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Speak English With Vanessa

Free PDF Worksheet

Why Your English is Not Improving
Dear English Learner,

Get ready to speak confidently! I recommend reading the worksheet out loud and using
the blank space on the last page to answer my challenge question. Click here to watch
the original video. Thanks so much for learning English with me!

Your teacher,
Problem #1
I can’t remember the words I want to say when I speak
What this means: If you can’t remember the words you want to say, you need to work
on building your vocabulary. Vocabulary is essential to becoming fluent in any language.
Think of them as building blocks.

What to do about it: 4-Step Vocabulary Method.

1. Look it up in the dictionary, like
2. Listen for it in movies, TV shows or songs
3. Look for it in writing
4. Use it in a conversation

Here is an example of the 4-Step Vocabulary Method in action.

Problem #2
I don’t have anyone to speak with
What this means: You’re nervous about speaking because you don’t have anyone to
practice speaking with. 1
What to do about it: You can practice speaking at home, right now. There are videos
with conversation practice where you can get experience speaking out loud. You can
find an example of one of these videos here.

Problem #3
I can’t understand fast English
What this means: Real world English involves a lot of linking words, which can make
the words run together and sound really fast or “blurry”.

What to do about it: To understand fast English, use The Conversation Breakdown
Method. With this method, you will analyze real English conversations and find out why
they are so fast so that you can understand them easily, and speak like that yourself!
Watch this video to learn more about The Conversation Breakdown Method.

Problem #4
I don’t have time to study English
What this means: Learning something new takes time. And no one has the time to do
these things. You have to make the time.

What to do about it: Commit to scheduling time every day to learn and practice
English. Learn more about 4 tips to improve your English, even if you are a busy

Problem #5
I feel like I’m not making any progress
What this means: If you have been learning English for a while, you may start to feel
discouraged because you feel like you aren’t making progress. You may feel like you’ll
never be fluent, so you start to lose motivation and stop practicing as much. 2
What to do about it: Track your progress over 30 days. You will be amazed at how
much you can learn in 30 days! Seeing this progress will help keep you motivated over
longer periods of time. 3
​Vanessa’s Challenge Question

Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question.

What are you going to do to make time to learn English?

Sample answer: I want to learn English, so I am going to watch Vanessa’s videos while I
drink my coffee every morning. I am also going to listen to English language podcasts
on my daily commute to work. I am going to keep a journal of all the new words and
phrases I learn so that I can track my progress!

Enjoying my English lessons??

>>Click here to start speaking fluent English with me!<< 4

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