Case 2

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AUGUSTO BENEDICTO SANTOS III, represented by his litigation of any claim that may arise between the airline

een the airline and

father and legal guardian, Augusto Benedicto Santos vs. its passenger, as distinguished from all other places.
FACTS: The petitioner is a minor and a resident of the
Philippines. Private respondent Northwest Orient Airlines WON Warsaw convention applies.
(NOA) is a foreign corporation with principal office in Convention applies to all international transportation of
Minnesota, U.S.A. and licensed to do business and maintain a persons performed by aircraft for hire. Whether the
branch office in the Philippines. transportation is “international” is determined by the contract
On October 21, 1986, the petitioner purchased from NOA a of the parties, which in the case of passengers is the ticket.
round-trip ticket in San Francisco. U.S.A., for his flight from When the contract of carriage provides for the transportation
San Francisco to Manila via Tokyo and back. The scheduled of the passenger between certain designated terminals
departure date from Tokyo was December 20, 1986. No date “within the territories of two High Contracting Parties,” the
was specified for his return to San Francisco. provisions of the Convention automatically apply and
exclusively govern the rights and liabilities of the airline and
On December 19, 1986, the petitioner checked in at the NOA its passenger.
counter in the San Francisco airport for his scheduled
departure to Manila. Despite a previous confirmation and re- WON MNL or SFO was the destination.
confirmation, he was informed that he had no reservation for The place of destination, within the meaning of the Warsaw
his flight from Tokyo to Manila. He therefore had to be wait- Convention, is determined by the terms of the contract of
listed. carriage or, specifically in this case, the ticket between the
passenger and the carrier. Examination of the petitioner’s
On March 12, 1987, the petitioner sued NOA for damages in ticket shows that his ultimate destination is San Francisco.
the RTC of Makati. On April 13, 1987, NOA moved to dismiss Although the date of the return flight was left open, the
the complaint on the ground of lack of jurisdiction, citing contract of carriage between the parties indicates that NOA
Article 28(1) of the Warsaw Convention, reading as follows: was bound to transport the petitioner to San Francisco from
Manila. Manila should therefore be considered merely an
Art. 28. (1) An action for damage must be brought at the agreed stopping place and not the destination.
option of the plaintiff, in the territory of one of the High
Contracting Parties, either before the court of the domicile of WON Northwest has domicile in the Philippines
the carrier or of his principal place of business, or where he Notably, the domicile of the carrier is only one of the places
has a place of business through which the contract has been where the complaint is allowed to be filed under Article 28(1).
made, or before the court at the place of destination. By specifying the three other places, to wit, the principal place
of business of the carrier, its place of business where the
The private respondent contended that the Philippines was contract was made, and the place of destination, the article
not its domicile nor was this its principal place of business. clearly meant that these three other places were not
Neither was the petitioner’s ticket issued in this country nor comprehended in the term “domicile.”
was his destination Manila but San Francisco in the United
Lower court granted the dismissal, CA affirmed.

ISSUE: WON the Philippines has jurisdiction over the case. COMMUNICATION MATERIALS AND DESIGN, INC et al
(Issue raised by the party is WON the provision of the Warsaw vs.CA et al.
convention was constitutional)
HELD: No jurisdiction (the provision is constitutional) DESIGN, INC., (CMDI) and ASPAC MULTI-TRADE INC., (ASPAC)
are both domestic corporations.. Private Respondents ITEC,
The Convention is a treaty commitment voluntarily assumed INC. and/or ITEC, INTERNATIONAL, INC. (ITEC) are
by the Philippine government and, as such, has the force and corporations duly organized and existing under the laws of
effect of law in this country. The petitioner’s allegations are the State of Alabama, USA. There is no dispute that ITEC is a
not convincing enough to overcome this presumption. foreign corporation not licensed to do business in the
Apparently, the Convention considered the four places Philippines.
designated in Article 28 the most convenient forums for the
ITEC entered into a contract with ASPAC referred to as business here against a Philippine citizen or entity who had
“Representative Agreement”. Pursuant to the contract, ITEC contracted with and benefited by said corporation. To put it
engaged ASPAC as its “exclusive representative” in the in another way, a party is estopped to challenge the
Philippines for the sale of ITEC’s products, in consideration of personality of a corporation after having acknowledged the
which, ASPAC was paid a stipulated commission. Through a same by entering into a contract with it. And the doctrine of
“License Agreement” entered into by the same parties later estoppel to deny corporate existence applies to a foreign as
on, ASPAC was able to incorporate and use the name “ITEC” well as to domestic corporations. One who has dealt with a
in its own name. Thus , ASPAC Multi-Trade, Inc. became corporation of foreign origin as a corporate entity is
legally and publicly known as ASPAC-ITEC (Philippines). estopped to deny its corporate existence and capacity.
