ment of Fiji to enhance bilateral
trade, investment and cooperation
in areas of education, health, science
and technology says the Indian High
Commissioner Mr Vinod Kumar.
Mr Kumar made this comment
during the fag raising ceremony to
mark the 65th Independence Day of
India at Tamavua on August 15.
Independence Day is when
people in India pay homage to their
leaders and those who fought for
India's freedom in the past.
India and Fiji are both develop-
ing countries that have several com-
monalities and shared interests.
We as developing coun-
tries need to join our efforts for a
better and sustainable future for
our people. India has achieved a
lot in the past 64 years, however a
number of challenges still remain.
The people of India are committed
to overcome these challenges and
progress towards our goal of inclu-
sive socio-economic development,
Mr Kumar said.
We are looking forward to work
on our cooperation in the areas of
education and health to assist the
people of Fiji.
There are two projects that we
are considering at the moment. One
is where we hope to bring some
computers that well put in rural
communities so children can use
and learn about computers and in-
The other is a project in which
we hope to establish a network
between the hospitals in the Pacifc
and hospitals in India so that online
advice and consultation can be taken
care of.
Mr Kumar said this years Inde-
pendence Day was also a special one
because they would start a year-long
celebration to mark the 40th year of
the Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) in
A positive outcome is enhance-
ment in tourism as the shooting of
the frst Indian flm is now under-
way on the Coral Coast.
I think Fiji and India have a very
good tradition in flm making. There
are people who have been coming
here to make documentaries, flm et-
cetera but for the frst time we have
a full length feature flm from India
in Tamil language, which is being
shot here and I do hope this will lead
to more flm makers coming here to
Fiji. We can showcase the beauty of
Fiji in India, Mr Kumar added.
Meanwhile, the inaugural cel-
ebration of 40 Years of ICC in Fiji
was held at the Civic Auditorium at
6pm on August 15.
Indian I-Day
celebrated in Fiji
The FMF Vodafone stadium, for a
single day, became the largest barber
shop in the country.
Hundreds of people including
heads of corporate houses, sports
people, entertainers and even Manu
Samoa rugby legend Brian Lima
shaved their heads in a bid to raise
funds for those with cancer. Attor-
ney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
also joined the crowds.
The Attorney General shaved
his hair for a record sum of almost
$65,000, highest amount raised for
someone to have their heads shaved.
I thank those corporate com-
panies who contributed generously
towards this worthy cause, he said.
Most of the time we tend to look
at problems and illnesses that affect
adults but children have been a very
big part of our lives and we should
be working more towards issues that
affect children.
He said it was nice to see a lot
of support for the Walk On Walk
Strong (WOWS) group who orga-
nized the event to raise money that
would go towards a centre for chil-
dren who have cancer.
This is a wonderful opportunity
for the general public to pitch in a
little and show their support.
Fiji Cancer Society president,
Nirmala Nambiar thanked everyone
who contributed towards.
FCS would like to thank WOWS
and all those countless individuals
that have come forward to support
this worthy cause, she said.
Other personalities that got their
hair shaved included the chief execu-
tive offcer of Fiji Broadcasting Cor-
poration Riyaz Sayed Khaiyum,
Television personality and former
Supervisor of Elections John Apted,
Athletics Fiji president Albert Miller
and heads of Westpac Banking Cor-
poration, Carpenters Fiji Limited,
Fiji Water, United Nations Interna-
tional Childrens Emergency Fund
(UNICEF), Birdlife, Sylvia Low and
Earlier in the week Flying Fijians
fy half Nicky Little also had to
shave his head for $5,000.
Shaving for cancer raises huge funds
Fijis Permanent Representative to
the United Nations, Ambassador
Peter Thomson has been elected to
serve as a vice-president for the 66th
session of the UN General Assembly.
The 66th session begins on Sep-
tember 13 and will run for a year.
Ambassador Thomson, ex-
pressed deep gratitude for the con-
fdence shown by the General As-
sembly in entrusting this role to
Fiji at the United Nations. He also
gave every assurance that Fiji would
perform the role with diligence and
all due propriety.
The UN General Assembly has
an elected President, supported by
21 elected vice-presidents. The
President of the 66th Session will
be Mr Nassir Al-Nasser of the State
of Qatar. As a vice-president, Fijis
Permanent Representative will be
required from time to time to preside
over deliberations of the General
Assembly, when the President is not
In addition, vice-presidents are
members of the UNs general com-
mittee. This committee is chaired
by the President of the General As-
sembly and deals with procedural
and organisational matters of the as-
semblys session.
Fiji Elected To Vice-Presidency of
UN General Assembly
Part of the proceeds will go to Indian Weekender st John Ambulance Project
20 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |
One of the Pacifc Islands most
lucrative industries of yesteryear,
which provided employment to
thousands of islanders, is set to
receive a fllip. The coconut in-
dustry in the Pacifc is in a mori-
bund state because of a number of
reasons ranging from competition
from other tropical countries and
transportation and logistic prob-
lems to climate change and chang-
ing agricultural priorities.
Several islands have ageing
coconut and copra-processing fa-
cilities that are in dire need of
modernisation and are languish-
ing because of lack of investment.
Kiribati is an example. As a result,
thousands of tonnes of copra wastes
away on the shores of islands and
in coconut groves throughout the
region. It is a valuable raw material
for a number of products including
an alternative energy source.
Fiji is on the verge of signing a
deal with the Indian Government
for assistance to further develop
the coconut industry. Department
of Agriculture permanent secretary
Mason Smith has said, India is one
of the main producers of coconuts
and copra products apart from Phil-
ippines, Indonesia and Vietnam, so
its important that we latch on to
their skills and expertise.
Stakeholders of the coconut in-
dustry agreed on diversifcation
as the pathway forward at the frst
National Coconut Forum that met
in Savusavu in 2010. Diversifying
into new products of the all giving
trees will allow producers to tap
into a wider market other than
just copra. Fiji would link up with
coconut experts in Indias pictur-
esque southwestern state of Kerala,
which commercially grows some
six million nuts a year. It is an ac-
knowledged authority on coconut
Other Pacifc Islands countries
could well take a cue from this.
An opportunity to do so exists at
next months Pacifc Islands Forum
Summit in Auckland, where a large
contingent of Indian Government
offcials and some senior ministers
will be present. India has a growing
interest in trade ties with the Pacifc
Indian help for Fijis coconut
industry revival
dev NadkarNI
An international stamp of recogni-
tion acknowledging confdence in
the growth of the Fijian economy
was awarded by Standard and
Poor that has improved Fijis credit
ratings. Standard and Poor's (S&P),
an international independent pro-
vider of credit ratings, has revised
its methodology and assumptions
for rating sovereign governments.
