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DATE: 29/08/2022

Assignment number:01

Index number-2021t01136

 Dmitri Mendeleev published the first periodic table in 1869.

 It is designed according to atomic weight.
 How the periodic table is formed

 The total number of element in the periodic table is 118.

 Of these 94 occur naturally on Earth and the rest are synthetic
 For each element , the element name includes its chemical symbol ,atomic number
and atomic mass.
 The periodic table is a table of chemical elements organized by atomic number from
the element with the lowest atomic number hydrogen to the element with the highest
atomic number organism
 The elements of the periodic table are arranged in rows and columns.
 The Roman numerals above the one group indicate the number of electrons.
 Elements in the same column group in the periodic table show similar chemical
 As the element moves from left to right through a row,atomic radius
decrases,ionization energy increases,electron affinity generally increases,and
electronegativity increases
 Moving from top to bottom of a column, atomic radius increases, ionization energy
decreases,electron affinity generally decreases, and electronegativity decreases.
 Important in the periodic table

 The periodic table is important because it provides a great deal of information about the
 The periodic table can be used to experiment with properties of elements that have not yet
been discovered.
 Helping scientists in conducting various experiments.
 Helping to obtain historical information.
 This provides important information used to balance chemical equations.
 By looking at the periodic table , a person can find out how many electrons the element
has and how much it weight.
 If someone unsure of what substance they have , they can look at the atomic structure of
the substance and compare it to the information in the periodic table.

DATE: 29/08/2022

Assignment number:01

Index number-2021t01136
 Importance of s,p,d,f blocks in periodic table
 The elements in the long form of periodic table are classified into four blocks.
They are s, p, d and f-block elements
S block ;-The s block contains the elements of the fifst and second categories.
 The electronic configuration of group 1elements is (……ns1).
 The electronic configuration of group 2elements is (…..ns2).
 All are metals except H.
 They are soft metals.
 Has low melting and boiling points.
 Generally they form ionic salts with nonmetals
 It has a low ionization energy.
 Solid at room temperature.
 Elements with s block allow duplication of genetic information.
 They are important components of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
P block ;-The element consists of six categories.
 Most of p-Block elements are non-metals.
 Generally they form covalent compounds and form salts with halogen alkai metals
they have high ionization energy.
 The aqueous solutions their oxides are acidic in nature.
 Boron is used to increasing the hardness of steel.
 Aluminum instrument coils are used to protect iron is also used as a reducing
 As semiconductors, germanium, arsenic, silicon, and gallium are used.
 Carbon and its compounds are used in a variety of applications.
 Boron is used in aircraft as well as bulletproof vests.
 Boron compound, is used in the glass and pottery industries
D block ;- These elements is located between s-block and p-block elements.
 All these are metallic in nature.
 It is tough and has high density.
 They have high melting and boiling point.
 They shows variable oxidation states.
 They form colored ions and compounds.
 Metals are in high demand.
 Titanium is used in turbine engines, aviation, and marine equipment because it is
lightweight and corrosion resistant.
 Titanium and manganese oxides are used to make dry batteries.
 Most of the elements act as catalysts.
 F block ;- f – block elements are also called as inner transition elements. They are:
Lanthanides and actinides.
 F-block elements are complex and heavy metals.
 They have high melting and boiling points.
 F block elements show different oxidation states ,f block element block elements may
likely form complex compounds.
 F-block parts also have magnetic properties.
 Lanthanide alloys utilized for the creation of instrumental steels and heat resistance.
 Commonly used in many lanthanide lasers.
DATE: 29/08/2022

Assignment number:01

Index number-2021t01136
 Widely used in the manufacture of sunglasses and lenses

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