One year into the second term of the parties’ Representative
Agreement, ITEC decided to terminate the same, because In Antam Consolidated Inc. vs. CA et al. we expressed our
petitioner ASPAC allegedly violated its contractual chagrin over this commonly used scheme of defaulting local
commitment as stipulated in their agreements. ITEC charges companies which are being sued by unlicensed foreign
the petitioners and another Philippine Corporation, DIGITAL companies not engaged in business in the Philippines to
BASE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (DIGITAL), the President of invoke the lack of capacity to sue of such foreign companies.
which is likewise petitioner Aguirre, of using knowledge and Obviously, the same ploy is resorted to by ASPAC to prevent
information of ITEC’s products specifications to develop their the injunctive action filed by ITEC to enjoin petitioner from
own line of equipment and product support, which are using knowledge possibly acquired in violation of fiduciary
similar, if not identical to ITEC’s own, and offering them to arrangements between the parties.
ITEC’s former customer.
2. YES; Petitioner’s insistence on the dismissal of this action
The complaint was filed with the RTC-Makati by ITEC, INC. due to the application, or non application, of the private
Defendants filed a MTD the complaint on the following international law rule of forum non conveniens defies well-
grounds: (1) That plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue as it is settled rules of fair play. According to petitioner, the
a foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines Philippine Court has no venue to apply its discretion whether
without the required BOI authority and SEC license, and (2) to give cognizance or not to the present action, because it
that plaintiff is simply engaged in forum shopping which has not acquired jurisdiction over the person of the plaintiff in
justifies the application against it of the principle of “forum the case, the latter allegedly having no personality to sue
non conveniens”. The MTD was denied. before Philippine Courts. This argument is misplaced because
the court has already acquired jurisdiction over the plaintiff in
Petitioners elevated the case to the respondent CA on a the suit, by virtue of his filing the original complaint. And as
Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition under Rule 65 of the we have already observed, petitioner is not at liberty to
Revised ROC. It was dismissed as well. MR denied, hence this question plaintiff’s standing to sue, having already acceded to
Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45. the same by virtue of its entry into the Representative
Agreement referred to earlier.
1. Did the Philippine court acquire jurisdiction over the Thus, having acquired jurisdiction, it is now for the Philippine
person of the petitioner corp, despite allegations of lack of Court, based on the facts of the case, whether to give due
capacity to sue because of non-registration? course to the suit or dismiss it, on the principle of forum non
2. Can the Philippine court give due course to the suit or convenience. Hence, the Philippine Court may refuse to
dismiss it, on the principle of forum non convenience? assume jurisdiction in spite of its having acquired jurisdiction.
Conversely, the court may assume jurisdiction over the case if
HELD: petition dismissed. it chooses to do so; provided, that the following requisites are
1. YES; We are persuaded to conclude that ITEC had been
“engaged in” or “doing business” in the Philippines for some 1) That the Philippine Court is one to which the parties may
time now. This is the inevitable result after a scrutiny of the conveniently resort to;
different contracts and agreements entered into by ITEC with 2) That the Philippine Court is in a position to make an
its various business contacts in the country. Its arrangements, intelligent decision as to the law and the facts; and,
with these entities indicate convincingly that ITEC is actively 3) That the Philippine Court has or is likely to have power to
engaging in business in the country. enforce its decision.
The aforesaid requirements having been met, and in view of
A foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines may the court’s disposition to give due course to the questioned
sue in Philippine Courts although not authorized to do action, the matter of the present forum not being the “most
convenient” as a ground for the suit’s dismissal, deserves given the option to choose the forum or place wherein to
scant consideration. bring their suit for various reasons or excuses, including to
secure procedural advantages, to annoy and harass the
defendant, to avoid overcrowded dockets, or to select a more
FIRST PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL BANK VS COURT OF friendly venue. To combat these less than honorable excuses,
APPEALS the principle of forum non conveniens was developed
whereby a court, in conflicts of law cases, may refuse
FACTS: The Bank has been under conservatorship since 1984. impositions on its jurisdiction where it is not the most
It is the owner of 6 parcels of land. The Bank had an "convenient" or available forum and the parties are not
agreement with Demetria to purchase the parcels of land. The precluded from seeking remedies elsewhere.
said agreement was made by Demetria with the Bank’s
manager, Rivera. Thereafter, they had a series of letters In this light, Black's Law Dictionary 13 says that forum
consisting of offers, counter-offers and acceptance of the shopping "occurs when a party attempts to have his action
counter- offer by Demetria. Later however, the Bank, through tried in a particular court or jurisdiction where he feels he will
its conservator, Encarnacion, sought the repudiation of the receive the most favorable judgment or verdict." Hence,
agreement as it alleged that Rivera was not authorized to according to Words and Phrases14 , "a litigant is open to the
enter into such an agreement. Hence there was no valid charge of "forum shopping" whenever he chooses a forum
contract of sale. Subsequently, Demetria sued the Bank. The with slight connection to factual circumstances surrounding
RTC ruled in favor of Demetria. The Bank filed an appeal with his suit, and litigants should be encouraged to attempt to
the Court of Appeals. settle their differences without imposing undue expenses and
vexatious situations on the courts".
