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Faculty members will arrange the students into groups and propose Case Study Topics

for each group.

Each student in a group is to present a different set of artifacts on the given

topics/domain. The group should have one common page wherein they provide a vision
statement for the project, the names of group members and the artifacts being
developed by each member. Each student will be evaluated individually for his/her work
and for integration into the group activity.

5 Marks for submission and 5 for interaction during the contact sessions. Students are
to be encouraged to engage continuously starting with CS10. Opportunity to interact will
be provided by the faculty on a first come first serve basis. The interaction should be
short. The faculty member may even call up the students for interaction randomly and
that opportunity will be final. Students may please note that if they wait for the last
session to interact they may not get an opportunity.

The students need to work on the assignment on a continuous basis. The main stages
would be as follows:

● Inception.
○ Vision.
○ Glossary.
○ Domain Modeling
○ Use Case Diagram
○ Use Case Texts
○ Operation Contracts
○ System Sequence Diagram.
● Elaboration.
○ Sequence Diagrams.
○ Collaboration Diagrams.
○ Flow Diagram.
○ State Diagram.
○ Class Diagram.

Students need to be up-to-date during each contact session. Evaluation will be based on
the best participation in continuous development.

Early participation and continuous involvement will be considered the best involvement
in the assignment.

The final evaluation will be based on the individual submission and the regular
interaction in the contact sessions. Breakup of evaluation will not be provided.

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