Consequently, Fiji's ratings have
Foreign currency long term sov-
ereign credit rating is raised to B
from B-
Foreign currency short-term
rating is raised to B from C
The outlook on the foreign cur-
rency rating is revised to B/stable
from B /positive
Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe
Bainimarama said the improved
ratings is awarded to Fiji at a time
when many countries are going
through an economic crisis.
With the current reforms put in
place and those being planned by
Government, we can expect Fiji's
economic growth prospects to be en-
hanced, which will further improve
the indicators required to raise Fiji's
ratings in the future, he said.
This positive rating will instill
further confdence in achieving
Fiji's medium term macroeconomic
policy goals as well as the key pillars
of the Charter, which will lead Fiji
to economic prosperity. The im-
proved rating will also inspire inves-
tor confdence that Fiji is in a better
position than some countries that are
currently facing economic crisis.
The Report by S&P also noted
the continued improvements to Fiji's
external position and the reduction
in the current account defcit.
S&P highlighted the importance
of the tourism sector which contin-
ues to recover and rebound.
This will further assist Fiji's ex-
ternal position to improve as the
level of foreign reserves increases.
S&Ps positive rating awarded to
Fiji comes at a time when the world
largest economy, the USA lost un-
precedented ratings from S&P.
Fiji credit
get S&P
thumbs up
By the end of 2011, Government
would have opened more than 100
kilometers of new roads in the
Western Division.
Commissioner Western Com-
mander Joeli Cawaki said this does
not include major road works along
the Queens and Kings Road and the
Sigatoka Valley Road .
Government spends millions of
dollars each year to upgrade infra-
structure around the country and Mr
Cawaki said this saw an increase in
development works in rural areas.
The benefts of these develop-
ments are enormous and creates an
impetus to economic growth.
The biggest challenge people
face is access to services and Gov-
ernment has undertaken the chal-
lenge of upgrading our roads, Mr
Cawaki said.
Works on new roads are under-
way in the Ra, Ba and Navosa prov-
These new roads were never
there before, such as the road to the
last village of Matukana in Navosa.
Other roads being construct-
ed include the road to the district
(tikina) of Naloto and others are
mostly farm roads in the province of
Ra, Ba and Navosa.
This year we should be able to
open up newly constructed roads
of more than 100 kilometers (in the
Western Division alone). This is
apart from major roads works done
by Naim and the Chinese contrac-
tors along the Kings and Queens
Roads and the Valley Road in Siga-
toka, Mr Cawaki said.
Apart from roads, new crossings
are also being constructed, especial-
ly in Ra.
For Ra there are a lot of roads
that cross rivers and we are building
crossing now with the help from the
Ministry of Works and private con-
tractors, Mr Cawaki said.
Works will be completed by
100km of new roads in Fiji
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One of the Pacifc Islands regions
most iconic hotel properties and
one that has some legendary literary
history is fnally set to get a facelift
after lying moribund and disused for
a decade and a half.
Fiji has announced plans to revive
plans to refurbish the once most
sought after hotel of the region, the
Grand Pacifc Hotel, which stands
at one of the Suva waterfronts most
prized locations. Though there have
been several attempts to revive the
majestic hotel, none gained traction
for one reason or another. But this
week, an all-new regional attempt at
its revival has been announced.
A partnership between Fiji and
Papua New Guinea entities will now
restore the Grand Lady of Suva to
her former glory. The Fiji National
Provident Fund, the National Su-
perannuation Fund of Papua New
Guinea and the Lamana Group, also
of PNG, have come together to col-
laborate on the project. The collabo-
ration also indicates growing ties
between the two Melanesian Spear-
head Group countries.
The re-development of the hotel,
which will begin in November, will
be completed toward the end of 2013,
according to the announcement. It
will have a total of 113 rooms with a
5-star standard including a 600-seat
state of art conference facility.
Built in 1914 just as World War-I
started, the hotel has hosted some
of the greatest names in its long
history. One of the most famous
was renowned author English author
W. Somerset Maugham, who is be-
lieved to have written while staying
there and has set some of his Pacifc
novels around the hotel.
Suvas Grand Pacifc
Hotel to regain lost glory
The Citizens Constitutional Forum
has stated it is shocked to learn of
and strongly opposes the decision of
the Shree Sanatan Dharam Pratini-
dhi Sabha of Fiji and the Fiji Police
Force that Hindus wishing to cel-
ebrate the birth of Lord Rama this
week need to acquire a permit to do
The decision violates the rights
of individuals to Freedom of Reli-
gion and Belief and the Fiji Police
and the Shree Sanatan Dharam
Pratinidhi Sabha must immediate-
ly retract their decision and allow
Hindus to mark Ram Naumi cel-
ebrations without any restrictions
says CCF CEO Reverend Akuila
The CCF is a non-government
organization that educates and ad-
vocates for good governance, human
rights and multiculturalism in Fiji.
We are not aligned with any politi-
cal party.
The CCF says it is also concerned
that the Shree Sanatan Dharam Pra-
tinidhi Sabha of Fiji resolved that all
Mandalis, temple Committees and
organizations that are not registered
are not to be given any permission
by the government departments to
organise any events.
This decision puts serious re-
strictions on the rights of Hindus
around the country who are now
subject to unprecedented demands
by the Sabha and the Fiji Police to
hold prayers. Basing the decision
on the requirements of the Public
Emergency Regulation are unjusti-
fed as the PER has been in place for
more than 28 months now and no
such requirement for a permit was
enforced during this period in the
past, rev Yabaki says.
The Fiji Police Spokesperson has
also made media statements stating
that people planning to organise re-
ligious programs will have to get a
permit from police if the program
will have a gathering of more than
10 people.
It must be noted that Church
services held daily and especially
on Saturday and Sundays do not
require the Church to get a permit.
During this holy month of Ramadan
for Muslims around the country,
they too are not required to obtain a
permit for their daily prayers, hence
the decision to set up a special set of
rules for Hindus is also discrimina-
tory against a certain ethnic group
and refects badly on the intentions
of the Sanatan Dharam Sabha.
Ram Naumi celebrations is a
very special occasion for Hindus
world over as is Christmas and
Easter for Christians and Ramadan
for Muslims and there must be no re-
strictions placed to stop people from
celebrating these religious functions
or making unreasonable demands.