Meanwhile, Henry Co, who holds 80% shares of stocks with
the said Bank, filed a motion for intervention with the trial In the Philippines, forum shopping has acquired a
court which was denied since the trial has been concluded connotation encompassing not only a choice of venues, as it
already and the case is now pending appeal. Subsequently, was originally understood in conflicts of laws, but also to a
Henry Co, filed a separate civil case against Ejercito as choice of remedies. As to the first (choice of venues), the
successor-in-interest (assignee) of Demetria seeking to have Rules of Court, for example, allow a plaintiff to commence
the purported contract of sale be declared unenforceable personal actions "where the defendant or any of the
against the Bank. Ejercito argued that the second case defendants resides or may be found, or where the plaintiff or
constitutes forum shopping since it was barred by litis any of the plaintiffs resides, at the election of the plaintiff"
pendentia by virtue of the case then pending in the Court of (Rule 4, Sec, 2 [b]). As to remedies, aggrieved parties, for
Appeals. But petitioners explain that there is no forum- example, are given a choice of pursuing civil liabilities
shopping because in the “First Case” from which this independently of the criminal, arising from the same set of
proceeding arose, the Bank was impleaded as a defendant, facts. A passenger of a public utility vehicle involved in a
whereas in the “Second Case” it was the plaintiff. vehicular accident may sue on culpa contractual, culpa
aquiliana or culpa criminal — each remedy being available
The Bank also argued the following: (1) that there contract of independently of the others — although he cannot recover
sale was not yet perfected since it lacks cosent since the Bank more than once.
did not make a counter-offer; (2) that the contract is
unenforceable since there is no note, memorandum or In either of these situations (choice of venue or choice of
writing subscribed by the Bank to evidence such contract; (3) remedy), the litigant actually shops for a forum of his action,
that the conservator has the power to revoke or overrule This was the original concept of the term forum shopping.
actions of the management or the board of directors of a
bank under Section 28-A of Republic Act No. 265 hence the Eventually, however, instead of actually making a choice of
conservator can revoke the said contract between the Bank the forum of their actions, litigants, through the
and Demetria; and (4) that respondent Court's Decision as encouragement of their lawyers, file their actions in all
"fraught with findings and conclusions which were not only available courts, or invoke all relevant remedies
contrary to the evidence on record but have no bases at all" simultaneously. This practice had not only resulted to (sic)
hence questions of fact must be reviewed by SC. conflicting adjudications among different courts and
consequent confusion enimical (sic) to an orderly
Issue: WON there is forum shopping. administration of justice. It had created extreme
inconvenience to some of the parties to the action.
Held: To begin with, forum-shopping originated as a concept
in private international law. where non-resident litigants are
Thus, "forum shopping" had acquired a different concept — When the case was filed in 1990, MHC was still a
which is unethical professional legal practice. And this government-owned and controlled corporation duly
necessitated or had given rise to the formulation of rules and organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines.
canons discouraging or altogether prohibiting the practice. MHICL is a corporation duly organized and existing under the
15 laws of Hong Kong. MHC is an “incorporator” of MHICL,
owning 50% of its capital stock.
What therefore originally started both in conflicts of laws and
in our domestic law as a legitimate device for solving By virtue of a “management agreement” with the Palace
problems has been abused and mis-used to assure scheming Hotel, MHICL trained the personnel and staff of the Palace
litigants of dubious reliefs. Hotel at Beijing, China.

YES. Forum-shopping is whenever, as a result of an adverse Now the facts.

opinion in one forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion (other
than by appeal or certiorari) in another. Forum shopping During his employment with the Mazoon Printing Press,
exists where the elements of litis pendentia are present respondent Santos received a letter from Mr. Shmidt, General
namely: (1) identity of parties, or at least such parties as Manager, Palace Hotel, Beijing, China. Mr. Schmidt informed
represent the same interests in both actions, as well as (2) respondent Santos that he was recommended by one Buenio,
identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for, (3) the relief a friend of his. Mr. Shmidt offered respondent Santos the
being founded on the same facts, and the (4) identity on the same position as printer, but with a higher monthly salary and
two preceding particulars is such that any judgment rendered increased benefits. Respondent Santos wrote to Mr. Shmidt
in the other action, will, regardless of which party is and signified his acceptance of the offer.
