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Factors Promoting Employee’s Commitment in Commercial Establishments in

Zamboanga City

A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
Faculty of the College Department
Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

In Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Course in Business Research
(Qualitative Research)


September 2020

From the core of our hearts we would like to give thanks and show our deepest

appreciation and gratitude to the people who spent their time, expertise and shared their

efforts and resourcefulness of this vision.

Rev. Fr. Filmore D. Calibo Ph.D. the director of the Immaculate Conception

Archdiocesan School who shared his wisdom in providing thoughtful and constructive

criticism, as well as his substantial assistance in the preparation of the manuscript.

Our Parents who inspired and enlightened our mind in the pursuance of this research

who’s always there accompanying us as we journey towards our fruitful destination,

guiding and advising us in choosing the right path for the betterment of our future and

teaching us to be firm and to persevere despite of the hardship. Precious involvement in

prayers, love encouragement and financial support.

The panel of examiners, for the comments, suggestions and constructive criticism in

making this research feasible.

Mr. Romeo J. Gabito who unselfishly imparted his knowledge and expertise which

become essential in materializing this research. Statistician in this research work and

who managed the preparation of this book.

Above all to god almighty for his divine love, guidance and unending blessings for

without him I am nothing.



Employee commitment can take different forms. As a result it is often seen as an HR

variable which is difficult to define. The context, direction and development of

commitment, as well as the extent to which commitment influences behavior can result

in confusion and debate. This first chapter provides the reader the background of what

the research study is all about. It will give you a closer look of the topic specifically

onFactors Promoting Employee’s Commitment in Commercial Establishments in

Zamboanga City. It will also provide a general insight of the problem that will be

addressed in this study

Background of the Study

Organizations get their work accomplished through employees who perform different

tasks. Therefore in order to improve the performance of organizations, employee

commitment is necessary as it promotes level of individual employee performance. An

employee who is committed in the work place is of great value to the organization as

they may need little or no supervision to accomplish the tasks assigned to them (Brow &

Taylor, 2011). John & Elyse (2010) asserted that there is no firm that can achieve peak

performance in the current competitive business environment unless it makes optimal

use of its employees. Every employee needs to be committed to the company’s goals

and objectives, performs their duties as effectively as a member of the team in order to

realize organizational objectives. Employees need to partner with the entrepreneurs as

they rely on the efforts of the entrepreneur to deliver on the organizational objectives.
This is due to the fact employees want to be part of an organization that is successful,

which pays well and offers opportunities for development and security of tenure (John &

Elyse, 2010). Brow& Taylor (2011) argued that committed employees remain within the

organization therefore saving the organization of the costs required to recruit, train and

develop new staff. In addition, high staff turnover increases customer satisfaction due to

discontinued service delivery (Scott, 2007).

Statement of the Problem

This study will seek data on the Factors Promoting Employee’s Commitment in

Commercial Establishments in Zamboanga City.

Specifically, this study explores for answers to the following questions:

1. What are the profiles of the employees in commercial establishments in terms




2. What is the factors promoting employee’s commitment in terms of:

2.1 Salary

2.2 Working Environment

2.3 Team Cooperation

3. Does the profile of the respondents significantly affect their commitment?

Significance of the Study

This study, its implications and applications would be beneficial to the following:

Business Managers – Small of businesses are designed to exploit the unique set of

skills, knowledge and ideas of their owners to sell product and services.

Employees – are reasonably satisfied that their work is meaningful.

Customers – Studies show satisfied clients tend to buy products more often and

develop loyalty to a particular brand.

Researchers – the researcher tries to convince an audience that the research is

worth doing.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the factors promoting employee’s commitment in commercial

establishments in areas ofsalary, working environment and team cooperation. This was

conducted in Commercial Establishments located in Zamboanga City. The respondents

were conducted in SY: 2020- 2021.


Related Literature
Employee promotion and engagement is an important issue in management

and promotion practice. However, there are still major differences in the concept,

theory, influencing factors and outcomes of employee engagement, and there is still no

authoritative standard. Employee engagement as a multi-faceted construct (cognition,

emotions and behaviors) and as a unitary construct (a positive state of mind, a

dedicated willingness, the opposite engagement. Needs-Satisfaction Framework, Job

Demands-Resources model and Social Exchange Theory. The influencing factors of

promoting employee to look for qualified promoting employee’s commitment in

commercial establishment's in Zamboanga City these are divided into three categories:

organizational factors (management style, job rewards, etc.), job factors (work

environment, task characteristics, etc.) and individual factors (physical energies, self-

consciousness, etc.).