The CCF has called on both the
Police and the Sabha to reconsider
their decision and while the two in-
stitutions may want to monitor the
religious gathering; the worshippers
must not be subject to acquiring a
permit to practice their faith and re-
ligion as a fundamental human right
under Article 18 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights which
states that Everyone has the right
to freedom of thought, conscience
and religion; this right includes
freedom to change his or her religion
or belief, and freedom, either alone
or in community with others and
in public or private, to manifest his
or her religion or belief in teaching,
practice, worship and observance.
The current government notes
in Pillar 2 of the Peoples Charter
for Change, Peace and Progress the
Encouragement and promotion of
religious freedom and understand-
ing and conduct of interfaith dia-
logue and the sharing of spirituali-
ties, says a CCF media release.
Permit for Hindu prayers
must go, says forum
Ram Naumi celebrations
is a very special occasion
for Hindus world over as
is Christmas and Easter for
Christians and Ramadan
for Muslims and there must
be no restrictions placed to
stop people from celebrat-
ing these religious func-
tions or making unreason-
able demands
22 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |
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Bhagavn Shri Krishna is a historical
person said to be born around 3220
BCE. Krishna's life is told primar-
ily through the Bhgavatam, Garga
Samhita, Vishnu Purna, Brahma-
vaivarta Purna, Mahbhrata, Hari-
vamsa and several other Purnas
where he is the central hero and the
Lord Supreme. Of the Puranas, the
Bhgavata Purna and the Vishnu
Purna elaborately tell the story of
Krishna. Roughly one quarter of the
Bhgavata Purna sing the praises of
his life and philosophy.
Krishna is well known to be a
master of all roles in which he simply
created followers be it as a child,
a brother, a charioteer, a warrior, a
friend, a statesman, a messenger, a
philosopher, a disciple, a protector, a
guru, a cowherd or the beloved of his
devotees (gopis of Vrindvan).
Lord Krishnas life story has all
the rigmaroles of daily living that we
face today. Mt Amritnandamayi
says, "Throughout his life, Lord
Krishna had to face different crises
that arose like waves, one after the
other. Even then, not once was his
countenance clouded by sorrow. He
faced every diffculty under the sun,
but there was no place for sorrow in
Sri Krishna's presence. He was the
embodiment of bliss. In his company
everyone rejoiced, forgetting all
else. In his presence they tasted the
bliss of the Self"
About Krishna, Osho remarked
People like Krishna look at life
with extraordinary eyes; their per-
ception is rare. It penetrates the in-
nermost depth of life, and it will be a
great gift if for a while we can look
at life through the eyes of Krishna.
That will go a long way to change
and deepen our own perception, our
own perspective of life...
Krishna is a central fgure in
Hinduism. His divinity and powers
mesmerizes the minds of even the
occasional bystander. Behind Krish-
nas divinity and Lordship is a phi-
losophy that he advised to anybody
seeking a counsel. Remember his
authoritative words to the warrior
Arjuna in his divine song The Holy
Git: I shall now in full explain to
you this knowledge together with its
wisdom, knowing which leaves one
nothing further to be known in this
world. (Chapter-7, verse 2)
How to look at life through Krishnas eyes?
ram lINGam
August 21 is Janmshtami the birthday of the smiling Lord Krishna. He is the smart poster-boy of the Hindu pantheon, who taught
us how to live life the smart way. Right from his birth in a prison cell, his life has been full of mighty challenges. But as a liberated
soul Lord Krishna smiled his way through lifes situations unaffected. Behind his responses and smiles lies a philosophy that he
personally advised to many of his close friends and devotees. What is this philosophy that will help us look at life through Lord
Krishnas eyes?
"Throughout his life, Lord Krishna had to face different
crises that arose like waves, one after the other. Even then,
not once was his countenance clouded by sorrow. He faced
every diffculty under the sun, but there was no place for
sorrow in Shri Krishna's presence. He was the embodiment
of bliss. In his company everyone rejoiced, forgetting all
else. In his presence they tasted the bliss of the Self"
Mt Amritnandamayi on Lord Krishna
here is a sample of some
timeless wisdom from the
Those who are wise grieve
neither for the living nor for the dead
Without being attached to the
fruits of activities, one should act
as a matter of duty, for by working
without attachment one attains the
"You have a right to perform your
prescribed action, but you are not
entitled to the fruits of your action.
Never consider yourself the cause
of the results of your activities. Nor
should you be attached to inaction."
As a person abandons worn-
out clothes and acquires new ones,
so when the body is worn out a new
one is acquired by the Self, who lives
For him, who has conquered the
mind, the mind is the best of friends;
but for one who has failed to do so; his
mind will remain the greatest enemy
As the blazing fre reduces wood
to ashes, similarly, the fre of Self-
knowledge reduces all Karma to
Little by little, through patience
and repeated effort, the mind will
become stilled in the Self
The mind acts like an enemy for
those who do not control it
Man is made by his belief. As he
believes, so he is
Better indeed is knowledge than
mechanical practice. Better than
knowledge is meditation. But better
still is surrender of attachment to
results, because there follows imme-
diate peace.
The power of God is with you
at all times; through the activities of
mind, senses, breathing, and emo-
tions; and is constantly doing all the
work using you as a mere instrument
Though Lord Krishna advised
according to the ability of the
person, there is a philosophy that
one can make out from his advice.
Many liberated masters, think-
ers and scholars confrm that his
advice as in the Holy Git pretty
much summarises his philosophy,
which is not different to the ve-
dantic declarations. The Vednta
teacher Swmi Chinmaynanda
often said, "With the Gita, Shri
Krishna took the knowledge of the
Upanishads down from the Hima-
layas and into the marketplace."
About the Holy Git Swmi
Shivnanda remarks: The Git
gives you practical lessons to reg-
ulate your daily life and conduct.
It tells you how to overcome the
above enemies, how to develop the
divine virtues which will help you
to attain God-consciousness. The
message of the Gita is the message
of sacrifce, love and duty. Love
all. Share what you have with
others. Do your duties well. Rise
above petty likes and dislikes.
Keep open the portals of your
heart by removing selfshness,
greed and lust, so that the Supreme
Lord Himself may come and dwell
therein. These are the lessons of
the Git.
In its entirety, the Holy Git
with the commentaries written
by many saints and teachers
like Acharya Shankar, Shri
Rmnuja, Shri Mdhava and
many others has the philosophy,
which can dispel our ignorance. It
is this very philosophy of the Gita
that can help us to look at life dif-
No wonder Arjuna said at the
end of the Git discourse that
Destroyed is my delusion, as I
have now gained my knowledge
through your grace. I am frm; my
doubts are gone.
