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Full Name: Nisha Padmavathy

Age: 23
Passed out year: 2021
Bar counsel Certificate Status /
Enrolment Number: Under Processing
Marital Status: Single
City: Chennai
Date: 18-02-2022

Please mail back the answers within 7 days of this email.

Answers to be short and clear.
Each answer to not be more than 100 words.

Interview Questions- for Assessment Internship

1. Tell me your life story in 2-3 paragraphs.

I am Nisha Padmavathy, 23 years old, a recent Law graduate. I am a confident and determined person
who is a very fast learner and is always yearning to learn and improve. As I am a fresher, I would still
make up for this through my positive attitude, my high standards, and hard work. I am incredibly
passionate about this industry and my educational and academic studies have been geared towards a
career in this sector.

My hands-on work internship experience has allowed me to hone the development of my preparing
contracts and research abilities. I am eager for the opportunity to learn from and contribute to your
firm by applying my communication, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.

2. Why did you go to law school?

When I grew up some of my friend’s parents were lawyers and I always found that very interesting
and challenging. While growing up my interest were always reading, writing, and problem-solving
which is also have been my strong areas I thought they’ll be tailored into law school, and during my
internships, I found that those strengths and the interest all have come in handy and I think they would
be really be applicable to this role too. I chose to study law because I think is the best way to
understand what our society is about, how it runs, what its rules are, how politics are involved, and
how the individual person is affected by all that.

3. Why do you intend to peruse Assessment Internship – give 3 reasons why we should consider you?

You should hire me because I always keep myself open to learning. I can assure you that I quickly
grasp new skills. I wish to pursue this internship to assess my inherent skills and potential. You should
hire me because I am someone who puts 100% into any task given, I always put in the time and the
dedication needed to achieve my goals. This proves that I am someone who can be relied upon to
achieve difficult targets and complete tasks on time. Finally, you should hire me because I can manage
multiple tasks and I will always remain calm whilst under pressure and can be left alone to complete
all tasks and duties in line with the company expectations.
4. What distinguishable aspects can we expect from you at the end of your Assessment Internship?

By the end of my Assessment Internship, I assure you, I would have brought an abundance of skills,
qualities, and experience that ensure the work I do is to the highest standards achievable, and that I am
a consistently productive and supportive team worker. And also, you would have observed that I am a
trustworthy and committed member of your firm who will see to make an immediate and long-lasting
impact in the role.

5. Tell me one situation in life where you were under the most pressure how did you resolve that issue?
I work well under pressure. I’ve been in a variety of stressful roles and have learned to adapt to all
kinds of situations. I handle stress and pressure by focusing on the task in hand, by remaining calm, and
by creating lists of what needs to be done and in what order. For instance, during a group project, my two
teammates had fallen sick and could not complete their part for the project, I volunteer to help them out.
To make sure I handled the stress that came from three jobs at once, I created a list of what needed to be
done and by what timescale and I focused intently on each task without any distractions.

6. If life is a journey of constant learning, what few skills, habits would you like to learn in the future?

A few skills that I would like to develop in the future are learning more learn languages and improving
my language skills. I would also like to develop my public speaking skills.

7. Who is your role model and why?

Martin Luther King. Jr is my role model. Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader who would encourage
his followers to stay away from violence. He is an inspiring person to an entire generation of people.
Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most inspirational speakers of the 20th century. He would speak
in ways that touched people's hearts. One of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speeches was the "I Have
A Dream" speech. My favourite part of the speech is " I have a dream that one day this nation will rise
up and live out the true meaning of its creed: we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal."

8. Your favorite book (s) and movie (s).

My favourite book is called 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose and what I love about 12 Angry Men is
it really looks at the criminal justice system and how juries can be influenced to make a certain
decision and lawyer it shows what motivates people to choose the things that they choose. So, my
favourite book is the one that taught me the most about influencing people and how it happens in the
criminal justice system. My other favourite books include To Kill a Mockingbird- by Harper Lee,
Bleak House by Charles Dickens, The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, and my favourite
movies include The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, Interstellar, and My Cousin Vinny.