Employee promotion and engagement has become a hot topic for human

resource researchers, positive psychologists, and management practitioners to

research this is due to the development of positive psychology, work engagement, and

the importance of occupational health psychology (Sun & Bunchapattanasakda, 2019).

According to Schaufeli and Bakker (2004), engaged employees will be energetic and

has an effective connection with their work and they will look up to themselves as

someone who can fulfil their job demands.

Job promotion is the advancement of an employee's rank or position in an

organizational hierarchy system (Goblar et. al., 2002). Goblar et. al., 2002, further allude

that, promotion may be an employee's reward for good performance that is, positive

appraisal. Before a company promotes an employee to a particular position it ensures

that the person is able to handle the added responsibilities by screening the employee

with interviews and tests and giving them training or on-the job experience. A promotion

can involve advancement in terms of designation, salary and benefits, and in some

organizations the type of job activities may change a great deal (Kalesh et. al., 2007).

It is usually symbolized with a change of job and title. It can be attached with an

increase in pay, power, and responsibility. Or, it can also include an increase in freedom

or independence, or a decrease in danger or discomfort. It may mean less

inconvenience in terms of hours or location for some employees (Kalesh et. al., 2007).

Based on the above discussion, employees often feel satisfied with these incentives

and stimulated to perform better in the new job. They are motivated to increase their

knowledge or skill and to gear for higher levels of productivity. With better jobs,

employees may decline any opportunities at other companies. Hence, promotions can

increase employees‟ loyalty to the company and reduce career change intention at

lower levels. An employee‟s opportunities for promotion are also likely to exert an

influence on job satisfaction (Landy, 1989; Moorhead & Griffen, 1992). Robbins (1998)

maintains that promotions provide opportunities for personal growth, increased

responsibility, and increased social status (Robbins & Judge, 2007).

Related Studies

Siagian (2003) added in addition to seniority and work performance is also a

combination of work performance and seniority. The purpose of such a combination is

to consider whether the employee is worthy of promotion or not. This is the basis of the

best and most appropriate promotion because it promotes the most experienced people

of the good (clever) skills, so that promotional shortcomings based on experience / skills

alone can are overcome.

McGregor (1960 argues that an evaluation programs are design to more

systematic control of the behavior of subordinates, but also to control behavior of

superiors. McGregor through his theory X, assumes that people are unreliable, unable

to take responsibility, lazy and therefore require close supervision and control. However,

staff performance appraisal as a legitimate activity formal organizations night have

some difficulties concerning both the accuracy and fairness taking into account of the

construction of the appraisal taking into account of the construction of the appraisal

document, style in which appraisal is approached and culture of the organization.

Theoretical Framework

This study Factors Promoting Employee's Commitment in Establishments of

Zamboanga City is to look for promoting employee’s qualified in the workplace.

Previous research has shown that, when firms sort and select their employees based on

performance, observed promotion is a positive ability signal (Waldman 1984) and

dismissals a negative signal of ability, unless the employee is part of an exogenous firm

closure (Gibbons and Katz 1991). Our model complements this literature and allows for
A deeper analysis of the information conveyed in employment matches where the

employee stays with the firm but is successively passed over for promotion.

It is important to point out that our analysis focuses on optimal contracting

and selection on job tenure. Other important research has analyzed the returns to

(tenure) seniority with the firm. Even though the literature recognizes that the relation

between tenure and earnings is positive, there is no consensus about the steepness of

the tenure gradient, see, for instance, Abraham and Farber (1987), Altonji and Shakotko

(1987) and Topel (1991). Our results fit well into the discussion and may shed some

light on why consensus has not been achieved. The reason is that whereas positive

selection on job tenure trivially leads to an increasing earnings profile, negative

selection on job tenure requires promotions and a management premium to generate a

positive relation between tenure and earnings.

MacLeod and Malcolmson (1998) analyze the relative merits of different

incentive tools in a single framework. They contrast efficiency wage and performance-

pay incentives, that is, dismissals and bonus payments, as incentive tools. Under the

efficiency wage system, firms pay rents ex ante and provide incentives by dismissing

shirking workers. Under the performance-pay

Regime, firms pay bonuses ex post, conditional on effort. The model shows that

efficiency-wage incentives are generally more expensive. Yet, if the firm cannot commit

to pay bonuses, efficiency wages might be the only way to motivate employees because

they give compensation up front. The results, however, do not answer the question why

the observed incentive mix arises.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows the interplay of the variables.

Establishment's qualification
Employee's Commitment in
the Establishment's identity
factors 1. Job or Work satisfaction
1. Salary 2. Commitment
2. Working Environment 3. Benefits
3. Team Cooperation

Profile of the Employee's

Commitment in the Establishment's

1. Gender

2. Age

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the interplay of variables.