Happy Janmshtami.
How to look at life through Krishnas eyes?


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Mumbai: Actor-turned-flmmaker
Deepa Sahi recently made new hunk
of B- town Jagrat Desai strip in -2C
temperature at Rohtang Pass.
Jagrat, who makes his debut in
Bollywood with Sahis Tere Mere
Phere, had a freezing experience in
Himachal Pradesh.
The scene involved Jagrat Desai
and Sasha Goradia newly married
couple involved in a huge fght,
and Jagrat task was to cheer up his
upset newlywed bride. That sounded
simple enough till he heard the plans
of director Sahi.
She wanted Jagrat to strip for the
sequence in freezing temperature
of Himachal Pradesh. Jagrat went
numb just with the thought itself, as
Sasha also developed goose pimples
thinking if Deepa Sahi had some
crazy tasks in store for her too!!!
Sahi wanted this comic scene
to be absolutely whacky just like
Jagrats character but flled with
love and romance in it as the young
couple is out on their honeymoon
She came up with this cool idea
that sent shivers down Jagrats spine.
Said Sahi: We were supposed
to do a song shoot in beautiful loca-
tion of Rohtang Pass but I wanted
to try something that is wacky with
this young full of life couple. Seeing
both of them in their warm coats
gave me this weird thought that what
if have to ask them to take a dip in
the water.
"But then I thought it was really
unrealistic and hence the naughty
idea of getting Jagrat to take off
his trousers and shirt in a spur of
moment and doing a jig to patio his
wife." Newbie Jagrat had no choice
but perform it to the hilt for his task-
Putting up a brave act I tried my
best to so there are not many retakes,
fortunately the shot came out ex-
tremely well but will never be able to
forget this freezing shoot," he said.
The movie has been shot in Hi-
machal Pradesh and it was diffcult
to shoot in extremely low tempera-
tures and Deepaji wanted me to strip
for this scene which was being shot
at Rohtang. When we reached the
location the temperature was minus
2 C and I had to take off my t-shirt,
drop my pants and perform a gig
only in boxers.
The wind felt as if it was pierc-
ing my body but all thanks to the
Deepaji, she had ensured there were
heavy woolens blankets and shawls
to cover me up instantly," he
"With the sound of Deepaji
said 'cut', crew ran towards me and
covered me. The bon fre and hot
tea took care of me and the chilling
weather thereafter.
"So apart from the physical chal-
lenge, tough job was to be romantic
and have a happy expression please
my love," he said.
Sahi's directorial debut Tere
Mere Phere is romantic road trip
comedy with loads of action and
thrill. The story is a road trip
comedy that unfolds in the pictur-
esque valley of Himachal so most of
its shooting happened in the beauti-
ful mountain range.
Tere Mere Phere is releasing on
30th September.
Deepa Sahi makes newcomer strip
Indian Weekender | august 19, 2011 | 25
Mumbai: Aamir Khan fans can now
expect their favourite star taking up
a new challenge as rumours say that
he will be seen playing the iconic
screen character of 'Munna Bhai' in
the upcoming flms of the franchise.
Khan, one of Bollywood's most
critically acclaimed actors, will
replace an ageing Sanjay Dutt who
has played the character in the frst
two flms of the much-loved series,
media reports said.But it will not
only be Aamir who will be seen
delivering the teasing dialogues
in lovable gunman's style that has
become a cult, as viewers will also
reportedly see a new Circuit, Munna
Bhai's trusted sidekick, in the up-
coming movie of the series.
The character Munna Bhai's as-
sistant named 'Circuit', which was
played by actor Arshad Warsi in
the last two flms of the series will
be replaced by actor Sharman Joshi,
media reports said.
It is speculated that director Raj-
kumar Hirani had decided to replace
Sanjay Dutt and Arshad Warsi while
shooting for the flm '3 Idiots' that
featured both Aamir Khan and
Sharman Joshi in the lead roles.
Both Aamir and Sharman had
entertained the fans in the hugely
popular flm '3 Idiots' and it will be
interesting to see how they perform
as the marked screen pair of Munna
and Circuit.
Khan will also be seen stun-
ning his fans in the third flm of
the adrenaline rushing 'Dhoom 3'.
Sanjay Dutt and Arshad Warshi
featured in the frst two flms of
the Munnabhai franchise titled
'Munna Bhai MBBS' and 'Lage
Raho Munna Bhai'. The flms were
directed by Rajkumar Hirani and
produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra.
The next flm of the Munnabhai
series is tentatively titled 'Munna
Bhai Chale Amerika' .
Aamir-Sharman to play
Munnabhai, Circuit
Mumbai: \Marking the Indian independence day, popular entertainment
channel UTV Bindass has created a special music video that show-
cases the woes and troubles that the people of this sixty four years old
country face everyday.
Titled Kahey Ka Freedom, the video represents the motto of a pro-
active youth, who dares to question and stand by what he believes in.
The song features Aaliyah Khan and former miss India Natasha Suri,
who are currently anchors of UTV Bindass.
The music video was frst telecast on Aug 15 and then aired for the
entire week.
UTV Bindass launches
I-Day music video
Mumbai: B-town is abuzz with
rumors that latest arch-rivals
Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt have
fnally settled their differences and
made peace after an earlier fall out
during Maanyatas birthday bash.
Its heard that all this happened
after Salmans manager Reshma
Shetty helped them resolve and
repair their differences.
Reports suggest Salman was
planning to back out of celebrity
reality show Bigg Boss since he
didnt want to co-host the show with
Sanjay. Meanwhile, Reshma, who
didnt want the reigning superstar
to leave the show, decided to act as
peacemaker between them.
Incidentally, the lady got Sanjay
the Bigg Boss deal after Salman
coaxed her for it. And now, Reshma
is in no mood to lose the deal that
she smoothly played as a mediator
for them to co-host.
Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt fght over
Even as millions of Indians and
NRIs were celebrating the Indian
Independence day (on 15th Aug)
veteran Bollywood lead actor
Shammi Kapoors mortal remains
were being consigned to fames on
the funeral pyre at the sacred Baan-
ganga crematorium in Mumbai.