9. Are you involved now or have been in any organizations – which ones?

I’ve been a member of the Self4Society a Government organisation. During that time, I’ve gained
confidence when dealing and communicating with different types of people to spread awareness. I’ve
also helped families who were suffering during Covid.
10. If I met your current teacher/ boss in an elevator and asked him/her about you - what would they say?

My professor told me once, I always had a good attitude that positively affected other students in
group activities and I was very creative. He liked my papers because they showed that I really thought
about the problem and tackled it in a different way. I believe my professor would describe me as
supportive, hard-working, and professional. He would say that whenever there have been problems or
challenges with a project in the past, I would always step up, make difficult decisions. I always
complete my duties quickly and to a high standard.

11. Where do you see yourself 5-10-15 years from now?

In 5-10 years, I want to still be working for your firm and immerse myself in the job and I would like
to take up additional responsibilities and then have gained advancement to a higher level. I plan to
achieve this by constantly learning and developing my skills and by working on challenging projects
that persistently push my qualities. In five years’ time, I would also want to be seen as someone who
could be a trusted, reliable and productive member of the organisation.

12. What did you really like doing well and did well in In high school? In college? Now?

I was part of my debate team in high school as well as college and have received many awards and
certificates. My strength includes the ability to present evidence in a clear manner, have excellent
persuasion techniques, and be able to predict opposing arguments and address questions. And I was
also an athlete during high school. I take part in every sports event and was also represented by my
school many times during national and cluster meets. I was specialized in Sprinting and Badminton.
Exercise helps me maintain a positive mindset, it reduces stress and increases concentration level.

13. List 3 specific characteristics that you expect from the Firm?

 The firm already stands on strong management and good economic conditions. It will give me
the opportunity to use and develop my skills and I expect to learn more about the duties and
responsibilities of my job in the firm.
 I will work for the firm’s goals and targets and I expect to grow professionally in my career
path with the firm.
 I am eager to learn, gain knowledge, experience, and develop expertise, and I expect the firm
to provide ample chances to add to my skills.

14. If you can give us a summary of your resume in a few lines.

I am a strong researcher who made significant role contributions in my previous experience. In my

past Legal experiences, I have conducted various researches and worked on drafting legal notices
show cause notice, writ petition, writ appeal Prepared and reviewing legal documents ahead of a court
hearing, organised facts and information on meetings hearings briefings, and reports, Representing the
firm in regular client meetings, drove client feedback to deliver information to the advocate for
corrective action.

15. List the top three preferred domain(s) of legal practice (Eg. Litigation, IP, Real Estate)? And why?
1. Litigation- Learning opportunity a lot in litigation. The vast knowledge includes case-specific
insights. Litigation is that it is not limited to one particular discipline, and thus cases can range
from property to tax to criminal cases.

2. Intellectual Property- IP emerging as a key influence on both our economy and our society. It
sets the terms of access to all kinds of things that matter to our politics, our society, and our
individual life chances. Patents, copyrights, and trademarks are the deeds to the property of the
informational age. IP law exposes you to more intellectual and finer aspects of human experience,
especially creativity, art, and innovation

3. White Collar Crime- Unlike some offense types, it is important to recognize that white-collar
offenses affect everyone. While a specific street offense might have just one or two victims, white-
collar offenses tend to have a large number of victims, and on a certain level.

16. What is your expected/ Last drawn salary?

I’m very grateful to get the chance to be part of your firm. I am interested in learning more about the
job and duties so that I can properly measure an acceptable amount of pay.

17. Languages that you can read and write? Especially can you read and write Tamil?

English- Full Professional Proficiency

Tamil - Speaking- Native Bilingual

Reading - Limited Working proficiency
Writing - Limited Working proficiency

French- Elementary Proficiency

18. Are you from Chennai – If not, how do you propose to deal with your accommodation?

I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

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