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Allow me to tell a tale of two friends.

Childhood friends. Neighbors. This is Neri and Randy.

One day, when the floodwaters of the Cagayan River ravaged in November, a mother
and a son called for rescue as they were trapped.

Neri and Randy heeded that call for help. Using Neri's boat, which he bought for
emergencies using his savings, they set out to rescue the mother and son.

They were able to save the mother and son.

But after delivering the mother and the son to rescuers back on the shore, a sudden
jolt of electricity hit the two friends.

Both Neri and Randy were swept away by the floods. Two days later, their bodies
were found floating along the Cagayan.

Neri's daughter, Angelica, had to say this of her father: he always devoted his
life to others.

"Wala ako magawa kasi 'yung Papa ko hindi mapipigilan. Ilang baha na. Ni minsan
hindi siya nagsarili. Sabi nila hero Papa ko. Pero wala na kami Papa."

While the Church celebrates the Holy Family of Nazareth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
on this Sunday in the Octave of Christmas, December 27th is also the feast of the
patron of friendships: John the Beloved.

He is also the closest to the bosom of Jesus, yet he is also the highest among all
the writers of the Gospels - his is the gospel whose words need to be reflected
upon more deeply.

It was also John who wrote that Gospel episode of friendships: "No greater love
there is than to lay down one's life for one's friends."

Among all the apostles of Jesus, only John didn't die a martyr's death. Why? I've
always believed that John's martyrdom was won already before the Cross of Christ.
He became a martyr already by offering to stay close to Jesus UNTIL THE VERY END.

When the apostles all scampered in fear after knowing Jesus would be put to death,
only John stood by the Cross. The reward: he didn't have to die by the sword. And
he died of old age.

Peter, their leader, their main man, denied him three times. He later had to prove
his love for Jesus in another way - kinailangan nyang bumawi and had to tell Jesus
he loves him, and he had to die a martyr's death. He was crucified upside down.

Judas -- you all know what he did and you know what happened to him. Never mind.
You get my point.

Bleeding for the people you love is a noble thing. It is honorable. Commendable.

Just as in friendships, family relationships should also be teaching opportunities

for selfless giving. Fathers and mothers know this very well: they will give their
children whatever they need, no matter what it takes. Children should be able to
see it in their parents, so that in turn, they will be able to form true
friendships -- those that give.

This is what Christmas is all about --- Jesus becoming man so he could give us his
friends, the gift of himself, his body and blood - because he is the word made
flesh, born in Bethlehem, the house of bread.

These are the points of reflection I'd like us to think about:

1. Recall one relationship you have and from that relationship -- could be romantic
or otherwise -- pick an instance where you had to give up something so dear to you
for his or her own good.

2. Would you still do it if it happened now? Why or why not?

3. With your friendships/relationships now, what do you expect them to give you?

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