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CREATION MYTH - the symbolic narrative of the beginning of the world as understood by culture.

- All creations are etiological, it is said to be philosophical and theological elaboration that assume in

spiritual world.

All matter and energy in the universe were crammed into tiny compact point called SINGULARITY.

EDWIN HUBBLE - scientist discovered that the galaxies are moving away from each other.

STEADY STATE - theory explained that the universe in unchanging in time and uniform in space.

HYDROSPHERE - All the waters, including subsurface and atmospheric water comprise the Earth.

BIOSPHERE - Earth contains all living organisms including those on the land, in the water and air.

- “All living things, including humans, are part of the immense Earth”

ATMOSPHERE - will network with biosphere for photosynthesis to take place.

CRUST - is a term used to describe the thin layer of solid rock that makes up the outermost part of the Earth.

GEOSPHERE - subsystem of the Earth are the rocks and mineral found.

MINERALS - the building blocks of rocks, and it is mostly found in the geosphere.

ROCK CYCLE - is the natural process that causes one kind of rock to change into another kind.

INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCK - a rock that forms when magma hardens beneath Earth’s surface.

CREATIONISM - the theory that depends on what you believe based on your religions.

PANSPERMIA - It states that life originated in outer space and that the first living beings were spores and


PHYSICAL CHEMICAL THEORY - This is the best-accepted theory so far regarding the origin of life which

is based on bonding of chemical substances through natures physical processes.

CELLULAR ORGANIZATION - All cells have the same basic structure: a membrane that encloses the cell

and controls materials that move in and out. Which of the following BEST describe the statement.

METABOLISM - the sum of all chemical processes that maintain the living state of an organism.

HOMOESTASIS - states that all living things must maintain and stable the internal condition regardless of

their environment.

REPRODUCTION - the process which involves the transfer of genetic information from parents to offspring.

CELL WALL - provides extra support for plant cell.

CYTOPLASM - is the gel-like fluid inside a cell.\

ROBERT HOOKE - credited with the name “cell”

CHLOROPLAST - part of the cell conduct photosynthesis.

The outer boundary of the cell is called the CELL MEMBRANE.

All living things are made up of CELL.

Animal cell do not have a CHLOROPHYLL.

CHLOROPLAST - part conducts cellular respiration.

NUCLEUS is the control center of the cell.

MITOCHONDRIA - is responsible for releasing energy.

GOLGI BODY - serves as another packaging system for the cell.

PHOTOSYNTHESIS - is the process of plants to make their own food.

Photosynthesis is a process by which organisms use sunlight to MAKE SUGAR.

Homozygous pink crossed with heterozygous purple. Determine the dominant and recessive traits. Do the

Punnett square also to see the possible offspring of the following traits. Write the phenotype and the


In guinea pigs, rough coats (with lots of swirly cowlicks) are dominant over smooth coats. If an

homozygous rough guinea pig is crossed with a heterozygous rough guinea pig, what are the possible

genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring? What are the chances of each?

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