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Sahar Raoof Saeed Altaher
Raad Mutar Majeed
University of Babylon/ College of Fine Arts/ Department of Art Education

fine.sahar.raoof@uobabylon.edu.iq, Fine.raad.motar@uobabylon.edu.iq, Fine .hind.mohammed @


1Sahar Raoof Saeed Altaher, 2Raad Mutar Majeed, Psychological connotations in

the drawings of Francis Bacon-Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology
17 (07), 1673-1691. ISSN 1567-214x.Publsiehd October, 2020.

Keywords: Psychology, connotation, Drawing, Francis Bacon


The process of searching deep in the human soul and deciphering it through personal fees is one
of the ways that contribute to tracking the strengths and imbalances in it, considering drawing
free play through which to monitor some psychological relationships and this will of course help
the result Specialists to find solutions and treatments suitable for what is abnormal in the
personality The research problem is limited to the identification of psychological connotations in
the drawings of Francis Bacon during his lifetime. For technical research use tool fee analysis
may request (Bacon) and prepared by the researcher using what is required in the theoretical
framework as well as the relevant sources and opinions gentlemen experts after analysis turned
out to be a personal anxious, pessimistic, miserable, alienated, Introverted, live repression, fear
and pain and the need for rigor.

What is meant here by the semantic term is : “The fact that a thing is in its condition,
if you know its existence, your mind will move to another existence” (Al-Muzaffar,

1972), and the process of searching into the depths of the human soul and decoding
it through drawing is one of the ways that contributes to tracing the strengths and
defects in it, based on from the fact that the drawing is a free play through which
some Ela monitoring of data and psychological signals and this result will help
specialists in finding solutions for people who are suffering from some psychological
problems, hence the problem of research through the following question : what are
the psychological implications of fees Francis Bacon, wa fake research and the need
for him benefit of this research specialists and researchers in the field of art and
psychology, Wei goal of research to the know Aldla lattes self in Francis Bacon fees,
located boundaries Search temporal from the year 1934 to the year 1992, and spatial
are London, Spain, Barry S., The United States of America, as for the objectivity, is
the study of the psychological connotations in the drawings (Francis Bacon) executed
with oil on canvas.
Literature review
Creativity from the point of view of the psychoanalytic school Take a school
psychological analysis of artistic production an important stepping stone for the
interpretation of the creative process as prepared as a defensive ploy in which they
can bring some kind of venting of the individual, to reach out to a state of
psychological balance, especially as it is unable to a u sold its needs as normal. One
of the most important theorists in this direction.
1- Freud (1856-1939).
Freud's theory is based on the fact that the individual's internal struggles, which
remained repressed, generate creativity in him at a certain stage, as if it were an
explosion of feelings, feelings and instincts... The course of energy that the individual
carries turns into other activities which are artistic creativity, and that what the
individual produces of artistic works. It is an imaginary fulfillment of subconscious
desires, like dreams (Saleh, 1988).
2- Jung (1875-1961).
(Jung) goes in his theory to assert that the creative node develops unconsciously
at first and continues until a certain moment into consciousness. Moreover, Art is in
his view is not an expression of an individual, but is an expression of a collective and
specifically is an expression of the subconscious inventory of the same university,
which Baba t of another area through which the treatment of mental functions related
to realize the world of external reality and internal world (Abdel - Hamid, 1997).
3- Adler (1870-1937)
(Adler) believes that creativity results from a feeling of inferiority, especially an
organic deficiency, as that feeling pushes the person to confront him courageously
through compensation... The feeling of inferiority is what pushes a person to high
levels of performance in some fields that are not expected of him (Syed, 1983).
4- Fromm (1900-1980)
Fromm believes that the two main determinants of an individual’s product are his
sense of security and stability, or a feeling of alienation and anxiety, as any social or
artistic phenomenon according to Fromm cannot be explained in isolation from the
influences of the environment in which he arose. In other words, it is nothing but a
reflection of what he was affected by. That individual, if a person experiences a sense
of fear, alienation and anxiety, the inevitable result of that social turmoil that


