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11/5/2017 Project Initiation Templates

Project Initiation Templates

This section contains all of our templates which support the project initiating process. During the initiating process you are creating the documents which
are needed to define a new project, or a new phase of an existing project. Many times a feasibility study is performed or a business case created. These are
considered to be a part of the project initiating process group since they are created prior to the start of a project. The most critical part of the initiation
process is the project charter. The project charter formally authorizes a project, and once it's signed the project can then progress to the planning process.

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Example Project Proposal Project Management Plan

Business Case (/project-initiation-templates/business-case.html)

A Business Case helps to determine whether or not a project justifies an organizations investment into a project. The Business Case defin
performs a Cost Benefit Analysis for the proposed solution. It also looks at possible alternative solutions. Often overlooked, the Busines
project aligns with the organizations strategic plans.

Feasibility Study (/project-initiation-templates/feasibility-study.html)

A good Feasibility Study helps to objectively decide whether to proceed with a proposed project. A Feasibility Study should have broad
whether to undertake a new project. It should consider things such as technological limitations, the marketplace, your marketing strategy
and financial projections. 1/2
11/5/2017 Project Initiation Templates

Project Charter (Multi Page Version) (/initiating-process-group/project-charter-long.html)

Some organizations prefer a detailed Project Charter. This Project Charter Template is a longer version of our Project Charter Template.

Project Charter (Single Page Version) (/project-initiation-templates/project-charter.html)

The Project Charter formally authorize a project, it states the scope of the project, gives the Project Manager authority over the project, p
the project budget and identifies funding sources.

Project Statement of Work (/project-initiation-templates/project-statement-of-work.html)

A Project Statement of Work should identify the Business Need, document the Product Scope and show that the project is aligned with t
The PMBOK identifies the Statement of Work as a narrative description of the products or services to be delivered by a project. The Pro
the Business Need, Product Scope Definition and Strategic Plan and is used as an input to the Project Charter.

Stakeholder Management Strategy (/project-initiation-templates/

The stakeholder management strategy identifies and documents the approach to take in order to increase support and decrease negative i
the life of the project. It should identify the key stakeholders along with the level of power and influence they have on the project. Then
Strategy should document the strategies which will be used to manage the stakeholders according to their power and interest in the proje

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