successful, amount to res adjudicata in the action under
consideration. The Palace Hotel Manager, Mr. Henk mailed a ready to sign
employment contract to respondent Santos. Santos resigned
In the instant case, there is forum shopping because there from the Mazoon Printing Press. Santos wrote the Palace
exist identity of parties or interests represented, identity of Hotel and acknowledged Mr. Henk’s letter. The employment
rights or causes and identity of reliefs sought between the contract stated that his employment would be for a period of
first case and the second case. There is identity of parties two years. He then started to work at the Palace Hotel.
even though the first case is in the name of the bank as
defendant, and the second case is in the name of Henry Co as Subsequently, respondent Santos signed an amended
plaintiff since the rule applies even if the the defendant in the “employment agreement” with the Palace Hotel. In the
first case becomes the plaintiff in the second case. contract, Mr. Shmidt represented the Palace Hotel. The Vice
Furthermore, allegations of the complaint in the Second Case President (Operations and Development) of petitioner MHICL
show that the stockholders are bringing a "derivative suit". Cergueda signed the employment agreement under the word
Being a derivative suit would mean that Henry Co in filing the “noted”.
case is really representing the Bank. So, whether they sued
"derivatively" or directly, there is undeniably an identity of After working in the Palace hotel for less than 1 year, the
interests/entity represented. There is also identity of relief Palace Hotel informed respondent Santos by letter signed by
being sought since both cases seeks to enable the petitioner Mr. Shmidt that his employment at the Palace Hotel print
Bank to escape from the obligation to sell the property to shop would be terminated due to business reverses brought
respondent. about by the political upheaval in China. The Palace Hotel
terminated the employment of Santos and paid all benefits
due him, including his plane fare back to the Philippines.
MHC AND MHICL vs. NLRC et al Santos was repatriated to the Philippines.

FACTS: private respondent Santos was an overseas worker Santos filed a complaint for illegal dismissal with the
employed as a printer at the Mazoon Printing Press, Sultanate Arbitration Branch, NCR, NLRC. He prayed for an award of AD,
of Oman. Subsequently he was directly hired by the Palace ED and AF for. The complaint named MHC, MHICL, the Palace
Hotel, Beijing, People’s Republic of China and later Hotel and Mr. Shmidt as respondents. The Palace Hotel and
terminated due to retrenchment. Mr. Shmidt were not served with summons and neither
participated in the proceedings before the LA.
Petitioners are the Manila Hotel Corporation (“MHC”) and the
Manila Hotel International Company, Limited (“MHICL”). The LA decided the case against petitioners. Petitioners
appealed to the NLRC, arguing that the POEA, not the NLRC
had jurisdiction over the case. The NLRC promulgated a from the time of recruitment, to employment to dismissal
resolution, stating that the appealed Decision be declared occurred outside the Philippines. The inconvenience is
null and void for want of jurisdiction compounded by the fact that the proper defendants, the
Palace Hotel and MHICL are not nationals of the Philippines.
Santos moved for reconsideration of the afore-quoted Neither .are they “doing business in the Philippines.” Likewise,
resolution. He argued that the case was not cognizable by the the main witnesses, Mr. Shmidt and Mr. Henk are non-
POEA as he was not an “overseas contract worker. The NLRC residents of the Philippines.
granted the motion and reversed itself. The NLRC directed
another LA to hear the case on the question of whether No power to determine applicable law. — Neither can an
private respondent was retrenched or dismissed. The La intelligent decision be made as to the law governing the
found that Santos was illegally dismissed from employment employment contract as such was perfected in foreign soil.
and recommended that he be paid actual damages This calls to fore the application of the principle of lex loci
equivalent to his salaries for the unexpired portion of his contractus (the law of the place where the contract was
contract. The NLRC ruled in favor of private respondent. made).
Petitioners filed an MR arguing that the LA’s recommendation
had no basis in law and in fact, however it was denied. Hence, The employment contract was not perfected in the
this petition. Philippines. Santos signified his acceptance by writing a letter
while he was in the Republic of Oman. This letter was sent to
ISSUE: Is the NLRC a proper forum to decide this case? the Palace Hotel in the People’s Republic of China.

HELD: petition granted; the orders and resolutions of the No power to determine the facts. — Neither can the NLRC
NLRC are annulled. determine the facts surrounding the alleged illegal dismissal
as all acts complained of took place in Beijing, People’s
NO Republic of China. The NLRC was not in a position to
determine whether the Tiannamen Square incident truly
Forum Non-Conveniens adversely affected operations of the Palace Hotel as to justify
Santos’ retrenchment.
The NLRC was a seriously inconvenient forum.
Principle of effectiveness, no power to execute decision. —
We note that the main aspects of the case transpired in two Even assuming that a proper decision could be reached by
foreign jurisdictions and the case involves purely foreign the NLRC, such would not have any binding effect against the
elements. The only link that the Philippines has with the case employer, the Palace Hotel. The Palace Hotel is a corporation
is that Santos is a Filipino citizen. The Palace Hotel and MHICL incorporated under the laws of China and was not even
are foreign corporations. Not all cases involving our citizens served with summons. Jurisdiction over its person was not
can be tried here. acquired.