A large number of movie lumi-
naries including Amitabh Bach-
chan, Aamir Khan,Vinod Khanna,
Shatrughan Sinha and celebrity di-
rectors like Subhash Ghai , Prakash
Jha, and Ketan Desai ( Shammis
son-in-law) with his close buddy
business baron Anil Ambani were
seen offering their heartfelt condo-
lences to the bereaved Kapoor khan-
daan especially his actor-son Aditya
Mickey Kapoor, who seemed emo-
tionally shattered.
Tears welled in Adityas eyes
as he reacted, While the Indian
showbiz industry has lost an inspir-
ing acting icon, and his fans have
lost their favourite matinee-idol, I
have lost my beloved father who was
often like a mentor-friend for me.
But I am confdent Papa will remain
immortal thru his movie-songs and
screen-performances, mumbled
Aditya in a choked voice.
Recalls veteran actress Sharmila
Tagore who played the romantic lead
opposite the late Shammi in mile-
stone movies An Evening in Paris
and Kashmir Ki Kali.
Always full of life and vibrant
energy he was a natural unique
performer. With an innate music
sense and fabulous body-rhythm
his spontaneous dance movements
were always a delight to watch. It
was Shammi-ji who taught me how
to correctly lip-sync to on-screen
playback songs. Although in the
recent years, he was ailing ( from
chronic renal failure) never did
he allow himself to be depressed.
Instead ,he was living life king-size
with cheerful optimism, which is
rather exemplary. The charismatic
actor who became synonymous with
the Yahoo yell with his chartbuster
song Chaahe Koi Mujhe Junglee
Kahe had jokingly quipped to this
correspondent, never did I imagine
that several decades later, Yahoo
would be such a global cyber entity.
If I had the slightest hunch I would
have copyrighted it.
Not many are aware that Sham-
sher Raj Kapoor (thats his actual
original name) despite his advanc-
ing age, was computer-savvy and
adept at computers. The famboyant
tech-savvy Kapoor was the found-
er-chairman of the Internet Users
Community of India and even spear-
headed crusades to combat hacking
and piracy.
Veteran actress-cum-classical
danseuse Asha Parekh, whom he
serenaded in movies like the all-
time musical blockbuster Teesri
Manzil besides Dil Tera Deewana
and Pagla Kahin Ka recalls his
awesome agile body language at
vibrant songs which he would in-
variably choreograph himself. Even
when Shammi-ji had to stand still
while dancing, he would prove to
be a scene-stealer with subtle
antics and comic expressions and
his trade-mark head tilts and body-
sway While mock playing musical
instruments (like drums, guitar and
trumpet) as part of the musical inter-
lude picturisation in Teesri Manzil,
for instance, he would ensure that
he added absolute authenticity as
if he was actually playing those
notes or beats. In fact he was a crit-
ic-connoisseur of flm music, she
Referring to several rockroll
songs which she danced with him
on-screen especially Oh Haseena
Zulfonwali and Aaja Aaja from
Teesri Manzil madame Parekh
agrees that he was the Indian version
of Elvis Presley. For me, Shammi-
ji was the original Indian rock-star.
By nature he was always caring and
protective. We will all miss him so
much, she signs off.
Thespian character-actor Pran
recalls that Shammi was one of
those few and frst actors who never
used a dummy-duplicate during his
stunt action scenes. He was an ad-
venturous rebel-actor who would
love to defy convention. A lovable
human being, I will always cherish
fond memories of my association
with him, nods Pran as he makes a
saluting gesture.
shammi Kapoor was
ChaItaNya PadukoNe
Always full of life and vibrant
energy he was a natural unique
performer. With an innate music
sense and fabulous body-rhythm his
spontaneous dance movements
were always a delight to watch
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Indian Weekender | august 19, 2011 | 27
Clothing did not evolve merely to
mask a particular part of the body.
Across the international spectrum,
there are conspicuous inconsisten-
cies about which parts of the body
people elect to cover, if they choose
any part at all. In some places, the
the feet are to be covered for the sake
of modesty. In other places, women's
lips are believed to be so seductive
that wearing veils in public is im-
Everywhere, customs and tradi-
tions symbolically confrm human
uniqueness in the biological world.
Some maintain this dichotomy by
equating public nudity with bestial-
ity. But things are changing. Over
the last 10 years, the Indian audi-
ence, specially the Y generation,
has developed a liberal approach
towards body display in flms,
though not so much on television
except on the news channels that
generously display clippings from
Indian flms with partially clothed
men and women. But public display
of the human form with minimum or
no clothing still evokes disgust and
ridicule making viewers feel uncom-
But the private, in some sense in-
timate and dark interiors of a theatre
hall, strips us of our socially condi-
tioned inhibitions. Filmmakers bank
on this voyeuristic trait and insert
scenes in their flms based on the
viewer being absolved of a sense
of guilt while watching what he/she
apparently should not watch. Indian
flmmakers are testing the waters of
morality that is forever in a state of
fux. Live-in relationships and pre-
marital sex are out in the open while
homosexuality is now talked about
as alternative sexual orientation.
Yet, revealing of the barest essen-
tials, specially in case of the female,
remains a big no-no.
The problem with nudity
partial or entire - in Indian cinema
is that the aesthetics of beauty is
not considered even when a flm
like Rang Rasiya presents it as an
element essential to the content. The
flm is the story of the once severely
criticised painter Raja Ravi Verma
(1848-1906) who painted without
inhibition though he was distanced
from the late M.F. Husain by nearly
a century. The flm has been adapted
from the Marathi biographical
novel Raja Ravi Varma by Ranjit
Desai. Ironically, Raja Ravi Varma
is not famous for painting women
in the nude. He is renowned for his
paintings of mythological women
wearing the sari. Many of his paint-
ings, however, display the women in
white translucent saris that reveal
more than they conceal, proving his
belief in the artists freedom of ex-
or Not To
and attract both male and female
viewers? Was Mandakinis shower
bath under the waterfalls wearing
a transparent white sari in Raj Ka-
poors Ram Teri Ganga Maili neces-
sary to the form and content of the
flm? It was aimed at the box offce
and it hit the target right on. What
kind of aesthetics did we discover
in Bipasha Basus slow walking out
of the waves of the sea barely clothed
in Jism that made her famous over-
In a recent tribute to the late M.F.