surrounds him is the individual’s endeavor to satisfy those needs through his artistic
subjects in an attempt to bring peace and stability instead of fear, anxiety, and
alienation (Fahmy, 1965).
5- Karen Horney (1885-1952).
Horney stems from the premise that environmental and social factors are the most
influential influences in personality formation, and that the most vital of these factors
are the human relationships experienced by the individual. On this basis, determine
(Hor ne) three tendencies neurotic and conflict, and the conflict between them is the
conflict, which is the essence of psychosis, and people Alasabeyen and bad eggs
suffer from the same types that exists between these conflicts conflict three, but the
difference between the person 's normal and neurotic is that person 's normal can be
integrated has three trends together and can be flexible so that it uses this time
Trafficking e turn once again to the direction of the last (Abbas, 1987). Whereas the
neurotic individual is intransigent and confronts all the situation in one way, and this
is why the saa 'is in its most severe state (Saleh, 1988). Often the neurotic person
continues his search for safety, using more than one method in his attempt to combat
anxiety (Schultz, 1983). One such means is toward the completion of works of art
that make up which is the p immediate deprivation in an attempt to create something
of a psychological balance.
6- Sullivian (1892-1949)
According to Sullivian, tension constitutes a kind of lack of acceptance and
approval of the individual in his personal relationships, which leads him to create a
stressful situation that pushes the individual towards the treatment of the ilk of the
balance obtained through various activities, such as sports, art, or any other direction
of life (wood, 1974).
Life of Francis Bacon (1909-1992)
Bacon was born in Dublin, Madrid, to English parents. He spent his childhood
and all his life suffering from asthma, which was the direct cause of his surrounding
pain, fear, anxiety and hesitation. In addition to the life of instability caused by his
family's continuous movement between Dublin and London, as a result of his father's
work, which ended in London with the outbreak of World War One (1914) and his
accession to the British War Ministry (Tawfiq, 2015). The end of the war and his
father returned to travel life and travel between London and Ireland, and this is
(Bacon) has spent most of his first away from the monitor and advised his father with
a print authoritarian, what was not to be (Bacon) rebels and upset and organized in
his school in (Hellentham - 1924), but a drifting, gambler, and homosexual, to end
up expelled from his family home at the age of sixteen, and to live in a completely
free spin (Ficacci, 1999).
In (1927), ie, when reaching the age of eighteen years traveled (Bacon) to Berlin
and then to Paris to spend of his time immersed in the only towards Lal absurdist
through attending high nightclubs.
They have allowed the nature of life (Bacon) volatile opportunity clubbing
institutions and art halls, which was so obvious effect to show the soles of his
inclinations toward photography, especially when watching the work (Picasso) and
Altec p to the yen and Surrealists in general, even further, that his observations that