The employment contract. — Respondent Santos was hired This is not to say that Philippine courts and agencies have no
directly by the Palace Hotel, a foreign employer, through power to solve controversies involving foreign employers.
correspondence sent to the Sultanate of Oman, where Neither are we saying that we do not have power over an
respondent Santos was then employed. He was hired without employment contract executed in a foreign country. If Santos
the intervention of the POEA or any authorized recruitment were an “overseas contract worker”, a Philippine forum,
agency of the government. specifically the POEA, not the NLRC, would protect him. He is
not an “overseas contract worker” a fact which he admits with
Under the rule of forum non conveniens, a Philippine court or conviction.
agency may assume jurisdiction over the case if it chooses to
do so provided: (1) that the Philippine court is one to which __
the parties may conveniently resort to; (2) that the Philippine Even assuming that the NLRC was the proper forum, even on
court is in a position to make an intelligent decision as to the the merits, the NLRC’s decision cannot be sustained.
law and the facts; and (3) that the Philippine court has or is
likely to have power to enforce its decision. The conditions II. MHC Not Liable
are unavailing in the case at bar.
Even if we assume two things: (1) that the NLRC had
Not Convenient. — We fail to see how the NLRC is a jurisdiction over the case, and (2) that MHICL was liable for
convenient forum given that all the incidents of the case —
Santos’ retrenchment, still MHC, as a separate and distinct representatives of the Palace Hotel and not MHICL. Neither
juridical entity cannot be held liable. did Santos adduce any proof that MHICL had the power to
control his conduct. Finally, it was the Palace Hotel, through
True, MHC is an incorporator of MHICL and owns 50% of its Mr. Schmidt and not MHICL that terminated respondent
capital stock. However, this is not enough to pierce the veil of Santos’ services.
corporate fiction between MHICL and MHC. In Traders Royal
Bank v. CA, we held that “the mere ownership by a single Likewise, there is no evidence to show that the Palace Hotel
stockholder or by another corporation of all or nearly all of and MHICL are one and the same entity. The fact that the
the capital stock of a corporation is not of itself a sufficient Palace Hotel is a member of the “Manila Hotel Group” is not
reason for disregarding the fiction of separate corporate enough to pierce the corporate veil between MHICL and the
personalities.” Palace Hotel.

It is basic that a corporation has a personality separate and Considering that the NLRC was forum non-conveniens and
distinct from those composing it as well as from that of any considering further that no employer-employee relationship
other legal entity to which it may be related. Clear and existed between MHICL, MHC and Santos, the LA clearly had
convincing evidence is needed to pierce the veil of corporate no jurisdiction over respondent’s claim in the NLRC case. In
fiction. In this case, we find no evidence to show that MHICL all the cases under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of
and MHC are one and the same entity. the LA, an employer-employee relationship is an
indispensable jurisdictional requirement.
III. MHICL not Liable

Santos predicates MHICL’s liability on the fact that MHICL ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN V. PAHLAVI (1984)
“signed” his employment contract with the Palace Hotel. This
fact fails to persuade us. The lawsuit in the present action, filed June 30, 1981,
apparently came in the wake of a great social upheaval in the
First, we note that the Vice President (Operations and country of Iran during which the Shah of Iran fled around
Development) of MHICL, Cergueda signed the employment January 16, 1979. The complaint filed on behalf of the present
contract as a mere witness. He merely signed under the word government of Iran, alleges a series of rather conclusionary
“noted”. malefactions and conspiracies, and modestly asks for
damages in the amount of $3 billion together with exemplary
When one “notes” a contract, one is not expressing his damages in the amount of $10 million. Interestingly enough,
agreement or approval, as a party would. In Sichangco v. one of the codefendants, Ierspex Finance N.V., admitting the
Board of Commissioners of Immigration, the Court complaint allegation that it is a Netherlands Antilles
recognized that the term “noted” means that the person so Corporation but denying that it does business in Los Angeles
noting has merely taken cognizance of the existence of an act County, California, filed an answer to the complaint on
or declaration, without exercising a judicious deliberation or August 27, 1982. Apparently, no further proceedings have
rendering a decision on the matter. taken place with respect to the parties plaintiff and defendant
Second, and more importantly, there was no existing Ierspex Finance N.V., and its status is not part of the present
employer-employee relationship between Santos and MHICL. appeal.
In determining the existence of an employer-employee
relationship, the following elements are considered: After unsuccessfully attempting personal service of summons
and complaint upon the defendant Shams Pahlavi, aka H.I.H.