Husain, economist Ashok Mitra in
an article in The Telegraph news-
paper commented on the tragedy
of a painter being thrown out of his
home country for having painted the
Goddess Saraswati in the nude while
crowds of Indian and international
tourists continue queue up to ogle
at the frescoes of Khajuraho (built
around the 10th and 11th Century
A.D.), Ajanta and Ellora in the
country that is famous for Vatsaya-
nas Kamasutra. The present form of
the text was compiled in the second
century BC. These heritage frescoes
generously display well-endowed,
voluptuous women, whose breasts
are covered only with heavy jewel-
Conrad Rooks Siddhartha (1972)
based on Herman Hesses novel of
the same name shot by Sven Nykvist
starred Shashi Kapoor and Simi
Garewal. It was about the young
Siddhartha, born into aristocracy
who sets out in search of the true
meaning of life and wanders through
the worlds of harsh asceticism,
sensual pleasures and the like. Simi
Garewal plays his sensual consort
and is shown wearing only jewel-
lery to cover her body. This created
a furor in the Censor Board at that
time because in those days, kissing
too was not permitted on screen.
Garewal reportedly took the case to
court claiming that she was wearing
something under loads of jewellery.
She reportedly lost which is a pity.
The Indian audience missed out on
one of the most brilliantly cinema-
tographed nude scenes on an Indian
story shot by one of the best camera-
men the world has ever produced.
Attitudes toward nudity may
change dramatically from one gen-
eration to another within the same
society. Though the Central Board
of Film Certifcation raised issues
about Nandana Sens scenes in Rang
Rasiya, Hindi flms with their item
songs that reveal expanses of thigh
and cleavage in hip swinging and
cleavage heaving gestures per-
formed to bawdy lyrics cheerfully
entertain the new generation audi-
ence in flms and approved by the
Censor Board. Anyone wants to talk
about aesthetics?
The flm is about the painters
deep involvement with his muse,
Sugandha portrayed by Nandana
Sen who, incidentally, is a Harvard
graduate, daughter of Nobel Laure-
ate Amartya Sen and renowned lit-
trateur and academic Nabaneeta
Deb Sen. I had to expose for a few
scenes in this flm but I consented
because I felt that the scenes were
integral to the context of the story
and the character and was executed
extremely well. It was not an easy
decision for me but by the time
the shots were taken, I had made
myself thoroughly comfortable,
says Nandana. One wide angle shot
shows a bare breast of a skimpily
clad Sen who did a similar scene in
Tango Charlie some years ago.
On the other hand, the aesthet-
ics of nudity gets a short shrift in
the world of Indian advertising and
flms. Calendars bank on skimp-
ily clad beautiful women to make a
fashion statement. Was the Madhu
Sapre-Milind Soman embrace in the
buff with a serpent coiled around
their seemingly writhing bodies
aesthetic? Or was it meant to titillate
In the wake of Ketan Mehtas Rang Rasiya winning
the Audience Prize at the London Indian Film
Festival, the issue of nudity in cinema surfaces once
again. Made in 2008, the film is yet to be released in
India reflecting the ambivalent attitude of the Censor
Board towards nudity in films. Shoma A. Chatterji
explores the issue
Mumbai: Garnier, Indias leading skin and hair
expert, has announced actor Karisma Kapoor as
the brand ambassador of its Color Naturals range.
Kapoor will be seen endorsing permanent
cream hair colour Garnier Color Naturals range in
new print and television campaign.
Speaking on the occasion, Kapoor said, It is
an absolute pleasure to be associated with a global
brand like Garnier. I have been using the Garnier
Color Naturals range for a very long time and now
to be a part of and represent the brand in India is
complete bliss.
Talking about the association, Richa Singh
Marketing Manager, Garnier India said, For
Garnier, having Karisma Kapoor as a brand ambas-
sador is an absolute delight as she stands for every-
thing Garnier & Garnier Color Naturals represents.
She is a complete woman."
Karisma Kapoor to endorse
28 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |
Mumbai: The title song of 'Mere
Brother Ki Dulhan left everyone
charmed and captivated during the
music release event of the flm that
was held on Tuesday at YRF Studios
in Mumbai. The event went on along
the same lines as that of the theme of
the movie - fun and endearing.
The music launch event also saw
the stars of Mere Brother ki Dulhan
perform to these two numbers.
Imran Khan danced away to the title
track while the 'boldest dulhan' as
Katrina Kaif appears in the movie,
performed on 'Dhunki' track.
Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, is the
50th movie to be released under
the YRF banner, Sohail Sen as the
music director has kept the songs
light and well in-sync with the
mood of the movie. The songs and
lyrics are quirky and meaningful at
the same time and are an instant hit
with the youth who connect to them
'Mere Brother ki Dulhan' has a
lot to look forward to and with the
music release itself being a success,
expectations from the movie have
only risen further.
'Mere Brother Ki Dulhan' music
Mere Brother Ki Dulhan
on Blackberry
Mumbai: Yash Raj Films has
launched an innovative campaign
to promote Imran Khan-Katrina
Kaif starrer movie Mere Brother
Ki Dulhan via Blackberry BBM.
Mere Brother Ki Dulhan will
be the frst Bollywood flm ever to
cash in on the latest craze that has
gripped the nation Instant Mes-
With the number of people
who exchange their BB PIN daily,
Yash Raj Films looks to establish
a connect with a large part of the
countrys mobile population.
As part of their campaign,
fans connected through Black-
Berry will receive direct updates,
messages and exclusive content
about the movie and the stars
and can stay connected with the
movie on-the-go.
This innovation allows Yash
Raj Films to not only reach out to
a larger captive audience base but
also have their campaign working
on one of the fastest, relevant and
relatable medium of communi-
cation in todays mobile driven
To connect with the stars of
Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, either
add PIN: 227BFE3C or scan this
barcode to get the latest updates,
said an offcial spokesperson on
Mumbai: Akshay Kumars stars
have surely been shining brightly.
Being on the cover page of In-
dias two popular flm magazines,
in a month, wasnt distinguishing
enough that now the prestigious
international publication, People
Magazine, has bestowed Akshay
with the Fittest Body title.
Akshay Kumar, as usual
though, remains highly modest
about the honour that has been
bestowed upon him, saying, Im
not what you call good-looking.
Our industry just happens to have
excellent directors of photogra-
But the fact remains that the
actor has always been lauded as
one of the fttest Bollywood actors
around and his co-actors, as we
hear, have often run to him for ft-
ness tips and mantras.
Appreciating him for his
all-rounder image, the Peo-
ple magazine undoubtedly
believes in Akshays athlet-
ic looks as they had even
named him as the Sexiest
Man Alive in 2008.
Akshay Kumar thus dons
the cover of the People mag-
azine for this months edition
as he speaks about his ft-
ness mantra and reveals the
secret behind his lean and
powerful body.
Sexiest Man Alive, Fittest
Body, AK fans can now ea-
gerly await the next title that
he shall will honored with!
