Narrative Format

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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Tel No: (078) 304-1205 (loc. 028, 032)


OJT Narrative
<Your Name Here>
On-The-Job Trainee
CSU Vision
Please share your OJT experience here through a narrative format. Write your
Transforming lives by
educating for the experiences in a 1.5 spacing, Century Gothic, size 12, long bond paper. Use the following
guide questions to share your piece per paragraph. Delete this paragraph if you are done
Paragraph 1- Describe your assigned department or functional area and how it fits into
the total organization. Include the Name and address of your Agency. Briefly describe the
nature of service it provides to its clienteles. Specify the Unit/Division of your assignment and
CSU Mission your specific or everyday job.
CSU is committed to Paragraph 2 - Describe the structure, methods of operation and facilities within your
transform the lives of people
and communities through
high quality instruction and department or functional area.
innovative research,
development, production and
extension. Paragraph 3 - How does your assigned role or position fit into the Unit/Division?
Paragraph 4 - Summarize how you spent the hours during your practicum including the
specific accomplishments.
Paragraph 5 - What challenges did you face? And how did you address these challenges?
(give at least 2 examples)
Paragraph 6 - What are your successes and the effects of those successes?
Paragraph 7. c. What content from your subject/coursework did you apply to your
experience? What courses did you find most helpful? Name at least 3 examples.
Core Values
Paragraph 8 - What have I learned from the experience? (IT related)
Paragraph 9 – Describe your experiences with the people around me.
Social Responsibility
Unifying Presence Paragraph 10 - The most memorable event during my practicum
Paragraph 11 - What can you recommend for the improvement of the OJT Program?
Give at least 2 recommendations.
Paragraph 12 - Your advice to those who will take their practicum in the near future.
Provide/Include 3 pages of photos, having 2 photos per page. Select the best pictures
supporting your narrative.

OJT Narrative
Mark Anthony S. Baltazar
On-The-Job Trainee

Please share your OJT experience here through a narrative format. Write your
experiences in a 1.5 spacing, Century Gothic, size 12, long bond paper. Use the following

CICS Goal : The College shall produce competent ICS professionals with strong technical education and
research capabilities coupled with application-oriented perspective to ensure
that they can effectively serve the needs of individuals and organizations.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Tel No: (078) 304-1205 (loc. 028, 032)


guide questions to share your piece per paragraph. Delete this paragraph if you are done
Paragraph 1- Describe your assigned department or functional area and how it fits into
the total organization. Include the Name and address of your Agency. Briefly describe the
CSU Vision
nature of service it provides to its clienteles. Specify the Unit/Division of your assignment and
Transforming lives by
educating for the your specific or everyday job.

Amulung Water District is the agency that I have chosen to have my On-The-Job
Training. It was the AMWADI Office that is located at Centro Amulung Cagayan. It is a
local corporate entity that operates and maintains water supply system in this
municipality, it is classified as Government Owned Controlled organization, It was an
CSU Mission agency that provides information regarding water consumption, billing transactions and

CSU is committed to
other information’s with regards to water .It is very essential as an organization since it
transform the lives of people
and communities through
high quality instruction and
makes life easier for people living in the municipality. As an On the Job Trainee of this
innovative research,
development, production and
organization I usually stay in the Computer Section area.

Paragraph 2 - Describe the structure, methods of operation and facilities within your
department or functional area.

AMWADI is open for Individual Household Connections; it also enhances water supply
facilities or commercial operations. It is divided into different areas to improve and
Core Values provide quality service. It is comprise of BENCHMARK OF WATER UTILITY
Competence MODELS. We have the Local Government Units(LGU), Water Districts , and Private
Social Responsibility
Unifying Presence Operators. Behind this benchmarks are people, materials and facilities that worked
together in order to run the department properly. As a trainee in this department I was
assigned in a specific area where I concentrate in creating a webpage as a task given, this
helps the department in having an easy access on all necessary things that are needed .I
also helped in providing information for customers who inquires in applying Water
Paragraph 3 - How does your assigned role or position fit into the Unit/Division?
Being an On the Job Trainee of this organization it enhances my learning’s since it
involves me in practical “hands-on” experience. It has shown me the reality of life after
finishing school .Working and creating codes requires comprehension which fits my
ability to do so.

Paragraph 4 - Summarize how you spent the hours during your practicum including the
specific accomplishments.