“(1) the selection and engagement of the employee; Princess Shams Pahlavi, as designated in the complaint (and
“(2) the payment of wages; hereinafter referred to as Pahlavi), the plaintiff obtained an ex
“(3) the power to dismiss; and parte order in the superior court for substituted service of
“(4) the power to control employee’s conduct.” process by publication. On April 22, 1982, on behalf of the
defendant Pahlavi was filed a document in the proceedings
MHICL did not have and did not exercise any of the indicating a special appearance was being made "to quash
aforementioned powers. It did not select respondent Santos service of summons for lack of personal jurisdiction, " and at
as an employee for the Palace Hotel. He was referred to the the same time notice was given of a motion "for limited
Palace Hotel by his friend, Buenio. MHICL did not engage discovery re jurisdiction," reciting in the heading of the
respondent Santos to work. The terms of employment were document "Special Appearance Only." A series of legal
negotiated and finalized through correspondence between maneuvers commenced at this stage by counsel on behalf of
Santos, Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Henk, who were officers and the respective parties, not only at the trial court level but by
writ petition to the Court of Appeal and the California quashing by the trial court of service of summons? [160 Cal.
Supreme Court; which adroit proceedings have little except App. 3d 625]
historic significance at this stage. Defendant Pahlavi posed a
motion to dismiss the plaintiff's complaint on January 14, E. Was the trial court justified in dismissing with prejudice the
1983, which was heard in conjunction with the previously filed plaintiff's action against the defendant Pahlavi?
motion to quash service of summons by the [160 Cal. App. 3d
624] trial court on May 20, 1983. The matter having been F. Was the pattern of sanctions and costs levied against the
submitted, was determined by the trial court on May 24, plaintiff by the trial court justified?
1983, with the issuance of the following terse order: "Motion
of Defendant Pahlavi to quash summons and motion for [sic] Discussion
dismissing the action with prejudice is granted on all grounds
stated therein. Sanctions and costs are granted as prayed." There is initially a technical problem: The plaintiff's appeal
On June 7, 1983, the trial court signed and filed a judgment in purports to have been taken from the trial court's minute
sequel to the May 24, 1983, decision including the following order of May 24, 1983. A judgment was signed and filed, in
language: "It Is Hereby Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed that: conformity with the May 24, 1983, minute order on June 7,
1983. We shall assume that plaintiff's appellate designation
"1. The Order for Publication of Summons or Citation issued inadvertently omitted the latter document and shall treat the
herein on December 3, 1981, is hereby vacated; appeal as involving both documents.

"2. The attempted service of process pursuant to said Order, The evidentiary posture of the Algerian Accords, which were
being void and invalid ab initio, is hereby quashed; developed between the United States and the Islamic
Republic of Iran is somewhat obscure. Nevertheless, the
"3. The complaint on file herein shall be, and is hereby, provisions of the Algerian Accords are carried in the appendix
dismissed with prejudice as to defendant Shams Pahlavi; and to appellant's brief and are, as such, fully commented upon in
respondent Pahlavi's brief.
"4. Defendant Shams Pahlavi shall have and recover from
plaintiff, the Islamic Republic of Iran, her costs of suit [1] The Algerian Accords carry no language with respect to
herein ...." Interestingly enough, plaintiff filed a notice of the affirmative duties of American state courts as to litigation
appeal on June 30, 1983, not from the judgment of June 7, about Iranian assets. So, we are not concerned with the
1983, but from the trial court's minute order of May 24, 1983. impact of federal treaty power on the jurisdiction of a state
court or the operation of local legislation or rules as to status.
Issues We can assume without deciding that the language of
paragraph 14 in the General Declaration of the Algerian
The briefs on behalf of the two parties here leave us Accords, where it speaks of "United States courts, " includes
somewhat perplexed as to what are thought to be the issues state courts as well as federal courts. The provision simply
to be resolved. After a careful review of the record and the states that the "claims of Iran should not be barred either by
presentations made from time to time in the trial court (the sovereign immunity principles or by the act of state doctrine."