Anything on the wishlist
Akshay Kumar has
the fttest body?
Mumbai: When you are a celebrity
and are followed by the hawk-like
eyes of the paparazzi 24/7, there is
nothing that you do which will be
termed as normal or which shall not
make headlines.
It is for celebs thus, that the web
engine Whosay was formed and it
on this site that actor Bollywood
Akshay Kumar launches himself.
Whosay is an exclusive platform
meant only for celebs that works on
an invite-only basis.
Until now, Shah Rukh Khan was
the only Indian celebrity on this
platform and joining him now is our
very own, Akshay Khiladi Kumar
who has already put up his frst post
on the all-exclusive celeb social
website Whosay.
All of Akshay Kumars social
properties can now be accessed by
his fans from all over the world on
Whosay including his latest tweet
and photo from the sets of Rowdy
Rathore. As a site meant only for
celebrities, the issue of authenticity
vanishes from the picture and for
Akshay Kumar to launch himself on
Whosay it speaks volumes of how
he has truly emerged as a global
star, standing tall among world ce-
lebrities as well.
Akshay Kumar now on Whosay
Whats your defnition of being sexy?
I think being sexy is a state of mind. Espe-
cially for a woman, its the way you feel;
how confdent you feel in your skin. Once
that confdence is established within you, its
done. What men feel sexy about you might be
because you are confdent and have a strong
personality. Being sexy is not about skin,
fgure and all thataccording to me at least.
May be I am wrong, men would know better.
Do you think you are sexy?
I dont think thats something I can comment
on. (Smiles)
Now-a-days most of the covers you
shoot are very sensuous. For example,
the one you shot for Maxim. What do
you have to say about that?
I dont know what to say. (Pauses). As for the
Maxim one, it was a very confdently shot sen-
suous cover. Its not something outrageous
thats not how I want to pose myself. It was a
good photoshoot and a well-turned out cover.
Unlike your contemporaries, we
hardly see you in revealing clothes
(except the bikini act in Badmaash
Company). Comment.
If experimenting is only about clothes, then I
will defnitely not don a bikini for any flm.
I dont think clothes are such a huge part of
flms; its not modelling where clothes defne
the whole presentation. In flms, clothes are a
part of character-building and if I am playing
certain character that needs to wear certain
kinds of garments, then I would. I dont like to
believe that clothes decide the fate of my flms.
I take my job very seriously, that is, acting. For
me, anything that helps me build my charac-
ter, be it make up, hair, styling, I would take
that step and make sure that I am portraying
my character convincingly. I have done a flm
like Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, and one Badmaash
Company and also a flm like Band Baaja
Baaraat. I dont take clothes as a medium of
presenting myself to people. Its really the
roles I try to essay that matters.
So thats the reason you refused
to wear a bikini in your upcoming
flm Ladies vs Ricky Bahl (opposite
Ranveer Singh)?
As I saidit (wearing bikini) was not impor-
tant for my character in the flm.
What do you think about the growing
friendship between Ranveer Singh
and Sonakshi Sinha?
You should ask Ranveer Singh on his friend-
ship with Sonakshi Sinha. I cant comment on
their friendship.
Are you single?
Absolutely. Right now I am not interested in
men. In fact, I am not interested in fnding one
for myself. I would want the guy to come and
fnd me.
What qualities are you looking in a
I would like my man to be very self-assured,
very confdent and he should be able to
handle the success of his partner, that means,
me. He should be very supporting and I will
be supporting to him as well. Its a give-and-
take relationshipwhat I expect out of him, I
will provide him as well. This is the most im-
portant thing in a man-woman relationship.
Right now, I have not got any guy and at the
moment, I am not even expecting someone
in my life.
right now I am not
interested in men
Post Band Baaja Baaraat, Anushka Sharma has become
every mans fantasy; so much so that the 23-year-old
was recently chosen as the cover girl for international
mens magazine Maxim. The actor chats up correspon-
dent Sreya Basu in Mumbai
Financial planning is important for
every one of us. Be it debt plan-
ning, personal risk planning or in-
vestment planning, sound fnancial
advice can help you in big way to
increase and protect your wealth.
The fnancial success does not
depend only on great income, but
also on sound fnancial planning.
The fnancial markets are fckle.
To achieve higher returns, you need
to take more risk. Everyone will
like to turn $10,000 investment into
$100,000 quickly. But there will be
very few who will like to take a risk
of losing this $10,000 in pursuit of
multiplying these by 10 times. So
your expectations must be realistic.
It is also a fact that without taking
risk, we can do nothing.
In the words of Evel Knivel, a
motorcyclist stuntman, Risk is
good. Not protecting your risk is
a dangerous leap (source: AMP
Capital Investors magazine for ad-
visers and investors.
Though no fnancial adviser can
give you fool proof advice, a good
fnancial adviser will try to mini-
mise the risks for you by gaining an
understanding of your particular
fnancial situation, by understand-
ing your income earning capacity,
by understanding your risk profle,
by understanding your risk absorb-
ing capacity, by understanding your
particular fnancial goals. To be in
a position to give you better advice,
the fnancial advisor needs to be
provided with full fnancial infor-
A Financial Adviser can help
you give a direction for future so
that you can manage your debt in
a better way, have optimum tax
structure, have good asset protec-
tion structure, make best use of re-
tirement investment opportunities
provided by your employer, main-
tain adequate liquidity and having
adequate protections in place to
ward off any adverse fnancial cir-
Even if you think you know
about fnance, you cannot beat the
advice of a good fnancial adviser.
With effect from July 1, 2011,
the Financial Advisers Act has
come into effect in New Zealand.
Under this Act, there are three
types of fnancial advisers.
The Registered Financial Advis-
ers (RFAs) can give you advice only
on category 2 fnancial products.
Then there are advisers who
work for Qualifying Financial
Entities (QFEs), these are com-
panies like banks and insurance
companies. These are the advisers
who can give you advice basically
about the products their employers
sell and cannot give you advice in
respect of category 1 products sold
by other companies/fnancial insti-
The third category of Advisers
comprises those who can give you
advice on both category 1 and cat-
egory 2 products. These are Autho-
rised Financial Advisers (AFAs).
If you are looking for complete f-
nancial advice, then these advisers
are most suited to you. Of course,
you should choose an AFA who has
got sound and up to date knowledge
of fnancial products. Ultimately
proper knowledge and proper guid-
ance greatly enhance your chances
of fnancial success.
