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Sandalwood High School

10th Grade English Language Arts Course Syllabus

Contact Information: Instructor: Mr. Fifield Email Room Number: 114A Community: Omega Office Hours: Monday/ Wednesday 1:45 2:30 (except for early release days, and when conflicting with conferences.) Course Information: Course Objective: Tenth Grade English Language Arts focuses on professional and elaborative composition, reading comprehension, vocabulary development, literature, oral language skills, and research techniques. Through the Language Arts program, the learner will: * Listen, read, think, and view critically * Write and speak effectively in a wide variety of formal and informal styles *Use the writing process (pre-write, draft, revise, edit, publish, and reflect) as a means to more effective writing. Required Materials: (5) dividers for AVID binder Loose leaf paper Course Assessment: Types of assessment * Homework and Classwork *Standardized Tests Grading Scale A - 90% 100% D - 60% 69% (2) Blue or Black ink pens

* Tests and Quizzes * Teacher Observation C - 70% 79%

* Projects * Extra Credit

B - 80% 89% F -50% and Below

A parent can request a progress report for their child at any time by email, phone call, or by sending a written note with their child. Student Expectations: Rules: * Be respectful of others at all times * Work responsibly and quietly * Remain in assigned seat * Raise hand and wait to be acknowledged * Food and drink should remain out of the classroom * Come to class prepared every day * ALL Electronic devices should remain off, unless otherwise stated Possible Consequences: (to be used in combination based on individual situation) * Warning * Seat Relocation *Parent Contact *Detention *Conference *Referral * Any additional disciplinary actions that are warranted from chronic misbehavior

Class Necessities: The following items should be brought to class everyday: * Two Blue or Black pens pencils will not be used unless otherwise stated; using pencil on any assignment will result in a 5 point reduction of assignment grade. * Paper * Student I.D. * Independent Reading Book Classroom Procedures: Entering the Classroom: There will always be something for you to work on when you enter the room. Please come into the classroom quietly, take out needed supplies, sit in your assigned seat, and begin working on daily assignment. Tardy to Class: You are tardy if you are not in your seat when the class begins. You are expected to be in your seat with your materials within the first minute of class. After that point you will be marked tardy. After 5 occurrences a detention will be issued. Turning in Assignments: Assignments turned in should be complete with the correct heading in the upper right hand corner (name, date, and period.) Assignments should be professional in appearance, meaning no remnants of torn spiral notebook strands, free of doodles and drawings. Turning in Homework: Any homework assignment will be taken up in the first five minutes of class. An assignment tray will be appointed for each class period. Should you somehow miss the collection of the daily assignment, please put your paper in the appropriate box by the end of the period; this will result in a five-point deduction of the assignment grade. When returning from being Absent: If you are absent for any reason you are responsible for getting your missing work, you are allowed one day per missed day to turn in your work for full credit. To find out what assignments you missed while absent, please ask a trusted classmate. If you cannot find a helpful classmate, check the class webpage. If again, you cannot find the required information, see me before or after class. Finding out Grade Status: Progress reports will be printed when prompted by a parent or guardian. At any other time students and parents alike may log into the Oncourse system using the username and password provided. Late, Missing, or Incomplete Assignments: Late work will go down 5% for every day it is late until it reaches 50%. You cannot get lower than 50% on any of the assignments you complete. I believe that half of the assignment is in the time and effort you spend to complete it. Missing work will not receive any credit and will be a zero in the grade book. You may turn in any work that is missing as long as we are still in the unit. Previous unit work will not be accepted. You may only retake a test or quiz once, and I will take the higher of the two scores.

All extra work or retakes must be done on your own time. That means before or after school. Please check with me the day before you want to come in early/after school. Code of Conduct: Cheating is using someone else s answer as your own. If you are caught cheating on an assignment you will receive a zero. You may make it up on your own time, and it will be a harder assignment. If you are caught cheating on a test, your paper will ripped up and you will receive a zero for that test. You may not make it up. On top of that, you will call your parents and inform them that you cheated and cannot make up that test. Ending Class: Class will not be dismissed until you are quietly sitting in your assigned seat and your workspace and surrounding area are clean of any trash and debris. Please keep this syllabus for your records. After reading this syllabus, please fill out all of the information below. Once filled out, please sign and return this page only. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have read this syllabus with my child/ parent or guardian. Questions, Comments, or Concerns:

Student Name (print): Student s Signature: Parent s Signature: Date: Date:

Parent Contact Information: Name(s): Address: Home Phone(s): Parent s Email Address: Important Notice:
This syllabus was written as an expectation of class topics, activities, and learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to make any necessary changes to classroom rules and procedures that he believes will result in enhanced and effective learning for his students.

Cell Phone(s):

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