reflected On the artistic works that he accomplished in the years following this visit
(Francis Bacon, 2016).
In the same year (1927) began (Bacon) clubbing academies free to practice the
painting, and a year later landed (Bacon) left him in London, from which his work is
designed for carpets and home furniture and interior design, according to the pattern
of modernist, but he soon abandoned his work this To devote himself to photography,
in (1934) his paintings were able to impose themselves
Began dreaming of great prestige in the world of art and here set up a personal
exhibition of his work was brimming with hope, and he believed that he might c DD
in the art of painting, as well as the removal of surrealism, but fair that year did not
reap only failure was that decided to leave the final drawing and deliberately
smashing and tearing up all paintings That he had painted, whether those that
participated in the exhibition or remained outside (Francis Bacon, 2016).
In (1933) he participated in an exhibition of modern paintings with other artists,
and it was not interesting at that time - and in (1936) Bikon was able to set up another
personal exhibition which went under the heading of (the Transitional Exhibition),
but he also did not succeed, as his works were rejected by readers. This event added
a psychological trauma to the accumulated psychological events in his troubled life,
and later the exhibitions rolled, and in (1937) and with the help of an interested artist,
he organized a group exhibition of young British painters, and Bacon was among
those young people.
With the advent of the Second World War (1939) Europe entered into a dark
tunnel was the smell of death and destruction impacts on the lives of Europeans are
aware of which is the same reason that led to the n Dora artistic production (Sfattr,
In (1941) relieved (Bacon) from military service because of his illness, but he was
jailed for two years and after only in Raj him returned to London and during his stay
there are some of his works of art which were presented for the first time in the
exhibition (LeFevre 1945 appeared) was most of his works flowing towards the
recording Scattered scenes of war and human body parts, and (Bacon) later
considered it the beginning of his career, and at the same time his exhibition recorded
his great influence on the artist (Picasso), and this is evident by saying, "I was very
impressed with Picasso, for me he was a genius of the century. As I saw him from
His works had a tremendous impact on me, they changed me so much. It was...
Watching an exhibition of him in Calrie (Rosenberg) that made me decide to try
painting / drawing, some of the things I did at that time were very influential
(Archambud, 2005). for this reason, less d m (Bacon) on the destruction of his works
that all of the stage, with the exception of twelve panel including three studies revolve
around the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) and that worked out long
over the years (Sfattr, 1997).
In the years (1946-1949) b d a style (Bacon) is different in the eyes of the audience
began to take hold where the purchase offers coming in him to sign a contract with
the exhibition (Hatover) who sold his paintings to the Museum of Modern in New
York in (1950) Art. In subsequent years (1950-1970) of x Zt works (Bacon) en route
to proliferation and steadily, especially after loofah most artist 's importance at that
time (William de K. Wong) has been themes revolve around recording the life of


solitude and irregularity that was felt by so By placing the people he depicts alone
and in a room of engineering structures and another screaming water, in addition to
scenes of steel, and in this direction the subject of the crucifixion took over the works
of (Bacon) and violently depicted more than (45) paintings inspired by the portrait of
the Pope (Enusan) Tenth by the Spanish artist (Velasquez). (It has treated Bacon)
here the subject of steel and it was his portrayal of the artist himself on the stage of
the mother and the contradictions that are personal and feelings of guilt towards his
family. Within his extended family, most of its men followed the military corps at a
time when (Bacon) was a fickle, erratic, lost rebel.
I gave (Bacon) personally explanation neutral to the subject of steel concluded
that the image of a person of a (Pope Inocan) we can meet all kinds of emotions, and
that most of his works appeared depicting the (pope) like images looking through
which the artist himself or might explain that (Bacon) was fascinated by the authority
of (Pope) and the question of his supreme above all, and perhaps (Bacon) here, he
wanted to express his revolution z d religious authority which is ultimately a picture
of his revolution z d paternalism that Nehrth and prevented him from living within
the framework of the family.
Here we point out that most of his characters that he used to portray in their works
are pictures of his friends and companions and the people he knows, especially
(George Dyer Ficacci, 1999). After his sweetheart (George Dyer) committed suicide
in 1971, Bacon distanced himself from everything that surrounded him and lived in
isolation and pain, and his art became darker and his subjects became revolving
around death, grief and other painful subjects. The art critic (Robert Hyun) described
Bacon) as the most stubborn artist and his artistic stature increased after his death in
(1992) and today critics compare him (Matisse) in fluidity and elegance and (Picasso)
in brutality and distortion.
Research community: The researcher examined the pictorials of paintings related to
the research community, whose study is limited to (psychological connotations in the
drawings of Francis Bacon .)Due to the capacity of preparing the society and the
difficulty of enumerating it statistically, the researcher has identified a framework for
the community from what is available, and the total community of the research has
reached (121) illustrated paintings of (Francis Bacon).
The research sample: The researcher attributed the adoption of T e (50%) of
Musawwarat documented and carrying adequate information as a research sample
reached (60) panel photographer.
Research Methodology: The researcher adopted its descriptive approach manner
content analysis
Search tool: The researcher has built an objective tool that is honest and stable and
consistent with the achievement of the research goal (the psychological connotations
are known in the drawings of (Francis Bacon) through the following steps.
- Paragraphs drafting: The researcher relied on drafting the paragraphs on the
theoretical framework and observing the drawings of the artist (Francis Bacon). The
researcher found that the goal of the research can be shown through the following
axes: Technical elements and the foundations of the organization aesthetic, forms
and graphic scenes, schools and followed trends in perception,and through