Ravi Mehta is an Auckland
based Authorised Financial
Advisor (AFA) and can be con-
tacted on ravi.mehta@pfsl. A disclosure statement
under Securities Markets Act
relating to his services is avail-
able on request and is free of
Why do you need a Financial Adviser?
ravI mehta
even if you think you know
about finance, you cannot
beat the advice of a good
financial adviser.
We all know that the future is uncertain. When we
look at the present economic conditions prevailing
around globe, this statement looks even truer.
I believe very strongly in the welfare state.
When I was growing up, my mother was
on the Widows Beneft for a time and we
lived in a state house. Im really grateful
for the opportunities the welfare state
gave me.
But as a country, we need to have a
hard look at where the welfare system
has got to. I dont think our welfare sys-
tem today is what its architects had in
mind. Thats why National has a new ap-
proach to reduce long-term beneft de-
Our frst step is focused on young
people. We are making this group one of
our priorities. It is worth investing more
money up front, when these kids are
young, to get them back on track.
The changes I announced are in two
First, were putting in place a system
of guidance and support for all disen-
gaged 16- and 17- year olds.
Schools will be required to tell us
when a 16- or 17- year old leaves during
the year. We need to keep track of these
young people, so we can intervene early
to help those most at risk of ending up
dependent on welfare.
Well then fund organisations such
as NGOs and private providers to sup-
port and mentor these kids. We are go-
ing to walk alongside these kids to help
them back into some form of education,
or training so they are better placed to
move into the workforce, and not onto a
beneft. Thats why were also boosting
the number of places in training such as
the Youth Guarantee and Trade Acad-
Second, were going to provide com-
prehensive and concentrated support
for these vulnerable teens. Were going
to take a more hands-on approach to
young people on benefts, with the ex-
ception of those on the Invalids Beneft.
This includes helping them manage
their money within their budget. Were
also going to make sure they meet their
obligations, which includes getting into
education, training or work. And we are
going to ensure they attend programmes
if required, such as budgeting or parent-
ing programmes.
This is the frst of our changes to the
welfare system. We are working our
way through the extensive list of recom-
mendations from the Welfare Working
Groups report, and well be announcing
more policy soon.
Im confdent these extra support ser-
vices, balanced with fresh expectations
for young people to be in education,
training or work will make a difference.
PrIme mINIster JohN key
Building a better
welfare system
40 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland
P: 09 908 2440 / 021 256 8484
* Conditions apply
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Indian Weekender | august 19, 2011 | 31
Preheat oven to 180C.
Take 23cm round cake pan. Grease the
pan with little butter and dust it with the
Beat butter and sugar with an electric
mixer until light and fuffy and pale in co-
lour. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing
well after each addition. Beat in vanilla
and lemon zest.
Sift together the four, baking powder
and salt then add to the butter mixture
with the lemon juice, and mix all them
Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes
1- Cup powder sugar
2tbsp- lemon juice
In a bowl mix Lemon juice and sugar.
Pour it on top of the cake (cake should
be at room temperature).
By Ruby Dhillon
Tip: Do not use low-fat butter as
it has more water content and will
give a poor result.
200g-Caster sugar
4- Eggs
1tsp- Vanilla essence
Zest of one large lemon
260- Flour
2tsp- Baking powder
tsp- Salt
60ml- Lemon juice
The portion sizes underwent a
makeover and have been expand-
ing; unfortunately we fail to notice
this and are eating large portions.
We often think bigger serves
are better; we prefer to feel we are
getting the best value for money
- Are we? Especially, when our
calorie intake has increased and we
are being set up for health problems
in the foreseeable future.
The health cost of such pleth-
ora is high. Not only people who
overeat, are likely to become over-
weight but also face a higher risk of
contracting medical complexities
like high blood pressure, high cho-
lesterol, type 2 diabetes, bone and
joint problems, breathing and sleep-
ing problems and even depression.
So what can be done to take
back control?
A good place to start is to eat
smart, understand the ideal portion
size and look for healthier options.
Eating smaller portion sizes is
one of the easiest ways to control
but can also be a huge challenge, es-
pecially in the current environment
where the popular belief is Big is
Another challenge is eating out,
this can lead to stress and anxiety
especially amongst those individu-
als who are managing or trying to
reduce weight.
The key to eating out is aware-
ness; decide what and how much
you are going to eat before taking
the plunge. Once the meal is served
ascertain if the size is right for
you, as mentioned earlier serving
sizes nowadays are massive. Share
your meals, from starters to the
main course, pick your share and
leave the rest either for your eating
partner or get this packed and enjoy
the next day.
When at a buffet - take your
pick, fll your plate with salads and
fruits and be cautious of high fat
dressed salads, watch your servings
and helpings. Do not get infuenced
by colleagues when in a group.
Exercise self control and learn to
enjoy your meal. Do not get carried
away gossiping or watching a show
while you eat, you may keep eating
till you realise it was a bit too much!
Stop before the guilt creeps in.
l When eating out opt for salad
sandwiches or salad flled rolls
or kebabs, Avoid burgers, if have
to, then choose a regular burger
instead of the large or the double
burger , replace fries with fruits,
pick a salad, ask for half the
amount of dressing.
l Order a small drink or select a
healthier option.
l Never eat from the pack.
When snacking, place a few
chips or crackers in a small
bowl to avoid overeating, always
choose a small size.
l Buy single / smaller portions of
snack foods to avoid temptation.
l Use half the amount of cheese or
cream than you usually do and
choose the lower-fat options.
l Ideally fll yourself with some-
thing healthier and avoid being
at a food joint starved.
l Continue to exercise and com-
pensate for your days intake - if
you had a heavy lunch , go light
at dinner
l Avoid creamy / oily curries, go
for simple tomato or tandoor
based options.
And fnally, enjoy your meal and
ensure you do get right back on
track and burn off the extra calo-
ries...till next timetake care, eat
and be healthy.
This article is a general guide-
line ONLY, if you have any medical
condition and for individual condi-
tions you should consult a health
professional or your medical prac-
titioner immediately.
Varsha Asrani is a New Zealand
Registered Dietitian. For personal
consultation or any question, sug-
gestion or views please email her
Varsha Asrani is a New
Zealand Registered Dietitian. For
personal consultation or any ques-
tion, suggestion or views please
email her on info@varshaasrani.
Super Size The facts
varsha asraNI
Super-size is the in-thing, from television screens to food plates everything is
served super large. While this may be good in certain aspects, a super sized diet
is an area of profound concern.
32 Indian Weekender | August 19, 2011 |

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