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Leadership Styles and Delegation Exit Ticket

1. After watching the Ted talk, how can you personally change the world through your own life?

I think I can help make the world. A better place by being a better listener and treating everyone with more

compassion and empathy like Cleo Wade suggested. Positivity, Communication, and empathy are my top 3 Clifton

strengths and I want to make sure that I practice these skills with everyone in my life and every stranger or new

person I encounter. Right now, I think I am good at being compassionate and listening to the important people in my

life like my family and best friend, but I want to focus on listening, truly listening, and being compassionate to

people I don’t know and even to people I don’t get along with.

2. After reading the assigned articles, which leadership style do you think would work best for nursing departments?

Personally, I really liked the Management by Walking Around (MBWA) style. This style seems very fair and O

I think includes the leader as one of the team members as well, not just as a leader of the team. I also really liked

one of the guidelines talking about truing out their work. I think shadowing someone and, especially nurses in

leadership roles shadowing someone on the unit, really helps them understand what is expected of nurses and the

work we actually endure. I also really like the go by yourself guideline because I think that nurses are sometimes

uncomfortable with telling their supervisors something if there is someone there that they may not get along with or

who may not agree.

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