the sample analysis found the researcher )7( properties of secondary, fleeing p t
of them (33) status of a subsidiary, and the researcher arranged those themes in
a special form For that purpose.
- Validation of the paragraph analysis tool : After identifying the paragraphs and
placing them in a special form in its initial form, it was presented to a number of
experts and specialists in the field of art education and plastic arts,to express their
opinions regarding its validity. It has been deleted, modified, and added to some of
the axes to make the tool ready for application
- Unit’s amendment :dealt a researcher with each property analysis of
the characteristics as a unit of analysis, any property, for example, is a unit exists or
does not exist.
- Units of the enumeration:the researcher used the method of calculating the
frequency, by giving a frequency for each time the feature appears.
- Analysis Controls: In order to achieve scientific accuracy, the researcher adopted
specific controls for the researcher and other analysts, which are : giving a signal for
each secondary characteristic that appears in the drawing, understanding, identifying
and observing each characteristic accurately, giving a signal (X) In the event that the
feature does not appear in the drawing and does not give repetition, the stability of
the graphic analysis tool, and the researcher extracted the stability of the analysis tool
through : consistency between analysts, and consistency over time.
- Application of the tool :The researcher applied the tool after completing its
objective and scientific conditions on the study sample. Repetition was used as units
for the census. After that, the results of the analysis were unloaded into special tables,
and then the results were statistically treated.
- Statistical methods:
a. The arithmetic mean: to calculate the sum of the occurrences of the main and
minor axes.
b. Cooper's Equation: To calculate the validity of the instrument. 𝑃𝑎 = 𝐴𝑔+𝐷𝑔 × 100
c. Scud equation: to calculate the stability of the instrument. 𝑇𝑖 = 1−𝑃𝑒

After completing the research procedures and sorting the sample fees, the
results of the analysis were statistically processed, and the arithmetic mean of the
paragraphs of the questionnaire was extracted, whose percentage was (36.18).
- Del machine concern: This significance appeared in (47) plate ratio (78.3), which
is higher than the proportion of middle arithmetic and can not meet the course of the
emergence of significance from: the use of vertical lines diagonal, horizontal, and
random. The use of the space closed, and drawing people terms confusion and
anxiety, explains the researcher so to the instability of the artist in the use of his
particular type of lines either closed space is a reflection of the low profile aside as a
result of concern either drawn to people who were in fact an expression of the artist's
life itself filled with anxiety and frequency.
- rather his pain: This appeared significant in (52) panel and by (86.6), the ratio
exceeds the arithmetic mean can trace the emergence of this significance through :
drawing forms Adamic and the neighborhood and the vessels in a way show the pain