clerk's transcript consists of 1, 975 pages), it would seem that The situation of this lawsuit involving the present two parties
the points in controversy should be as follows: has never reached the state where affirmative defenses of the
defendant Pahlavi are even a factor of consideration. A rather
A. Do the Algerian Accords between the United States and telling summary of the legal situation in the light of the
the Islamic Republic of Iran place the present lawsuit in a Algerian Accords is contained at page 25 of appellant's
special category of litigation, exempted from the usual opening brief: "The return of the assets of the former royal
jurisdictional requirements? family was from the very beginning a fundamental demand of
the Iranian government. The position of the United States
B. Were the requirements of the California law fulfilled in this government was equally clear: it would not, indeed could not,
case with respect to substituted service of process? commit itself to a summary seizure of property in the United
States from any member of the former royal family. The only
C. Was the trial court justified in vacating the order for way such assets could be returned was pursuant to an
publication made by Commissioner John R. Alexander on adjudication by a U. S. court in accordance with due process
December 3, 1981? of law." Presumably, we could also add that any parties
before an American court are constitutionally entitled to the
D. Was the appearance of the defendant and respondent equal protection of our laws. Succinctly put, each litigant
Pahlavi in this cause of a general significance, precluding a before our courts may be expected to comply with the same
standards required of [160 Cal. App. 3d 626] any other "Affidavit" of Mohammed T. Sadeghi, probably qualifies as a
litigant. The basic question here, then, is not one of exclusion declaration under Code of Civil Procedure section 2015.5,
of a litigant, but whether or not the plaintiff and appellant subdivision (b). However, its contents are a medley of
placed itself under our legislation and rules in a position of conclusions and political declamation and certainly fails to
having accomplished service of process on the defendant and formulate a comprehensible cause of action. It is dubious
respondent Pahlavi. We hold that there is no special category whether it would qualify for its expressed purpose if the true
of Iranian litigant. In this connection, we can only hope that test of sufficiency "'"is whether it has been drawn in such a
an American judge assigned to a matter such as the present manner that perjury could be charged thereon if any material
may fare better than a Swedish judge. fn. 1 allegation [160 Cal. App. 3d 628] contained therein is false."'"
(Tri-- State Mfg. Co. v. Superior Court (1964) 224 Cal. App. 2d
[2a] The plaintiff urges that summons was properly served on 442, 445 [36 Cal. Rptr. 750].)
the defendant Pahlavi in this action by the substituted
method of publication. The requirements for this form of In the present situation, the ruling of the trial judge on May
service are set out in section 415.50 of the Code of Civil 24, 1983, was based upon additional information not
Procedure. fn. 2 From the evidence and showings made disclosed at the time the publication order was obtained on
before [160 Cal. App. 3d 627] the trial court, as well as the December 3, 1981. Apparently, from his later--taken
inference from contentions made here, it is obvious that we deposition, the declarant Sadeghi was in school in Texas
are not concerned with subdivisions (b), (c), (d) and (a)(2). Did between 1973 and 1979, and after spending a few months in
the plaintiff fulfill the requirements of subdivision (a) and 1979 within Iran after the Shah's departure, returned to the
subdivision (a)(1)? Although there could be some challenge United States, remaining until April of 1982. There is no
considered with respect to the "reasonable diligence" indication that on May 24, 1983, or at any earlier date Mr.
exercised in attempted service under subdivision (a), (Donel, Sadeghi could have been designated as a witness in this
Inc. v. Badalian (1978) 87 Cal. App. 3d 327 [150 Cal.Rptr. 855]), cause for any purpose other than the formal identification of
on the whole it appears that the trial court commissioner documents, the contents of which so far presented are of
acted in this regard within his discretion in signing the order highly speculative admissibility. [3] "For the purpose of
for publication dated December 3, 1981. The remaining service by publication, the existence of a cause of action is a
fundamental question, under subdivision (a)(1), is whether jurisdictional fact." (Harris v. Cavasso (1977) 68 Cal. App. 3d
"upon affidavit it appears to the satisfaction of the court ... 723, 726 [137 Cal. Rptr. 410].) [2b] It is rather apparent that
that .... A cause of action exists against the party upon whom jurisdictional facts were missing from this case on December
service is to be made ...." 3, 1981, and by May 24, 1983, it was pellucidly clear that they
had been missing from the beginning. It is not enough that
On December 3, 1981, it is recited in the order for publication the verifying and declaring witness' familiarity with the facts
prepared by plaintiff's counsel and signed by the trial court in an application for a substituted service order be based up
commissioner that the complaint has been read as well as the on what is termed "common knowledge of the Iranian
declarations of Phyllis Bennis, Brian O'Dwyer and Robert people." Even the translated documents from Iran appear to
Kennedy, and that the defendant Pahlavi cannot be "served give no support to a cause of action. [4] California law has
with reasonable diligence." The order further recites that "it long authorized the setting aside of a publication order
also appearing from the Declaration of Mohammed T. where fraud or lack of jurisdictional facts are apparent from
Sadeghi that a good cause of action exists in this action in an examination of the affidavit for publication. (Narum v.
favor of the plaintiff ... and against the defendant" (Pahlavi) Cheatham (1932) 127 Cal. App. 505, 507 [15 P.2d 1106].)
and that service of summons may be made upon said
defendant by publication. Initially, it is obvious that the [5] A contention is made that the defendant Pahlavi, in posing
complaint was asserted to have been read on the "reasonable the motion to quash in this case, in taking the deposition of
diligence" question alone. If for a wider purpose, the Sadeghi Mohammed T. Sadeghi, in posing interrogatories and in
verification of the complaint would seem clearly insufficient. examining certain of plaintiff's documents actually made a
The notary public area is blank. There has been no general appearance. As noted in the case cited by plaintiff-
compliance with Code of Civil Procedure section 2015.5, appellant, the determination of when a party has made a
subdivision (b). The rubber stamp mark of the Embassy of special appearance depends on a number of circumstances
Algeria in Washington, purports to authenticate nothing in and is a judicial determination. (1880Corp. v. Superior Court
particular. Probably because of the verification shortcomings, (1962) 57 Cal. 2d 840, 843 [22 Cal. Rptr. 209, 371 P.2d 985].) It
the words in the order for publication, "verified complaint or appears that there was adequate ground for the learned trial
petition" have been lined out and a superscription judge in this case to implicitly determine that the appearance
"Declaration of Mohammed T. Sadeghi" inserted, followed by of defendant Pahlavi was special.