CICS Goal : The College shall produce competent ICS professionals with strong technical education and
research capabilities coupled with application-oriented perspective to ensure
that they can effectively serve the needs of individuals and organizations.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Tel No: (078) 304-1205 (loc. 028, 032)


Most of the days in our first week I spend my time in fixing and checking the system that
we have install (Our capstone System) and the following week I inputted the Customers
Data and their previous records in the system. We also designed a new Agency LOGO
which they are using right now; I also created a simple webpage for the agency in which
CSU Vision
will soon be uploaded after checking by the LUWA.
Transforming lives by
educating for the
Paragraph 5 - What challenges did you face? And how did you address these challenges?
(give at least 2 examples)
The working world is a jungle and being an On the Job trainee is a challenge for
every student, there are always challenges to face. One of the major challenges I have
encountered was the versions of applications in their Computers do not fit or not
CSU Mission compatible with the system that I have installed so I have adjusted the program and the

CSU is committed to
codes for the system to be compatible with those applications. Another thing is that the
transform the lives of people
and communities through
high quality instruction and
computer that I’m using usually crushed and not starting. We opened the System Unit and
innovative research,
development, production and
did some troubleshooting.
Paragraph 6 - What are your successes and the effects of those successes?

Accomplishment of one’s goal is one of the best feelings ever, creating a System and
a webpage that will help them to make their transactions easier and faster is one of the
successful things I have done for the organization. The webpage will be useful for easy
access by the customers for information’s as soon as it will be implemented. Working as a
trainee of this organization gives me the real meaning of success.
Core Values

Competence Paragraph 7. c. What content from your subject/coursework did you apply to your
Social Responsibility
Unifying Presence experience? What courses did you find most helpful? Name at least 3 examples.
The most content from my subject that I have applied in my OJT is the knowledge
I have learned in programming, web designing in Web development that helps me in
creating their webpage and Multi Media Designing that helps me create their designed
LOGO for the district.

Paragraph 8 - What have I learned from the experience? (IT related)

I learned that OJT is not just a requirement to be completed but it is an

opportunity to show what skills, knowledge and talents that I have and also an
opportunity to experience the feeling. I have learned how to troubleshoot computer,
My ability in designing is improve and my programming knowledge gets wider
while having my OJT at the AMWADI office.

CICS Goal : The College shall produce competent ICS professionals with strong technical education and
research capabilities coupled with application-oriented perspective to ensure
that they can effectively serve the needs of individuals and organizations.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Tel No: (078) 304-1205 (loc. 028, 032)


Paragraph 9 – Describe your experiences with the people around me.

CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
educating for the Dealing with different kinds people was never easy; you will have to depend on
your ability being patience enough to deal with such people. I was lucky that the
persons around me while I’m at the Office are very nice persons; they treated us
nicely every day and show us that they are not just co-office workers but can be
also friend. They are trustworthy enough and they provide feedbacks in our works.

CSU Mission Paragraph 10 - The most memorable event during my practicum

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of people
and communities through
high quality instruction and
It literally only takes a moment to capture the moment, and the best thing is that
innovative research,
development, production and
really works! In my experience I consider creating the System and a webpage that
will help them to make their transactions easier and faster the most memorable
moment I had at the organization. It feels fulfillment for me knowing that I have
applied all the learning’s I had from school.

Paragraph 11 - What can you recommend for the improvement of the OJT Program?
Give at least 2 recommendations.
Core Values Improvement of OJT program is necessary for all students and teachers, I highly
Competence advice that Teachers should visit the designated area were student is having an OJT
Social Responsibility
Unifying Presence regardless of the distance, it is one way to improve communications among the two parties

Paragraph 12 - Your advice to those who will take their practicum in the near future.
In the near future many students will have their practicum as I did, the best advice
that I can give is for them to be confident enough and share their learning’s and talents to
the place where they are doing their OJT. They should be more aware of the place they
were assigned and be familiarize with the process.
Provide/Include 3 pages of photos, having 2 photos per page. Select the best pictures
supporting your narrative.