and suffering, and the use of dark colors such as red italics to brown and blue italics
To black, and the researcher explains why human figures are drawn in a way that
shows pain and pain to the harsh life full of pain, sickness and pains that were
squeezing it out. As for the use of dark colors, it is a reflection of the same cause,
which reflected the melancholy mood.
- indication of pessimism: the significance appeared in (53) panel by (88.3%), a
higher percentage than the middle rate of the arithmetic and can follow an indication
that in general in fees (Bacon) through : scarcity in the use of colors as well as the
use of what is the dark ones, use CSS space, and the use of people have seemed to
them oppression and grief signs, and explain the researcher why the act of the
subconscious mind of the artist was his presence clearly in his life any (Bacon) were
not rich and full of life comfortable and father categories What was so, but appears
in his production And the technician in the picture that appeared.
- The significance of misery: This sign appeared in (57) paintings, at a rate of
(95%), which is a high percentage that exceeds the level of the arithmetic mean. The
features of this indication can be traced in the paintings of (Francis Bacon) in drawing
people in a state of loss, oppression, isolation and distortion. This is an expression of
the life of isolation that he lived expelled from his family home.
- The significance of fear: This sign appeared in (44) panels and at a percentage
(73.3), which is a percentage that exceeds the level of the arithmetic mean. The
features of this indication can be observed in the paintings Bacon in restricting the
shapes (within the limits of lines inside the painting as well as restricting people
violently, and indecision in the use of colors in abundance, and explain that the
researcher life that Amos u ha (Bacon) as the scenes Oualata harsh life by the ocean
and by his festival in the arms of his family have had negative effects on the loss of
safety and tranquility as well as the life of the war lived.
- The significance of theneed: This indication appeared in (19) panels with a
percentage of (31.7), which is a percentage that falls below the level of the arithmetic
- The significance of repression: This sign appeared in (35) art paintings at a
percentage of (58.3), which is a percentage that exceeds the arithmetic mean. The
features of the emergence of this indication can be traced in drawing figures of people
showing signs of confusion and ambiguity, drawing shapes of people on whom no
sign of the signs appears. joy or happiness, use dark colors to gray italics pestilence
Coordination sector monotonic closed space, and the researcher attributes this to the
life of deprivation experienced by (Bacon), which was portrayed is to stay away from
the family and the authority of the Father.
- The significance of boredom: This sign appeared in (15) panels at a rate of
(25%), which is a percentage that is below the level of the arithmetic mean.
- Significance of alienation: This indication appeared in (40) panels with a ratio of
(66.7), which is a percentage located above the level of the arithmetic mean. You can
track the significance of the appearance of the (fee Bacon) through: drawing people
within the Alashka for engineering in one of the panel corners, ABS use a limited
range of colors, and drawing people in the case of dispersion, and attributes the
researcher it to the life of isolation in which he lived in A closed society is a society
of perversion and absurdity.


- The significance of emotional agitation: This sign appeared in (20) panels with
a percentage of (33.3%), which is a percentage that falls below the level of the
arithmetic mean.
- Convergence: This significance appeared in (47) plate by (78.3%), the percentage
is above the middle level of the arithmetic and can trace the emergence of this
significance in fees through: t cm people in a state of reclusion, limited use of colors,
and draw people in case of From isolation, and the researcher attributes this to the
state of fear and oppression that he lived in his life, which had a clear reflection on
his artwork.
- The significance of fanaticism: This sign appeared in (15) panels at a rate of
(25%), which is a percentage below the level of the arithmetic mean.
- The significance of love: This sign appeared in (4) paintings, at a rate of (6.7%),
which is a percentage that falls below the level of the arithmetic mean.
- The significance of optimism: This sign appeared in (29) panels at a rate of
(48.3%), which is a percentage that falls below the level of the arithmetic mean.
- The stringent: This significance appeared in (39) plate (65%), the proportion is
above the middle level of the arithmetic and can be tracked in fees (Bacon) through:
the power of color, unit lines, and the power of facial expressions, and attributes the
researcher so to The harshness of life resulting from the harshness and cruelty of the
authority of the father and the power of war.
- The significance of calmness: This indication appeared in (0) panel and at (0%)
percentage, which is a percentage below the arithmetic mean.
- Low energy level: This sign appeared in (5) panels at a rate of (8.3%), which is a
percentage that is below the level of the arithmetic mean.
- Objectivity: This appeared in (51) plate by (85%), the percentage is above the
arithmetic level and can trace the emergence of such significance in the drawings
(Bacon) through: representation of the subject of the war by portraying the shapes
torn, and the use of colors mysterious and expressive on the status of Injustice is in
the surrounding reality, and the researcher explains that with the harshness of war
and a volatile life that is mired in absurdity and corruption.
- The significance of hope: This indication is considered in (0) panels with a
percentage of (0%), which is a percentage that falls below the level of the arithmetic
- The significance of ambition: This indication appeared in (0) the panel and at
(0%), which is a percentage that falls below the level of the arithmetic mean.

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