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I ate pizza yesterday.

I eat pizza regularly.

Bangkok is in Thailand.

Math class begins today at 9 AM.

I will eat pizza tomorrow.

I was eating pizza when you arrived.

I am eating pizza right now.

I will be eating pizza at 8 PM.

I will be watching T.V. when you arrive.

I had already eaten pizza when you arrived.

I had never been to London before last January.

I have already eaten pizza.

I have been to London.

He has learned how to drive.

He has not arrived yet.

I will have already eaten pizza by the time you arrive.

I am going to have been here for 3 days by the time he come back.

I had been eating pizza for 2 hours when you arrived.

He failed the test because he had not been paying attention in class.

I have been eating pizza for 2 hours.

I will have been eating pizza for 2 hours when you arrive.

I study at Harvard University.

The Sun rises in the east.

He calls me honey.

I am going to school.

He is walking on the street.

Cherry is preparing for final exam.

I have worked in Japan since 2010.

Nancy has stayed with me for 10 months.

I have already finished my homework.

I have been working in Japan since 2010.

Nick have been living in London for 2 months.

I lived in Germany.

Daddy called me last night.

I was working all day yesterday.

When I opened the door, my father was watching TV.

Two students had gone before the teacher came to the room.

Before I met her, I had met Sandy.

I had been painting the wall before the dog scratched it.

My father had been smoking for 5 years before I was born.

I will go to Japan next month.

I will send you my photo tonight.

I will be studying in tomorrow morning.

I will be working when you finish your work.

Apple will have launched its new iPhone by 2012.

My father will have gone when I get up.

By the next year, I will have been working for 10 years.

In ten minutes I will have been waiting 1 hour for the bus.
I go to school by car.

He walks to school.

Somsri and Somsak do not study English every day.

Somchai is sleeping.

I am not playing football.

They aren’t watching TV.

I have not studied English for 5 years.

He has not lived in Bangkok since 1990.

I have never seen him before.

Have you ever been abroad ?

He has been speaking for 3 hours.

They have been playing football for 2 hours.

He has not been speaking for 3 hours.

They have not been playing football for 2 hours.

I eat rice everyday.

A dog has four leg.

Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand.

We are visiting our granddad tomorrow.

A dog is walking.

She has finished her homework.

I have eaten rice for 20 minutes.

I have been playing foootball since 8 o’clock.

She has been walking for 30 munites.

Toon has been running for 4 hours.

He has been working here since 1999.

My dad washed his car last Sunday.

I ate bananas last week.

Sam visited his parents five years ago.

I saw a big elephant while I was walking to school.

We were eating dinner when dad came home.

The light went out when they were watching TV.

She was taking a bath when I called her.

I had eaten a pizza before I went to bed.

John called me after I had left.

All people had gone home when we reached the cinema.

They had had dinner before they did homework.

I had been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived.

We had been walking for one hour when we saw that bird.

They had been playing football for four hours when it started to rain.

I will watch Chin Jang this evening.

You will eat papaya salad tonight.

He will clean the car next week.

She will buy a bike next month.

I will be reading books at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

At nine o’clock tomorrow, we will be working on farm.

I will have eaten breakfast at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

I will have cleaned the floor when my mom gets home.

I will have been eating breakfast for 30 minutes at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

I loved you.

We celebrate Christmas on December 25.

He is going to be a better person.

You were having fun.

The cat is sitting on my computer.

I will be celebrating on my birthday.

He will be crying after the announcement of exam results.

When Janny arrived, the exam had already started.

We have studied in the same school for four years.

Coronavirus has spread around the world this year.

I have learned Japanese, Korean, Italian, and English.

Have you ever been to France?

He will have studied English for a year next week.

He left home ten minutes ago.

I bought a new phone two days ago.

Palm is trying to lose weight now.

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