The independent variable are the Employee's Commitment in the Establishment's

identity factors and these are which includes Salary, Working Environment, and Team
Cooperation. These identity factors will make employee’s improve and cooperate with

the identity factors that need in the qualification of employee's.

The dependent variable is the Establishment's qualification decision,

which includes Job or Work Satisfaction, Commitment, and Benefits of employee's to

lead them and stay in the establishment and in the organization.

On the other hand, the moderator variable is the Profile of the

Employee's Commitment in the Establishment's, such as Gender, and Age. The profile

of employee's would determine the qualification of the establishment.

The primary objective of the study is to find employee's that are

determinants or qualified of the job or work promotion in the establishment.


Ho. There is no significant difference on Factors Promoting Employee’s

Commitment in Commercial Establishments in Zamboanga City when categorized

According to profile.

Operational and Key Variables

In order to have a clearer and better understanding of the study, the

following variables categorized according to independent, dependent, and moderator

are operationally defined:

Salary – this refers to the salary of employee's in their job or work in the

establishment or organization.
Working Environment – this refers to the workplace of the establishment

where are working and in the internal organization of the establishment.

Team Cooperation – this refers to the Employee’s working together in

the establishment.

Establishment – this refers to where employees will be working and the

place of the work of employee's.

Job or Work Satisfaction – this refers to the employee's working

satisfaction whether they are satisfied working in their workplace.

Commitment – this refers to the employee's commitment of their hard

work and to achieve goal of their work in the establishment.

Benefits – this refers to the employee's benefits in the establishment

whether they are helping achieving the goal of the establishment.

Gender – this refers to the employee's gender male and female in the


Age – this refers to the employee's age whether their age are qualified to

work in the establishment


Research Methodology

Research Design

This study used the survey method to indicate the factors promoting employees

commitment in commercial establishments in three (3) department stores in Zamboanga

City. This includes Shoppers Central, City Mall and Southway

Research Locale

This study was conducted in 3 malls in particularly in Shoppers Central, City Mall

and Southway, Zamboanga City.

Respondents and Sampling Technique

The researchers gathered the data from ten (10) employees of the said commercial

establishments. The 10 employees are 5 males and 5 females. The employee’s age

were also indicated. That is ages between 20-25, 26-30, 31-35, and 36 – 50.

The following tables shows the data from three different commercial establishments:
Table 1 – Gender and age of Employees.

Gender age bracket

Commercial Establishments Male Female
20-25 – M-1 F-2
Shoppers Central 26-30 - M- 1 F-1
5 5 31-35 - M- 2 F- 1
36-50 - M -1 F- 1
20-25 – M-1 F-1
City Mall 26-30 - M- 0 F-2
5 5 31-35 - M- 2 F- 2
36-50 - M -1 F- 1

20-25 – M-0 F-3

26-30 - M- 0 F-2
Southway 5 5 31-35 - M- 1 F- 2
36-50 - M -1 F- 1

Table 1 shows the age of the male and female employees of the three department
stores in Zamboanga City. The table shows that the age of the employees ranges from
20 years old to above 50 years old.

Table 2 – Salary Rate

Commercial Below Minimum Minimum above minimum
Shoppers Central 2 5 3
City Mall 3 4 3
Southway 2 3 5

Table 2 shows the salary rate of the employees in the three dep artment stores in
Zamboanga City. Some of the employees have the minimum and maximum rate. The
newly hired employees who re 20 to 25 years have below minimum rate.
Table 3 – Working Environment

Element 1(Good) 2(average) 3( Poor) 4( Very poor)

State of working tool and
1 equipment 20 5 4 1
Relationship with
2 supervisor 10 7 7 6

3 Relationship with peers 25 3 2 0

4 channels 26 3 2 0
5 Working space 15 5 5 5
6 Safety 20 4 3 3
7 Maintenance of facilities
i.e. toilets, offices, etc., 23 2 5 0
8 Welfare services 10 8 5 7
9 Methods of work 5 15 5 5
10 Preparedness to handle
disaster 4 10 12 4

Table 3 shows the working environment of the employees in the three dep artment
stores in Zamboanga City. As shown in the table, most of the employees are satisfied
with the working environment of the dep artment/stores.

Table 4 – Team Cooperation

Commercial 1(Good) 2(average) 3( Poor) 4( Very poor)


1 Shoppers Central 20 5 4 1

2 City Mall 10 7 7 6

3 Southway 25 3 2 0

Table 4 shows the cooperation of the employees in the three dep artment stores in
Zamboanga City. There is good relationship among the employees and they work as a
team to make the company productive.

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