the initials T. W. K. (presumably one of plaintiff's counsel). The
[6a, 7a] The trial court may properly exercise its power of Piper and Hartzell sought to dismiss the case on grounds of
sanctions and other forms of coercion to prevent an abuse of forum non conveniens. The Pennsylvania district court
process. (Code Civ. Proc., § 2034; Neal v. Bank of America granted the motions, citing the discretion courts have to
(1949) 93 Cal. App. 2d 678 [209 P.2d 825]; Taliaferro v. dismiss a case if an alternative forum has jurisdiction to hear
Prettner (1955) 135 Cal. App. 2d 157 [286 P.2d 977].) [6b] We the case and if trial in the chosen forum would be
feel that the costs and sanctions imposed were basically burdensome to the defendant. The United States Court of
reasonable and justified under the circumstances (Pritchard v. Appeals for the Third Circuit reversed on the ground that
Southern Pacific [160 Cal. App. 3d 629] Co. (1935) 9 Cal. App. dismissal for forum non conveniens is not appropriate if the
2d 704 [51 P.2d 428]; In re Marriage of Lemen (1980) 113 Cal. law of the alternative forum is less favorable to the plaintiff.
App. 3d 769 [170 Cal. Rptr. 642].) [7b] Were the matter The United States Supreme Court granted certiorari.
completely at issue, failure to comply under Code of Civil
Procedure section 2034 might justify dismissal of the action. ISSUE:
In the present posture of the case, however, the parties have Does the possibility of an unfavorable change of the law in
cited us to no applicable case law on the point and we have plaintiff’s home forum bar dismissal under forum non
found none by independent research. Where the moving convenient (Transfer to a More Convenient Forum)?
defendant has specially appeared and achieved the essential
purpose of quashing the service of summons by publication, ANSWER:
can the ultimate sanction of dismissal of the action itself be No, the possibility of an unfavorable change in the law should
imposed? Logically, it would seem not because presently the not, by itself, bar dismissal.
defendant Pahlavi (except for the collection of costs and
financial sanctions) is now completely removed from
plaintiff's action. The discovery actually obtained was
sufficient for the defendant's purpose and the fact that some CONCLUSION:
proper discovery has been frustrated is of little consequence. The possibility of an unfavorable change in the law in
In a general appearance situation on the contrary, dismissal Scotland should not, by itself, bar dismissal. The court held
of an action may be the only adequate relief. Accordingly, that plaintiffs may not defeat a motion to dismiss on the
from the minute order of May 24, 1983, the superior court is ground of forum non conveniens merely by showing that the
ordered to strike the phrase "and motion for [sic] dismissing substantive law that would be applied in the alternative
the action with prejudice;" from the judgment of June 7, 1983, forum is less favorable to the plaintiffs than that of the
there will be stricken the phrase "The complaint on file herein chosen forum, since the possibility of a change in substantive
shall be, and is hereby, dismissed with prejudice as to law should ordinarily not be given conclusive or even
defendant Shams Pahlavi." The actions of the trial court in all substantial weight in the forum non conveniens inquiry. In
other particulars are affirmed. this case the proper forum was Scotland given that fewer
evidentiary problems would be posed if the trial were held in
Scotland; the inability to implead potential third party
defendants clearly supported holding the trial in Scotland;
PIPER AIRCRAFT CO. V. REYNO and public interest favored trial in Scotland, the accident
having occurred in its air space, all the decedents being
Facts Scottish, and apart from the manufacturers, all potential
In 1976, a small commercial aircraft crashed in Scotland, plaintiffs and defendants being either Scottish or English.
killing the pilot and five passengers. The deceased were all
Scottish citizens and residents. The plane was manufactured
in Pennsylvania by Piper Aircraft Co. (defendant), and the
propellers were manufactured in Ohio by Hartzell Propeller,
Inc. (defendant). Gaynell Reyno (plaintiff), the administratrix of
the passengers' estates, filed wrongful-death actions against
Piper and Hartzell in California state court, alleging
negligence and strict liability. Reyno admitted to filing the
action in the United States because its laws were more
favorable to her case than those of Scotland. Piper and
Hartzell removed to federal district court in California and
then sought a transfer to the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
The California district court granted the motions. After both
cases were moved to federal district court in Pennsylvania,

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