CICS Goal : The College shall produce competent ICS professionals with strong technical education and
research capabilities coupled with application-oriented perspective to ensure
that they can effectively serve the needs of individuals and organizations.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Tel No: (078) 304-1205 (loc. 028, 032)


CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
educating for the

OJT Narrative
Mark Anthony S. Baltazar
On-The-Job Trainee

CSU Mission Amulung Water District is the agency that I have chosen to have my On-The-Job
CSU is committed to Training. It was the AMWADI Office that is located at Centro Amulung Cagayan. It is a local
transform the lives of people
and communities through
high quality instruction and corporate entity that operates and maintains water supply system in this municipality, it is
innovative research,
development, production and
extension. classified as Government Owned Controlled organization, It was an agency that provides
information regarding water consumption, billing transactions and other information’s with
regards to water .It is very essential as an organization since it makes life easier for people
living in the municipality. As an On the Job Trainee of this organization I usually stay in the
Computer Section area.AMWADI is open for Individual Household Connections; it also
enhances water supply facilities or commercial operations. It is divided into different areas to
improve and provide quality service. It is comprise of BENCHMARK OF WATER UTILITY
MODELS. We have the Local Government Units(LGU), Water Districts , and Private
Core Values
Operators. Behind this benchmarks are people, materials and facilities that worked together in
order to run the department properly. As a trainee in this department I was assigned in a specific
Social Responsibility
Unifying Presence area where I concentrate in creating a webpage as a task given, this helps the department in
having an easy access on all necessary things that are needed .I also helped in providing
information for customers who inquires in applying Water Connection. Being an On the Job
Trainee of this organization it enhances my learning’s since it involves me in practical “hands-
on” experience. It has shown me the reality of life after finishing school .Working and creating
codes requires comprehension which fits my ability to do so. Most of the days in our first week
I spend my time in fixing and checking the system that we have install (Our capstone System)
and the following week I inputted the Customers data and their previous records in the system.
We also designed a new Agency LOGO which they are using right now; I also created a simple
webpage for the agency in which will soon be uploaded after checking by the LUWA. The
working world is a jungle and being an On the Job trainee is a challenge for every student, there
are always challenges to face. One of the major challenges I have encountered was the versions
of applications in their Computers do not fit or not compatible with the system that I have
installed so I have adjusted the program and the codes for the system to be compatible with
those applications. Another thing is that the computer that I’m using usually crushed and not

CICS Goal : The College shall produce competent ICS professionals with strong technical education and
research capabilities coupled with application-oriented perspective to ensure
that they can effectively serve the needs of individuals and organizations.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Tel No: (078) 304-1205 (loc. 028, 032)


starting. We opened the System Unit and did some troubleshooting. Accomplishment of one’s
goal is one of the best feelings ever, creating a System and a webpage that will help them to
make their transactions easier and faster is one of the successful things I have done for the
organization. The webpage will be useful for easy access by the customers for information’s as
CSU Vision
soon as it will be implemented. Working as a trainee of this organization gives me the real
Transforming lives by
educating for the meaning of success. The most content from my subject that I have applied in my OJT is the
knowledge I have learned in programming, web designing in Web development that helps me in
creating their webpage and Multi Media Designing that helps me create their designed LOGO
for the district.I learned that OJT is not just a requirement to be completed but it is an
opportunity to show what skills, knowledge and talents that I have and also an opportunity to
experience the feeling. I have learned how to troubleshoot computer, My ability in designing is
CSU Mission improve and my programming knowledge gets wider while having my OJT at the AMWADI

CSU is committed to
office.Dealing with different kinds people was never easy; you will have to depend on your
transform the lives of people
and communities through
high quality instruction and
ability being patience enough to deal with such people. I was lucky that the persons around me
innovative research,
development, production and
while I’m at the Office are very nice persons; they treated us nicely every day and show us that
they are not just co-office workers but can be also friend. They are trustworthy enough and they
provide feedbacks in our works. It literally only takes a moment to capture the moment, and the
best thing is that really works. In my experience I consider creating the System and a webpage
that will help them to make their transactions easier and faster the most memorable moment I
had at the organization. It feels fulfillment for me knowing that I have applied all the learning’s
I had from school. Improvement of OJT program is necessary for all students and Advisers, I
highly advice that Advisers should visit the designated area were student is having an OJT
Core Values regardless of the distance, it is one way to improve communications among the two parties
Competence included. In the near future many students will have their practicum as I did, the best advice that
Social Responsibility
Unifying Presence I can give is for them to be confident enough and share their learning’s and talents to the place
where they are doing their OJT. They should be more aware of the place they were assigned and
be familiarize with the process.

CICS Goal : The College shall produce competent ICS professionals with strong technical education and
research capabilities coupled with application-oriented perspective to ensure
that they can effectively serve the needs of individuals and organizations.

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