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Lớp : Cú Pháp – thầy Luật – 309

Nhóm : 1
Danh sách thành viên:
1. Nguyễn Hải Đăng - 19502471
2. Nguyễn Quang Nhất - 19517611
3. Lương Thái Phương - 19473831
4. Lê Nguyễn Quỳnh Thi - 19476241
5. Nguyễn Văn Thịnh - 19503101
6. Phạm Trung Tới – 19527491
I. The general formula of noun phrase
Pre-DET : both, half, all
 Articles : a, an, the,
 Demonstrative: this, that, these, those
 Possessives:
1. PossA
2. PossPropN
3. PossNP ( NP, possmarker)
 Quantifiers: some, another, neither, any, each, either,....
 Interrogative/ Exclamatory determiners
 0
Pre-modifiers (AP)
 Possessives:
 AP
DEG : so, too, very, ...
QA: few, many, little, much, ...
 ModN
 NP
Cardinal : one, two, three, ..... ninety-nine
Ordinal : first, second, third, last,....
II. Tree diagram
1. Nguyễn Hải Đăng
2. Nguyễn Quang Nhất
3. Lương Thái Phương
4. Lê Nguyễn Quỳnh Thi
5. Nguyễn Văn Thịnh
6. Phạm Trung Tới

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