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Use of English Test – A1

Read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap.

Brown bears and Grizzly bears, or grizzlies, 1   two kinds of bear from North

America. They are very similar, 2   they aren’t the same. Grizzly bears have

light-coloured fur on 3   shoulders and backs, but brown bears don't. The bears

also live 4   different areas. Brown bears live 5   the sea, but grizzlies

live in mountains and forests inland. That means they have 6  . Brown

bears eat fish from rivers near the sea. 7   fish are very fatty, and there

are 8   of them, so brown bears can get very big and fat. The big ones weigh

750 kilogrammes! 9   aren’t many fish in the mountains and forests, so grizzly

bears need 10   other things too, like grass, nuts and berries. These

foods 11   contain much fat, so grizzlies are much 12   than

brown bears. They usually weigh 13   90 and 300 kilogrammes. There

isn’t 14   food for grizzly bears, so they need to protect their land and food. As

a result, they are 15   dangerous than brown bears, both to humans and other

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