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Sixth Semester (Tluee Years Degree Course) (2014-15 Pattem)

40253 : Administr:rtive Law : Paper-I

P. Pages : I AW - 0083
Time : l hree Hours lirllllilllll 1v1&x. I{arks : 80

Notcs : I Solve Sevcn questions in all including question No. One which is compulsory
ard carries 20 matks.
All other questions carry l0 marks each,

I Writc shon notes on any four.

a) Henry VIII clausc
b) Concept ofsocial welfac state
o) Reasoned DecisioD
d) Audi Alteram pancm
e) Write ofprohibition
f) Transparency in Administration
g) Injunctions

2 Explain the Doctrinc ofseparation ofpowcrs uith ils relevance irr India.

3 Whal is delegated legislation? Examine constitutional validiq, of delegatcd legislation in


4. Discuss Judisial control on Adminisl.ati\e Tribunals. Refer suitable case Larvs.

Whal is "Adolinistative Discretion"? Discuss Judicial Review ofadminishative discretion

with the help ofsuitable case laws.

6 Define "Administralive LaTv". I)iscuss the scope and development of Administrative La$

7 What is meant by "Public corporations"? Discuss thc rights and liabilities ofpublic

8. Discuss the liability ofthe govemmeil (State) in cortr-dcts. What are the requirenrcnts of
valid contract under Article 299 ofthe constitution of India? Rcltr landmark case laws.

9. Evaluate the necessit!, of ombudsman Institution.

10. Discuss the need and functions ofcommission oflnquir]

11. short notes on:
a) Laches

b) Coremmcntal control over public corporations.

AW - 0083 I

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