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Your Sessional Project Title: Beef Cattle Development Project

Student Name: Md. Samiul Islam SOJIB

Student ID: 17 04 45

2. Quality and clarity of the milestones and performance

indicators to measure progress, results and impact: Marks

5.0 The crucial activities described in the project are very much realistic and coherent to the
2.1 Milestones
expected results. The milestones described in the proposal are:
 Increase the supply of milk and meat in the local market: The project focuses on
To what extent the milestones described indicate the crucial
keep balancing the demand and supply in the local market. So this is a very important
activities and expected results considered in the proposal?
milestone to reach the target within the mentioned 2-3months time.
How practical are the means of verification?
And the means of verification of for this milestone is field survey in the local market
and household. So that it can be examined whether the supply and demand are closest
to each other.
 Increase employment opportunities: The project will surely increase the income
opportunities for the local people. Because the project sites need various type or
workers like care taker, cattle feeder, security guards, farmers etc. And also it will
encourage the educated people to be self-employed in farming.

And the means of verification is to comparison between local employment data. Which
will be done by analysis the local community data of employment.
 Introducing digital farming techniques: The farmers will be introduced to the
modern technologies and equipment for farming. This will increase the productivity
and lessen the labour.
And the means of verification is to regular field visit of the expert team and the FGD
with the farmers. This are very much realistic.
 Socio economic development: The socio-economic development will be generated by
the project. When the project will be running the income generation, food supply etc
will be also generated. So, the development will happen.
Here the means of verification is assessment report. This will indicate the changes.

So, it is clear that the milestones are very much related and the means of verification are also
very much practical.

5.0 The objectives of the project are:

2.2 Performance Indicators
i. To provide fresh meat from the farms for local people
ii. Introduction to digital farming equipment to the local farmers
To what extent the performance indicators are relevant to the
iii. To create job opportunities for the educated-unemployed youths
specific objectives, design of the proposal and expected
The major performance indicators of this projects are:
results and outcomes? How practical are the means of
 Meet the local people’s demand of fresh meat and milk: At the present situation
there is a gap of demand and supply of meat and milk. To meet the objective (i) the

project will reduce the gap from 60% to 10%.
The verification method is questionnaire survey at the local markets. This is very
practical method.
 Increase the number of livelihood options: As the objective (iii) it is expected that
20% new livelihood options will be generated for this project.
The verification method is checklist interview and questionnaire survey. Which will
declare the result.
 Reduce the unemployment rate to 10%: As the objective (iii) the project will reduce
the unemployment rate of the locality.
The verification method for this is to survey the local employment data.
 Digital Farming Equipment: Objective (ii) focuses on the using of modern
technology in farming. In this case using the grass cutter, milking machine, temperature
controller etc. will be used.
And the means of verification is to checklist survey.
So, it is clear that the objectives, performance indicators and the means of verifications are
very much practical and supported by each other.

3.Relevance of the proposal to the country and net 5.0 The project’s activities will definitely bring benefit to the local community as well as the
benefits it is expected to produce: country. Because,
 The Beef Cattle Development Project will supply fresh milk and meat to the local
3.1 Benefits market. The people can easily get access to that and this will make them healthy and
To what extent the net benefits that would accrue to the more productive.
institution and the country are realistic in the light of the sub-  There will be opportunities to generate new income source by engaging the
project activities? unemployed people.
 Some new milk and meat processing industries will be set up there. And those will
increase the employment rate.
 People can get extra earning by taking suggestion and experience from the sites to raise
cattle in their household.
 Biogas plants will supply local fuel for cooking this will keep the environment clean by
that. And a good number of people can get work in biogas plant management.
 Organic fertilizer from the wastages of the cattle will be a good source to produce more
healthy foods from the farmers and that will save the environment
Thus, the projects activities will give benefit to the local people and in a sense to the whole
country in both economic and social development.

4.Clarity and justification of the budget The proposed investments for all the activities are conform to the proposal design. All the
activities are clearly described in the proposal. Such as,
4.1 Coherence with proposal design and objectives 5.0
 The SOWT analysis has been discussed to analyse the strength, opportunities, weakness
and threats of the project. So that the project can be run through a proper plan. and the
To what extent the proposed investments for all the activities investments won’t be gone for nothing.
(e.g., staff development, procurement of equipment/  The procurement plan for goods, services and works are clearly described with
instruments training) conform to the proposal design? authorizing authority and the required amount of money. And the budget is reasonable
and practical considering the current market.
 All the necessary products and cost are given in the financial plan of this project.

5.0 The objectives of the projects are:

4.2 Coherence with expected activities and results
i. To provide fresh meat from the farms for local people
ii. Introduction to digital farming equipment to the local farmers
To what extent the proposed investments for all the activities
iii. To create job opportunities for the educated-unemployed youths
lead to the stated specific objectives and proposed expected
Total proposed investments for all activities are practical. The major investments are
purchasing land, building sheds for the cattle, and other equipment buying.

A good number of qualified and expert will always supervise the sites. So their salary and other
payments are also important sector of the project. The main objective of the project is to
provide fresh meat and milk. So the sites need to cope with the modern technology to preserve,
process and transportation of those. So the investments require to be little bit larger.

And last of all the investment are analysed and improvised by the local market pricing and the
expert opinion.

5.0 The amount requested for each item of expenditure in the proposal are very much practical and
4.3 Rationale and justification
justified. As the project will run in three different places so the amount requested for each item

To what extent the amounts requested for each item of of expenditure seems to be very high.

expenditure in the proposal are rational and justified? The project is designed to produce fresh milk and meat to the local market and also create
income opportunities.
The major sectors of investment are:
 Purchasing Land
 Purchasing Cattle
 Building Sheds
 Office equipment
 Digital equipment for farms
 Organizing local conference etc.
This activity needs a huge amount of money and the sector wise required amount is
given in the financial budget section of the proposal. The proposed rate and amount are
very much suited in the current market and practical in nature.


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